The Ultimate Evolution - Chapter 576
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- The Ultimate Evolution
- Chapter 576 - 599
Chapter 576: Caught up
At this moment, a pirate known as ‘Skimpy’ Dake was already prepared and offered a fawning smile.
“Cap’n, everything’s prepared!”
While exclaiming, he kicked aside a wooden slab. Beneath it, was an average size ‘fishpond’ where a couple dozen of fishes were swimming within.
Sheyan nodded with a rigid expression while wearing a set of gloves. Then, he picked up an Aztec gold and stuffed it into a fish’s mouth.
Although the fish struggled painfully, Sheyan then proceeded to block its mouth with a wooden plug, before casually flinging the fish into the sea.
Evidently, this unlucky half-metre long fish was bound to die. Nevertheless, was it possible for it to painfully struggle and swim frantically for a hundred miles, two hundred miles before it died?
Actually, that wasn’t important. The crux was to infuse divided inclinations amongst the Black Pearl pirates when hunting down those ‘self escaping’ Aztec gold. That was Sheyan’s aim.
After issuing the order to set sail, Sheyan continued his activities at the ship’s bow. For some unknown reason, every movement he made felt rather rigid. However, others found it inconvenient to ask as he didn’t say a thing.
Prior to all these, Sheyan had forked out 10,000 utility points to acquire a crucial information with his military rank authority.
The pirates could only have a general sensing of the Aztec gold. It would be impossible for them to accurately pinpoint the specifics of it, and could at most sense several hundred square metres around that particular Aztec gold.
For example, if Sheyan had 880 Aztec gold here while another Aztec gold was lodged within a fish belly 300 nautical miles from here, the pirates would be able to sense the existence of Aztec gold in Sheyan’s location and another where the fish was. However, they wouldn’t be able to sense that Sheyan had more Aztec gold on him.
With their bellies filled with Aztec gold, more fishes were gradually released. Obviously, the pirates of the Black Pearl would start to become confused. They had to acquire every single piece of Aztec gold. This signified that for a long period of time from now, they would have to change the profession to become fishermen.
Sheyan halted after releasing seven fishes. In addition to the Dingyuan, this illusory art was more than sufficient. Right now, he planned to release another 7-8 fishes after sailing for another 100-200 nautical miles. While doing so, he would continue advancing towards the nearest continent.
Prior to this, some pirates had decided on their own to plunder the Black Pearl treasure trove after laboriously slaying the school of dugongs. Instead, they were ambushed by more dugongs after jumping into the sea and died bitter deaths. Hence, the rest could only sigh and depart with Sheyan. Fortunately, Sheyan had also obtained several valuable objects from this as well. For example, valuable objects like an ‘Ocean Heart’ that occupied a small space……
12 hours later.
The Dingyuan had long left the Phantom Isle Sea.
The blue sky and white clouds once again overlooked the horizon of the ocean. A cumbersome ship’s bow stabbed deeply against the azure ocean waves, upsurging huge splashes of white foam.
Along the sides of the ship, paddlers distributed into three rows as they swung their 6 metre long paddles; propelling their heavy big mate swiftly into the distance.
At present, the Dingyuan’s velocity could already be comparable to an average merchant ship after the series of upgrading. This meant that without external interference, it would be able to traverse approximately 1,300 nautical miles within two days.
“It is about time.” Sheyan stood atop the ship’s bow as he muttered expressionlessly. “If the Black Pearl is truly as miraculous as what Shawen describes, then it would definitely be tailing our arse by roughly 50 nautical miles now.”
At this moment, there was a cage by Sheyan’s side. Within the cage were seagulls. He proceeded to stuff the Aztec gold into tiny leather pouches, before tying them around the seagulls’ claws.
“Fly, my friends.”
Within a short span, ten Aztec gold carrying seagulls and ten Aztec gold swallowing fishes were released. Their directions differed and Sheyan believed it would once again create a tremendous headache for Captain Barbossa and the Black Pearl.
“This method that we are utilizing, it seems that it would be impossible for Barbossa and his crew to chase up to us.” Brother Black couldn’t contain his excitement.
Instead, Sheyan shook his head in response.
“That isn’t so. Perhaps initially, we would be able to mislead Barbossa. But after a good half of our voyage, Barbossa would definitely be able to deduce the sailing pattern of our ship; that our goal is to reach the nearest continent. He will realize we are trying to strangle the greatest superiority of the Black Pearl, and they will shift their pursuit towards the Aztec gold traveling on dry land. Under such circumstances, in lieu of the Black Pearl’s invincible speed supremacy, the gap between us would definitely be shaved away soon. If my estimations are correct, the real challenge would lie in the final 100 nautical mile stretch before reaching dry land!”
Brother Black suddenly suggested.
“How about we use the threat of tossing the Aztec gold into the sea against them. Didn’t the female lead do that in the movie?”
“She could do that, but we cannot.” Sheyan calmly replied.
“Don’t forget, this is a world of magic. Sea creatures can be prompted to fish up the Aztec gold submerged within the deep sea, which I guess would possibly cost Barbossa immense efforts. Nevertheless, the main reason Barbossa relented to Elizabeth’s threat, was because he suspected her blood was the final prop to unsealing their curse. Hence, Barbossa was afraid of her committing suicide, and not about the Aztec gold!”
Hearing Sheyan’s answer, Reef glanced at him for a brief while. Then, he asked a random question.
“Why do I sense that you are becoming a little strange?”
Sheyan drooped his eyes to avoid his gaze.
“Is it?”
Reef exhaled slowly before frowning and scanning through Sheyan.
“I can’t that which part is strange, except….your actions seem to indicate a certain nervousness.”
Sheyan’s lips twitched a little. Unknown why, that movement led one to subconsciously think about a dried twig falling down.
“Right, you do seem overly anxious.”
60 nautical miles from the nearest continent.
An hour after Sheyan had released another 10 bird and 10 fishes.
From far out at sea, the towering mast of the Black Pearl surfaced.
Under the monitoring of the naked eye…..Barbossa, the old sea wolf, was no longer tricked by cheap tricks. He had tightly locked onto the trajectory of the Dingyuan…..
Black and lofty, a sail that could seemingly pierce through the sky.
It was as if that patch of the sea was covered with sinister dark clouds.
The Black Pearl cometh!
For Sheyan and his crew to sail till here, they had already exhausted their fullest might. Still, it would be premature to say that would fail through a lack of final effort.
The atmosphere on board had turned solemn. Sheyan was standing atop the ship’s bow as he issued a list of commands.
“Bring Shawen here.”
“Redbeard to your position, get the gunners ready.”
“Sailors to your position.”
“Nanuke get ready.”
“All paddlers take your places, heave ho!”
A short minute later, 16 high-angled cannons were pushed and stacked towards the stern of the ship, as they simultaneously unleashed fire. This was the very first trial fire by Redbeard!
Most of the cannon balls fell short, as they incited soaring splashes around the Black Pearl. Yet one could tell, the gunning team assembled painstakingly by Sheyan wasn’t far off.
Redbeard’s raspy voice echoed once again.
“Argghhh, hinge ‘em….swap to ze’ chained cannonballs!”
Chained cannonballs were specially utilized for destroying the masts and sails of an enemy ship. They were like hammering meteorites, where two cannonballs were connected by a 3-5 metre long iron chain. Once unleashed, it would swerve speedily in mid air, and was exceedingly destructive.
Boom! Boom! Boom! The muffled cannons reverberated again. Black fumes pervaded but was dispersed in a flash by the sea breeze.
The volleying might of 16 cannons was relatively terrifying. One could observe one of the Black Pearl’s mast had been toppled, while the sail cloth beside was ripped. Instantly, its sailing speed plunged.
However at this moment, piercing whistling sounded into the air. The Black Pearl wasn’t one to passively take a beating and had commenced their retaliation. 2-3 clutters of black fumes spiralled from their bowsprit. Soon after, columns of water soared into the air 200 metres from the Dingyuan’s stern. In terms of cannon firing range, the Black Pearl was inferior to the Dingyuan.
Despite that, the onlooker hastily reported, informing that the Black Pearl pirates were mending their mast with astonishing pace. Its mast had already rapidly been restored. Shawen then spoke with sullen demeanor.
“I suggest employing half of the cannons to target the Black Pearl’s bowsprit. Once that area is wrecked, it is impossible to be mended by only carpentry capabilities alone but would have to rely on its gradual self restoration as well. It would probably take 12 hours to do so, and can instantly reduce the movement speed of the Black Pearl by 15%.”
Sheyan immediately followed the good advice, ordering for only four cannons to continue blasting chained cannonballs at the Black Pearl’s masts. Meanwhile, the other twelve cannons would concentrate fire against the ship’s bowsprit!
After ten minutes of relentless firepower suppression….finally, a black fog spiralled up.
The pirates on the Black Pearl was currently racing about haphazardly like ants.
A miserably sharp boom thundered along the ocean surface. The bowsprit of the Black Pearl had been struck by another 5-pounder cannonball.
White fumes emitted out and congealed into the portrait of a mermaid, before distorting and wafting away. Evidently, the damages the Black Pearl had received so far, weren’t light at all.
Chapter 577: Reverse biting!
When they finally destroyed the bowsprit of the Black Pearl, the Dingyuan pirates finally heaved a sigh of relief. Following Shawen’s orders, the cannons commenced ‘surgery’ bombardment against the various vital components of the Black Pearl.
The components on the Black Pearl that Shawen signalled out, were either immeasurably tough to repair, or could not be mended by external forces while sailing but only itself.
After a sequence of bombardment, the speed of that legendary pirate ship reluctantly waned. The gradually diminishing distance between both parties couldn’t be shorten anymore, and the Black Pearl could only remain tight on their heels.
Facing this scenario, Reef released a sigh of relief. Despite so, Sheyan’s complexion remained troubled. This was because he had been negligent about a single aspect – the quality of cannons this era were totally incomparable to present time cannons!
After firing with such intense frequency, even the more advanced high-angled cannons could at most sustain fire for half an hour. After which, a cleaning process of the gunpowder dregs and cooling period would have to be implemented. Otherwise, implosion would become the only outcome.
Throughout the rumbling of cannons, one could observe the incessant emulsion of black fumes from the Black Pearl; the signs of it being struck by cannons.
Nevertheless, the Black Pearl pirates persisted in their repairing of the ship’s body, and didn’t allow for Sheyan and his crew to shrug them off. The deadliest aspect of these tireless and undying scums, was their ability to persist in battles!
Eventually, the rumbling of high-angled cannons turned sporadic before gradually halting. Redbeard took off his pirate hat as he shrugged his shoulders helplessly to Sheyan.
“Sir, we’ve reached the limits. If we continue firing, me cannons would explode!”
Sheyan then expressed his understanding. There was nothing that could be done about it. Moreover, the paddlers had already been rowing at maximum pace for nearly half an hour, and were starting to show signs of fatigue.
If one described the state of Dingyuan to be at its pinnacle when first encountering the Black Pearl, right now, it was helplessly undergoing a backslide to the trough. Anyway, this was the rule of life, sliding down to rock bottom after touch the peak. Only by going through the rest and gloominess of the bottom, could one erupt fiercely towards the peak.
Yet at this very moment, regiments of dark clouds suddenly formed above the air of the Black Pearl.
Soon, the Black Pearl was enshrouded in black fog!
Following that, insanely violent rolls of thunder and peals of lightning broke out. It was as if the Black Pearl had practically transformed into a giant shark that could manipulate the sea currents and lightning.
Within a split second, their speed was abruptly bolstered; bearing its ghastly fangs as it speared towards the Dingyuan!!
The swiftest warship of the caribbean sea was seemingly refuelled completely in a flash. Within a breath, it had seemingly shortened the gap to the Dingyuan by half!
The previous hour of arduous labour and toiling, had actually been demolished by these mere few seconds of sudden development! Yet right now, there was still another hour of voyage needed to reach the continent!
“This is….that ship’s special ability?” Reef spectated with widened eyes. He suddenly glared at Shawen with eyes that threatened to spit out flames.
“Why didn’t you tell us?”
Shawen slowly shook his head in response.
“Every legendary ship would choose its own captain. As the captain of the ship differs, the ability form of the legendary ship would differ as well. If Jack Sparrow was on the Black Pearl now, the special ability of that ship would transform. Nevertheless, I can confirm that though the ability differs from different captains, it wouldn’t differ from the original special property of the ship. The Black Pearl will definitely be related to speed, while the Queen Anne’s Revenge will be related to witchcraft…..”
As the lightning flashed and thunders roll, the dark clouds enveloping the Black Pearl had seemingly invaded into the stern of the Dingyuan!
The original beautiful scenery of clear skies and white clouds, had been engulfed by black fog within an instant. Enshrouded in dense sinister clouds as though the evening night had descended, the oceanic tides roared with fury; mixed with the conceited hollers and jeers of the Black Pearl pirates.
Sheyan stood gently atop the ship’s bow, his gaze shifting about. Unbeknownst why, his current gaze ushered an impression of wild deathly stillness, where silence enveloped everyone.
In this enduring silence, even one’s heart would start to grow icy cold.
“Not only the Black Pearl possesses a powerful ability.” Sheyan coldly declared. “Why are ye panicking?”
When the pirates heard his words, they instantly felt that no matter how fearsome their foe may be, the man before them would have his own contingencies. Soon after, Sheyan commanded.
“Commence the blood rite at once!”
Three unlucky imprisoned lads masked by black scarf were escorted up. These three prisoners were grave unpardonable offenders Sheyan acquired in Tortuga. Their throats were swiftly slit, as warm blood propelled by their beating hearts streamed over the deck unbridled. The Baladine Bloodsail was then placed over where it rapidly absorbed their corpses.
Sheyan stood atop the ship as his hands tightly gripped around the steering wheel, with Taitish standing behind him. One could vividly observe, the vasculars and tendons of the ‘Deep Sea Giant Tendons’ throbbing once again! It was as though the frame of the Dingyuan had expanded by a little, as an oppressive and thunderous heartbeat governed the sea.
Very quickly, the misty hallucination of a sea giant materialized over the Dingyuan, with a humongous anchor coiled around its hand. The spirit of the deep sea giant, Bababo, raised its head towards the heavens, as it unleashed a soundless roar! Then, that humongous anchor was smashed onto the sea!
The entire sea shuddered with unmatched intensity as a titanic maelstrom was churned out! The seawaters roared berserkly, like a wild merriment!
The strongest trump card of the Dingyuan!
An indomitable ability that could rival the legendary warships!
Ocean’s Merriment!
The oceanic waves surged with merriment, instigating a devastating tsunami towards a particular region. Within this region, the Dingyuan’s velocity scaled by a hundred percent, while other ships or creatures would have their speed impaired by fifty percent!!
Regardless of how fast the Black Pearl’s speed could reach, it would inevitably become slow once its speed was forcibly reduced by 50%. Meanwhile, after the Dingyuan received a 100% boost in speed, its speed would skyrocket to an exceedingly frightening extent!
A gap sufficient to commence a naval boarding battle, was instantly pulled apart in that moment.
The Dingyuan was king within this region of tsunami!
“All hands brace for impact! Whirl the ship around!”
Yet at this moment, Sheyan’s didn’t seize the opportunity to flee. Instead, he went all out as he spun the steering wheel to the left! Viciously shifting the rudder to its limits!
The entire Dingyuan started turning abruptly, where even its ridiculously stable frame sloped to a dangerous angle of 45 degrees! Barrels and random objects not tied by ropes sprawled and rolled about, finally dropping into the boundless sea.
“What are ye up to?!”
Every single pirate scrambled to grapple against tied objects tightly, where that very notion jolted through their minds!
The Dingyuan carved a long white streak along the ocean surface, as the entire ship surged forward with unbelievable speed! Its ship’s bow of unrivalled fortification charged through and smashed apart reefs, as a trails of white waves soared to the skies! The winds screeched with incomparable sharpness!
The entire process felt like several hours had elapsed, but was actually a measly few seconds!
At the heart of the fiercest winds and violently bumpy waves, all the pirates could behold the unbending dark clouds before them; still wrapped with ardent flashes of lightning and rolling thunder!
Following Sheyan’s line of sight, they could all distinctly decipher. Amidst the black fog and the muddle-headed darkness, there seemed to be a bloodthirsty great beast lying silently in ambush.
Right now, the extravagant ship’s bow of the Dingyuan was facing straight for that ambushing great beast!
The most reputable ship of the caribbean sea!!
The Black Pearl!!
“We had been fleeing in fear, like a pathetic dog being tightly pursued by others.”
“This gutless humiliation has been nailed into our hearts!”
“But let us now tell them, let us tell them with blood and balls of boldness, not a single one can stifle us. Not a single ship can consume us!”
“Whoever dares to offend us must pay the brunt of a fatal price!”
Sheyan’s rallying shout resonated throughout the members of the Dingyuan, his eyes surging with a ghastly burning lustre as he roared feverishly towards the heavens! Both hands pointing indignantly towards the horizon!
Every single pirate could feel their blood boiling in that instance. They hugged the objects around them tightly as they unanimous roared with incredulous ecstasy. Roaring fanatically until their shouts turned hoarse!
“Knock ‘em!!!!”
As their fanatical roars congregated, even the clamours of the ‘Ocean’s Merriment’ was drowned out!
A hundred metres, fifty metres, ten metres!
Lightning crashed down from the sky in berserking fashion around them!
The darkness absorbed from between the line of heaven and earth!
Caught within the wretched undulations of the tsunami, the Black Pearl couldn’t react in time upon discovering Sheyan’s scheme. All that was left, was their frailest broadside to deal with the impending collision of the Dingyuan’s hardest ram!!
BAM! Crack! Crack! Resounding eruptions of cloth and wood being ripped apart boomed out.
The ram of the Dingyuan had forcibly rammed into the left broadside of the Black Pearl!
One could observe a blinding glow emanating from the incisive naval ram at the Dingyuan’s bow!
The black grade unique storyline equipment Sheyan had plundered earlier, the ‘Tergi Emblem’ naval ram…at last, its might was finally exhibited!
Chapter 578: Collision, crushing and overthrowing!
Bear this in mind, not only was this naval ram of a black grade, its effects was impressive as well – [ After installing on ship, it deals 2.5x of normal collision damage against enemy ships, with a 33% increase chance of wrecking rival ship’s body ]
Under such a monumental collision, the naval ram instantly splintered into three. The degree of impact had vastly exceeded its durability. Nevertheless, the naval ram had already displayed its usefulness.
An unyielding ram! The ability to penetrate through the defence of the enemy.
Epic proportions of wood chunks and random object fragments were thrown into a chaotic upheaval. Some of the Black Pearl pirates were thrown overboard from the impact, brandishing their scrambling limbs as they splashed into the ocean.
The turbulent sea appeared as if a tremendous force had torn a gap within it, as awe-inspiring pulses of seawater was upsurge before plummeting down onto the Black Pearl!
Actually, the Black Pearl’s material composition was also exceptionally valuable, being constructed with european fir. Ship planks sawed with 7 inch thickness then boiled for 3 days, before softening and curved into its intended shape. They were then sun dried for 3 years along the beach, and finally used for the construction of the ship. During construction, its perpetual toughness was enhanced with various kinds of magic.
However, when faced with a monstrous ship like the Dingyuan, the solidity of the Black Pearl was simply not worth mentioning.
After a series of blustering creaks and cracks, a deep gash of more than three metres had been rammed into the left broadside of the Black Pearl; severely wrecking the interior composition where it struck.
Finally, the ram struck against the keel. Even the incredibly solid keel couldn’t withstand such astronomical impact, that cracks started to emerge. Fortunately, the Dingyuan finally met with the bouncing resistance of the Black Pearl, as the momentum of the ship’s bow was directed upwards.
A tremendous inertia was directed upwards! After the Dingyuan’s ram struck thrusted deep into the left broadside of the Black Pearl, the ram now scraped upwards as it tore open a deep wound through the Black Pearl’s deck.
Amidst the sonorous collisions piercing into the air, the entire Dingyuan was now compacting down against the left broadside of the Black Pearl. Splinters and water sprayed everywhere, where the Black Pearl finally succumbed and toppled towards the sea!
Such a brutal, ruthless and crazy collision!
Such direct crushing!
Ever since the Black Pearl was constructed till now, it had not experienced such a monumental insult before!
Such a barbaric form of direct compact, such madness brimming with hot-blooded resolution!!!
When this quasi-legendary warship and this legendary warship collided, the aftermath was the upsurge of 10 metre towering waves. Only until the peerlessly firm Dingyuan was recoiled back abruptly, did the soaring splashes of water come showering down from the sky. The crashing waves continued smashing incessantly against the Black Pearl, releasing repetitive creaks as the entire ship practically leaned fully!
Though the building material of the Black Pearl was excellent, it still couldn’t match up to the perverted fortitude of Ironwood. Hence, it suffered grave damages.
Although the pirates on board were undying, a third of them had been pathetically thrown overboard after getting caught off guard by the collision.
An insult! An insult of the absolute highest!
In truth, the scene of a ship being rammed over into the sea had only occurred a couple of times, throughout the entire battle history of all pirates.
Only after the Dingyuan retreated abruptly, did the shaky Black Pearl manage to forcibly rove back up from the sea surface. Dripping wet like a wretched drowned rat, this impact had thoroughly damaged the ship’s keel. This was definitely not a damage that could be mended hastily.
Meanwhile, the pirates onboard the Dingyuan were cheering and howling deafeningly, flinging their bandanas and hats towards the sky.
Philip had eyes brimming with tears of excitement as his body trembled intensely. Though he had been a former marine, the terrifying prestige of the Black Pearl has long resonated thunderously within his ears, and imprinted deep within his soul. He could’ve never expect himself to personally participate in such a naval battle, but more importantly, to counter and even defeat the Black Pearl!
“Cap’n! Let’s give’em another deadly one!” Big Beard Davies brandished his greatsword as he yelled delightedly.
Instead, Sheyan shook his head faintly.
“The ‘Ocean Merriment’ is about to expire. If we continue ramming but am incapable of occupying superiority in speed, we may unexpectedly lose our opportunity. Then, there wouldn’t be any chances of success. Instead, it would waste away the remaining duration of the ‘Ocean Merriment’.”
Sheyan’s words weren’t without logic, and he ordered for the ship to swing back and navigate towards the nearest continent. Concurrently, the high-angled cannons were shifted towards the stern while being cleaned up.
Though the pirates of the Black Pearl were tireless, the massive damages dealt to their redoubtable Black Pearl wouldn’t be easily mended; what more, its keel suffered heavy damage. This entire ravaging process was like adding hail to the snow, as the Black Pearl pirates could only watch while the Dingyuan drifted away.
The continent was now in sight.
The Black Pearl had been tossed afar, where its mast could no longer be seen.
At this moment, Sheyan mustered his entire crew. He had already gone through careful deliberations, and thus issued three orders.
“Ye pirates shall not ascend to shore, but sail the Dingyuan towards the west. If your captain doesn’t return after a long while…..Taitish, Ol’Seadog, Redbeard and Philip will assume command and agree on affairs of the ship.”
“Henceforth, the Dingyuan’s objective shall have two goals. To carry on smuggling our booty through the favourable relations with Port Royal, and continue hunting for rare and powerful legendary creatures; plunder their spirits to perfect our Baladine Bloodsail.”
