The Great Thief - Chapter 771
Chapter 771: Gaming Kingdom
Translator: Halcyon Translations Editor: Halcyon Translations
“What if I give you a name?” Lu Li can only hope for the next best thing.
“Even if you know their name, do not tell me. Write the name and what you want to say on this and I’ll give it to the esteemed Duke,” she said as she brought out a sheepskin.
“Do you really have to take things so seriously?” Lu Li thought to himself; he was speechless.
However, he did not continue to bother her. Otherwise, she might get in trouble with the Ravenholdt Faction.
After the hostess had left, Lu Li wrote a letter to Garona on the sheepskin. He wasn’t entirely sure whether she was in Ravenholdt or not, but he took a chance.
When he finished writing the letter, he handed it back to her and left.
On the second day of the tournament, Lu Li was the first to fight in the single elimination match.
This was not because their opponents were difficult to deal with, but because he wanted to test out his new weapon. The team they were up against was a small, low-tier guild. This was Ruling Sword’s last match in the preliminaries and they had already accumulated enough points to advance to the next stage.
The first player that entered was a Mage. He used his cleanse active as soon as he was crowd-controlled, but before he could fight back, he was stunned again.
After a few skill rotations, the Mage was already on critical HP.
The fight lasted no more than a few seconds before the Mage fell at the dagger of Lu Li.
“Were you even taking it seriously? You’re not this bad usually. You could’ve casted Frost Nova after the cleanse, then flashed away,” their leader ranted angrily.
What was even more embarrassing was that he had barely even made a dent on Lu Li’s HP bar.
Lu Li still had 90% HP remaining and was standing proudly on the battlefield.
The Mage was ashamed, but felt like as if there was nothing he could do.
“I know that, but that was Lu Li. Before I could do anything, I was stunned again…”
“Don’t you have another active that cleanses?!” the leader shouted as he slapped the Mage across his face.
“Brother, he still had Kidney Strike anyways. There was nothing I could have done.” At this point, the poor Mage was close to tears.
“Stop making excuses, you had no chance anyways. You should’ve just dealt as much damage as you could to him before you died.”
They were treating Lu Li like a Boss instead of another player, hoping to defeat him as a group. That way, even if they lost, it wouldn’t look as bad to the spectators.
Even if they all attacked him at the same time, they might not be able to defeat him.
The second to come out was a Warrior.
Warriors naturally countered Thieves, but this one had no intention of defeating Lu Li by himself. They hoped they he could deal some damage to Lu Li’s HP bar in order to increase their chances of defeating him.
Lu Li had just tested his damage on a Mage type class and now he could try it on a tankier Warrior.
If the Warrior knew that he was only being used as an experiment, he would probably be furious.
Lu Li had reached Lv45 yesterday and everyone had seen it on the level ranking. However, only the players who closely followed the professional scene would notice that his weapon had changed.
The pros knew that such a drastic increase in his DPS meant that his newly equipped weapon was most likely a Legendary.
Legendary equips were extremely rare and very few players had one. Apparently, Sorrowless’ wrist guards were Legendary, but a wrist guard could never compare to a weapon in terms of DPS.
The Warrior knew that there were no chance of him winning, so he tried his best to deal as much damage to Lu Li as possible.
When he was defeated, Lu Li only had 50% HP remaining.
There was nothing that he could do about this. Most, if not all of his attacks were physical damage and Warriors had the highest physical defense in the game.
Thieves were naturally at a disadvantage against Warriors.
The classes in Dawn were somewhat balanced. Although Thieves tended to be stronger than most classes, they still had obvious counters.
The third player was a Warlock who had a few Lifesteal skills. However, Warlocks can Lifesteal if they dealt damage to their enemies. Against Lu Li’s numerous crowd-control skills, he had no chance at all and barely lasted longer than the Mage.
When their fifth player was defeated, Lu Li finally finished his clean sweep.
However, this did not mean that his opponents were weak. Anyone who was willing to spend money to join the tournament was a decent player. They would at least be good enough to compete for a spot on a Major Guild PVP team.
After this match, Ruling Sword completed their perfect preliminary matches and advanced into the Promotional Series.
The Promotional Series were much harder. No matter how lucky a team was, it was impossible to match up against weaker teams every time. As such, the teams that made it to the Promotional Series were mostly from the major Guilds.
The competition rules for the Promotional Series hadn’t changed. However, the stadium had been upgraded and the number of spectators had increased to a million. Additionally, there were commentators for each individual match, which made the tournament even more professional and intense.
Based on tickets alone, the total profit came to around a $10 million.
The winner received 30% and the loser received 20%, while the remaining 50% went to the gaming company, sponsors and tournament association.
It was all business for the gaming company and tournament association – if there was no profit from holding these tournaments, they wouldn’t bother at all. The costs involved included paying the commentators and the special guests that were invited.
As long as you participated in the Promotional Series, you would earn at least $2 million per game.
This was why everyone wanted to start a major Guild.
Although most of the profits went towards the guild, the players who participated in the tournament would still earn a few million dollars after a season.
The gaming scene had become a large-scale business.
After his rebirth, LU Li knew that the best way to earn money was to build up his own kingdom before Dawn rose to its true potential.
Because of the advancement of technology and new ideas, there had never been a game that continued in popularity. However, Guilds could last forever, switching from game to game under the same name. Some of the major Guilds in Dawn had a history of over 100 years.
If he could build up a kingdom of his own, he could pass this onto his children, grandchildren and generations to come.
He had been poor in his previous life, but had sworn that he or his descendants would never go back to that life.
After the match was finished, Lu Li returned home to work on his Engineering again.
He had invested all of his time and effort into Engineering for the past few days. Through sheer willpower and his nearly unlimited resources, he managed to grind his Engineering up to Lv240.
He could now craft useful items such as Goblin Poultryizer.
Goblin Poultryizer: Turns target into a chicken for 5 seconds, assuming the transmogrification polarity has not been reversed…
Lu Li had been looking forward to using this.
For some people, this item might have given off the impression that it had the same effect as the Mage’s Polymorph skill.
While they shared similarities, there was a chance of failing, which could turn the user into a chicken. Not only would that turn the fight against you, it would also be extremely embarrassing.
However, the chances of that happening were quite slim and didn’t stop Lu Li from crafting it.