Dangerous Fiancee - Chapter 11
Chapter 11: Chapter 11
“I can’t tell you right now about the legitimate reason to make Hugo understand, but…” she said before she slowly turned the tip of the sword. As soon as Hugo and Iric saw the tip of the sword aimed at her own slender neck, they were more alarmed than before.
Iric, who was ordered not to touch her, bit his lips and tried not to take away the sword from her.
Hugo stepped forward in spite of himself, but he moved back two steps when he saw her pointing the tip of the sword closer to her neck.
She said in a sincere voice, “I’m going there to protect me and my father.”
Like vibrant spring buds, her big green eyes reflected her determination.
Confirming her desperate resolve, Hugo and Iric couldn’t say a word.
“I’m not joking or playing with you. Although it’s hard to explain, my father and I are now in danger. If you guys don’t help us, we’ll be hurt. Maybe we will die shamefully enough to make me feel that it would be more honorable for me to end my life with my own hands right now.”
She didn’t want to lose anyone in this world, whether it be father or herself.
At that moment, there was only one driving force that made her reckless.
“If you want to save me, please help me this once while pretending not to know.”
Her conclusion was sincere. Her clear eyes were moistened with tears. She was well aware that her action now was unusual, but that was the best option. Although she didn’t know which was right or wrong, she was certain that it was her best option.
“I pledge to obey the order of my dear master.”
In the end, Iric knelt down first. He could never go against her.
“Got it. Please put down the sword. Lady, please.”
Hugo also spoke with an urgent tone. He was well known for his tough character, who wouldn’t bat an eye for anything, but he gave in to her this time.
Only then did she throw the sword. Was it because she was nervous?
She felt as if her arms were asleep while holding the sword.
“You have to hide this from my father until he detects it. If my father detects it now, my plan will fail. So, promise me. If you tip my father off as soon as I leave this room, I will choose to run away and put myself in danger.”
“Yes, I promise you.”
“Iric, let me cancel my order to you a moment ago. Stand up.”
“Thank you.”
Iric picked up the sword on the floor and put it back into the sheath. When he put it back, the tense atmosphere of the room disappeared in no time.
She got impatient and said quickly, “Now, please go out and get ready. I have to leave by midnight at the latest or before the main gate of my house is shut. As I am going on a business trip, it’s better for me to go out as simply as possible. How about disguising me as a maid? My horse should be of a good breed, so take Iric with you and let him pick a good horse in person. If you need to report to me, come directly here.”
She walked towards the dressing table after quickly telling them what to do. The letter Ober left for her had the names of the watchers disguised as his deputies. While she was breaking open the wax seal and opening the paper, Hugo shook his head with a troubled look and asked, “Lady, I can choose a reliable servant by myself. As for a maid, I think you may need help from the chief maid. I understand it’s best to have your plan exposed to the least number of people, but why don’t you keep Mrs. Icell in the loop?”
Even though he had a dumbfounded expression, Hugo’s judgement was quick and accurate.
She felt relieved by Hugo’s suggestion and spoke, holding back a spontaneous grin.
“Mrs. Icell will be packing for me already.”
Although she didn’t say much, Hugo seemed to have sensed it. His desolate face was now mixed with emptiness and surprise.
He said, “…Well, I thought your threat was too good to be true.”
“Threat? I didn’t threaten you at all. It was the only way for me to ask for your cooperation. Don’t you think you and Iric were too demanding? Mrs. Icell and Cordelli offered to help me even before I finished my story. I guess you guys didn’t trust me much. How disappointed I am!” she said in a sullen voice.
Hugo and Iric just looked at each other as they were at a loss for words.
“Why don’t meet again at the back door of the annex after I have dinner with my dad? Let’s move as we don’t have much time.”
Waving at them quickly, she turned her attention to the letter. The quiet room only consisted of the sound of her turning over the stationery.
Hugo and Iric sighed in unison. Though they thought they were like fish caught in a net somehow, it was useless for them to regret their decision now.
That night, a small wagon slipped out of the mansion. The wagon was sent out to take some servants and maids to the Castle of Kling, the duke’s other territory.
The wagon carrying some goods and food for them was very plain and simple.
A servant was in charge of the horse and the maids dozed off with soot on their clothes as if they had been working before they left. The security guard at the main gate checked the pass as usual, scrutinized the carriage, and inspected it for any dangerous items inside.
The wagon ran on the well-maintained roads of the castle. It passed through the southwestern gate of the castle before midnight.
After about an hour of it running through the forest, there appeared a forked road. On the right side were the Piaget mountains leading to the Castle of Kling, and on the left side was the Sore River that ran to the capital city Milan.
The horseman turned to the left without hesitation.
Six days later, Duke Kling realized that he had been deceived by his daughter’s trick.
Recently, Marianne suddenly got sick and often went to bed early or woke up late. She went out on an outing early in the morning wind and took a bath at meal time. As she was in poor condition, Kling allowed her daughter to take a break as freely as she could.
But he couldn’t stay idly when he belatedly found out that the owner of the chocolate-colored hair, who he glanced from the balcony after returning from a walk in the back garden, was not her daughter, but a girl disguised as her daughter who had been chosen among the maids by Mrs. Icell.
After the duke detected her trick, Hugo instantly briefed the duke about the situation and handed him her letter. Duke Kling opened the letter, trying to control his anger.
Her distinctive smooth handwriting caught his eye.
<Dear my beloved father
It’s Marie, dad. You must be surprised. I’m sorry. I guess you are angry, but I think it’s never too late for you to get angry after listening to me first. You got briefed about it by Hugo, right? Yes, that’s right. I’ll have arrived at the capital Milan by the time you are reading this letter. I don’t know how long Hugo and Mrs. Icell managed to keep you in the dark, but obviously more than five days, I think. Don’t worry about me — I picked Cordelli, the most loyal maid, and chose Iric as my bodyguard just in case. By the way, you already knew that Iric became an Astorp Knight, right? I’m disappointed. You promised to tell me about it first. Anyway, I’m going to travel by using the safest roads, so don’t send any security men. Otherwise, it would be meaningless for me to come all the way up here after deceiving you.
I’m so sorry that I didn’t get my father’s permission in advance. But I decided this was the only way to protect you and me. You might not like what I’m doing, but it’s not bad or wrong. I can swear on Mom. I’ll tell you more later when I see you.
I believe you will always be on my side. I know you love me most in the world. I am always on your side too and I value and love you more than anybody else. Please don’t forget that.
When we meet again, I think I’m going to bring you a lot of amazing stories. If you believe and wait for me, I promise you that I will meet your expectations by all means.
I’ll be back as soon as possible. I love you.
Marie, your only daughter.
P.S. Mrs. Icell and Hugo just did what I told them to do. They had to cooperate because of my order, so don’t scold them too much. I trust your generosity and kindness.>