“As for this chest of accursed Aztec gold, us three shall bring it ashore. With this, it will be impossible for the Black Pearl to continue tracking down the Dingyuan.”
Despite Big Beard Davies and other loyally devoted pirates voicing their objections and demanding to accompany him, Sheyan rejected them. Because according to his plans, the following affairs would be immeasurably treacherous. He definitely couldn’t bring along unecessary manpower.
After the Dingyuan departed, the trio then rowed a jollyboat as they approached the outskirts of the continent.
Reef and Mogensha leapt off the boat, but the distracted Sheyan remained inside the boat.
“Oi, buddy, hurry up man. We are rushing for time, you know.” Brother Black splashed his face with seawater while urging.
The shore here was filled with craggy reefs and wasn’t suited for a jollyboat to directly approach the shore. The trio still had to haul along a cumbersome stone chest within this 3-4 metres deep waters, while swimming for 30 metres to the shore. They would then have to race across a long stretch of beach before entering a forest. Actually, they already detailed their plans through the map they purchased way beforehand.
In lieu of constant hurricanes or the threat of tsunamis, the closest village here was roughly 20 miles away. From there, they would gain access to means of transport like oxens or horses.
The trio’s ultimate aim was to reach a city that was more developed and flourishing. They would then be able to access better means of transport to continue evading the undying and inexhaustible Black Pearl pirates. If they were to persist in utilizing the strength of their legs to escape, they would undoubtedly be throwing themselves into the pirates’ embrace in due time.
However, Sheyan remained seated on the boat, and paused silently for a while before muttering.
“Take some Aztec gold with you and leave! I will remain here with this chest.”
“What??!” Brother Black and Reef were both startled. “Are you suicidal?”
“No.” Sheyan’s countenance was additional rigid now. “I’ve decided on this after deliberate reflections. Bring along some Aztec gold and leave! Hurry!”
“Why? Why can’t we stay behind?” Reef was evidently unable to accept this fact. “We’ve braved through fire and water for so long now, why are you behaving this way? Could it be even a Growth-hunter like me isn’t of assistance?”
Sheyan’s dried lips twitched slightly.
“That is because we only have a single ‘Unmodeled Amnio-tank’. Even I do not possess great confidence in this risk I’m taking. Fortunately, we still have that to preserve a life. If you accompany me, one of us will very possibly become a casualty.”
At this moment, Brother Black gazed at Sheyan and replied sincerely.
“Boss, I can roughly understand your plans now, could it be, you….wish to take that step, that same step Jack Sparrow did?”
Sheyan faintly nodded.
“Don’t forget, I still have the hints indicated by the ‘Dead Sea Scroll’. Without doing that, I wouldn’t even stand a chance.”
Brother Black pondered solemnly before replying.
“You’re right. Then….good luck brother. I believe you will definitely succeed.”
Sheyan reached out his hand. Though his expression remained rigid, his eyes burned with additional passion and brimmed with ambitions.
“Let’s look forward to the moment we meet again!”
Five minutes later, the masts of the Black Pearl appeared from afar. This heavily wounded legendary ship was maneuvering straight towards here.
50 metres away from the jollyboat, it ran aground by the sand. Its bow heavily scraped against the shore before it finally halted.
Plop! Plop! Plop! Sixteen pirates leapt down like dumplings before swimming towards here.
Amongst them, was a skinny pirate with a wooden eye and another bald headed pirate, who appeared like their leaders.
They were the trusted aides of Barbossa. The skinny pirate wiped his drenched face while yelling loudly.
“Where did that bilge-suckin’ ship wit’ the wicked lizard jollyroger run to? I can sense the beckonin’ of the Aztec gold nearby, honestly!”
“Shut yer useless mouth!” The baldy revealed a set of rotten tooth as he chided menacingly.
“Don’t state the obvious fool! Use yer eyes to inspect carefully and yer nose to smell. Regardless of where that ship flees to, might they still be our prey.”
Chapter 579: An unexpected release
Naturally, by this time, while the baldy was blustering aloud and climbing atop the jollyboat, there was no longer anyone present atop the trio’s jollyboat.
In spite of that, the pirates’ dispirited demeanor was instantly filled with a pleasant surprise.
To their joyful discovery, that stone chest of Aztec gold was perched within the center of this jollyboat. Traces of blood could be seen around it. Yet, the stone chest remained dazzling brilliant with the accursed Aztec gold.
“Oh hoh! Might there be internal strife amongst our foe. They tossed the gold and ran while pissin’ their pants before we came!”
That bald pirate then ordered delightedly.
“Smarty up and report this splendid news to ze cap’n. First, let us bring this jollyboat back to the Pearl.”
In their merriment, even the most meticulous pirate had placed his attention onto the stone chest. Right now, they reckoned that the opponent had left a lethal snare with the Aztec gold or the stone chest, which was why it was so easily obtainable.
Indeed due to that, none of them noticed….a shadow, like a spectre, adhering itself to the bottom of the jollyboat.
The spectre’s fingers were lodged deep into the wood of the boat. As the spectre conveniently latched onto their movement, he sneakily arrived by the Black Pearl as well.
When none was giving attention, that spectre pasted itself against the bottom of the Black Pearl! It appeared like a weird leech. Indeed, this was Sheyan!
Very quickly, the stone chest of accursed Aztec gold was heaved to Barbossa. This wily old fox surveyed the chest with thriving ambitions. Then, he grabbed a bunch of Aztec gold, which slipped through the cracks of his fingers and clinked back into the chest.
“I can sense scourges who took our gold be fleein’ swiftly deeper ashore. In other words, we must climb ashore to pursue them. Arghhh, a pack of crafty foxes they be, but the best hunters are we! I shall personally ascend on dryland to catch them. Carnon, ye shall accompany me.”
The one Barbossa addressed as Carnon, was a black man.
His bare body and the periphery of his eyes was laced with mild-brown colored scraps that appeared the size of a thumb. Those scraps looked like pebbles but also like insect eggs. They were linked with a peculiar string and rooted deep into his flesh. This was an ambitious man. His close combat prowess was exceptionally outstanding. Naturally, Barbossa wanted to keep him by his side.
Following that, Barbossa swept a glance through his pirate crew.
“This chase will not be a short one. There be a few simple tasks for ye in your cap’n’s absence. First, go gather materials from the nearest port and give a good mending to me old mate. Return I shall, but see a new Pearl I must. Especially the wound of its spine, not a single sloppy work be allowed.”
“Also, hunt down the other scattered Aztec gold; the ones that scurvy dog placed in fishes and gulls. Might that surely be done with some effort. In yer cap’n’s absence, Pintel (the baldy) and Ragetti (the wooden eye guy) shall be in charge of the ship. Receive us seven days later at this exact spot.”
Afterwards, Barbossa led a large flock of pirates as they rowdily left the ship. Then, Pintel started bawling at the remaining pirates to raise the sails; in preparation to sail towards the sea.
During the voyage, the Black Pearl would constantly sway faintly; just like an injured man shivering in agony. It not longer had its original graceful bearing of dominating the sea with electrifying pace. One could fathom how badly wrecked the Black Pearl was.
As for the nearest destination that housed adequate precious materials for ships, it was naturally the pirates’ wonderland – Tortuga!
Though it suffered grave damages, the speed of the Black Pearl still had to be praised. After a short span of a day and night, Tortuga finally emerged within the spyglass of the Black Pearl’s lookout.
Being one of the three legendary pirate ships, the Black Pearl would receive extraordinary preferential treatment at every pirate port. Tortuga was no exception. This was probably also because they would bring along valuable for cheap dirty goods. The unique shape of the Black Pearl approaching directly prompted leading sailors of Tortuga, to direct it to detour for anchoring within a private port at the back. Not being squeezed together with other pirates was proof of its status.
After suffering from the curse, the Black Pearl’s pirates became incapable of satisfying all of their thirst. As such, they didn’t harbour interest towards women, rum or delicacies. Instead, they were longing for the life of having the curse lifted.
Presently, they resembled robots that were being instructed. If there was really no tasks, they would just reside within the ship as they reminisced about beautiful times.
The amount of manpower on the Black Pearl wasn’t little and was more than other ships. However, a good half of the pirates had been led away by Barbossa. This was because Barbossa believed the ones who stole his Aztec gold were extremely powerful, and thus brought along more men for stability.
Yet more crucially, Barbossa’s position had been earned by a mutiny.
His loyal confidants, Pintel and Ragetti, both possessed mediocre strength. Hence, he wasn’t afraid of them starting an insurrection. Instead, he brought along the pirates who possessed the influence of starting a mutiny.
After this division of strength, the remaining pirates on the Black Pearl were mostly the old, sickly and the aged; ones who could merely kick start a ship.
The responsibility Barbossa issued to them was merely repairing the ship, and hunting down birds or fishes for the Aztec gold. Truthfully, such tasks didn’t require excessive martial might.
At present, the Black Pearl had already anchored down in port. Pintel then brought along several pirates into the pier to purchase materials.
Right now, only a handful of ten pirates were left to safeguard the Black Pearl. Probably because they were in a pirate port, they had utterly led their guards down. Sitting idly, they gave vent to the futile attempt of drinking rum, even though they couldn’t savour the rich taste of rum for all eternity.
At this very moment, a figure was slowly crawling up the Black Pearl.
His movements were exceedingly gentle and unhurried.
In addition to the noisy sloshing of waves, though his actions were evidently stiff and mechanical, it didn’t startle a single soul.
Observing his figure, this was indeed Sheyan!
During this period of day and night, he had hidden by the side of the Black Pearl’s hull; riding it until he arrived at the familiar Tortuga. Though he was carrying a single Aztec gold on him, he was similarly hiding within the Black Pearl. Hence, the pirates’ senses associated his Aztec gold in the same category as the Aztec gold on their ship. Thus, it would be difficult to discover his existence.
In Sheyan’s perspective, though this ‘illegal immigration’ was rather torturous and dry, it turned out fine after he got accustomed to it. Being rather adept at exercising patience over time, he only surfaced onto the ship after assuring that he was completely safe.
Sheyan then stealthily crept into a cabin of the Black Pearl. Because most of the residents here were out, it was a rather easy feat to locate an empty cabin.
Presently, dark clouds loomed over the night sky. Nevertheless, the moon cascaded its hazy moonlight down, seemingly about to drill into the ship. Observing from afar, its reflection appeared like an egg yolk bathing in the inky water.
As Sheyan lingered within this inhabited cabin, he paused silently as though contemplating about something. Finally, he fished out a squarish object and a bottle, before placing them onto the table.
This squarish object was an exquisite old diary. The diary’s surface was stained with spots of dried brown blood.
As for the contents of the bottle, it was water.
Holy water from the Apostolic Palace!
Sheyan’s current expression was additionally rigid as he picked up the bottle. Without a single hesitation, he poured its clear liquid onto the diary….
The fourth generation blood descendant of the Fokke family, the diary personally composed by Morgan Fokke!!
The diary that had been sealed up by the redoubtable Little Lord Fokke!
When pouring the holy water, Sheyan was exceedingly cautious; seemingly preventing it from spilling onto himself.
Sheyan was actually unsealing the diary right within the Black Pearl. RIght when the Pearl had anchored in Tortuga!!
Instantaneously, large emulsions of froth bubbled out of the diary’s cover; as though something was being fried in a deep fryer, as it released sizzling sounds.
A wave of black aura could be seen emanating out of the diary’s cover. It spiralled in mid air before warping into a dreadfully malevolent face. One could fathom this was the vague depiction of Morgan Fokke.
Then, his incisive voice reverberated through the surrounding air.
“This soul of mine, tormented all these years, I seek to be freed! I thirst for the blessedness of eternal rest, O lord. Please redeem a sinner like me!”
Kacha! Kacha! An icy cackle echoed throughout the cabin at this instance.
This sound wasn’t alien to Sheyan. He had heard the exact same sound back in Jiejie’s golden tent. The sound of rapidly condensing vapour, the sound of a layer of ice forming.
This, was the omen for the impending arrival of the redoubtable Little Lord Fokke!
“Ye condemnable insects, I’ve finally found you!”
“The sinner whom eradicated my seal. Your life shall surpass the torment of the underworld!”
“I sing of death; the indulgence of death, the dictator of death!”
“All who try in vain to glimpse the secrets of the Fokke family, shall be punished by death!”
Chapter 580: Lord vs Pirates
Following the arrival of his words, a tumultuous and suffocating gust raged in.
Amidst the darkness, bitter cries of pleading and grieving screams could be heard. It was as though an enormous flag was fluttering rapidly, emitting booming sounds of wind inside this narrow cabin!
Such a deafening ruckus naturally startled the pirates on the board the Black Pearl.
They gathered onto the deck while lifting broadsword and hatchets; some holding onto torches as they cursed aloud and swarmed in.
Days prior to this, the all-powerful Black Pearl had suffered a huge setback which left them incomparably gloomy. Right now, the pirates naturally jumped at this excuse to vent their frustration.
Meanwhile, clear ice shattering sounds continued resounding before Sheyan.
All of a sudden, a spatial tear was ripped apart. A pair of bowl-sized front hooves of unrivalled might broke through the fetters of space and time, before trampling down ferociously.
When the hooves stamped down onto the table supporting the ‘Diary of Morgan Fokke’, the table was instantly smashed into fingernail sized splinters! Then, the splinters degenerated into speckles of ice dust and dispersed. One could tell the deadly might stored within those hooves.
Fortunately, Sheyan had tied an indiscernible string around the diary earlier on, and simultaneously tugged against it once the horse hooves appeared! After pulling the diary towards him, he immediately dodged away from the trampling hooves.
Yet within a split second, half the massive frame of the demon horse, Momore, was already revealed from a void. With utter ruthlessness, it galloped into the cabin of the Black Pearl.
At this instance, a violent tremor overwhelmed the entire Black Pearl.
Following that, mounted on the demon horse Momore, Little Lord Fokke’s pair of large hands clad in steel chained gloves emerged. His black steel index finger and middle finger pointed callously at Sheyan!
In this moment, Sheyan felt as though he had fallen into a terrifying nightmare.
Reminiscent of the darkest period before twilight, it was as though a pair of large hands were pressed around his neck, strangling him mercilessly! Suffocating, he felt it challenging to breathe!
Feeling like he was about to take his last breath, Sheyan immediately cried out in struggle. It was as though that gave rise to an incorporeal force from within his body, which slapped him so hard his nose would bleed and his teeth would break off. Instead, it forcibly shook him awake from this nightmare.
Though that was so, the suffocating sensation still persisted like a viscous toxin choking within his throat!
Apart from Sheyan, the clouds and atmosphere outside was similarly experiencing a hideously compelling pressure, simultaneously drooping with austere silence. Only the reluctant surging whimpers of the relentlessly swishing waves remained.
Such dreadfulness!
Right now, if one observed Sheyan, one would be able to see a lingering layer of darkness around his body; slithering like a serpent as it coiled around his five features and seven apertures, wriggling back and forth surreptitiously.
Obviously, Sheyan wouldn’t foolishly wait for death here. After scheming for so long, his goal was naturally to avoid clashing with Little Lord Fokke.
Though the demon horse Momore was absolutely impressive, it possessed a flaw – its massive build. In addition to Little Lord Fokke riding above, they truly occupied an expansive space. It wasn’t practical at all for it to gallop around in this narrow Black Pearl cabin.
Hence, Sheyan immediately dived out through the doorway, while his body triggered a series of cracks as though ice was shattering.
Completely losing balance, he tumbled wretchedly with his face slamming against the floor, before rolling and scrambling forward to flee.
Yet at this moment, Little Lord Fokke completely emerged with demon horse Momore. Like a tank, they charged straight out of the cabin while triggering a chaotic splattering of wood fragments!
Repetitive cracking sounds resounded everywhere.
Though it was a far cry from a demolishing building, the cabins constructed in the hold of the Black Pearl, were instantly met with rampaging devastation.
Pathways along the Black Pearl’s hold were wrecked open. Originally, channels that could only permit two humans to pass through shoulder to shoulder, were now all generously expanded by Little Lord Fokke; transforming them into broad channels that allowed a horse to run for eighty yards.
At this exact instant, Wooden-eye Ragetti led a bunch of pirates as he waved his torch and charged in. Concurrently, Sheyan pathetically tumbled several rounds before them as he exclaimed.
“Darn it! Why are you idiots only coming right now, the nemesis is destroying the Pearl!”
At present, Sheyan had purposefully rubbed dust and ash onto his own face. Under the dim illumination of the torches, could one recognize he wasn’t a Black Pearl pirate at first notice?
More importantly, it didn’t matter how strong Little Lord Fokke was, the sounds of his rampage was truly deafening. His scene of tyranny had captured full attention right upon his appearance. Moreover, he was indeed truly destroying the Black Pearl. Hence, Ragetti immediately pulled out a rusty cleaver as he strode forward while berating.
“Yer slack-jawed idiot! Tis’ be the floor I just cleaned….hurry and kneel, clean with your…….tongue.”
At his final ‘tongue’ word, Ragetti’s flight commenced! Little Lord Fokke didn’t even have to act. Instead, demon horse Momore had very bluntly stomped forth with its left hoof!
Ragetti was sent crashing as he screamed loudly. His wooden eye slipped out, as it bounced and rolled along the ground for several rounds. Repeated snappings resounded after his face got stomped by the horse hoof. Nobody knew how many wall partitions did he break while crashing through the air.
Comically, Ragetti didn’t grip his cleaver firmly at the point of being stomped. Hence, the cleaver was flung high into the air, as it revolved several rounds and heftily chopped down onto the wooden floor.
Obviously, the other Black Pearl pirates wouldn’t sit idly upon watching Ragetti being attacked. They roared furiously while swarming forward with raised weapons.
Although their battle powers weren’t excessively strong, it was pretty adequate! Would a mediocre person be able to become a member of one of the three legendary pirate ship?
According to Sheyan’s deduction, excluding their undying physique, some of them wouldn’t be inferior to individuals like Blacksail or Davies in terms of battle power. Thus, Sheyan had ultimately disregarded the thought of tangling in a naval boarding battle with them previously.
Seven frenetic pirates lunged forward simultaneously.
This narrow environment wasn’t favourable to Little Lord Fokke as well.
At this moment, Little Lord Fokke titled his head up slightly. His austere eyes glinted coldly beneath the visor of his helmet, while a metallic shimmer rippled through his steel armour. As he swept his gaze through the crowd, it contained a penetrating iciness; seemingly wanting to pour the chilliness of death into the organs of everyone present.
Seizing this golden opportunity, Sheyan turned to flee.
However, Little Lord Fokke abruptly stretched out his right arm and swiped from left to right in a 45 degrees angle. Instantly, a streak of endless void was carved out, where regiments of darkness revolved around a concentrated spot of blood could be seen. Suddenly, it shot forth towards Sheyan!
Pestering death!
Fortunately, that regiment of darkness didn’t accelerate very quickly. Sheyan darted towards the side as he took cover behind a corner; breaking away from the enemy’s line of sight.
In spite of that, that regiment of darkness swerved like a parasite in blatant pursuit. The next moment, Sheyan released a shrilling shriek.
Little Lord Fokke’s eyes revealed a mocking intent as he sneered. All his actions were serene and unruffled. His current demeanor appeared as though he wasn’t being encircled by the seven Black Pearl pirates, but as though he was sitting on his personal throne.
His actions were simply untraceable. In a split second, he clutched onto his sword hilt as he humbly drew half of his sword.
The sword blade was crystalline clear like a condensation of ice. However, distinct blood colored vein lines extended throughout it as they synthesised into symbols, engraving deep into one’s mind. For unexplainable reasons, a plaintive wail resonated within the hearts of every onlooker.
Followed by……a disturbing neigh.
Little Lord Fokke insipidly declared.
His voice wasn’t imposing but carried a depressing deepness, akin to that of a chopstick poking into one’s eardrum. A piercing shudder displacing the calm of one’s organs, turning one’s breath feeble that couldn’t be quietened down.
That same sword hacked down towards the nearest pirate! Water vapor congealed wherever the symbolic sword edge swept through, and emitted icy crackles.
That pirate lifted his hatchet to block. In a flash, a thick layer of ice condensed at the point of impact between the hatchet and sword edge! Then, it swiftly stretched towards the pirate’s body and froze him into an ice sculpture in an instant.
Little Lord Fokke released a disdainful sneer as he swept horizontally again.
Another pirate pounced forward, smashing his dual brass knuckles against this icy sword! Then, he quickly followed up with another punch which struck against the chest armour of Little Lord Fokke.
Instead, Little Lord Fokke flipped his hand and slashed downwards, chopping that pirate to the ground as the pirate rapidly froze into ice. Follow that, Demon horse Momore raised its hooves and trampled down with unmatched ferocity.
Yet another pirate leapt forward, prompting Little Lord Fokke to bury his body and execute a reverse slash while drawing his sword back; slashing straight from the pirate’s left arm to his right waist, and splitting his body into two.
Yet strangely, not a single blood trickled out from the mutilated wound. Nevertheless, that pirate’s arms still remained mobile as he gathered his segregated body. Though he couldn’t stand, the pirate blatantly hugged Momore’s hooves while howling wildly!
“It’s him!! It’s him, I recognize him! The old captain perished because of him, even Crew Head Hanz was slain by him! Arghhh, tis’ be the blisterin’ Lil’Lord Fokke!”
Chapter 581: Separating man and horse
When the other Black Pearl pirates heard his howl, they unanimously erupted with indignant hollers.
Indeed! The hatred between Little Lord Fokke and the Black Pearl pirates was absolutely not small.
That year back in Turtuga port, Little Lord Fokke had opened hostilities without declaring war. The entire Black Pearl suffered an immense setback, where multitudes of veteran pirates had perished. From then, the surviving pirates from that time harboured a deep seated hatred!
To them, their dispute with Captain Jack was merely an internal dilemma. However, the humiliation they received from Little Lord Fokke was an all-out irreconcilable conflict. Hence, their wrath naturally triggered unanimously!
After having his head flattened by Momore’s hoof, Ragetti had already climbed back up. Pinching his wooden eye with his fingers, he laughed while scanning with his eyes.
“Be that we hate tis’ bloody curse to ze core, but looks like it be what we need to deal with tis’ scurvy horse boy. The undying us shall flay yer flesh and soul as memorial offerin’ to cleanse away the Pearl’s disgrace!”
Nevertheless, a spiteful glow flickered in Little Lord Fokke’s eyes, as he abruptly spurred his horse to charge forth.
Ragetti speared forward to intercept him but was immediately met with Fokke’s waving sword, severing his head into two, chopping down till his organs spilled out. Yet not a single drop of blood was leaked while his organs starting hopping around like frogs, until they assembled together!
Concurrently, two other pirates lunged forward and tightly grasped against demon horse Momore’s limbs!
These undying pirates could tell that Little Lord Fokke was relying on his horse to maintain his mobile superiority. Regardless, it was necessary to tie down his horse, which would substantially reduce the chances of him escaping.
