The Strongest Wizard Becomes a Countryside Guardsman After Taking an Arrow to the Knee - Chapter 368
Chapter 268 – The Prisoner
Vi-Vi heard Moofy’s words, and surprised, said,
「You think this is someone the agent…no the agent was a zombie, so this is someone the so-called Demon Lord caught?」
「No…there’s no way the agent could have kept this guy…」
There was no way the agent could…he was zombified.
Maybe the Demon Lord forced the agent to arrest this person, would be a better way of saying it.
The agent was a victim, after all. You don’t want to make it sound like the agent was a bad guy.
「I remember checking before we took the agent into the capital. This jail was empty.」
「If it was someone left in this cell, they would have died from lack of water.」
「Moo moo!」
Moofy ran in. She then flipped open a wooden box with her snout.
「Whoaaaaa! Forgive meeeee!」
There was a devil kid in tattered robes inside.
Hair all over, smelly as hell. About the same age as Tom and Kay.
Moofy sniffed at the kid.
「Don’t be afraid. Why are you here?」
「Sorry! Sorry! I’ll leave right away!」
The child was very scared. I was glad we didn’t bring Femm along.
Femm would have scared the piss out of the kid.
「You look hungry. We can give you some food.」
「And you’re cold. Wear this.」
Vi-Vi and I said at the same time.
Vi-Vi gave the kid some candy while I gave the kid the robe I was wearing.
You had to do something right away with a kid this deprived.
「Here, just eat it.」
Vi-Vi said, smiling at the kid.
「Thank you…Thank you!!」
The kid said, sticking the candy in their mouth.
「Tell us if you’re cold.」
「Thank you! I’m fine! Very warm. Thank you!」
The kid said over and over. Moofy was still smelling their head.
After the kid calmed down, Vi-Vi asked,
「What are you doing here, anyway?」
「Sorry! Sorry!」
「No, we’re not angry, just relax.」
The kid was really scared though.
「Your name? Do you have parents?」
「I’m Tant. No parents.」
Tant explained, still shivering.
「Well, it was snowing…so…」
Seems that Tant had no home and would eat garbage. He lived in an abandoned home.
However, since it was so cold outside, he got inside this much better built jail.
「There’s no doubt this place is warmer than an abandoned house.」
「And inside the box, there’s no wind and you can save body heat.」
「Sorry for breaking in here!」
「No skin off my back. Come with us when we’re done. We’ll get you a room.」
He still looked quite scared. Probably thought I was a slave trader.
Seems like he had lived a very desperate life.
I tried to calm him down, saying,
「Don’t worry, I’m no slave trader.」
He still didn’t believe me. I guess he’d relax once he saw what I did.
「Vi-Vi lets get these circles done and get out of here.」
「Got it!」
So Vi-Vi and I worked on magic circles to strengthen the jail cells.
Moofy stayed next to Tant the whole time – probably worried about him.
「We can keep them from fleeing from the inside, but make sure no one can get in to let them out too…」
「Make sure no one can get in and murder them to shut them up as well.」
「And protection from cold and heat, right?」
The easiest way to kill a bunch of people is just light the jail on fire.
And then make it look like an accident.
If that was impossible, you could freeze the inside as well.
All you’d have to do is open up a part of the wall. It was easy to murder people that way and cover up your own activities.
「If there IS someone behind the scenes.」
「I think you’re worrying too much, Al.」
Vi-Vi said, even though she continued with the magic circles.
All the while, Moofy stood next to Tant.
Tant was surprised at Moofy at first, but now was petting her.
After that was done, Vi-Vi proudly said,
「How’s that?!」
「Well done.」
Then I locked the place with a magic lock.
It was very strong against a magic attack.
「This is going to be hard to break in or out of now!」
「Moo moo!」
Moofy then hit her horns against the cell walls to check their strength.
I made a physical key for when the agent finally shows up. I also made on to give to the guild master.
I checked the place over again, and figured we were done.