Doctor goes back to Joseon - Chapter 124
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- Doctor goes back to Joseon
- Chapter 124 - Facial Operation [1]
Chapter 124: Facial Operation [1]
The room was full of tension.
When Ganghyuk took out the operation tools on the table, nobody made any sound.
“Should he take this operation?”
Hwang Yungil opened his mouth with worried eyes.
He thought normal acupuncture but the tools that Ganghyuk took out looked very special.
They were extremely extraordinary.
There was a scalpel.
The scar was made by sword and Ganghyuk would cut it again with a scalpel.
He could not understand.
“I cannot help it because the medicine does not work well.”
Ganghyuk answered without hesitation.
He was known as inconsiderate so Yungil did not take it unusual.
But Kim Simin had the same attitude and it was strange.
“Hi, Simin. Did you think enough to decide the operation?”
“You introduced him to me and why are you not trusting him?”
“I heard that he was a good doctor. But it is the therapy that I have never heard.”
Hwang Yungil murmured with an uneasy face.
It was natural for the person in Joseon to feel uneasy.
The sight of the operation room was totally different from the usual clinic in Joseon.
Ganghyuk looked at him with eyes that he could understand him.
‘I have made new equipment.’
Blacksmiths that Heo Jun introduced made new equipment as instructed.
Besides, they introduced a furniture maker and he could order furniture for his
operation room.
Now he does not need to use a futon to operate.
He made an operation bed which is as high as his hip.
Therefore, Yeoni, Makbon and Dolseok who were shorter than Ganghyuk had hard time when they assisted the operation.
Ganghyuk was not a really considerate person and he did not mind those small details.
He was satisfied with the bed.
‘Now I have a bed and a lamp that can light up from the bottom.’
As Ganghyuk gave enough money, the quality was very good.
They made some ornaments which made the atmosphere very classic.
It looked somewhat better than the operation room in Chungmu Hospital he worked in Korea.
Although it was very satisfactory to Ganghyuk, it was an extraordinary and strange room to others.
“Don’t worry too much. Do you know Kim Kyehan?”
“Yes, I do. Of course.”
Kim Kyehan is an eunuch who was promoted from Sangchaek (Grade 4: responsible for book delivery) to Sangda (Grade 3: responsible tea related works).
Most of the officers in the court knew him.
He was a beloved eunuch by King Seonjo.
“He had critical injury last time. Do you know the story?”
“Yes, I heard that his royal highness came to like him more.”
“Yes, I saved him with this operation.”
“Really…? I heard that the Naeeuiwon cured him. Cheomjeong Heo Jun became very famous as he saved his life.”
Hwang Yungil looked at Ganghyuk as if he could not believe what Ganghyuk had just said.
Heo Jun had been already famous even before he met Ganghyuk.
It was said that he had a teacher, but most people did not believe it.
If Heo Jun had a teacher, the teacher must be better than Heo Jun and they thought it was a nonsense.
‘It is very hard to see Heo Jun if the patient is not a high-ranking official.’
If they could see Heo Jun, they would not come to Ganghyuk.
Ganghyuk looked at Yungil who showed a bitter smile on his face and he showed the same smile on his face.
‘He does not trust me. Haha.’
As the Naeeuiwon is the most famous and the best medical institution in Joseon, they believed that the doctors in the Naeeuiwon would be the best doctors in Joseon.
As a matter of fact, Heo Jun could be said the best in Asia beyond Joseon.
Then what about his teacher Ganghyuk?
He is the best of the best and no one could be comparable to him not only in Joseon but also in Korea after 500 hundred years.
‘I heard this kind of story from professors in provincial hospitals.’
Although they were acknowledged by fellow doctors, patients did not trust them as they deserved.
They ignored the professors because the hospitals in which they were working were small.
It was because of preoccupation.
When he heard that story, he laughed.
But now he is experiencing the ignoring eyes, it hurts.
‘I have to show myself.’
Ganghyuk took some letters from the drawer and showed them to Yungil.
“They are the letters that I received from Heo Jun.”
“With Heo Jun? Eum…”
“The treatment that he gave So Yoshitoshi was what I taught to him. I cured Kim Kyehan with the request of Heo Jun.”
“Really? But why is it not known to people?”
“It is nothing. It is the work that a doctor should do. I did not want to be famous.”
Ganghyuk smiled and Hwang Yungil seemed to be moved.
“He became a better doctor with my lessons. You could see from the letter, right?”
“Yes, he called you teacher. Haha.”
“Yes, he does. Even though I told him not to do it many times, he did not listen to me. I also learned some from him, actually.”
“I heard that he was a really good guy. Well behaved. One who touches pitch shall be defiled therewith… I can guess your personality, too.”
It was not true.
Ganghyuk was far from well behaved person.