Under the impetus of vengeance, those pirates wrapped Momore’s limbs relentlessly. their strained faces exposing their yellowish rotten teeth; resembling a bunch of savage hungry ghosts, they chomped down mercilessly onto Momore’s limbs!
Though this terrifying fiend possessed boundless strength, it could only resort to miserable and helpless neighs, as its four limbs were being constricted by 1-2 pirates each.
Little Lord Fokke ferociously swept his sword, but ultimately yielded no fruits. The undying physique of the pirates could only be barely curbed with fire, because incinerating them into ashes would substantially reduce their regenerating period. Instead, physical damage or freezing was practically useless against them.
“Filthy maggots! Insects scourged with defiled souls, begone from my sides!”
Little Lord Fokke brandished his symbolic sword strenuously as he roared sonorously.
However, his attention suddenly fixated onto a human figure. A human figure that was limping to escape towards the ship’s deck!
Moreover, a diary was wedged right beneath his armpit!
The diary that recorded the deepest secrets of the Fokke family!
“How is he still alive? He mustn’t escape!! I’ll just have to beckon for Momore through the summoning orifice again, but the secrets of our Fokke family cannot be divulged! That is akin to revolting against the whole world, then all these decades would’ve been all in vain! Possibly creating an unprecedented catastrophe for the Fokke family!”
That particular notion jolted through Little Lord Fokke’s thoughts.
Demon horse Momore was tightly tangled up with the Black Pearl pirates. Whenever it managed to abscise itself from a single pirate, another two would pounce up. It was simply impossible for Momore to exhibit its boundless monstrous strength here. Moreover, those damned hungry ghosts were even insatiably chewing and devouring its flesh!
Thus, Little Lord Fokke finally made a sensible but difficult call – to abandon his horse!
If he continued worrying about Momore, that pesky little thief would vanish without even his shadow in sight.
“That unsealed diary mustn’t be allowed to be circulated outside! Furthermore, Momore’s strength should be sufficient to tarry these undying pirates for a period of time, adequate for me to eliminate that bloody thief!”
Little Fokke summoned strength in his legs. The two stirrups suspended on Momore’s back became coated with light-blue ice, before they immediately tightened and reflected an immense power upwards.
Clad fully in armour, Little Fokke then propelled himself towards the besiding wall.
Kacha! His heavy weight and inertia very bluntly smashed out a large hole in the ship’s wall.
Kacha! Kacha! His armour continued smashing through more walls as he pursued after Sheyan.
Yet at this moment, Little Fokke revealed his first shortcoming – though his movement speed couldn’t be considered slow, it wasn’t fast either.
Actually, this was a point someone who barely used his brain could easily deduce. Firstly, this was because Little Lord Fokke constantly relied on riding his demon horse Momore. Secondly, his knight armour was truly too heavy. No matter what, it would definitely affect his mobility.
Observing this from afar, Sheyan secretly nodded to himself. After all, the movement speed of Little Lord Fokke was essentially a life and death matter to him. Regardless of his deduction being 99% accurate, once there was even a slight 1% deviation, it would sufficient to deal him a 100% fatal outcome!
To him, although there was still the ultimate safety-net of that miraculous item acquired from the Avatar world, all his plans would be doomed to futility in this world. Such a crushing defeat was one that Sheyan absolutely couldn’t accept,
Facing the unceasing pursuit of Little Lord Fokke, Sheyan straightforwardly drank his soul equipment, ‘Endless Spirited Vodka’, and increased his mobility as he fled. Right now, he planned to verify his second conjecture!
Sheyan’s first conjecture pertained to Little Lord Fokke’s movement speed. A crucial factor that would determine if he had to waste all his previous efforts, and rush back to the nightmare realm in crestfallen fashion.
Thus, Sheyan’s second conjecture, would determine the crux of a possibility in eliminating Little Lord Fokke right here!
Gloomy clouds obstructed the moonlight above. In spite of that, Tortuga remained bustling as before, its streets brimming with tides of people and activities.
Without any tinge of cordiality, Sheyan fled in disarray through the human crowd. His current appearance was rather mediocre, resembling that of a down-and-out sailor.
Nevertheless, this conduct of hasty fleeing was something the chaotic Tortuga had seen over hundreds of time. Apart from receiving chiding by the individuals he squeezed and knocked against, the others treated this as commonplace.
Instead, Little Lord Fokke’s appearance was exceedingly glamorous.
Adorned in a knight’s armour, he was even wearing a helmet. Furthermore, his entire set of armour was pure black and shimmered with exotic brilliance, filled with profound magic traces lingering around it. That symbolic sword by his waist was even emitting out strands of chilling air. The first impression he released, was that of a nefarious demon; dark and valiant.
Little Lord Fokke charged towards Sheyan.
Though there was only a 50 metres gap between both parties, he was regrettably blocked by twenty drunkards, three whores and even a carriage hauled by two oxens.
Evidently, such a disheveled mess of hurdles would only serve to pull the distance between both parties further apart. Thus, the grim Little Lord Fokke instantly seized his sword shaft and executed the most effective method.
Besides, he was also human, or perhaps accurately phrasing, he used to be human for a long time. He was aware of how to eliminate these pesky hindrances in the shortest time. Or perhaps, how to trigger these ‘legged proteins’ to scram automatically.
Furthermore, there was another crucial factor to his actions. Tortuga only sprung up after the demise of Turtuga port. It could be described as Tortuga stepping on Turtuga’s corpse to rise. Hence, to the overlord of the previous Turtuga port, Little Lord Fokke obviously didn’t possess amicable sentiments to Tortuga. It was analogous to telling one’s ex-girlfriend/boyfriend and saying “It pleases me that you are living well”, but in reality, one would be feeling “Darn you for living well without me.”
Therefore, Little Lord Fokke naturally thought of eradicating these flourishing salts, which only served to rub hurt on his own emotional wounds. Actually, he would probably do the same without Sheyan. Of course, now that he was given the motive of pursuing Sheyan, he would conduct it with added ruthlessness; at the same time, giving vent to his emotions.
Meanwhile, a whore was stroking her hair coquettishly as she eyed Little Lord Fokke. She was reckoning that this was a huge customer whom she could extract 23 guineas from.
Hence, she purposefully squeezed up her cleavage as she approached Little Lord Fokke. She was one who was fond of fierce males, and Little Lord Fokke’s appearance indeed matched her appetite.
“Hey there, handsome, I dare bet you’d have two drinks with me, where following that, I shall bring you to a wondrous place.”
She started hooking Little Lord Fokke’s arm, but instead at this moment, she suddenly clutched her mouth and began coughing. The sounds of her coughing turned from light to severe. Initially, it sounded as though she was clearing her throat, but crescendoed to an intensity of choking by the end.
Eventually, the whore regurgitated out a mouthful of saliva. Yet amidst the puddle of saliva, were lumpy flesh that shocked the eyes and astonished the heart.
This whore had actually coughed out fragments of her lungs. Her eyes bulged with fright and perplexity as she slumped to the ground. Even in death, she remained clueless.
The black death was once again, breeding on the soil of Tortuga.
Except previously, its scope of influence was merely Jiejie’s golden tent. Yet this time, it was personally propagated by the bringer of darkness and death, Little Lord Fokke!!
This signified that Tortuga would undergo a calamity, an incredibly terrifying catastrophe!
Despite so, it was all in accordance to Sheyan’s intended script!
Chapter 582: Massacre
The sounds of violent coughing echoed out in succession.
Many clueless drunkards were staring flabbergasted at their rum bottles, because their rum had turned red. Their intoxicated and sluggish minds were still attempting to clarify the situation. Only until they realized their mouth, nose and ears were oozing out with blood, were they finally enlightened.
“Blimey! Why am I bleedin’?”
A nose bleed was a common occurrence to humans. Be it yellow people, white people or black people, this was a frequently neglected occurrence.
The drunkards only started realizing something was amiss when they had lost control of their body.
However, when that happened, the shinigami had already raised its death scythe above their heads with a sinister smirk.
In this manner, the obstructions before Little Lord Fokke were rapidly swept clean. Anyone who dared to block him were all infected with the black death.
Although Sheyan continued advancing through the human crowd, the gap between both parties were swiftly shortening.
Nevertheless, Sheyan who was already aware of this frightening aspect of Little Lord Fokke, had long thought of his response towards this pestilence outbreak.
RIght now, he directly scurried into what seemed like an exceedingly bustling tavern.
The taverns of this era had many functions. It was like the present era massage parlors, which included supplementary feet wash, tea brewing, cupping jars, acupuncture, tidying the male’s prostate and so on. One could choose to be massaged, or she massaged while one touched, or you do both massaging and touching her*.
(TN: This is a wordplay on the word massage (按摩), which includes the word 按 (pressing/massage) and 摩 (Touching).
Hence, various large taverns in Tortuga apart from being a bar, similarly provided lodging and other functionalities. Some taverns even had other businesses like establishing a gambling den within, while others provided erotic services.
The tavern Sheyan patronized was mainly a gambling den, while alcohol consumption was secondary. Regardless of day or night, the tavern was congested with gamblers; it could be described as an all out warfare of money.
Moreover, the tavern was located in an amazing location, coincidentally within the most prosperous district of Tortuga; analogous to the Jiefangbei CBD of Chongqing China, Wangfujing of Beijing, Central Hongkong or Chunxi Road of Chengdu. Many major characters backed this tavern as well.
This fatty piece of Tortuga meat couldn’t be monopolized by a single person. Apart from Mister Skrtel that Sheyan interacted with previously, there were several other influential backings as well. Of course, one of the largest stakeholder in this, was one of the seven Pirate Lords, the recently defeated Chevalle!
Yet because he suffered a crushing defeat which led to his influence greatly shrinking, he was in urgent need of guarding his personal interests. There weren’t really any other alternatives, Chevalle couldn’t afford yet another setback.
15-16 metres behind Sheyan, was the onrushing Little Lord Fokke. Behind him to his left and right, were a bunch of humans retching while being corroded by a disease. Sheyan’s lips curled into a sneer as he shoved his way into this gambling den.
By the door, two large chaps went to receive him. They were about to speak but were instantly silenced by a hefty pouch of coins that Sheyan hurled at them. Although their faces transmitted a sore because of the pounding pouch of guineas, they immediately offered apologetic smiles and allowed him in.
Sheyan was rather familiar with such environment. Several twists and turns later, he disappeared into the can of sardine packed gamblers.
Seconds later, the tavern door was once again pushed over by brute force. A wave of unfathomable chill gusted in, prompting the two large chaps to shiver.
Following that, they met with a pair of frosty eyes, eyes that seemed to conceal thousand fathoms of snow.
The two large chaps were Chevalle’s pirates tampered by a hundred battles. When they scrutinized the full body armour of Little Lord Fokke, they immediately got a bad impression –
“This be a floggin’ place fer gamblin’, we welcome with open hands all who displays a bag of booty. But be stompin’ in with armour ready for battle, mayhaps this idiot wishes to gamble away his body armour?”
Little Lord Fokke’s action was essentially like a robber wearing black stockings and rushing into a bank with a kitchen knife. To them, he was definitely here with malicious desires like pillaging.
Hence, the two large chaps very bluntly revolted upon hearing the word ‘scram’. Both were pirates that would kill without batting an eyelid, and had already thoroughly suppressed themselves by standing here while offering smiles to others.
Thus, the first chap immediately swung a kick towards Little Lord Fokke. When facing an armoured head, he had utterly no interest in testing the hardness of steel with his fists.
Instead, Little lord Fokke bluntly received the kick, before swooping his hand to seize the calf of large chap. In a flash, that large chap could no longer feel his kicking leg. A layer of sky ice could be seen stretching along his calf.
Piank!!! Little Lord Fokke suddenly clenched his left hand, causing the flesh and bones of the chap’s calf to shatter into millions of bloodied ice shards!
That large chap instantly released a blood-curdling scream; but it wasn’t due to pain as all his leg nerves had already experienced necrosis, and numbed completely due to the freezing ice. His scream was the instinctive reaction of personally witnessing the grotesque scene of his own leg shattering.
Soon after, patrons of the tavern nearby started slapping the gambling tables, while violent coughing started to erupt. Blood oozed out from nostrils, as humans began bending over or tumbling to the ground in groans; losing control of their bowels.
After Chevalle’s pirate fleet had suffered defeat, they had started taking precautions against other villains plotting to pillage them; scums who would throw stones at them, after they had fell into a well.
Therefore, this gambling den was stationed with numerous pirates in strict deterrence against sneak assaults from other pirates. Thus, when a commotion arose in this very place, those pirates immediately started swarming out.
Within seconds, pistol gunshots, furious curses and sounds of brawling filled the gambling tavern.
The pirates of Chevalle’s fleet was truly outstanding, being direct subordinates of one of the seven pirate lords. Although they fell short to those pirates of the three legendary pirate ships, they were only inferior by a sliver!
At this moment, Little Lord Fokke was observing the not too distant Sheyan, who was kneeling on the ground and seemingly experiencing incomparable agony; violently coughing as though he was about to faint. The pandemic disease had probably caught up to him as well.
Instantly, Little Lord Fokke’s heart flushed with elated vengeance!
As he was about to approach and apprehend that gutless thief, a torrent of bullets suddenly struck his body; creating pockmarks of sparks against his armour. Right now, the Chevalle pirates were tightly hindering him.
Ye….insect abominations! Ye dare obstruct my path!
A belly of flames boiled within Little Lord Fokke’s heart! All of a sudden, an ice shield emerged from his hands and shielded him from a good portion of barrage. Moreover, one could observe loads of black gas seeping out from his body, slithering towards the surrounding pirates like parasitic serpents.
Still caught up in their assault, some pirates started to experience violent coughing after a short while. Either that, or they clutched their faces with anguished expressions, before falling paralyzed in a pool of blood.
Little Lord Fokke proceeded forward after coughing twice, while conveniently stomping onto the frozen head of the other large chap; shattering it into ice shards!
Yet at this very moment, a human figure leapt down from the second floor of the tavern.
This figure had been hiding within the shadows of a pillar. When he finally appeared, his silhouette was exceedingly lofty but his hands appeared somewhat withered. He was like a bulky and vigorous bag of bones.
His hand was gripping onto an extremely unique chakram weapon.
(TN: A Chakram is a circular weapon with sharp external edges, where one can grip it in the middle.)
The chakram was pitch black with razor sharp exterior. When it was hurled towards Little Fokke, it strangely emitted not a single sound nor form. Yet everywhere it past, it appeared like a broad beheading shadow of death like a rippling darkness carrying a flash of scarlet!
A shimmering blade ray!
Yet for unknown reasons, when that human hurled out the chakram, he couldn’t refrain from coughing as his chest undulated violently.
This offered a buffering opportunity for Little Lord Fokke.
Little Lord Fokke casually grabbed a nearby pirate to cover the incoming chakram. The chakram bluntly ripped the meatshield into two, as blood gushed out wildly from the corpse.
Though that was so, the spinning chakram also grazed against Little Lord Fokke’s right shoulder plate. Inches long sparks sprayed out through the piercing chafing of the chakram blade and armour, resulting in a terrifying gash on the armour!
Evidently, it had also lacerated the flesh within. Except, the flesh couldn’t be seen through the gash of the armour, but merely the sight of black gaseous floating out.
Meanwhile, the chakram borrowed the recoiling impact to ingeniously swerve back, before twirling gently around that figure’s finger as it once again shot towards the Little Fokke’s helmet.
By now, Little Lord Fokke had drawn his Symbolic Ice sword as it clashed against the chakram!
Instantly, the chakram ricocheted backwards after having a layer of thin ice condensed over it.
While that human couldn’t contain his incessant coughing, blood didn’t leak out of Little Lord Fokke’s shoulder wound but Instead an oily black liquid flowed out; like fleshy pus of a rotten corpse mixed with formalin. Furthermore, one could distinctly notice the illusory image of that chakram still whirling against that wound, tearing it asunder with rampant frenzy!
“Retreat!” Still clutching his mouth, that human shouted a word, with blood already pouring out through the gaps of his hand,
It could be described that he had exhausted an enormous amount of strength to proclaim that word.
When that command echoed out, every pirate cleanly retreated away like a retiring tide! They even hauled along their dead comrades and weapons.
Chapter 583: Ferocity
As that figure climbed to the second floor in escape, he continued staggering and coughing; splattered drops of bright red repeatedly squeezed through the gaps of his fingers.
A spectacular sea of darkness was engulfing him. He shut his eyes and continued advancing forward even amidst a murky sky of darkness.
Pulses of weakness pierced his mental defenses, withering away his willpower.
In this instant, he truly felt tired of life as fatigue crept up his body insatiably, inciting a desire to take a peaceful rest……for all eternity.
Indeed, he was the lord of Chevalle’s pirate fleet! Chevalle himself.
Today, he had to engage in battle with Little Lord Fokke although his wounds hadn’t recovered from the recent naval war. Though it appears he had dealt a severe blow to Little Lord Fokke, to eradicate the contagious epidemic transmitted by Little Lord Fokke was absolutely not an easy feat.
While Chevalle’s pirates were retreating, a random clueless carriage rode past the tavern.
In the perspective of an individual in this carriage, the individual merely wished to survey the present commotion. After all, this tavern was indeed located in an exceptional strategic and prosperous region. Undoubtedly once something happens, seizing the first opportunity to snatch away this tavern would secure exceeding advantages for anyone.
Hence, the chauffeur of this carriage wished to obtain first hand information, and sell it off for a good value.
Yet when the carriage chauffeur observed a disorderly mess of corpses with his great eyesight, he decisively spurred the carriage away. He understood that his present strength didn’t warrant him the capability to participate in this battle. He definitely didn’t wish to become one of those gruesome corpses.
Because his attention being totally fixated on those heaps of corpses, he failed to notice a violently coughing Sheyan by the edge of the carriage.
Sheyan grabbed the edge and jumped into the carriage behind. His current figure was being shielded by the carriage, making it impossible for Little Lord Fokke to notice him. Only when that carriage had departed for a hundred metres, did Little Lord Fokke regain his senses, and hatefully pursued the carriage’s departing direction with large strides.
At this moment, the carriage chauffeur abruptly begun to cough lightly.
The pandemic virus disseminated by Little Lord Fokke was exceedingly obnoxious, yet it would flare up slower within an individual of higher physique and prowess. Moreover, the virus’ deadliness would also weaken in correlation. That was why Chevalle still managed to inflict a severe blow to Little Lord Fokke even in his weak and wounded state.
Nevertheless, the vilest aspect of Little Lord Fokke’s epidemic, was that it was impossible to prevent from flaring up. Once someone gets contaminated, it would merely be a matter time before it flares up. Once it flares up, it would definitely infiltrate the victim’s bone marrow like a parasitic maggot, and not disperse for a long time; issuing a pain of being flayed even if one didn’t die.
This carriage chauffeur had merely took a glance from afar, still he had been infected.
Yet probably because he only caught a tiny bit of the virus strain, its flaring up effects weren’t too severe. He only coughed and felt dizzy, while occasionally coughing out blood. Still, the carriage velocity inevitably declined.
When that happened, Sheyan leapt out of the carriage.
Clutching his chest, he strutted into another nearby tavern.
Little Lord Fokke continued pursuing with austere ice devoid of living vitality, dragging along heavy footsteps while emitting the clanking dreadfulness of his armour. He headed straight towards that bustling tavern…….
News of death would always spread rapidly. Moreover, Tortuga was a bustling port with a size equivalently to that of a small scale city in the modern world.
The pirates weren’t fools that would willingly be Sheyan’s scapegoat. Hence after a portion of an hour, the entire Tortuga became aware of a demon that had appeared in Tortuga.
That demon was currently in hot pursuit of a target. If one didn’t wish to die, then one should distance themselves. So much so that some pirates even disregarded everything and retired to their ships, in fear of the contagious pandemic.
Thus, Sheyan was thrown into dire circumstances. Moreover, he was constantly coughing out blood and staggering like a dying rat being toyed by a cat. Nevertheless, he painstakingly persevered, as he pulled himself along.
In the end, the greatest defence was offence. Sheyan was finally forced into desperation.
Right now, there was no other alternatives of escaping.
Behind him was a three hundred metres towering cliff, with scattered Wolf-fang cliffs beneath and consistent perpetual large waves crashing against them. Countless splashes of white foam resulted before the waves receded back into the ocean.
Without a doubt, landing onto those reefs was a definite if one lost his footing, and fell from such an altitude. Death would be inevitable, so much so that becoming crippled or a vegetable would be out of the question.
Little Lord Fokke marched a step forward, a pair of icy eyes shining with an inhumane gaze behind his helmet’s visor.
“Hand, over, the diary, to me, and I shall spare you a quick death.”
Sheyan abruptly lowered his head as he wiped his bloodstained mouth. “Do you still remember that red birthmark?”
Little Lord Fokke casted a vacant expression towards him.
Sheyan then curled his lips into a smirk. “Ah, that red birthmark atop our beautiful Lady Sally Hepburn’s left bosom. Could it be our venerable Lord Fokke has forgotten even after toying countless times?”
Instantly, Little Lord Fokke’s body turned rigid!!!
Sally Hepburn was a name that was seemingly inscribed within Little Fokke’s soul! How could he forget, how will he forget?
Even when Little Lord Fokke had given up everything, he refused to forsake this memory. Although this memory came with a tormenting ache, Little Lord Fokke would direct this torment towards cultivating his strength; unleashing the torment he suffered ten folds against his opponents!
While Little Lord Fokke’s mind was still plainly distracted, Sheyan continued spewing his toxic words as though he was a poisonous serpent.
“I heard the relationship between husband and wife was filled with loving affection, but your impotence failed to satisfy your wife. Her excessive emptiness fueled her lust to fool around with guards, fool around with your servants, with a bartender, and even a pirate…”
“You.” Little Lord Fokke’s voice remained icy cold, but his rapidly heaving chest revealed his agitated demeanor. “Sally didn’t fool around with any bartender!”
“Oh, she did.” Sheyan very assuredly shrugged his shoulders. “Because I am that bartender.” When his words came out, Little Lord Fokke hesitated awhile before perceiving the underlying meaning.
He no longer uttered a single word, or perhaps, he didn’t wish to continue this mindless chatter.
Sheyan continued to fuel the raging fire, as he earnestly reiterated the steamy encounter of Sally Hepburn and Jack Sparrow he witnessed that day. The only difference was, he replaced Jack Sparrow with himself.
One had to admit, Little Lord Fokke was awfully clear on his wife’s unusual habits when committing the deed. Furthermore, Sheyan craftily explained them in great details, crafting a story that couldn’t be refuted!
Instantly, Little Lord Fokke charged at Sheyan with frenzied aggression. He no longer desired to listen to this affair, one that felt like frantic burning lashes flogging his naked heart. A fanatical fury thoroughly engulfed Little Lord Fokke in this instance.
In a flash, Little Lord Fokke unleashed streaks of ‘Pestering Death’! Black magic that carried the terrifying rot of pandemic death! The black gaseous could be vividly seen congealing into substance around Little Lord Fokke, forming into slender tendrils that twisted towards his nemesis ahead.
Sheyan attempted to roll and evade but couldn’t help shrieking miserably, as he was evidently tortured by immense pain.
Little Lord Fokke appeared exceedingly pleased with such an outcome, taking great delight in his nemesis’s bitter screams. Only by torturing his nemesis for three days and night, could he finally appease the resentment in his heart!
Hence, he continued frenziedly unleashing streaks of bitter black magic, while offering some leeway for Sheyan to defend; preventing Sheyan from being directly dealt a fatal blow.
Under the mournful screams of his nemesis, Little Lord Fokke gradually calmed down as he suddenly felt something was amiss.
That’s right!! Why was this scoundrel screaming so loudly. Technically speaking, he should already be gasping for his last breath!
Moreover, why isn’t there a single trace of festering black on his skin?
Thinking of that, Little Lord Fokke’s pupils instantly constricted. He immediately pulled out his awe-inspiring, chilling Symbol Ice sword, before beheading down onto the cowering Sheyan!
Yet at this instant, his heart flushed with an unexplainably queer sensation.
This was an exceptionally foreign sensation. The previous time he felt such a sensation, was probably when he heard of Sally’s betrayal.
Still, an incisive sword blade, emanating faint white mist, whizzed down; slashing straight for the grounded and cowering Sheyan, as it threatened to directly sever his head from his neck.
But at this very moment, the cowering Sheyan suddenly stretched out his hand and seized the icy sharp blade!
A thin sky ice instantly condensed onto his palm, rapidly freezing his hand! In spite of that, the sword blade only sufficed to cut through half the fleshy palm, before halting in its path!
This forbearing pervert wolf was finally baring its malicious fangs!!
Chapter 584: The truth behind the scenes
Viewing that his Symbolic sword unexpectedly couldn’t cut through a fleshy hand, Little Lord Fokke fumed out.
“Ye, have been feigning, all this while!”
Sheyan slowly stood up with his head still inclined down. His eyes were covered by his hair, but his body was exuberating an exceedingly bewildering baleful aura!
One could clearly observe, the black gaseous strands emitted from Little Lord Fokke were hovering around Sheyan’s mouth, nose, ears and eyes. Instead, they appeared like dew on a lotus leaf, seemingly unable to pervade in.
“Ah, you got it right. My painstaking contemplation and forbearance in arranging layers of plans…..everything, was all in anticipation for this moment!”
“Today is the lowest and weakest point of your life, Mr Fokke. You shall surely die by my hands!”
At this instant, the clouds above dispersed away as the bewitching and deathly pale moonlight cascaded down onto Sheyan’s body.
Instantly, something weird occurred.
Sheyan’s clothes shockingly turned wretchedly tattered, seemingly shredded apart by the ravages of time, scattering out speckles of dust along the sea breeze.
Even weirder, was an eerie white skeletal hand that now grasped around his saber shaft. Only dried up and tough tendons connected the finger joints!
Indeed, Sheyan had actually morphed into a skeleton under the illuminating moonlight!
No wonder Little Lord Fokke’s epidemic disease was totally incapable of harming him! His purposeful actions of coughing blood came from ‘acting props’ like prepared blood bags, all for the sake of conducting a marvelous performance!
Looking back, Sheyan’s ploy had actually commenced when he had first arrived at Tortuga.
That was a time where he still didn’t know that the ‘Dead Sea Scroll’ would point him towards Little Lord Fokke.
Nevertheless, he was deeply aware of the irreconcilable conflict that existed between him and that redoubtable existence!
Firstly, in the perspective of his own interest, he definitely desired to unseal the ‘Diary of Morgan Fokke’. The hidden secrets concealed within it could possibly unearth the deepest mystery residing in this world. Sheyan was all along extremely hopeful of acquiring another legend level, of which its benefits didn’t require elaborating. Yet to unseal this diary, he undoubtedly had to contest against Little Lord Fokke.
To Little Lord Fokke, even though Sheyan didn’t intend to seek him out, that exact sentiments definitely wasn’t reciprocated. The hatred of murdering one’s wife definitely paled in comparison to one who committing adultery with one’s wife. Despite so, the deep affection between Little lord Fokke and his wife caused his inability to compromise on this hatred.
Therefore, Sheyan had already made two nemeses in the Pirates of the Caribbean world right from the start. The first was Ammand and the second was Little Lord Fokke.
Both nemeses offered their own distinctive threats to Sheyan, and were both immensely severe.
Based on overall might, Ammand had presently raised himself as the largest force of the Black Sea pirates. In comparison to Little Lord Fokke’s destituted family, his overall might was ten folds greater.
However, in terms of individual battle power, Little Lord Fokke was at least ten folds amplified that of Ammand!
Ten years ago, the redoubtable Little Lord Fokke had brazenly slaughtered into the legendary Black Pearl, relying on his diabolical epidemic disease to commit wanton homicides before retreating.
Ten years later, Sheyan had personally witnessed the deadliness of Little Lord Fokke in Jiejie’s golden tent. Such deadliness could only described as pure terror. The potency of his Black Death once recklessly propagated, could overcome the apertures of space and easily kill with a snap of the fingers!
Such terrifying battle powers could probably be considered near the peak of the Pirates of the Caribbean world.
Fortunately, there was no chance for both parties to collaborate. Otherwise, Sheyan could only flee like the wind.
In truth, Sheyan had been constantly pondering this matter ever since his encounter with Little Lord Fokke in Jiejie’s tent. Exactly what was the extent of Little Lord Fokke’s strength?
Through the display in the golden tent, the killing elements of Little Lord Fokke was focused on his epidemic disease and malevolent chilliness. After Sheyan managed to uncover some truths pertaining to the past war between the Black Pearl and the Fokke family from Joshamee, he started making bold assumptions.
Could he affirm this one matter – was the invincible Lord Fokke only adept in those two aspects?
Harboring such suspicions, Sheyan began his investigations and realized his assumption was very possibly correct.
From there, Sheyan could make a further inference.
Little Lord Fokke was adorned in full body knightly armour, but this posed another clear question – The flesh beneath the armour would be very susceptible to damages, which could even be fatal damages. Otherwise, why would he be wearing such full body armour? It clearly affected his personal movement speed. Just recall the undying feral gents of the Black Pearl. They were all wearing sleeveless shirts and didn’t wear even a single piece of leather vest. Some of them even remained bare bodied!
Thus, the biggest question before Sheyan was, what method could substantially reduce or negate the pandemic disease and frost attacks of Little Lord Fokke?
At first notice, Sheyan had immediately thought of the curse of the Aztec gold! The frightening curse that transformed the Black Pearl pirates into undying skeletons!
However, that curse was still completely foreign to Sheyan then. Furthermore, his military rank was still limited, and was unable to investigate relevant information even if he was willing to fork up a large sump of utility points. Whether that curse could affect contestants or the extent of its effects, everything was an unknown.
Fortunately, Sheyan was still in possession of a magnificent item he reaped from the realm war previously! That was the ‘Unmodeled Amnio-tank’. That meant that even if Sheyan guessed wrong about the curse and a grave error resulted, it wouldn’t go as far as being a single slip that caused an everlasting sorrow; leaving him without the chance of a comeback.
Thus, Sheyan decided to gamble. More crucially, it was a gamble he could afford to lose!
Back when he was about to reach for the stone chest of Aztec accursed gold from the Black Pearl’s treasure trove, the nightmare imprint had precisely notified him……he mustn’t touch the gold coins without putting gloves on. Otherwise, it would result in untold fatal consequences.
After hesitating for a brief while, Sheyan had directly reached his hand in without any protective measures! He had grabbed a single Aztec accursed gold coin!
At that moment, he instantly felt an unexplainable sensation transmitting through his body. Furthermore, he had also started hallucinating.
He hallucinated of illusory stars, as titanic feathered serpents soared through space. Illusions of pyramids being constructed on the earth. The glory of Apollo being illuminated on earth. The majesty of the Aztec Kingdom was sung and praised through millions of mouths.
Within a flash in Sheyan’s hallucination, millions of souls had abruptly emerged and orbited over the gold coins. He could see remote wails and blood-curdling screams, merciless bloodshed and the insanity of a tyrant!
Such hallucination sensation was exceedingly torturous and testing to one’s mental state. It was akin to stretching one’s mental state like a rubber band, stretching to its limits then loosening, stretching again then loosening. It was truly a sensation of one’s mind crumbling completely.
At that point in time, Sheyan had gritted his teeth and endured the splitting headache for only 5 seconds. He had actually felt a fatal crisis coming his way, and consigned to his contingency of having to activate the ‘Unmodeled Amnio-tank’.
Fortunately, a sudden pulse of warmth abruptly ascended from his chest. Soon after, he could see an edifice resembling a palace atop a mountain peak, surging down as it covered his illusory skies. Then, it viciously slammed down onto his hallucinatory world, while remaining motionlessly imposing. From then, those sinister and terrifying illusions of miserable howls could no longer shake Sheyan’s mental fortitude.
That situation lasted for approximately 30 seconds. Then, when that curse seemingly couldn’t find a way to crush Sheyan, his nightmare imprint had transmitted a list of notification.
[ You are inflicted by the Aztec’s final curse (weakened by your ability ‘Stronghold’) ]
[ This is a curse placed by the last ruler of the Aztec Empire, Montecuhzoma. During the ancient past, the gave Aztecs 882 identical pieces of Aztec gold to the conquistador Hernán Cortés as blood money paid to stem the slaughter of the Aztec citizens. But instead, Cortés violated his promise after receiving this gift and continued his wanton and avaricious devastation of Aztec folk. In response, the heathen gods placed a curse upon the gold – any mortal who removed a piece of the gold from the chest would be punished for eternity ]
[ Aztec’s final curse: You will plunge into a semi-undying state – Effects of diseases, bleeding, pertify, charm, frostbite, dark element damages, or any controlling effects will be reduced by 99%! All damages received will be reduced by 50%. However, these aforementioned effects are ineffective on contestants. (Due to the resistance of an unknown source, this property has gone into effect ) ]
[ Semi-undying state: Exposure to moonlight will project you as a skeletal image ]
[ You lose all sense of smell and taste. Any medicine will lose its effect on you, inclusive of honorary dosages. During the duration of this curse, you will not receive any utility and potential points from completion of mission. Dead storyline characters will only drop key storyline items/ mission items that you require, but will not drop equipment/ utility points/ ability scroll loots etc ]
[ Once this curse flares up, one of your basic attribute will be deducted by 3 points. For every 24 hours this curse remains on you, a random 1-2 points of basic attribute will be deducted. However, deducted attribute points will not affect the relevant bonus attribute properties/abilities you have already acquired ]
Upon browsing through the notifications, Sheyan wasn’t surprised at all. Moreover, his agility was instantly deducted by 3 points after the curse flared up.
Nevertheless, he felt all these would be worth it if he could eliminate Little Lord Fokke. All along, he believed that his harvest from that would vastly exceed what he would lose!
One thing to take note, this curse was weakened by Sheyan’s ‘Stronghold’ ability. If others desired to rely on this curse for benefits, that wouldn’t be very plausible.
Chapter 585: One eighth of battle power!
Little Lord Fokke no longer bothered with superfluous words to a nemesis who laboriously plotted against him. Further conversations were now pointless. His eyes burned like will o’wisps. A desolated chilliness instantly jolted up Sheyan’s frost coated saber shaft, and bore right into his heart.
Since all of Sheyan’s cards were already revealed, he no longer tarried and pulled out his ‘+7 West’ saber, before slashing it towards Little Lord Fokke.
Little Lord Fokke instantly swept his sword out, causing both blades to clash in mid air as sparks, frost and blue glitters scattered out.
Grunting simultaneously, both parties exerted their strength as they pressured against each other!
Black gaseous strands continued churning and congealing into essences around Little Lord Fokke. Their faces were separated by merely 20 centimetres with two crisscrossed acute blades. Their eyes both threatened to rip open their rival’s chest and carve each other’s heart out!
Sheyan groaned as he channeled in more strength, pushing Little lord Fokke half a step backwards.
One could observe strands of purplish corrosive fumes leaking out of the gash caused by Chevalle on Little Lord Fokke’s shoulder armour. Pouring out like blood, the fumes reacted with sizzling acidic sounds as it touched the floor! Extremely pungent spiralling white fumes then eroded out.
Though waves of rich corrosive gas continued emanating out from Little Lord Fokke within this tiny gap of half a metre, Little Lord Fokke’s declining strength could already be seen from his struggle.
At present, he had indeed plunged to his weakest state after falling into Sheyan’s deliberate plotting.
Firstly, he probably had to expend a good half of his dark magic, for him and Momore to traverse through space to reach Sheyan. His personal summoning was the first weakening disadvantage.
The second weakening advantage laid in him having to depart from his own homeground to do battle. Thus, his battle powers would probably decline once again.
Next was demon horse Momore being entrapped by the undying Black Pearl pirates. Inevitably, a knight without a horse would naturally be weaker as compared to his optimal state.
Following that, was his rampant onslaught while pursuing Sheyan previously! Although the souls he killed could be converted into replenishment of strength, it required a period of time. It was just like consuming nutritional products wouldn’t provide instant effects. At the most, the nutritional products had to be absorbed by the intestines first.
Therefore, those dead souls would require 3 days before they could be converted into battle power for Little Lord Fokke. As such, the dark magic and energy he consumed during his onslaught wouldn’t be replenished temporarily! Moreover, he was even dealt a severe blow by Chevalle along the way. This caused his battle power to wane once again!
Which goes to say, Little Lord Fokke’s standard battle power had been chiselled away gradually through the different layers of Sheyan’s ploy! Moreover, Little Lord Fokke’s most lethal epidemic and dark frost effects could be nearly negated by Sheyan! Right now, it could be said he was merely at an eighth of his battle power.
This was why Sheyan had the confidence and guts to challenge him!
One could imagine how formidable an optimal state Little Fokke would be. He was truly a peak fighter with freakish strength that could contest a legendary ship single handedly. Of course, the accursed Black Pearl would be now an exception.
“This repugnant…..insect!”
Little Lord Fokke’s icy eyes were fixated deadly on the devilish skeleton before him. He could feel the depths of his body issuing pangs of weakening. His breathing also gradually turned heavier, and an absurd notion was conceived in his heart.
“Could it be after abandoning my lordship, my wealth, pleasures of beauty in exchange for my unrivalled and boundless strength….after despising the world for a decade, where even legendary figures couldn’t threaten me……holding the sacred altar of life in my hands……but now, am I to be buried in the hands of a lowly worm-like figure?”
After this notion was conceived, the icy eyes of Little Lord Fokke instantly transformed into empty cavities! Within a split second, a flicker of malevolence ignited like a jack-o’-lantern in his eyes!
Meanwhile, Sheyan’s magnificent long saber hacked against the wound left behind by Chevalle, ripping out a violent diffusion of corrosive purplish fumes as they coiled around Sheyan’s body.
Consecutively, a blizzard like vortex swirled around Little Lord Fokke’s right hand, before he pushed it towards Sheyan!
In a flash, an unfathomably low temperature enveloped Sheyan’s body. That sensation was as though the cheeks of a million deathly cold corpses, were being tightly pasted onto his skin; the rapacious desires of the dead absorbing away his vitality warmth.
Strike of Shivering Winds!!!
Crackle! Crackle! The fracturing sounds of shattering ice shards scuttled intensely around Sheyan’s body.
Seizing this moment, Little Lord Fokke raised his Symbolic Ice Sword and chopped down!
Whizz! The blade of his Symbolic sword instantly unleashed an incredibly chilling Icicle arrow, as it pierced through the air and shot towards Sheyan!
Sheyan barely managed to swipe his saber in response, as his ‘+7 West’ struck upwards against the Icicle arrow; shattering it into minute ice shards as they ripped out deep scars onto Sheyan’s skeletal surface.
After releasing a sigh of relief, Sheyan immediately noticed Little Lord Fokke’s mouth swelling up. Pffft!!! A regiment of revolving phosphorescent ghost flames suddenly barreled out his mouth.
Sheyan currently had exceedingly high resistance to epidemic diseases and frost, but his resistance to flames were only mediocre. Stunned by this, he could only utilize his hands to block.
At this moment, the clouds covered the moonlight once again, prompting Sheyan to return to his human form. The next second, that regiment of slender phosphorescent ghost flames blazed against his hand.
The flames pressed and distorted against his hand, before its fiery burns contaminated his flesh and set it ablaze! Broiling sizzling sounds erupted from his hand, where the phosphorescent ghost flames constantly wrestled against his hand like a reluctant untamed serpent.
Strictly speaking, Little Lord Fokke had broke away from his intrinsic nature as a knight, and was employing his sword more like a wizard wand. He would frequently cast out various strange dark magic arts. The only difference between him and a sorcerer, was the impregnably thick armour he adorned and his hellish demon horse mount!
Noticing that Sheyan was about to extinguish that regiment of ghost flames, Little Lord Fokke shockingly punched his shoulder wound; inciting a large batch of dark purplish fumes to pour out towards the regiment of ghost flames.
Instantaneously, the regiment of ghost flames started rummaging with reignited combustion. Distorted and anguished faces repeatedly floated up from it, coupled with wails of agony.
Though their decisive battle had reached its climax, those wails completely overwhelmed the intensity of battle; emitting out colliding sounds of an airtight space. Their lamentations were shrilling and domineering, utterly akin to a poltergeist*!
(TN: A poltergeist is a type of ghost or other supernatural entity which is responsible for physical disturbances, such as loud noises and objects being moved or destroyed.)
The ghost inferno burned with great intensity, melting away Sheyan’s flesh as his bodily fluids dripped down. His bodily fluids were like fuel that continue burning with patches of greenish-black ghost flames, scorching even the solid ground rocks with crackles.
Facing such an unguardable attack, a desperate bloodlust soared within Sheyan’s heart.
Those incessant cauterizing damages activated the passive ability of his ‘Barbarous Crust Armour’. Sheyan’s courageous and domineering temper once again flared up from the depths of his soul as he roared; not consigning himself to retreat anymore, but instead to retaliate!
As he continued carrying an inferno of fiery ghost flames, he hacked away his saber at Little lord Fokke!
At this instance, the consequence of losing his mount surfaced. Still recovering from the casting time of his dark magic, he couldn’t dodge in time as Sheyan’s ferocious chopping saber came slashing down; offense against offense, trading damage with damage!
Oceanic-blue glitters sparkled out repetitively, alongside the continued piercing sounds of cleaving bones and flesh!
Following Sheyan’s final cutting blade, his gloves suddenly twinkled with silvery radiance as moisty vapour came frantically converging from all sides, combining into a massive azure bubble that trapped Little Lord Fokke within. Right now, every motion of his would have to be done with great difficulty!
This was the passive ability, ‘Tidal Shock’, of Sheyan’s newly acquired ‘Deformed Thickshell’ gloves. If Little Lord Fokke didn’t pop the bubble, he would have to suffer the negative state of 80% movement speed decline!
Facing such an unexpected development, Little Lord Fokke’s slight hesitation caused him to eat another blade slash from Sheyan! Furthermore, this blade had actually slashed out two explosive strikes!
Kacha! Another half a chunk of Little Lord Fokke’s shoulder armour was struck flying, while the entire shoulder plate was now dangling down. Purplish black gaseous flooded out wildly, morphing into absolved countenances of vengeful souls who frantically escaped.
It seemed like Little Lord Fokke had actually sealed an innumerable amount of agonizing dead souls within his body, which was the source of his dark magic!
Without delays, Sheyan once again lifted his saber. Amidst the blue glitters of his ‘+7 West’, golden brilliance were also faintly glimmering as the divine might of Odin adhered onto it. One could fathom how tremendous the damage dealt on Little Lord Fokke was, as Sheyan slashed his blade down!
With this slash, he completely sliced off the injured shoulder of Little Lord Fokke. Spinning high into the air, the arm appeared like discarded junk as it landed onto the ground.
Yet concurrently, a frosty shimmer appeared in Little Lord Fokke’s other hand as he abruptly congealed out a long ice spear! The shape of his Ice spear astoundingly resembled those jousting long spears that knights of the medieval ages had!
Sheyan wasn’t aware that before Little Lord Fokke became depraved, he had vanquished three powerful challengers during the jousting knight selections of Britain that year!
Little Lord Fokke then ferociously hurled out the long Ice spear in his hand!
A jolt of chilliness flashed out as the ice spear penetrated into Sheyan’s chest. At this instance, the left side of his body instantly turned numbed! Blood gushed out from his back before rapidly coagulating into strands of scarlet icicles!
Without wavering in its momentum, that ice spear dragged Sheyan for 5-6 metres before impaling him onto a cliff rock behind.
Chapter 586: I see only darkness before me!
Evidently, Little Lord Fokke understood that even such an attack definitely wasn’t fatal to Sheyan.
Borrowing this chance, Little Lord Fokke picked up his own severed arm with a nonchalant demeanor. He didn’t reattach his severed arm to his body, but instead lifted it up high above his helmet!
With an oppressive voice that resonated in one’s thoracic cavity, he offered.
“Accept my tribute! O mighty host!”
Above Little Lord Fokke’s helmet, an appalling hexagram styled magic array emerged in mid air; completely devouring his decapitated arm! Following that, a layer of hazy blood glow enveloped Little Lord Fokke’s body as he sauntered towards Sheyan with large strides!
His eye sockets had shockingly transformed into ghastly ice swirls, seemingly desiring to insatiably devour anything his gaze could behold.
Sheyan glanced into Little Lord Fokke’s eyes and suddenly felt as though his organs we reflexively churning up. Even his train of thought was stirring up and agitating his body with a threatening pressure.
His subconscious thought was reflecting this – An arrogant and berserking taste of balefulness was being borne!
Within seconds, Sheyan felt as though he was submerged into a nightmare. His thoughts were totally incapable of controlling his bodily rhythm!
“Conceive! Satan’s will!” The icy cold voice of Little Lord Fokke rung in Sheyan’s ear.
This was a powerful spirit type dark magic of Little Lord Fokke – Satan’s Descent. Utilizing the evil thoughts of the human heart as nourishment to excavate the sinister craziness of one’s heart, thereby bringing upon internal condemnation and destruction!
Within an instant, Sheyan’s HP started plunging rapidly. At this moment, he quickly activated the party ability ‘Gloryheal’! Although his accursed state prevented him from using medicines, this regeneration ability could still be effective.
Watching Sheyan grinding his teeth as he persevered, Little Lord Fokke widened his mouth in a seemingly impossible manner, spanning his mouth open in a terrifying 270 degrees angle that surpassed the limitations of humans. It was a widened mouth that covered half his face!
Following that, countless grieving souls came pouring out ludicrously!
The atmosphere was filled with reckless screeches as those fanatical evil spirits flushed out.
However, after a fleeting moment of freedom, those grieving souls returned under Little Lord Fokke’s manipulation again; forming into devils that wielded human bones, cow skeletons, goat horns, ghostly hammers and various demonic artifacts! They appeared like an ungodly array of terror, before drilling straight into Sheyan’s seven apertures.
The ‘Satan’s Will’ attack was an unparalleled controlling ability of devastating persisting damages. The damage type incurred were all true damages! Regardless of one’s defence or the resistance of the Aztec curse! Everything paled in frailness as compared to such an incomparably outrageous attack!