Even his father Seungmun did not think so.
Those who knew Ganghyuk did not agree with his remark so Kim Simin who was lying on the bed and Dolseok and Yeoni who were busy with preparation showed a strange facial expression and shook their heads.
‘It was because he entered the palace without a token, and he did not want to be prosecuted because of this. I am sure that it was not because he did not want to be famous.’
He confessed it when they had a drink at night a few days ago.
But Yungil did not know the truth and he thought Ganghyuk must be a great man.
He was thinking if he could take him to Japan as a member of correspondence.
‘I will decide it after seeing the treatment of Simin.’
In the 21st century, travel is a joy but in Joseon it was solely pain.
Moreover, it was not inside of Joseon but to Japan crossing the ocean.
It was not the time when we could take a plane to go to Japan.
They had to take a ship and the probability that they could finish the trip successfully without disease was low.
‘I should take some good doctors with me.’
The first choice would be Heo Jun.
But he had many appointments with high ranking officials and even King Seonjo got his treatment.
‘If you can’t get a horse, ride a cow. I think he is also good. He seems not to have an ambition. Maybe he can be a good accompany for my trip to Japan.’
As a matter of fact, he will need many doctors even though their skills are not proven.
The trip would be hard, and they should stay there for quite a long time.
When they made a plan, they expected some people dead on the way.
“Thank you for your compliment on my personality… anyway, I have to start soon. Please go out and wait for the result outside.”
“Would you mind if I stay here?”
“Yes, I am sorry but it is better to keep the minimum number of people in the operation room.”
“Ok, I see.”
Hwang Yungil went out without asking further.
It was common that some specialists like Ganghyuk refrained from showing his skills to others.
Ganghyuk asked him to leave because of possibility of infection, but Yungil thought as he liked.
As Yungil left, the operation room became silent again.
Kim Simin swallowed saliva.
It was the time to put a scalpel on his face.
“Well, Makbong, you are responsible for the breath.”
“Today, the operational part is very near to the mouth so you should take a special care.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Did you skip breakfast? Why is your voice so small?”
“No, sir. I will do my best.”
Makbong answered but his voice seemed to have vitality.
It was because he knew what would happen.
When Ganghyuk said you must take extra care or your role would be important, it became a very hard day for Makbong. Ganghyuk yelled and screamed to push him near to death.
At the operation of Kim Kyehan, Makbong was almost dead. He experienced hell in that operation.
The patient could live thanks to his sacrifice. He was pushed too hard to be a dead man.
“Dolseok, Yeoni. Do your best.”
“Why are all of you losing the spirit?”
“No, sir. We will do our best.”
“Ok, I trust that you will do a good job.”
Ganghyuk turned his head to Kim Simin.
He showed his bravery on his face.
But Ganghyuk could see his tension behind his face.
‘Sunshin was really extraordinary.’
He did not have general anesthesia, but he endured the leg operation without cries.
Recalling the operation, Ganghyuk realized how patient Sunshin was.
‘Comparing to the operation of Sunshin, this case is far much better.’
He would have general anesthesia although imperfect.
Makbong would work hard to make him alive.
“Here, you can have this medication now.”
“Eum, it is far more than I usually had.”
“Yes, when you drink it, you will be sleepy. Take a sleep for a while.”
“Ok. I will leave everything in your hands.”
“Yes, I see.”
Kim Simin drank the medicine and fell to sleep in 7 seconds.
As it contained blowfish toxin to relax the muscles, he should hurry up.
“Give that.”
“Yes, sir.”
Ganghyuk received the iron tube from Makbong and pushed it down to the throat.
Even a plastic tube could break front teeth, so he must take extra care with an iron tube.
‘He has a long neck, fortunately.
If he had the stout body like Makbong, he would have more difficulties.
“Now, it is in. Makbong, now the ball is in your court.”
“You need to see his lip color and measure the heartbeat, too. You know it, right?”
“Yes, sir. I will follow your order.”
“No, you are already a doctor yourself. You should do it without my instruction, ok? Todays’ operation is difficult.”
“Yes, sir.”
Makbong blew his breath without confidence.
Although he did not show confidence on his face, his breath was very strong.
It is why Ganghyuk used him as a breathing boy.
Ganghyuk touched Simin’s face with a strained face.
He could feel the protrusions of the scar.
‘The skin became fibrosis.’
It is the reason why the reoperation is more difficult.
It is because of this fibrosis.
It is more difficult to separate tissues because of it.
As sharp tools should be used all the time, the possibility of accidental cut is going up.
‘I must be very careful not to touch facial nerves and artery.’
If he did, then the current status would be far better.
Ganghyuk reviewed the operation process once again in his brain and then took a scalpel.
“Ok, now I am starting the operation.”