But at this very moment, a layer of formless red glow emerged from Sheyan’s chest; a glow resembling the boiling radiation of blood. A glow that appeared like a lofty plateau, as boundless as the earth! It forcibly suppressed down onto Sheyan’s body, and minimally obstructed away a third of those devils drilling towards Sheyan! Then like a cornerstone, it dispelled away a tiny portion of the black glows enshrouding Sheyan!
Indeed, this was Sheyan’s innate ability – Stronghold!
In the face of true damages, this ability still obstinately and tenaciously came into effect! Not only was ‘Stronghold’ able to forcefully absorb 40 points of all kinds of damages, it would also reduce the duration of all negative states by 25%!
Even true damages were now being slashed into grains by the halberd known as ‘Stronghold’!
Yet more crucially, with the constant regeneration of ‘Gloryheal’ and the duration of ‘Satan’s will’ being slashed by 25%, it became insufficient to condemn Sheyan to death!
Sheyan finally regained his freedom. Despite his HP already falling below 30% and despite his body being riddled in wounds, Little lord Fokke could intensely sensed the vigor of his opponent suddenly inflating like a volcanic eruption! It was analogous to the split second of rampaging frenzy that overcomes a wild beast, before a spear pierces into its head. It was as though any area those pair of blazing eyes glared at would experiencing a scorching agony.
Within a twinkling of an eye, Sheyan pulled out his black musket!
A flintlock musket that even the ocean tides would conform to……it now coldly aimed across!
“Penitence??! How could it show up here?”
As he stared into ‘Ambition’s’ black barrel, Little Lord Fokke’s face revealed an indescribable expression. Moreover, he actually addressed this musket as ‘Penitence’!
His lips shivered as he attempted to reach out for the musket. Although Sheyan didn’t know what was going on, he seized this glorious opportunity and pressed the trigger!
BOOM!! Little Lord Fokke’s black helmet was struck flying backwards, after receiving a lead bullet infused with an astronomical kinetic force.
An ashen middle-aged male face was exposed with a head full of floating white hair.
At this instant, Kraken Paul’s ink also smeared completely on Little Lord Fokke’s body. Immediately, Little Lord Fokke issued a tormented countenance as he clutched his head, probably caused by the 2 second stun of ‘Rum & Songs’.
By now, Sheyan had already buried his head forward as he rushed in while hauling along his oceanic-blue glittering long saber. Raising his long saber as he leapt through the air, he summoned his full strength and thrusted towards the decapitated wound of Little Lord Fokke’s shoulder!
Such was the ruthlessness of his thrust, that even the saber shaft of ‘+7 West’ had deeply poked against the Little Lord Fokke’s flesh. However, Sheyan felt as though he had stabbed his weapon deep into a boundless hollow!
After abruptly retracting his saber, pungent purplish black fluids spurted over his whole face.
Little Lord Fokke then released a mournful roar as he swiped his Symbolic sword towards Sheyan’s face. However, Sheyan’s fist once again smashed heftily against the wound stabbed by his long saber, his unstoppable might plummeting into the mangled wound!
Although his fist smashed into Little lord Fokke’s body, he felt as though his hand was being devoured by the mouths of innumerable icy corpses. Within a split second, he lost feeling of his hand. Yet before that happened, his fist was already tightly clenched.
As it turns out, there was unexpectedly, a tiny bottle hidden within his fist!
An ordinary glass bottle.
Instead, the liquid contained in the glass bottle was absolutely special. It was holy water that Sheyan expended generously to acquire from a roman merchant. Holy water blessed by the pope of the Apostolic Palace!
When Sheyan had tightened his grip around the glass bottle, it instantly shattered; allowing the holy water to splash forth! Liquid filled with a rich holy essence poured into the depths of Little Lord Fokke’s body. This scene practically could be described as dripping oil in a deep fryer.
The existence of pure radiance had actually appeared within the frailest nexus of sinister darkness. Instantaneously, an unprecedentedly violent reaction occurred, giving rise to a terrifying destructive force of unmatched proportions!
This was a force akin to primal chaos!
Feeling something was amiss, Sheyan immediately seized the impact of his face being cleaved by the Symbolic sword to leap backwards. Though that was so, his arm was ripped apart and remained lodged within Little lord Fokke’s body.
Soon after, a monumental destructive force shredded Sheyan’s hand asunder into speckles of dust!
Not only so, after polar opposites of light and darkness converged, the astronomical primal chaos force resulted was like a vortex seeking to absorb his entire body in. If Sheyan hadn’t leapt backwards, he would’ve definitely been caught off guard and suffer a horrendous fate!
In spite of that, that powerful suction force seemingly threatened to pull one’s soul in.
Sheyan instantly sprawled onto the ground after leaping backwards, as his chin was scraped ruthlessly against the ground. His only remaining hand was now tightly gripping around a rock.
Fortunately, the volume of holy water was merely a tiny bottle, and the primal chaos force faded as quick as it came; vanishing with a short span of seconds.
Little Lord Fokke remained sluggish where he was, his expression lifelessly vacant; stoning for a long while like a mannequin. Eventually, his knees bent in a reverse mountain shape as he knelt onto the ground. Still, he remained unwilling to collapse, stabbing his Symbolic sword into the ground to support his body!
With the abstruse darkness of his decapitated shoulder, large clumps of cyan fumes were spiralling out.
Those cyan fumes formed into human faces, faces that were evidently peaceful and calm; as though they were meditatively praying. Then, the faces rapidly drifted towards the skies above.
When those cyan fumes eventually depleted, sparkles begun wafting out from within. Those sparkles were cold and indistinct, and finally hovered before Little Lord Fokke’s face; morphing into the projection of his most beloved Sally.
This was the only humanly affection that Little Lord Fokke had not forsaken. This was his only weakness where his defeat stemmed from!
At present, Little Lord Fokke had recovered his human form. He now appeared like a forty or so year old british lord, except for his haggard, decadent and pale face. There was a sliver of anxiousness in his face as he powerlessly leaned his face towards the pure, mother Mary-like Sally projection. Then, he reached out both hands and offered with an exhausted and weak voice.
“Sally….I see, only darkness…before me……”*
Amidst the turbulent sea, the bright moonlight cascaded down onto this towering cliff.
This moment had seemingly froze and turned fuzzy.
The only clarity remained the outline of a kneeling man clad in knightly armour.
Even though darkness remained discharging out from this man, this scene would be profoundly engraved into the strokes of writings for years to come!
[ Great Ocean era. Year 243, June, 2 am in the wee hours of the morning ]
[ Present successor of the Fokke family, Caterly Fokke, dies. ]
[ Age: 48 years old ]
(TL:*Author asked chinese readers to guess where this line came from. Let me give you guys the answer though, it was the final words that Arthas (or the lich king) offered before he died. Basically, his inspiration for Little Lord Fokke was Arthas of the World of Warcraft)
Since some of you were complaining about the teaser, so I figured I’ll just post Friday’s chapter now as well to spare you guys from the cliff. Then again, there’s always a higher cliff on the other side. The next chapter will be out 3 days later.
Please bare with the following blank chapter, this is due to some technical mistake i made with the system that I can’t undo.
Chapter 587: Summoning the flagship anywhere!!!
[ Note: The ‘Dead Sea Scroll’ is exclusive in this realm. Therefore, the secrets made known from it through Caterly Fokke’s relevant mission dropped loots, will be exclusive to this realm. This secret will never again surface in this realm ]
Sheyan couldn’t appreciate the scene of Little Lord Fokke’s exceedingly noble death.
Grimacing as his teeth chattered, the fingers of his remaining hand dug into the soil. This was because his severed arm was now experiencing an unbearably searing pain. A pain that was simply unexplainable, as though every cell of his obliterated arm was wailing despondently. Waves of searing pain tormented in mind!
This was the remnic manifestation of the primal chaos force that had leaked into Sheyan’s body!
Though Sheyan endured the boiling agony for a trifling ten seconds, his organs felt like it had been ten excruciatingly long years! Fortunately, the pain went as fast as it came and disappeared without a trace.
When Sheyan glanced at his mangled arm, he got a huge fright. The corrosion of his wound was full of ‘pot-holes’, a similarly impression of rocks being eroded by the winds in the Gobi desert!
After wiping his head full of cold sweat, Sheyan stood back up with great difficulty. He then marched towards Little Lord Fokke’s noble body and sighed, before picking up a dropped key.
A crimson blood key!
It emanated the exact same brilliance as the ‘Dead Sea Scroll’.
Under normal circumstances, it would be absolutely impossible for Sheyan to defeat Little Lord Fokke, even if he was weakened to an eighth of his battle power, or even without his horse.
Based on his incomparably horrifying epidemic disease and his malevolent frost, it would be sufficient to eradicate Sheyan’s party Ace within a short time; each falling to the deadliness of his Black Death.
Thus, even if Little Lord Fokke hadn’t been struck severely by Chevalle, the presently accursed Sheyan still wouldn’t harbour hopes of obtaining any equipments or divine artifact like items. After picking up that crimson blood key, he casually attempted to execute his ‘Pirate Captain’ plundering ability before fleeing!
Never forget, Sheyan was still carrying a single Aztec accursed gold! With Little Lord Fokke’s death, the demon horse Momore would definitely feel a certain connection of soul link.
If it was devoted to Little Lord Fokke, it would surely rush here to rescue its master. Otherwise, it would choose to make away with its newly found freedom. Furthermore, those Black Pearl pirates would undoubtedly still sense the existence of the Aztec gold on Sheyan. Their first response would inevitably be to pursue him.
Nevertheless, his only solace was that there was only two more hours to the completion deadline of his main mission. Moreover, the island of Tortuga port spanned over 30-40 square kilometres. Furthermore, he was squaring up with the relatively weaker members of the Black pearl. It wouldn’t be a huge problem trying to grind through these two hours.
While escaping, Sheyan could still afford to examine the list of battle information from before.
[ Your plundering ability has failed. Your power disparity between you and your target is too great. You are unable to plunder any item of value ]
“As expected.” Sheyan wasn’t surprised by that notification. Hence, he didn’t feel dejected either and continued to advance ahead.
[ Your actions have led to the demise of an important storyline character – Little Lord Fokke ]
[ Your actions will have a definite influence in the storyline progression of this world ]
[ You receive 3+1 achievement points (legend level attributes to +1) ]
[ Your pirate reputation will be raised by 10,000 points if you wish to publicise this matter. Yes / No ]
[ If yes, every additional person of this world knowing this matter would supply an additional +3 pirate reputation ]
After hesitating slightly, Sheyan selected ‘yes’!
To him, he was no longer that weak little Crew Head of the Bell and Mug. Right now, he was the formidable Seaman Yan who commanded a quasi-legendary warship! He now had full faith in his abilities to meet any challenger!
After choosing to publicise, Sheyan’s reputation amongst the pirates continued to soar even though it was already ‘Worshipped’ before this. When his reputation reached ‘Worshipped (15,000 points)’, Sheyan suddenly received yet another nightmare imprint notification.
[ Your pirate reputation has reached Worshipped (15,000 points) ]
[ You possess the Black-Iron title: Pirate Captain ]
[ You have met the qualifications to trigger the Bronze class title: Pirate Commander ]
[ You must first possess a fleet of no less than five ships. You must possess at least one quasi-legendary ship amongst your fleet, two 5-masted ships while other ships cannot be lower than the 3-masted rate! ]
[ Details: After promoting to this step, and after becoming sovereign of any naval territory, you will be able to summon your incredibly indomitable flagship anywhere! Let your foes witness your prestige of sweeping the seven seas! ]
When Sheyan first examined the bronze class title ‘Pirate Commander’, he wasn’t stirred emotionally. However…..the next notification caused his blood to rush up his head!!
“Summon my indomitable flagship anywhere!!!!”
In this instant. Sheyan wished so badly that he could fork out any price, to continue staying for another month in this world! Nevertheless, the cruel reality foiled his fantasy.
Under the dark of night, a piercing pistol gunfire echoed from behind. This was followed by hysterical cursing, which was the unique cooperative berating of Pintel and Ragetti.
“Ye bilge-suckin’ thief! Silly ass madman! Beast! Yer better not allow Ragetti to find ya. Otherwise, ye shall taste the flavour of me fiery fork!”
“Shut yer trap Ragetti! You ought to say that after we capture him. Be a little gentler will ya, tell em’ to hand over the gold or cease his runnin’ and we shall contemplate forgoin’ his punishment.”
“I’ve never lied, Pintel! Never will!”
“I told yer to shut it, idiot. Or shall I stuff yer false eye in your mouth?”
Sheyan shrugged his shoulders as he casually activated the enhanced movement speed of his soul equipment, ‘Endless Spirited Vodka’. Then, he strained himself as he fled towards the reefs of Tortuga’s shores.
The terrain here was awfully complex. Furthermore, some of the pirates had to remain on the Black Pearl to safeguard it. Thus, there were only six pirates chasing up right now.
Finding Sheyan within the complicated clusters of reefs with merely six pirates at night, would be as hard as ascending to the sky.
During the chase, Sheyan had bluntly activated the crimson blood key dropped by Little Lord Fokke. The chest produced only offered two items, and both were papers.
The first was a yellowish triangular paper scrap concerning merchandising goods. The second was a little booklet formed by binded parchment. The foremost parchment faintly displayed a name – Bernard Fokke.
“This is?”
Sheyan never could’ve anticipated the key would issue two such objects.
Papers were messengers of information. This implied that Little Lord Fokke didn’t drop any concrete object, but instead clues! This further signified, one still had to experience a series of twists and turns before obtaining the ultimate reward of the ‘Dead Sea Scroll’!
The arduous mission of slaying Little Lord Fokke was merely a mid point!
Thus, exactly how tough would the difficulty of obtaining the ‘Dead Sea Scroll’s’ ultimate reward be? Wouldn’t that reward be exceedingly abundant and enticing?
At this moment, the pursuing sounds of the Black Pearl pirates became louder. Despite so, Sheyan was long prepared.
Under the disguise of the reefs and the darkness, he stealthily crept towards gulf. Then, he quietly slipped into the sea water, burying himself beneath the fine sand.
Before this, he had managed to find a random bamboo pipe like plant to act as a breathing tube…….moreover, the precision of pirates’ Aztec gold senses was merely confided to a hundred metres radius. Within this hundred metre radius were multitudes of reefs, sheer cliffs and precipitous rock caverns and beach shoals. Would a trifling 6 pirates be able to settle the deal of searching under the darkness of night within 2-3 hours?
Furthermore, dragging for time was Sheyan’s only goal.
After submerging under water, all sounds were filtered away by the supple seawater. Sheyan could distinctly hear the sound of his heartbeat.
Sheyan pondered a little, before flipping open the ‘Diary of Morgan Fokke’ within his personal nightmare imprint storage. Through the slovenly written handwritings, he assimilated himself into the world of a nerdy child…..
「 13th, May: I went hunting for Skylarks today. Feeling rather exhausted, I went to bed early. However, our butler, Dick, woke me up at two in the morning. Yes, I did see Uncle Shinard. Wasn’t he supposed to have died years ago? But why was his appearance so elegant? Even his servant was wearing a ribbon coat? 」
「 14th, May: As it turns out, Uncle Shinard has inherited the lordship of the Edwards family, and is now a Baron. His name is now Shinard Edwards….once he becomes a Duke of the empire, he will return to the Fokke family and bring us to the pinnacle of glory. 」
「 Uncle Caterly told me, all the profits and interests acquired in Turtuga shall be channeled towards Uncle Shinard. Thus, my weekly allowance shall be halved! My hounds must be put down, and half of my servants are to be released…to hell with the glories of the family. To hell with the dog poop Edwards family. To hell with his aspirations of becoming a Duke! 」
Chapter 588: Ultimate secrets
「 10th, January (three years later): I heard a complaint about the filthiness of the port road. It is true. Walking along the streets in the rain, a slight carelessness will leave one’s pants soaked with mud. My favourite embroidered woolen trousers suffered that exact fate. Uncle Caterly seems to be no longer concerned about such matters. Has he forgotten that Turtuga is the foundation of our family? 」
「 6th, February: I heard Uncle Caterly has returned from a business endeavour abroad. After an entire year and a half, I can guess his journey wasn’t a smooth one. His countenance is exceedingly troubled. Less than half of the sailors that went out with him has returned. Without a doubt, his efforts were in vain. It must’ve been a misfortunate endeavour without yield. 」
「 3rd, July: The family is in debt. Indeed, a huge debt has befallen us! Not only is Uncle Caterly not supervising the port, he is squandering the inherited wealth of the family! Look at what he has been doing? He wasted 5 kilograms of gold the last month to purchase 3,000 pounds of Indonesian resin, a so called ghost of Solomon, mystery springwater from China, long city bricks and ten gallons of lion’s blood! He must be turning mad. I cannot watch idly while this unfolds! 」
「 6th, November: I have recruited 14 underlings. They are all murderous scoundrels, unwanted by the navy. I shall equip these savage bandits to their teeth. This force will be enough to stop Uncle Caterly and compel him to vanquish his authority. I don’t wish for our children to turn into poverty-stricken peasants. 」
「 8th, November: Heavens!! What did I just see? Momore…that’s the fiendish horse of the family’s legends. It actually allowed Uncle Caterly to mount it. I understand…..I understand how Uncle Shinard’s father-in-law suddenly passed away……the death of that healthy old mate is identical to that of my dead underling!! 」
「 ….. 」
Upon reading till here, Sheyan closed the diary. It was no wonder Little Lord Fokke was bent on retrieving this diary.
As it turns out, there was another member of the Fokke family out there. A member that had successfully stolen the wealth and lordship of another family clan. Furthermore, they were engaged in unorthodox methods to raise his status. Because Little Fokke had lost the capability to reproduce, he had entrusted all hopes onto Shinard Fokke.
Evidently, employing this diary to search and manipulate Shinard Fokke of the Edwards family, would undoubtedly offer exceedingly abundant remunerations. That was if one was willing to risk the immense risk of being silenced. This goes to say, the interest that could be gained from this, was truly in direct proportion to the treacherous pursuit of Little Lord Fokke.
All of a sudden, Sheyan felt the water swaying a little. Rolling away his tongue, he swiftly pressed his ‘breathing tube’ beneath. It was better to remain cautious against these pursuing pirates.
Nevertheless, expecting these brutish pirates to meticulously search within the darkness for strange motions of the seabed, that was truly a forceful thought.
To these pirates, they could only sense that the position of the Aztec gold wasn’t shifting. Hence, they remained unhurried and slowly searched the area. If need be, they could still call for others once the daylight dawns. In the end, they will definitely find him.
After sensing that the pirates had departed from nearby, Sheyan slowly poked his head out of the water to scour. Instantly, he heard the impatient voice of Ragetti.
“That blasted lil’ thief must be too afraid, mayhaps he has tossed our gold and left. This has happened before. That scurvy rot head, I’ll stuff his bowels wit’ rye bread if I catches him!”
These pirates couldn’t satisfy their hunger after suffering from this curse. Hence, their method of punishment had turned into fantastic oddities of every description overtime.
When the other pirates noticed their own leader, Ragetti, slacking off, they naturally wouldn’t put in effort as well. Each were mumbling to themselves as they lazily sat on reefs.
Obviously, Sheyan praised their conducts as he continued submerging himself. Then, he proceeded to examine that triangular paper scrap from Little Lord Fokke’s dropped key.
He then realized it was something like a token plate. A token plate used during exhibitions or events similarly to that. Token plates that would be displayed over merchandise products, detailing its origin, specialties, material composition and etc.
As for this token plate, it wrote:
「 During the summer of the year 1563, the grand goddess of fortune descended onto the Lightfire factory of Navarre. Five premium weapons were forged in succession within two short months. They displayed their impressive capabilities in latter wars. 」
「 The flintlock musket exhibited right here is one of them. Its name is Penitence. 」
「 That year, Duke Anjou, Philip, of France invaded spain. During a critical period of the ongoing war, the lover of a brave soldier called Bijnor was slain. He then organized a rebellion army to resist the french. During their final raid, Bijnor had slaughtered his way to Duke Anjour, pointing this very musket at his venerable excellency; demanding penitence for his crimes. Then, he pressed the trigger. 」
「 From henceforth, this murderous weapon, soaked by the blood of a french duke, was hailed as – Penitence! Its reputation even towered over the other flintlock musket created by the Lightfire factory of Navarre, Ambition! 」
「 Donor: Earl Carson Boelban. The Royal British museum offers its gratitude to your excellency for supporting this naval exposition. 」
Sheyan’s pupils contracted as he read the token plate. The details inscribed on this token plate was undoubtedly pointing towards a weapon more formidable than ‘Ambition’!
Actually, this was a weapon Sheyan had witnessed operating in Little Lord Fokke’s hand a decade ago.
It was shaped exactly like ‘Ambition’, but discharged a majestically shivering might. It was akin to being suppressed by the upright and frank military, declaring death unto you. It was akin to being being convicted of guilt by the ruling court of law. Under their authoritative might, the only thing one could do was to display penitence!
As for how such a weapon landed up in the hands of Earl Carson Boelban, Sheyan could roughly infer with his mind.
It was probably for the sake of Baron Shinard of the Edwards family ascending. Probably that Earl loved keeping weapons, and thus that musket was taken from Little Lord Fokke in exchange for the Earl’s support.
Since Sheyan was now aware of the location of this weapon, he would definitely have to pay a visit to the lovely Earl Carson Boelban at an appropriate later time. Wouldn’t it be extorting the heavens if this mister were to be allowed to continue hoarding such an excellent weapon in his cabinet? Why not allow himself to exploit its advantages.
Following that, Sheyan became further intrigued. He was long aware of the clear notification after being inflicted by the curse.
[ During the duration of this curse, you will not receive any utility and potential points from completion of mission. Dead storyline characters will only drop key storyline items/ mission items that you require, but will not drop equipment/ utility points/ ability scroll loots etc ]
This meant that this token plate should definitely be a mission item, but this mission should’ve been related or triggered due to ‘Ambition’. It shouldn’t have a sliver of relation to the ‘Dead Sea Scroll’s’ intention.
Therefore, what remained was the booklet of binded parchment. That was the true crux of an immeasurably treacherous mission incited by the ‘Dead Sea Scroll’!
Thinking of that, the usually composed Sheyan couldn’t prevent his hands from trembling slightly.
It wasn’t because he was unable to remain calm. Instead, it was because Sheyan had suddenly recalled the forewarning message of the ‘Dead Sea Scroll’. There was a possibility that the acquired reward wouldn’t match with the treachery he would face. If he unlocked that booklet, and a ‘cheeky smile’ appeared within….Sheyan would really vomit blood.
Carrying an expression of fearlessness, Sheyan unlocked the booklet. Fortunately, it wasn’t a ‘cheeky smiley face’.
The first page itself contained a dense mass of numbers. However, the numbers couldn’t be differentiated by their age nor did they follow any patterns. Evidently, the numbers were written at different points in time.
Sheyan had all along been a veteran sailor and after careful inspection, he perceived that this booklet was filled with longitude and latitude points. Nonetheless, there would be a certain disparity between Sheyan’s understanding of such main points. Primarily, It was because the techniques of this era was still lagging, as compared to the modernized and precise technology of the present world. To be able to be as precise in terms of metres would be an outstanding feat in this era.
If there was merely one of two main coordinates of longitude and latitude, Sheyan would still be able to make a rough estimate. Yet in the face of a dense mass of tens of longitudes and latitudes, it would require one to do an exceedingly critical textual criticism. These numbers were more or less representative of a long route.
In this world, the dangers of voyages weren’t confined to merely the stormy seas or the deficit of food supplies and fresh water. There were plenty of oddities occurring out at sea, including various kinds of legendary creatures.
As Sheyan continued browsing, he gradually realized that this booklet was probably a sailor’s journal log. Contained within it, were the scattered and fragmentary narratives of the pioneer of the Fokke family clan, Bernard Fokke.
Everyone knew that Bernard Fokke was originally a magnificent pirate, who pillaged hundreds of merchant ships to his name. After offering tribute to the Queen at the age of fifty, he abandoned the life of an outlaw. In spite of the public’s opposition, the grand Queen of Britain coveted the wealth he offered and conferred to him a lordship.
The life experiences of Bernard Fokke had became a legend. His life of accumulating riches and greed was out of the ordinary. If his life story was detailed in a book, don’t even mention monthly tickets, a single volume would probably be pushed to the top fifty narratives.
As Sheyan slowly flopped through the booklet, he slowly discovered the written account of this booklet, was unexpectedly the timeline of Bernard Fokke back when he was an ordinary sailor.
It was before he became a pirate!
Such a distant history was now gradually projecting a picture scroll of the strangest, bloodiest and most astounding events!!!
Chapter 589: Pathetically escaping
Sheyan’s mind was in turmoil after reading the last parchment page of the booklet.
His throat became dry and heavy, fuelling his desire to quench his thirst. Based on Sheyan’s current capabilities, it would be hard for ordinary matters to shake him.
Yet if the account detailed in the booklet wasn’t false, it was truly as indicated as the ‘Dead Sea Scroll’. An ultimate secret of the foundations of this world!
However, the uncovered ultimate foundation secret was exceedingly far-fetched, to the extent that it was simply unbelievable!!
The thoughts in his brain were revolving in high speeds. All of a sudden, he was jolted by a warning. The seawater before his eyes had abruptly been stirred. A chilling flash emerged from nowhere, as a broadsword drilled down mercilessly like a jabbing swordfish!
As it turns out, Sheyan had underestimated the Black Pearl pirates.
Weren’t the pirates of a legendary pirate ship not to be trifled with? While those pirates loosened up, their secondary objective was indeed to slack off. However, their primary objective was to baffle their foe.
After Sheyan had been greatly shaken by the monumental secret of Bernard Fokke’s sailing log, he subconsciously poked his head out of the water for some breaths. Though his breath was light, it appeared rushed when pieced together.
Although Sheyan had immediately shrunk his head back in, those pirates had instantly discovered an oddity.
Although Sheyan’s underwater concealment beneath the sand was top-notch, it definitely wasn’t flawless; especially if one decides to conduct a meticulous search after identifying a strong impression.
Hence, after those six pirates determined his location, they slowly encroached in an encirclement; finally inviting Sheyan into the boiling pot, after getting into their pocket formation.
Facing a sudden thrusting broadsword, Sheyan immediately reached forward and grabbed the blade!
Sheyan’s physique was outstanding, and further supported by his innate ability ‘Stronghold’. Moreover, he was also affected by the 50% damage reduction of the Aztec curse.
Therefore, even though Ragetti was an elite pirate of the Black Pearl, his blade was still tightly grabbed by Sheyan. Blood trickled down the cracks of his fingers and instantly dyed this portion of seawater red.
Nevertheless, the pirates were well prepared. After grabbing that single blade, yet another two blades came chopping down!
The difficulty of this world could be said to be comparatively low. Yet Sheyan was feeling exceedingly weary from enduring assaults and persisting till now. He was riddled with bruises and cuts.
Right now, one of his eyes was blinded and his right arm obliterated into dust; such was his severe state of handicap.
Though dark magic was prevalent in this world, finding someone who could treat a blind eye and a decapitated arm would still be exceedingly arduous. As such, Sheyan could only wait till he returned to the realm to treat them. Thus, he failed to treat his perpetual semi-blindness even until now.
Handicapped, Sheyan could only forcibly endure the two slashes!
The hard-fought battle with Little Lord Fokke had left him gravely wounded, and he only managed to recover a little since then. Right now, the six Black Pearl pirates were pouncing onto him like tigers and wolves.
Slaying them, they wouldn’t die. Chopping them, they wouldn’t leave. Their unity of will was like an impregnable stronghold. Even the monstrous demon horse Momore had been miserably trapped by them.
At present, Sheyan was similarly entangled where his most likely outcome, was to perish while nursing this grievance.
Nevertheless, Sheyan was a decisive individual and many thoughts flashed past his mind. He hastily fished out that single Aztec gold coin in his hand. Roaring loudly as he forcibly endured several slashes, he shoved away two pirates with his brute force.
In a flash, he flashed the Aztec gold coin towards them, before tossing it far into the distant sea. However, because his throwing arm was injured, a plop in the water surfaced 5-6 metres away.
This was a taboo object for the Black Pearl pirates. Instantaneously, two pirates instinctively rushed over to retrieve it. Thus, the pressure on Sheyan lowered from six pirates to four.
Feeling a lighter burden, Sheyan attempted to flee but was still hindered by the other four pirates; becoming unable to pull open a gap.
When those two pirates dove into the seawater to scramble for the Aztec gold, Sheyan once again unfolded his fingers and revealed that same Aztec gold in his hand once again!
As it turns out, what he hurled out earlier was just a rock the size of the Aztec gold coin. Due to its speedy hurling speed and that it wasn’t hurled very far away, this smokescreen managed to fool those two pirates.
This time, he once again summoned his strength and tossed the tangerine-sized Aztec gold towards the sea.
Sheyan’s strength was already manifold that of an average male. With his full might, the golden shimmering Aztec gold repeatedly spiraled under the moonlight. It was evident that couldn’t be a fake one. After soaring for nearly hundred metres, it landed into the seawater without even inciting a splash.
At present, the tides were receding. The pirates were aware of how troublesome it would be if the gold coin was dragged into the deep sea. Bear this in mind, these undying pirates could only sense the Aztec gold but didn’t have blazingly piercing eyes!
The translucent seawater would probably offer vision for 50-60 metres, before everything becomes pitch-black at deeper sea levels. Moreover, there weren’t any waterproof searchlight as of now, and one could only probe around with their hands. If there were underwater currents beneath, that would be truly an enjoyable sight of pirates being swept away……
The only method would be to employ dark magic to control sea creatures to search for them. However, that would require time and great efforts. Hence, even though the Black Pearl could sense the Aztec gold pieces, the ambitious and ruthless Barbossa still needed close to a decade to wrap up his search!
When Sheyan hurled out the Aztec gold, he was clearly taking advantage of the low numbers of these pursuing pirates.
The pirates couldn’t help but become frantic! The four pirates could naturally perceive the vital problems of that, and to prevent Barbossa from flaring up against them later, they threw themselves towards the sea in search of the gold coin; with fiery eyes that could only glare at the departing Sheyan.
Sheyan could only sigh after escaping from such dire straits.
This was because he had just touched the minimal 3 days deadline of his hidden main mission – Curse. Instead, acquiring the maximum reward would require him to hold it for at least a week.
Prior to this, Sheyan had contemplated with utter deliberation. Though he was inflicted by the Aztec curse which prevented him from obtaining utility and potential points from completing any mission, it didn’t mention that achievement points would be penalized. Moreover, he may even get to draw equipments in an event of perfect completion.
In spite of that, it was impossible to obtain both the fish and the bear paw.
When he got fatally entangled by six legendary ship pirates, the Sheyan who usually relied on his fleshy thickness to combat against his foes, had been utterly restrained by foes who were more unyielding than him.
If he had held onto the wish of a perfect mission, then he would’ve really died right then and there!
After escaping the pursuit of the Black Pearl pirates, Sheyan finally received the notifications from his nightmare imprint.
[ Hidden main mission: Curse completed ]
[ Mission summary: You have successfully held onto the Aztec Gold for 72 hours ]
[ Mission summary: You only accomplished the basic requirements of the mission ]
[ Mission completion evaluation: C- ]
[ Mission summary: You are inflicted with the Aztec curse. You are unable to receive utility points or potential points ]
[ You receive 4 achievement points as a reward. (1 point for main mission completion + 1 point for legend level + 2 points for completion of hidden mission) ]
[ You completed a hidden main mission, party experience is increased ]
Counting in the 4 achievement points from slaying Little Lord Fokke, he had acquired a total of 8 achievement points within this duration of time. At present, his achievement points had attained 104 points. He had finally broken through the 100 points barrier.
Following that, he continued tarrying at Tortuga port for a brief while. All he could observe were clouds of despair. The sounds of wailing filled every corner of the port. Little Lord Fokke’s epidemic disease was truly horrifying and had easily wiped out masses.
This propagating infectious disease was otherworldly and virulent, its killing potency was truly frightening. Approximately close to a thousand innocent pirates had been annihilated by it.
Observing all these, Sheyan could only sigh.
Without these people to exhaust Little Lord Fokke’s aura of death, everything would’ve pointed to disaster for himself. Seeing that he was nearing his departure from this world, he wondered how Mogensha and Reef were doing.
Nonetheless, Reef still had his personal trump card. His prowess would inevitably skyrocket once he awakened to become an official Growth-hunter. Besides, his ‘Shattering Cardiac Roar’ was a supreme ability for fleeing with its area of effect movement speed slow. They should be able to go through this daunting experience without mishaps.
As time trickled away, Sheyan finally received the notification to return to the realm.
Apart from his current crippled state, the constrictions of the curse in his body wasn’t a comfortable feeling as well. Right now, he couldn’t wait to return to the realm.
The place Sheyan chose to return was by the seashore.
At present, the tides were clearly receding. All of a sudden, a white line swept in from the distance. Roughly over ten seconds later, large waves of matchless turbulence smashed down and splashed to the skies.
Though such a scene was rare, it wasn’t a first and was known as backflow waves. Sailors were terrified of encountering such a deadly phenomenon! Only a handful of victims could return alive.
By the time the massive waves rolled back, the upright Sheyan by the seashore had vanished.
Instead, Sheyan was riding the waves like a stable transport.
Then, an invisible elevator escorted him into the abyss of the sea. Next, was a sky full of twinkling stars before a plain of pitch-darkness.
Chapter 590: The ability of Embarkment
Sheyan couldn’t fathom how deep he submerged within this short span of time.
Suddenly, a gust of tremendous force swept in like a 12 grade hurricane gale. Sheyan directly shut his eyes, only until he felt a bewildering weightlessness did he opened it.
This time, Sheyan discovered he was inside a massive air bubble.
Seaweed danced around him within the clear seawater, while rich and diverse coral reefs laid before his eyes. A liquid lens appeared in the vast body of water before him, reflecting all kinds of scenes in front of him.
This should be the summary location, separating the Pirates of the Caribbean world and the nightmare realm.
All of a sudden, the nightmare imprint transmitted the following notification.
[ Scanning….contestant no.1018: Eyeball ruptured with 3rd degree necrosis ]
[ Scanning……contestant no.1018: Vanished upper limb, corroded by an unknown force ]
[ Scanning……contestant no.1018: Inflicted with 4th degree curse, infected deeply ]
[ Warning: Your wounds and curse has surpassed the scope of a free restoration. You must pay a fixed fee to heal your limbs and eliminate the curse ]
Sheyan sighed. Could he not repair now? Could he return to the realm while carrying a sickly and aged body?
More essentially, the Aztec curse would deduct random attribute points every 24 hours. If Sheyan didn’t remove it, he would very possibly lose 20-30 attribute points the next time he returned to the realm!
After choosing a restoration, Sheyan instantly drew in a breath of chilling air. Even after discounts from his military rank, he unexpectedly needed 25,300 utility points for a full recovery!
Sighing helplessly, he could only grit his teeth to such a monopolistic trade.
Soon after, that liquid lens bubbled towards him before transforming into a rapid swirling vortex. One could observe threads of black gas seeping out of Sheyan’s body.
Upon careful inspection of those threads of black gas, they appeared to be symbol characters of the Aztec empire. If translated to his mother tongue, it would mean extinction, extermination, accursed, venom, kill, widower and various other vile intentions!
With every emulsion of black gas, Sheyan could feel his body turning lighter. After what seemed like a minute, Sheyan felt as though he was released from a huge burden. Especially when he felt as though his innate ability ‘Stronghold’ couldn’t be overwhelmed by the grinding of the curse, he felt brand new with vigorous vitality flowing within him.
Witnessing this situation, a discrete comprehension formed within Sheyan’s mind.
Perhaps if I am inflicted with the Aztec curse again, the curse would be suppressed even further by my innate ability!
And if I encounter it again, there would a chance it would eventually reach a certain resistance and be utterly negated.
More crucially, he reckoned that if he wanted to continue improving his innate ability, he must probably temper it with dreadful curses; refining it till it successfully up rank.
While Sheyan was contemplating all these, time swiftly trickled away. The realm quickly notified him.
[ The Aztec curse on you has been dispelled ]
Following that, Sheyan’s eyes and arm slowly rejuvenated from the moisty water. Seeing the cell reproduction of his own flesh and bones, it issued a sensation causing his hair to stand on end.
“I wonder how Reef and Brother Black are doing?” Sheyan suddenly remembered them.
Back then, both of them had fled hastily. In Sheyan’s conjecture, there wouldn’t be much suspense once the superiority of the Black Pearl diminishes on dry land.
Once both of them reached the nearest town, they would seek horses and slay the other horses. That would help them drag for more time.
Without any mishaps….anyway, this was all beyond Sheyan’s influence and he couldn’t assist in any aspect.
Nevertheless, both Reef and Mogensha were already prominent figures before they met him. Regardless of experience of strength, they weren’t lacking at all. It shouldn’t be a problem for them.
Closely following, the familiar scenes were projected which didn’t need much elaboration.
The longest scenario was of the Dingyuan braving through the billowing waves and gales, ramming in with loftiness of the highest quality; compacting the ‘pink and delicate’ Black Pearl to bend into the sea! It appears that the Black Pearl, the main ship of the Pirates of the Caribbean world, truthfully experienced a massive deviation from the storyline due to this crushing and humiliating battle.
Obviously, colour attention was also accorded to the death of a crucial storyline character, Little Lord Fokke.
Henceforth, the holocaust created before he perished would deeply influence this world in a profound and long-lasting fashion. Most importantly, one of the seven pirate lords, Chevalle, may possibly perish from this pandemic. These were all major affairs that would shake this very world.
The realm that projected out the following message.
[ Setting: Pirates of the Caribbean world ]
[ Difficulty: B-, after accepting the hidden main mission, it scaled to ‘A’ ]
[ Pain limitations: 50% ]
[ Individual capability enhancement: 0% ]
[ Current setting exploration rate: 28.33% ]
[ Acquired new titles: Pirate captain, Fearless, Smuggler ]
[ Smuggler: Additional 5% preferential treatment when transacting with storyline characters ]
[ You currently possess 10 titles. However, you only reached this goal after 7 worlds which vastly exceeds the hidden limitation of acquiring 10 titles within 2 worlds. You have met the qualifications of a legend level upgrade, please hurry and raise your 10 titles to the Black-Iron class ]
[ Mission exploration rate: 85% ]
[ Mission completion score: D+ (You only satisfy the lowest checkpoint for your hidden main mission ]
[ Reward analysis: You receive 1+1 free attribute points (+1 legend level). You now possess 10 free attribute points, please allocate them to your basic attributes. Otherwise, idle free attribute points would still be factored into difficulty modulus ]
[ Mission exploration/completion reward: 11,000 + 1,214 (Silver party leader reward) utility points. 6 potential points ]
The mission score evaluation dropping during this summary phase was within Sheyan’s expectations. It was analogous to a teacher not being fond of a student that only pursues to score 60 points in his test.
Still, the mission exploration rate of 85% was a surprise for Sheyan. This was because he didn’t even expend much effort to explore the side missions! But on hindsight, wouldn’t the side mission of the ‘Dead Sea Scroll’ be counted as the most substantial? Although it didn’t take the form of a mission.
Besides that, Sheyan did remember that acquiring titles would result in a +1 legend level. Yet back then, he wasn’t aware of how valuable legend level was and didn’t reckon he could obtain it so easily.
Looking back, it was indeed so. To acquire a +1 legend level for one’s preliminary entrance to the nightmare realm, one actually required earning 10 titles within 2 worlds. This posed a humongous challenge even with the support of a large size party.
[ Note! Note! Your possess the ‘Pirate Captain’ title in this world. Do you possess your own ship? ]
All of a sudden, a series of sounds resounded in Sheyan’s ears. He initially thought this summary phase was over, and didn’t expect such a sudden notification. Thus, he immediately selected ‘yes’.
The nightmare imprint transmitted once again.
[ You obtain the active ability: Embark – You will receive a free communication opportunity with your crew in intervals of 7 days. This communication will not exceed 5 minutes ]
[ Apart from that within the 7 days interval, you can still utilize utility points to communicate. At anytime, you can communicate to your crew, giving instructions and providing simple manipulation of the ship. Of course, that would incur additional costs. The more often you communicate, the greater the costs. Your military rank can affect discounts of such costs ]
Evidently, this method absolved one of Sheyan’s huge problem. He immediately utilized his first communication with the Dingyuan.
In a twinkling of an eye, a mystical sensation overwhelmed him. It was as though his soul had traversed through space and time, as it embarked the Dingyuan!
Sheyan became instantly aware that with his sudden disappearance, Blacksail started having his individual ideologies. Instead, Taitish was thinking about how she would deal with the gypsies alone if Sheyan died. Ol’Seadog was silently drinking rum, while Big Beard Davies was devoutly praying to his Ice goddess. To his surprise, even Philips was exceptionally worried for his safety.
” My servants. ”
Sheyan willed his consciousness to his subordinates. Against his expectations, the entire ship rumbled with a majestic voice, sounding as though the Sea Giant had resurrected!
Instantly, the lackadaisical pirates of the ship flared up. On this ship, Sheyan’s dignity was contested by no other.
Sheyan then proceeded to offer them a lie, that he had encountered a merchant ship from the east, and followed them to dispel his cursed body. However, the dispelling process would require a definite period of time
However, he met a mysterious necromancer of board that eastern merchant ship. Through his assistance, he could continue instructing the Dingyuan from afar!
Following that, Sheyan started making several adjustments. In general, the many regulations of the ship remained unchanged.
The morale of the pirates immediately skyrocketed because they knew their formidable captain still dwelled amongst them. Moreover, he could watch over them unbridled by the fetters of space and time. That alone, was sufficient for them.
Chapter 591: Promoting to Major
After settling his series of affairs, the warm oceanic scenery before him gradually turned fuzzy.
Naturally, he was now returning to the realm. When Sheyan regained his vision, he smoothly returned to his personal room.
The most pressing issue now was the safety of his two party members. Any casualty would definitely bring him unbearable pain.
Next, he wanted to carefully inspect the voyage journal log of Bernard Fokke. Fortunately, this object wasn’t restricted by the realm to be stored in the Pirates of the Caribbean world. Otherwise, he would really feel annoyed.
After a short rest in his personal room, Sheyan then received notifications from his nightmare imprint.
[ Your achievements have reached 106 points ]
[ You have fulfilled the qualifications to promote your nightmare imprint military rank. Please make haste to promote your military rank upon return to the realm! ]
Presently, Sheyan could convincingly acknowledge the importance of military rank in the nightmare realm.
Although one’s military rank rarely directly affects the offensive and defensive nature of battles, it supplied various massive advantages in other auxiliary aspects. Never forget, Sheyan was still in possession of an item he gained through the rewards of completing the Golden Side mission! The ‘Cross Honorary Medallion’!
Upon activating that medallion, his military rank could be raised by 1 rank and it was only usable by official Junior Officers or Reserve-duty Field Officers and above. Which goes to say, Sheyan could rely on this medallion to speedily promote from Captain to the processions of an official Field Officer.
Though separated by a single rank, the changes could be rated as a qualitative one instead of a quantitative one.
Speaking in the context of the military ranking system of the present world, a Captain would mostly only be able to hold the commanding post of a single company unit. However, a Major could assume the command of a battalion.
Carrying such eager emotions, Sheyan quickly traveled to the roof of the realm. Sadly, he still needed to queue for his turn.
After waiting a brief while, he abruptly received a communicating message through the nightmare imprint.
“Seaman, you actually accomplished the Golden Side Mission?”
Sheyan was instantly stunned. Evidently, Reef and Mogensha wouldn’t recklessly spread this news. Therefore, the only one eyes who knew about this was that redoubtable sniper, Growth-hunter Mcdh. Moreover, he seemed to be walking along a path close to Zi’s party……thinking of that, Sheyan replied at once.
“You are, Zi?”
The opposite party didn’t refute but continued indifferently.
“Answer my question first.”
Sheyan smirked.
“Okay, I have something right here. It will definitely be of great interest to you.”
As he spoke, Sheyan transmitted full information of ‘Odin’s Surge’ over. Then he offered.
“Do you want to know why I urgently wish to transfer this information to you?”
The opposite party really took the bait and asked.
Sheyan then laughed heartily in response.
“Of course to provide you with more time to raise money! This thing isn’t cheap okay, I am now busy. I’ll chat with you next time. Although our earlier cooperation wasn’t exactly perfect, in lieu of former respects, I offer to trade this wondrous item for you. Aren’t I a magnanimous person? Please address me as the benevolent Seaman from now on! Haha.”
Sheyan had already reached the front of the queue after this delay. It was his turn to engage in military operations.
Sheyan then sat down on the chair and pressed out the list of information.
[ Contestant no.1018 analyzing…. ]
[ Identifying status….. ]
[ Your current nightmare imprint rank is First Lieutenant ]
[ Your current achievement points is 106 points ]
[ You have attained the qualifications for a military rank promotion. Please decide if you wish to promote! 100 achievement points are required to promote from First Lieutenant to Captain. You will receive further authority and privileges after promotion ]
His decision to promote didn’t differ from the earlier times. Yet this time, after his promotion concluded, he immediately fished out that ‘Cross Honorary Medallion’ before his chest, and opted to activate it.
Although it appeared as though nothing peculiar was happening on the outside, a list of notifications came pouring in.
[ You activated the unique reward of a Golden Side Mission: The Cross Honorary Medallion! ]
[ Your present military rank fulfills the usage requirements! ]
[ You are promoted from Captain to Major!!!! ]
[ Because you activated the unique reward of a Golden Side Mission, the ‘Cross Honorary Medallion’, you need not participate in the special test for the promotion of a Junior Officer to Field Officer procession. Your test result will be taciturnity deemed as outstanding. You receive the highest authority of a Major rank. Please wait, an officer will officially confer the official rank on you ]
After receiving these notifications, the chair Sheyan was sitting on suddenly ascended further into the roof. In a flash, he vanished.
Gasps of surprise instantly erupted from the nearby contestants. Some of them were aware that represented the sign of a monumental promotion. Nevertheless, most of them believed Sheyan was promoting from a Reserve-duty Captain to a Reserve-duty Major. If they knew this ace was promoting from an official Captain to an official Major, they would be raging with envy.
When he finally ascended to the top, the chair beneath his butt was retracted away; prompting him to stand up.
All of a sudden, a hologram imagery system emerged.
At the start, the disorderly disturbances of snowflakes appeared due to contact debugging. After a while, it formed into the shape of a hunting knife, which appeared like the emblem of a particular organization.
A hoarse voice drifted in from inside.
“Congratulations on stepping into the processions of a Field officer, sir.”
“Hoh? Is it actually you? Contestant no.1018, I remember, it seems like I had just taken a puff of my cigarette, since the moment I congratulated you on your promotion to 2nd Lieutenant! You’re already a Major now?”
Sheyan’s lips curled into a slight smile as he replied.
“I can only say that your earlier guidance has benefitted me greatly, sir.”
“Oh, my oh. You are closing up on the goal I’ve set for you…..let me see, I see….so you utilized a ‘Cross Honorary Medallion’. That is hard to acquire, with that, your promotion speed would soar as though you were riding a laser mobile. Nevertheless, you should be careful, frequently those brats with soaring momentum would be the quickest to fall. You should be prudent from now onwards, child. Delaying your maturity speed isn’t a bad thing, besides, everything is possible only if you keep your life.”
Sheyan’s expression remained unchanging as he earnestly asked.
“Should I take your words as counsel, sir?”
“No. My assertion was merely a conclusion I’ve seen throughout the years.”
Sheyan laughed gently.
“I really wish I could listen to much of such conclusions.”
The hoarse voice burst into laughter and issued.
“I’ve already said too much, Major. Now, receive the rewards you deserve. Perhaps, you will bring me another round of amazement the next time we meet.”
A list of notifications then beamed out.
[ Your additional authority and privileges are as follows: ]
[ A: Every time you enter a nightmare world, you can receive a free ‘Honorary recovery dosage’. This dosage will share the same cooldown as other honorary dosages. It will be untradeable and unsellable. It will disappear upon departure of that nightmare world ]
[ B: You once again obtain a free purchase of a single item from the military merchant ]
[ C: Any contestant with lower military rank than you will have their damage reduced by 7% when attacking you. When attacking other contestants of lower military rank, your damage will increase by 7% ]
[ Addition of another medicine you can employ in the present world: Hyphazyme Clashreplacement injection – This medicinal injection can treat any medium intensity and tough to cure ailment in the present world. There is a 100% chance of substantially relieving the symptoms of a sick person, and 75% chance of total treatment ]
[ Effective encompassing range: Paralysis of limbs, medium degree permanent disability! ]
However, the realm especially emphasized that the medicinal effects had an expiry date of 2 years in the present world. If the sicked individual didn’t receive another dosage within these 2 years, they would return to their deformity.
The price of this medicine was astonishing, it required 30 achievement points and couldn’t be traded!
As he examined that medicine details, Sheyan couldn’t help but recall the occasional reports of ‘Healing miracles’ that surfaced in the present world. He reckoned there was definitely a connection between them and such medicines of the nightmare realm.
[ E: You can now investigate more information ]
[ F: Your party can be upgraded to level 7 ]
[ G: Military welfare (Receive 20% preferential treatment for various services in the realm. Can be stacked with charm value ]
[ H: New special ability ???? (Sealed, your title count is inadequate!) ]
The last option ‘H’ immediately aroused Sheyan! Without a doubt, that should be the ability for title synthesis!!
Sheyan hastily inquired of the nightmare realm. His current authority was already relatively outstanding.
Despite still being unable to investigate this newly acquired ability, he could consult about one matter – contestants of the reserve-duty Field Officer procession would have a chance to comprehend the ability of title synthesis after promotion.
Then since he was an official Field Officer now, most likely he would require more title count before comprehending that ability. It could even be doubled the amount.
Right now, Sheyan obviously didn’t forget he was still engaged in a military mission – to offer at most 4 blood keys. Previously, Sheyan had offered up reserve-duty Growth-hunter blood keys. As for the recent Pirates of the Caribbean world, he acquired 2 blood keys from Nick’s party. Right now, his mission was accomplished.
Chapter 592: Hidden Main mission max!
To his pleasant surprise, the reward gained from accomplishing the military mission was pretty excellent. It actually decreased the difficulty of promoting from Major to Lieutenant Colonel!
Before, Sheyan had 106 achievement points and required a frightening 200 achievement points to promote to Lieutenant Colonel! But after accomplishing his military mission, he now only needed 175 achievement points to ascend to Lieutenant Colonel. Those 4 blood keys had unexpectedly shaved off 25 achievement points. Even though part of those keys included Reserve-duty Growth-hunters’, it was truly an overwhelming profit!
Following that, Sheyan spared no hesitation in utilizing his free purchasing privilege, procuring one ‘Hyphazyme Clashreplacement injection’. This had been his goal ever since entering the realm. Naturally, it took precedence in his purchasing.
Apart from that, Sheyan pondered about his previous consumption of the honorary dosage. Hence, he expended little achievement points to purchase an ‘Honorary Recovery Dosage’.
With his present Major rank, he would receive a free ‘Honorary Recovery Dosage’ every time he entered a world. Therefore with this additional dosage, it could basically guarantee him some buffer to deal with any situation.
As for the party’s experience, Sheyan shook his head as he observed its tiny experience strip. It seems like upgrading to lvl 4 would still take a long time. If the ‘Dead Sea Scroll’ had resulted in a side mission, there would be some hope. Regrettably, it wasn’t modeled to that usage style.
This was what you call, not being able to gain the fish and bear paw at the same time.
In the Caribbean sea world, Sheyan toiled laboriously to earn money and subsequently established a domineering flagship. Obviously, he would be unable to attend to other things and had abandoned the domain of side missions. Otherwise, there would’ve surely been more potential to uncover between the naval battle of Chevalle’s pirate fleet and the British Royal Navy. Most of the side missions would probably branch out from there.
After departing from the military promotion grounds, Sheyan was quickly contacted by that ‘Zi’.
“How much are you willing to sell that item for?”
Sheyan paused for a moment before answering.
“Not right, you aren’t Zi. You are Demondream.”
The opposite party then paused silently. A new message was transmitted again.
“Seaman, I am Zi. We need to talk.”
That mere phrase of 8 words sufficed to indicate Zi’s strong personality……Sheyan breathed out in response.
“Now I believe you are Zi. But you need to wait, my comrades have not returned. No matter what, I shall only talk after they safely return. Otherwise, I won’t be able to make any guarantees or promises, because we are one team.”
Zi replied with astonishment.
“You were chased out first? You utilized that item?”
The item that Zi referred to, was the ‘Unmodeled Amnio-tank’ obtained from the Avatar world. Sheyan didn’t refute her. Zi then paused a little before continuing.
“That is fine, but you best contact me before commencing your next world. Right now, the situation isn’t looking favorable for you. I heard the Metals Professor died by your hands?”
Sheyan was slightly stirred and replied.
“She brought about her own ruins by triggering a mechanism, what has that got to do with me?”
Zi coldly replied.
“That isn’t important, what is, is that she believes you are responsible. According to accurate sources of mine, Fu Lyanna has already been revived by Zeus with an enchantment stone. She will definitely create trouble for you in the next world. Alright, you can carry on with your affairs.”
Sheyan squinted his eyes faintly.
Though this matter could be expected, he didn’t consider it would become so urgent.
At this moment, his party contract suddenly fluctuated, signaling that Mogensha and Reef had both simultaneously returned. Sheyan hastily rushed over and instantly got a huge shock.
As it turns out, both brothers practically appeared as though they had gone through the ten famous tortures of the Qing dynasty.
Both of Reef’s arms were dismembered, and his head was a mutilated mess. Even one of his leg joints was fractured and distorted.
Brother Black was not that bad. His limbs were intact, but his entire body could only be depicted as shattered glass.
He had three puncture wounds that could be seen from front to back! Stopping slightly at this place, blood converged into a puddle; one could tell how dire their wounds were.
“Are you guys products of a slaughterhouse? What are you doing now?” Sheyan jovially exclaimed in his pleasant mood.
Brother Black panted a little before he powerlessly pleaded while carrying a slight conceitedness.
“Boss, help us! Our utility points had been squandered away by prolonging our period of stay! But we managed to achieve a ‘lvlmax’ score of that damnable hidden main mission! Never did we expect that upon returning to the realm, we actually needed to pay a recovery fee. Our utility points were insufficient and could only return to you for help.”
“You guys achieved a ‘lvlmax’ score?” Sheyan was truly amazed.
Evidently, both of them revealed satisfied expressions upon witnessing Sheyan’s current look. Reef couldn’t resist the urge to cough and bragged.
“Ahem ahem, that is of course! The party experience, ahem ahem, we both added 10 points!”
Sheyan hurriedly surveyed and realized the party experience had truly been raised substantially. He reckoned that one more mission would be adequate to upgrade to level 4!
His two party members had indeed executed to the peak of expectations. Sheyan couldn’t help but ask.
“Shouldn’t you guys have received an abundance of rewards from the completion of your mission? Why are you still lacking the resources for treatment?”
Brother Black offered a bleak smile.
“Boss, Barbossa is one of the seven pirate lords and he was exceptionally adept in employing poison! If ours were ordinary wounds, that would be fine. Look closely, even a Growth-hunter like Reef now couldn’t resist his poison toxins. Our personal regeneration capabilities have been totally stifled! Healing isn’t a problem, but the utility points need to eliminate the poison toxins is exceedingly absurd!”
Sheyan instantly recalled. Barbossa was indeed an expert in employing poisons. The venom smeared on his sword was even lethal enough to kill a wily old fox like Blackbeard!
One must know that in the Caribbean sea world, apart from Davy Jones, Blackbeard would probably be the pinnacle force. Yet Barbossa was able to contend against him with poison. From this, one could tell how capable he was in this aspect.
Left with no alternatives, Sheyan could only release his blood efforts. He couldn’t possibly watch those two unlucky brats turn crippled right.
After both of them received their treatments, the combined utility and potential points of them both…..the former sunk to a 3 figure sump, while the latter miserably hovered around a 1 figure sump.
When they reminisce about their high-spirited return from the Avatar world, where they held tens of thousands of utility points in their hands, they felt additionally miserable because of those bittersweet memories.
Fortunately, ‘Odin’s Surge’ still had a surplus of 20 divine power. This indicated that someone could attempt to learn it twice. Evidently, for a destitute and poverty-stricken party Ace, those two attempts must definite be sold for a sky-high price. Otherwise, it would incur the resentment of the common folk.
Excluding that, Sheyan had relied on the indomitable might of the Dingyuan to quell several legendary creatures. From there, they had acquired 2 silver storyline grade equipments and 3 black grade equipments.
The silver storyline equipments were preserved for personal use, while the three black grade equipments had been offered up to Odin. Right now, they were left with a single Horcrux – ‘Giant gall of the Elegant Hawksbill Turtle’.
The Elegant Hawksbill Turtle was a craggy shell turtle that was covered with elegant aquatic grass. Of course, this was an amplified and mutated version. Embedding its Horcrux would definite skew towards the side of defense.
Although both Reef and Sheyan could employ it, in view of the current economic crisis of the party, selling it should probably fetch a significant amount of value.
The rejuvenated Reef and Brother Black elatedly exercised their bodies. As the saying goes, one only realizes the value of heath after an illness.
Right now, both of them were intrigued by what Sheyan had gone through. Sheyan then laughed while composedly narrating.
“Nothing much actually, I just made a bit of trouble for Little Lord Fokke.”
Reef and Mogensha were both shell-shocked. They knew Sheyan was most likely about to execute something massive, but they didn’t anticipate it was that massive!
Brother Black inquired with disbelief.
“You settled that terrifying fiend?”
Sheyan leaned back in response.
“Well I didn’t have much confidence initially, that is why I couldn’t tell you guys to be there. Frankly speaking, I can still escape with that item if something goes awry.”
Following that, Sheyan explained the entire process. Mogensha and Reef exchanged glances as they instantly felt rather dispirited. They were extremely pleased with their own ‘lvlmax’ attainment for the hidden main mission. Yet Sheyan had unknowingly committed such a huge deed singlehandedly!
Upon viewing their reactions, Sheyan burst into laughter and consoled them.
“If I can’t even keep up with you guys, how can I continue allowing you to call me boss?”
Reef and Mogensha remained speechless. Then, Reef abruptly asked.
“Then did you gain anything splendid from slaying Little Lord Fokke? Or are you planning to hoard it without diving?”
Facing that question, Sheyan could only offer a bleak smile. He then revealed everything in great details. Just the battle process alone caused his audience to be shaken to the core.
Finally, Sheyan retrieved the ‘Journal of Bernard Fokke’.
His countenance turned solemn as he declared.
“This is my greatest harvest. According to the clues indicated in this, we can very possibly uncover the deepest mysteries of a world. Yet this is the perplexing part – the mysteries may not be from the Pirate of the Caribbean world. If everything goes smoothly, I believe our ultimate reward may possibly be 1 point of legend level!”
Hearing the term ‘legend level’, Reef and Brother Black both became excited. Honestly speaking, they were extremely envious of Sheyan’s single legend level!
Instantly, they both eagerly reached their hands out to touch the voyage journal log.
Soon after, the archaic handwriting of Bernard Fokke was exhibited before their eyes.
An outrageous and incomparably intense sensation surged within them, alarming their emotions and puzzling their souls!
TL: It has come to my attention that there’s a bug causing some to be unable to see chapter 589 (it shows a teaser instead). I think this bug only affects those using the app, I think what you can do is to remove the novel from the reading list and add it back.
Chapter 593: Bernard Fokke’s Journal
Start of Volume 9
As the trio carefully read through, past scenes of tragic events were gradually reconstructed.
「 Summer, 1624. Fourteen months without a drop of rain, the drinking habits of that damned old head is becoming worst. Last month, he delivered my Momore to the Abattoir, it was I who reared him all these years! I can still remember the welling tears in his eyes when my pitiful old mate departed. If only I was in charge. I would surely allow Momore, my frail old horse, to accompany me for eternity. 」
「 He’s walking up the stairs, he actually dares to go up!!! 」
「 That drunkard seems to have designs on Susan. The gaze he observed Susan with is the exact same as the one he observed Momore with for one whole month! 」
「 I cannot permit such atrocities anymore. Without a doubt, with the impending drought, the Devon county will commence their killings again. If the old head survives, the fate of Susan and I would be resigned to being sold off as slaves. We will die from thirst and hunger, while that drunkard dies from shoddy brandy 」
「 Anyway he will die eventually, why won’t he let Susan and I go? 」
Next page,
「 I killed him, yes, I killed him! 」
「 Heavens, I killed my own father! 」
「 I resent that my body flows with his blood, I hate this bloody tragic fate of mine. 」
「 I only knocked him with the footstool, although on the back of his head, how did he just die like that? 」
「 This old demon was raping Susan! His own daughter, my elder sister! 」
「 But I didn’t intend to take his life….saying that is futile now. 」
「 Curse it, Satan has definitely descended on my heart. That old demon had stripped Susan bare. When did her breasts grow so large? Her skin is so fair, the blood is rushing to my head. I must find something else to do. But why isn’t Susan putting on her clothes? 」
「 O, I am not a man of honor. I, Bernard Fokke, am a condemnable gambler, a scoundrel, a rogue and a beast! Stop tempting me! 」
「 Stop tempting me! 」
「 Stop tempting me! 」
「 Stop tempting! 」
「 Stop….to hell with it! 」
Next page
「 I’m finally safe. Just 10 hours ago, I thought my only destination was to have my limbs broken and hung on the gibbet. Life is truly wonderful, but this means I have to labor in vain for a decade for the ship’s owner, Travice. I must follow him unconditionally. 」
「 Curse it, I am not someone fond of abiding by agreements, but those 5 underlings of Travice are more brutal than hunting dogs. I personally witnessed them beating a fleeing person to death while laughing, they tossed him into the sea to feed the fishes. 」
「 I loathe eating this rock solid rye bread! After chewing a hundred times, the coarse taste still scrapes my throat. Alright, we’re finally setting sail and departing from this cursed ghost land. I will never return. 」
「 I am thrown with every task, but tasks from the navigator are the worst. He actually wants me to transcribe those detestable numbers. Those coordinates, lord, I get a headache upon seeing them! 」
「 Splendid, I’ve discovered the navigator’s secret. This is extremely simple, does he think that employing such cheap cutter codes to detail his voyage journal logs can fool me? In his dreams! I heard about this from my previous neighbour, the clergy West. May that kind-hearted old man finds peace in heaven. 」
「 Oh hoh, I’m starting to feel more capable than that intoxicated foolish navigator. Mayhaps others are clueless, but he only manages a fifth of his tasks. 」
Following that, the trio browsed through a thousand words.
「 Travice informed me that we are heading to a distant place. A faraway land that requires a year to a year and a half of time. 」
「 I should tell him to be more courteous towards me. Without my precise coordinates, his ship can only float within a port. 」
「 This is a wondrous news, especially for an unlucky brat who has to assume all responsibilities of a useless navigator and other random tasks without allowance, this is a cause for celebration. 」
「 Heavens! I have never desired so insatiably for a man to die before! It has been 3 years since Travice appeared to be hanging by his last breath, yet he refuses to die! 」
「 Our destination is a place called Kijuju. I swear I’ve never heard of such a tongue rolling name before. It must be an African name. Travice is actually a fool for believing he can find a means to longevity there! Ahhaha, if one can live forever by eating 2-3 stalks of flowers, why is there a need for god? 」
Damaged page, cannot be read.
Damaged page, cannot be read.
Damaged page, cannot be read.
「 Honestly speaking, our luck is amazing enough that we arrived at the lovely, primitive and uncivilized continent of Africa. Several times, it felt like the ship would sink. The coordinates of voyage routes cursed by the snares of the devil are foiled by the sea water. I shall write them on this parchment, we will need it when returning. 」
「 Travice is swiftly turning weaker, his palm without skin is just a skeleton but his eyes give me the shivers. I reckon that old thing cannot live for long, we shall have to bury him soon! 」
「 Right, the coordinates of this port are xxx, xxx 」
Damaged page, cannot be read.
Damaged page, cannot be read.
Damaged page, cannot be read.
Damaged page, cannot be read.
Damaged page, cannot be read.
Damaged page, cannot be read.
「 The legends….are real. Momore actually crawled out from the grave after being shot by that damned aborigine!! 」
「 I caught that two-year-old little horse a week ago. In remembrance of my unforgettable childhood, I named it Momore. Heavens, wasn’t he stabbed by two javelins? 」
「 There must be something strange going on in its body! 」
「 Let me think, let me think this through carefully. Momore was pinned down by the side of that large bonfire, the area of altar sacrifices for those natives. Didn’t I discover something in its mouth, as though it had been chewing something? Could it be, he was munching on the ‘Stairway of the Sun’, the one Travice had diligently searched for? It must be! Those aborigines may have left some residue by their altar! 」
Damaged page, cannot be read.
「 Momore actually started eating flesh….from ….Jevon’s corpse… Fortunately, Momore seems to recognize me. There is no cause for worry of having my arm chomped off by its mouth… least not for now…. 」
Damaged page, cannot be read.
Damaged page, cannot be read.
「 At last, Travice’s wish is fulfilled. He managed to escape the punishment of death. But, I feel his condition is worse than death. 」
「 There must be a way to harness this mystical strength while preventing one from falling into madness. Haven’t I heard about dark magic elsewhere? Since others can learn this, so shall I! 」
The records of the voyage journal log came to a spontaneous end here. After reading, both Reef and Mogensha glanced at each other, noticing the shock in each other’s eyes.
Sheyan then calmly started.
“This is what I acquired from Little Lord Fokke. I believe the answer to his dreadful pandemic ability, is found from this voyage journal log booklet.”
At this moment, both Reef and Mogensha unanimously received a notification.
[ You have read Bernard Fokke’s voyage log booklet ]
[ Hidden World initiated: Origin Chapters of Resident Evil ]
[ Henceforth, every time you choose to enter a nightmare world, you will be given a choice. To enter through the automatic allocated transportation arrays of the realm, or the transportation array to enter this hidden world ]
[ Warning: The transportation array of this hidden world will disappear forever after you enter it. Even if you choose not to enter, it will only appear for 3 times ]
[ Warning: Bernard Fokke’s voyage log booklet is left with one usage ]
[ Warning: This hidden world is initiated by the ‘Dead Sea Scroll’, it will similarly inherit the characteristics of the ‘Dead Sea Scroll’. Its rewards and risks may not be in direct proportion. Apart from that, under normal circumstances, the difficulty of a hidden world will be higher than that of an ordinary world. Without adequate confidence, please do not endanger your own life ]
[ Friendly reminder: Before entering, you best prepare sufficient utility points ]
Reef licked his lips and replied hoarsely.
“A hidden world! It’s actually a hidden world!”
Sheyan asked curiously.
“You are aware of this?”
Reef’s eye flashed with memories as he replied.
“I heard from someone else before. When you enter a such a world with a hidden concept, you will not be issued with a main mission. Usually, it would be exceedingly tough to encounter other contestants. It also wouldn’t restrict your staying period, but the only thing restricting your stay is utility points. With every passing day, you must fork out sufficient utility points. It is as simple as accommodation fees of a hotel. However, you can still trigger other side missions there, but you will have the rights to reject them.”
“But just like the mission description, a hidden world may result in an outcome where the rewards do not balance out the risks. The one who told me this was originally from another party. The leader of the previous party invested everything for the sake of that hidden world, but unfortunately received only a tiny reward in the end. Ultimately, that leader was kicked out and the party was absolved.”
“I got it.” Sheyan nodded.
“Then, I don’t think now is a good time to enter this world. Firstly, because of its excessive difficulty, and secondly, because we lack utility and potential points…..we lack everything! Don’t talk about an added difficulty world, we would meet horrendous deaths even in an ordinary world!”
Chapter 594: You hoodwink me and I cheat you
Brother Black nodded in approval to Sheyan’s suggestion.
“Our top priority should be thinking of ways to accumulate loads of utility points. My ‘Sparta Spear’ is repaired and without additional utility points, I will go bankrupt from using it. Reef, your ability also requires utility points or potential points right?”
Sheyan nodded.
“Also, there is another matter we need to discuss. Zi wishes to discuss something with us. Furthermore, she mentioned to me that the Metals Professor has been resurrected, and will definitely look for us in the next world. Perhaps she will become a thorny problem for us.”
While speaking, he offered a crafty smirk at Brother Black.
As expected, Brother Black instantly raised his brows.
“She was revived? Then what about Fanu?”
Sheyan shook his head.
“That, I don’t know, but I know that it was Zeus who revived her.”
Mogensha swallowed his saliva and spoke with a dry and heavy voice.
“Are you aware of why the Metals Professor and Fanu both left to create the Symbiosis sect?”
Sheyan pondered and replied.
“I remember you mentioning before, was it because they were provoked by an MT?”
“That was a reason.” Mogensha shrugged his shoulders and continued.
“But there’s a deeper reason. I heard that Zeus and the Metals Professor were originally a couple, but after Zeus encountered Zi, he had a change of affection and pursued Zi instead. However, I heard Zi was exceptionally arrogant and rejected Zeus’s pursuit. Nevertheless, it seemed like Zi didn’t have the intent to reject Zeus completely…”
“Oh hoh, a love triangle eh.” Sheyan commented.
Reef also interrupted.
“Back in the Avatar world, I noticed that Zi’s party was much weaker than the one I saw back in the Pirates of the Caribbean battlefield. It seems that her party had an internal strife and split up, losing at least four core figures. According to information from my sources, the fuse was probably ignited due to the emotional disputes as well as the distribution of loots.”
Sheyan couldn’t help but scoffed with disdain.
“Are they all fools? Discussing passion and talking about love in the realm?”
Mogensha shook his head faintly
“You can’t put it that way. Actually, the root of the problem stems from the distrust between contestants. For individuals who are drawn into the nightmare realm, they would definitely be stronger than ordinary people and few would dare confide in someone with unconditional sincerity. Even in the real world, apart from blood relations, the closest ties would be the union of marriage. It is a fact that marriage ties in both interests since ancient times till now. Furthermore, subduing strong women has always given a sense of success and pride to men.”
“Ah shit, that’s too complicated. But you do sound pretty logical.”
Sheyan shrugged his shoulders ignorantly.
“If it was me, I would rather look for Melody. The feeling of subduing strong women is pretty amazing, but the taste of rejection is sour.”
Reef suddenly blurted out.
“I do know of certain insider information about how Glory Party trails their target. It is centered around an outrageous ability that requires the cooperation of many. I heard that an immense price must be paid to cast that ability. Not only in terms of a shitload of utility points, the presiding caster must even permanently sacrifice basic attribute points. Moreover, they have to start casting it days beforehand and the ability cannot be halted midway. Once that ability finishes, its cooldown is exceedingly long that it may span several words.”
(TL: Glory Party was the party that Lille and Uzel were in.)
This entire conversation happened while Reef and Mogensha were being treated for their dismembered bodies and the poison within. Hence, the trio were located within the public medical facilities of the realm. They gritted their teeth while bearing with the pain, and discussed about matters to alleviate their minds from the pain.
At this moment, a figure surfaced out of nowhere and slowly approached Mogensha’s back. His golden AK was truly a trademark to others, which was how that figure recognized him.
This was Zi’s able subordinate, Demondream.
She stared at the three males and coldly announced.
“Don’t you know speaking malicious words behind one’s back, especially to a female warrior, is an extremely rude behavior?”
Mogensha unfolded his hand and lighted a cigar, before puffing deeply. Then, he replied contentedly as the fumes fumigated out his nostrils.
“Ah, how are your contemplations going?”
Demondream replied snobbishly.
“What contemplations?”
Sheyan answered with amazement.
“Of course, your buying price for that divine stone. If the Illume-union isn’t fond of my junk, then I will simply bring it to the marketplace.”
Demondream’s countenance turned ugly. Frankly speaking, the ability ‘Flesh Explosion’ from the divine stone ‘Odin’s Surge’ was incredibly alluring. It was an extremely rare evolving ability.
Before this, even Demondream hadn’t heard of it before! One could tell how rare it was. Although the ability required the sacrifice of equipments, it had indeed reached the pinnacle of enticement!
As contestants, they could acquire equipments through trade. Therefore, the act of sacrificing equipments could ultimately be associated with the act of burning money. It didn’t really pose a massive difficulty but its final benefit was a ‘S’ rank ability! The reciprocation of sacrificing equipments would be well worth it.
Mogensha appeared to have cross paths with Demondream before. At present, he strolled over to Demondream and uttered.
“Hey, honestly speaking, it has really been a long time, but I see that your foresight has diminished? You should be setting your hands on this ability without hesitation.”
PA! Demondream slapped Mogensha’s back and lashed out fiercely.
“You must have already learned that ‘Flesh Explosion’, let me see its properties!”
Mogensha shrugged his shoulders in response.
“The properties varies between users, but it circles around the fringes of true damage.”
Demondream couldn’t refrain herself from being moved by the words ‘True damage’.
In truth, most agile type contestants would harbour jealously towards the domineering and ruthless nature of strength contestants in issuing out crushing damages! While every strength type contestant would marvel at the lightning paced nimbleness of agility based contestants!
Evidently, true damages would be a good substitute for agility contestants to make up for the deficit of a ‘crushing damages’ type damage. Although the initial true damages of ‘Flesh Explosion’ was minute, once it reaches higher levels, it may be able to contest the overbearing crushing damages.
At this moment, Dead Souls user Mordah marched over and invited the trio.
“Sirs, Zi wishes to have a chat with you three.”
Sheyan and Reef exchanged glances. After affirming that there couldn’t be a trap present, they followed him over.
When they first entered her room, it didn’t differ much from his own personal room. Yet after advancing deeper, the impression he received was this place was truly magnificently and delicately arranged.
It had the cosy ambience of a house, a disparity of heaven and earth as compared to Sheyan’s personal room; a room that was basically treated as a kennel by the repugnant Jinkuang.
Zi was currently seated on a sofa. In front of her was a tea set with a steaming pot of tea; white fumes permeated through the atmosphere, as a sweet scent drifting into their noses.
She was wearing a loose silk gown, comparable to the depiction of a heroic suaveness along with a natural charm. Her gown, though loose, incidentally revealed her alluring female curves every time she bowed or raise her elbows; releasing an enchantment that nibbled away at one’s bones.
“Please have a drink.” Zi poured the piping hot tea into the cups.
The tea color was a tranquil dark green dispersing out a wondrous fragrance. The cups before them were the size of a cow’s eye, translucent and spotless with a glossy texture. Upon drinking the tea, one would feel a pulse of subtle rich fragrance wandering on blade of their tongues.
Her simple actions and courtesy very bluntly became the focal point of this scenario. This wasn’t something that could be learned from the realm, it was through talent and grooming back in the real world! One could tell she definitely possess an elevated and influential status in the real world.
“Apart from that divine stone, what else have you brought to exchange?”
Sheyan smiled gently.
“Why the rush? Rather, we should pay attention to making steady incremental progress. Let us first talk about the valuation of the divine stone, and its two times usage.”
Zi snorted coldly. She wasn’t accustomed to having her words overruled.
Demondream then reached to her back and produced a shield of radiating dark-gold!
There was a round plate at the middle of the shield, while numerous incisive long spikes sprouted around it. If light was shone from its surroundings, the frame of the shield was appear extraordinarily massive. The entire shield resembled the scorching sun of noon, exuberating the pressing grandeur of a vanguard!
Witnessing such an equipment, Reef instantly burst with joy even before Zi could share out the properties of the shield. Sheyan instead asked solemnly.
“What has happened to Archeaphill?”
Brother Black could instantly perceive. If Archeaphill was still present, he would absolutely not allow such a shield as a barter tool. Even if he had to, he would definitely seek to exchange his silver storyline ‘Bulwark of Azzinoth’ shield first.
Listening to Sheyan’s inquiring, Zi snorted coldly. Demondream’s expression also turned sullen.
Under such an awkward atmosphere, Sheyan tapped his fingers onto the table and nonchalantly continued.
“Hmm, in view of you questioning me about the rewards of the Golden Side Mission, and that our excellency, Zi, has divulged news of the Metals Professor, Fu Lyanna, to me……I can fundamentally confirm, our dear mister Archeaphill has met with a mishap. An exceedingly dangerous predicament that minimally requires a reward from the Golden Side mission. Let’s see, for one skilled enough to orchestrate all these, I guess, it must be related to Fu Lyanna.”
“Carry on.” Zi coldly urged. “I would like to see what else you know.”
Sheyan chuckled but continued with a random statement.
“I’m a little thirsty.”
Chapter 595: Conditions
Sheyan’s statement sounded rather rude, instead, Zi emotionlessly placed the teapot on the table. She then pushed gently with slender spotlessly fair fingers, as the table revolved and directed the delicate tea port to Sheyan’s front.
When everyone was expecting Sheyan to pour himself a cup, he unexpectedly picked up the entire teapot. Raising it above his head, he blatantly swallowed in gulps!
Not only Demondream revealed a spiteful glance, even the composed Zi couldn’t refrain herself from frowning.
Sheyan proceeded to drain out the tea until only the tea leaves were left inside the pot. He then belched comfortably, before offering a smirk and provided an irrelevant answer.
“You’re implying, you wish to trade this dark-gold shield for our divine stone? You should at least exhibit its properties.”
Demondream gave a biting reply.
“The properties aren’t a problem, but how can a piece of rock match the value of a dark-gold grade equipment?”
As she spoke, she demonstrated the properties of the dark-gold grade shield.
[ Grasp of Pharaoh Welkhahor ]
[ Origin: The Scorpion King world ]
[ Equipment rarity: Dark-gold ]
[ Material: Bronze, Carapace of the sage scarab, ashes of an Egyptian pharaoh, Scorching sun crystals ]
[ Addons: Spikes of Scorching sun crystals ]
[ Equipment position: Single hand / Dual hand (Can only be wielded single-handedly if user’s strength is above 40 points) ]
[ Equipment type: Heavy Shield ]
[ Weight: 34 kg ]
[ Equipment usage requirements: Strength 20 points, physique 45 points ]
[ Durability: 250 / 250 ]
[ Property: lowers explosive strike rate against you by 3% ]
[ Property: Defence + 20 (ability ‘Shield Fluency’ reaching an advanced stage can boost this effect) ]
[ Property: +55% chance of resisting the enemy’s attack ]
[ Property: Physique +6 ]
[ Special ability: Parasitic Sage-scarabs (passive) – Whenever you receive damage, there is a chance of conceiving Sage-scarab larva in the opponent’s body. A Sage-scarab larva will absorb 30 HP from the opponent to incubate, and then begin assaulting other surrounding opponents. When a Sage-scarab inflicts 100 primary damage or survives for over 60 seconds, it will explode and supply healing effects to allies within a 10 metre radius. Amount of HP healed: 10 points + defence of shield wielder ]
[ Details: A Sage-scarab is immune to all magic type damage effects, and possess 2 Absolute HP*. If a Sage-scarab dies without self-exploding, the healing effect will not take place. Instead, it will cause the movement and attack speed of the attacker to reduce by 5%. Duration of slow is based on the physique of the shield wielder. This speed reduction effect can be stacked 6 times ]
(TL*Absolute HP is the same one as Jinkuang. Where every attack dealt to him will result in subtracting 1 absolute HP)
[ Detail: At any one time, there can at most be 5 Sage-scarabs ]
[ Special property: Frailness – After long periods of corrosion, the texture of this delicate and valuable shield has degenerated. When used to block an opponent’s attack, there is a fixed chance of its durability depleting rapidly ]
[ Ability: Scorching Radiance – Unleash a dense mass of scorching crystal beams, dealing astonishing AOE fire damages around a 10 metre radius. Damage dealt: physique of wielder x 10. However, the wielder will be blinded for 10 seconds, where this effect will fade if the wielder is attacked. If ability is cast in a narrow and sealed space (rooms etc), half of the scorching crystal beams will refract against the opponent and deal a second round of damage ]
[ Details: Upon casting ‘Scorching Radiance’, the shield’s exterior will change and be left with its middle circular shape. Its nature will change from a heavy shield to a light shield. This shield must be placed under the sunlight for at least 4 hours before it can replenish its scorching sun crystals ]
[ Ability: ??? (unactivated) ]
[ Description: This is a precious object treasured by the Scorpion King. Although the berserk, long range expert Scorpion King wouldn’t use such a gutless tool as a shield, the atrocious Scorpion King holds reverence for the grand Pharaoh Welkhahor. This is why the ‘Pharaoh Welkhahor’s Grasp’ has been maintained so well until now. If your efforts can awaken the slumbering pernicious spirit of this shield, you will be able to tap into its true strength! ]
Sheyan leaned against the chair while leisurely speaking.
“Isn’t it just a dark-gold grade shield? There’s nothing to brag about a dark-gold grade equipment. Wasn’t there someone else who wanted to exchange a dark-gold accessory for both chances of the divine stone?”
Listening to his words, Demondream instantly scoffed.
“You can carry on dreaming….”
She originally wanted to mock further but immediately zipped her mouth, because she could see a dark-gold glimmer within the gaps of Sheyan’s clenched fist!
Zi coldly refuted.
“I heard Reef’s previous party experienced a terribly intense battle in the Matrix world. There should’ve been a large possibility you acquired that dark-gold grade equipment. Seaman, aren’t you trying to scare us by producing Reef’s possession?”
Sheyan chortled gently and flicked against his neck in response.
“This is Reef’s dark-gold equipment. I know you’d think I’m bragging, but that is because you don’t understand me well.”
While speaking, Sheyan then exhibited out the object in his fist. Indeed, it was similarly a dark-gold grade accessory!
The ‘+6 Chieftain’s Hobby’!
Demondream turned incomparably excited and involuntarily voiced out upon seeing that item.
“Sire! Yuan Zhan will be able to recover his prowess with it, no, he could even become stronger than before…”
Speaking till here, Demondream immediately clutched her mouth. However, by then, Reef and Mogensha already revealed enlightened expressions.
Zi glared at Demondream with dissatisfaction and continued her negotiations.
“Do you wish to sell that accessory?”
Sheyan squinted his eyes and replied.
“Last I recalled, we were still discussing the topic of the divine stone eh? Let’s conclude that first before moving to others. I think we are all clear on this, although the value of a dark-gold grade equipment is exorbitant, an evolvable ability like ‘Flesh Explosion’ is absolutely valiant. If you can learn it, it would surely be worth the value of a dark-grade equipment.”
“Hold up lady Demondream, interrupting someone is a rather impolite conduct. If you have objections to what I’m saying, then our conversation can end here. I wouldn’t mind heading to the marketplace……an ability that can evolve to the ‘S’ rank and a dark-gold grade accessory, I’m sure it will attract multitudes of patrons.”
Zi abruptly scoffed indifferently.
“Of course you can do that, but aren’t you afraid you’d accidentally sell it to your foes? Being eliminated by the enemy with your own equipment or ability, wouldn’t that be awfully pathetic?”
Sheyan’s lips curled up and opposed with equal harshness.
“Oh, true that. Back in the Avatar world, we were almost stalled by a group of individuals.”
Zi very calmly continued.
“At least, the majority of our time in there was with a rather pleasant cooperation.”
Sheyan stared into her eyes and earnestly urged.
“If the Illume-union wishes to obtain this ‘Flesh Explosion’ ability, then show us your sincerity. I thought I possessed amicable relations with them, yet cruel reality showed up and lectured me severely. Oh, how my heart ached that time.”
Zi straightened her posture and replied.
“We shan’t talk about the past, or do I have to factor in that debt from the Caribbean sea world? I won’t deny that ‘Flesh Explosion’ is truly a powerful ability, but your divine rock only offers a fixed probability of allowing one to learn this evolving ability! It isn’t guaranteed, and that is where the worth of a dark-gold shield surmounts your divine stone. If you are willing to add in that accessory, our Illume-union can throw in two additional conditions.”
Sheyan replied indifferently.
“What conditions?”
Zi pondered and answered.
“Reef should still be stuck at the final barrier to become an official Growth-hunter right? We can supply assistance and allow him to successfully transcend to that realm.”
Sheyan glanced at Reef. Reef shrugged his shoulders and revealed a cheeky intent. Sheyan obviously knew Reef had utilized that item, otherwise, it would’ve been impossible to obtain a max evaluation for their hidden mission.
Sheyan then chuckled and asked.
“How about the second condition?”
“In your next world, the Illume-union will shelter and block off the Metals Professor’s pursuit for you.” Zi continued.
“I can restrain Zeus. With me around, Zeus will never act. This will increase your chances of survival substantially.”
At this moment, Brother Black and Reef both issued into the party channel simultaneously.
“Boss, I feel that’s fine. If what Zi says is true, then her suppression of Zeus will really offer to us an immense victorious possibility.”
Sheyan contemplated a little before adding a question he already knew the answer to.
“Firstly, how will the Metals Professor chase us in the next world? Secondly, who is Zeus? I heard he’s a rather formidable figure?”
Mogensha replied Sheyan through the party channel.
“Do you still remember the Banks Syndicate ambushing the Symbiosis Sect? Then, they were able to orientate our position and create a shuttling transport black hole. Right now, I bet the Metals Professor can do that too. Moreover, a disastrous scenario can happen, that is to first locate the world we are entering, and then entering themselves. I heard a foreseeing type spirit expert contestant can possess such an ability. Of course, they will definitely have to fork out a tremendous price, and minimally requires an advanced 7 days to activate it!”
Instead, Demondream introduced Zeus with a single phrase.
“Prince Stalo was defeated by Zeus, and he hasn’t won a single time.”
The trio couldn’t help but commence a series of private discussions. Although they could conceal these discussions without the need to whisper, it couldn’t escape Demondream and Zi’s eyesight.
Both of them glanced and each other, feeling that a deal was at hand.
Eventually, Sheyan unexpectedly shook his head and offered an inevitable but upright expression to Zi.
“I refuse.”
Chapter 596: Trying to outwit each other
Evidently, the Illume-union wasn’t expecting that answer.
Demondream’s countenance instantly changed.
“You feel that isn’t enough?”
“Correct.” Sheyan sincerely replied.
Demondream clenched and teeth and rebuked.
“Very well, what if we don’t want your divine stone? As long as Yuan Zhan can rely on this dark-grade accessory to recover his peak state, this sacrifice would be worth it!”
Sheyan’s face abruptly exposed a furtive smirk.
“Actually I don’t require your sacrifice. We would’ve gotten a deal if one of your conditions was amended previously.”
Not only Demondream, but even Brother Black and Reef’s ears stiffened up with curiosity. Sheyan then continued.
“We of the party Ace, we are exceptional, we don’t need anyone’s help nor protection. Let whatever dogshit Zeus chase us. It would’ve been fine if you had changed that condition to a thousand utility points.”
When Sheyan released that statement of scorn, Demondream’s face sank uglily. Brother Black had his mouth wide opened with a seemingly constipated look, but very quickly relaxed his brows in enlightenment. Only Reef was still frowning……
“You’re belittling me, lady Demondream. Do you think emphasizing the importance of this ‘Chieftain’s Hobby’ to Yuan Zhan would channel my attention towards that, and neglect your real motives?”
Sheyan then unexpectedly and leisurely started chewing onto the tea leaves.
“If you say that the Metals Professor is bent on killing me, that would be reasonable. But for her to pursue and kill Mogensha as well, that would be rather far-fetched. Besides, Mogensha was a general under her and didn’t really betray her. His status makes him bound to be roped in.”
Speaking till here, Sheyan paused and continued.
“Most crucially I feel…..since the Metal Professor is in love with Zeus, but Zeus has set his eyes on Zi, while Zi, you possess the ability to suppress him, then the Metals Professor definitely aims to eradicate Zi; to sweep away all hindrances and personal agendas in her party. Therefore, the Metals Professor, Fu Lyanna, has her eyes set on killing Zi. Only by killing off her love rival, will she obtain the pure, devoted affection of Zeus!”
“Therefore, I believe, to the Illume-union who lacks their MT Archeaphill now, you are the ones that require our assistance. Only a powerful support class and a professional MT like Reef, can prevent your utter annihilation! Therefore, it should be you pleading with me, and not come under the disguise of charity to offer your ‘generosity’.”
“Sincerity, sincerity is the basis of all collaborations! If you feel you need help, then first treat us with an equal standing. Don’t treat us as fools, where your only eventual outcome, is becoming the fools yourselves.”
After speaking, Sheyan stood up and left without glancing back.
Reef and Mogensha naturally followed his lead.
Right now, Zi’s countenance was exceedingly furious. When she looked down at the semi-chewed tea leaves, she couldn’t help but gnashed her teeth and berated.
“That uncouth and uneducated bastard!”
After leaving Zi’s personal room, Sheyan glanced at Reef with particular enthusiasm.
“How does it feel to become a Growth-hunter?”
Reef’s nightmare imprint flickered slightly before he smiled bleakly.
“The realm has restricted me, there are many things I can’t reveal. But I can confirm the path you tread is the right one. Also, in a low-intensity world, if a Growth-hunter attacks a realm contestant, there will be another additional 40% safeguarding clause. Hence, we cannot base our conjectures on our past experiences in crossing hands with official Growth-hunters.”
Sheyan then requested Reef to display his attributes. Reef complied but all Sheyan and Mogensha could see was a layer of hazy fog covering it. They were totally incapable of viewing anything. Nevertheless, Sheyan had another method.
He then decided to spar with Reef, and immediately realized all his attributes had undergone an astonishing growth rate. Probably like what Reef mentioned, such growth wouldn’t be allowed to be unleashed against ordinary contestants in battle.
Right now, Sheyan had formulated an initial reckoning about his own awakening to the Growth-hunter stage. After some contemplations, he nodded faintly.
Throughout this period, the trio became extremely exhausted. Sheyan was still fine, at least he had some time to rest after his battle with Little Lord Fokke.
Instead, Reef and Mogensha had probably gone through a mad rush of torture under the Black Pearl Pirates’ pursuit, where they had gritted their teeth and endured till perfect mission completion.
Initially, both were thriving with adrenaline from attaining a ‘lvlmax’ rating from completing the hidden main mission, but after this bout of adrenaline, they began yawning like an opium addict who was puffing towards the sky. They appeared as if they could even fall asleep while walking.
With such circumstances, the trio parted ways and returned to the real world to rest. Sheyan would then rush back to Uncle Dasi’s side to test out his newly acquired medicine. His heart was set on speeding home.
Chiming to the same beat, the trio scaled the stairs as they ascended.
Sheyan’s heart was boiling with an unexplainable anxiousness. After a momentary lapse of consciousness, he realized he was back in the bustling Xiwu pier.
Sheyan casually strolled towards a shop. This shop has been in business for 70-80 years, selling syrup and rock sugar for three generations. Sanzi loved the longan syrup here, and would always drag his big brother here for dessert. As he was feeling slightly dizzy, Sheyan stopped for a casual peppermint red bean soup.
Strolling under this hot weather filled his forehead with beads of sweat. When he walked into this clean shop, a gust of refreshing cool air struck him, along with the slight honeysuckle fragrance. With a ceiling fan brushing cool wind against him, the heat was swiftly swept away.
Soon after, a pure white ceramic bowl filled with broth was served. Ice cubes clinked against the surface of the bowl within, and the skin of the mushy red bean had been peeled away, looking like little red powder that swirled amidst the cooling soup. Peppermint leaves were floating above it, and the chocolate-colored simmering syrup gradually dissolved into the soup. It was indeed an art.
It was as though his throat and eyes were emitting smoke, as he couldn’t resist the urge to stir with a ladle. The soup and ice cubes collided with the bowl surface, releasing refreshing jingling sounds. Sheyan lifted the ladle for a taste. Instantly, his mouth was overwhelmed by a refreshing coolness. The sweetness of the red bean simmered, and the unique peppermint fragrant wafted through his mouth. A suitable temperature brought about by the practical usage of ice cubes to absorb the blistering hot heat, not excessively cold that it would induct frostbite headaches.
As Sheyan slowly drank his dessert, he started thinking of a logical method that could allow Uncle Dasi to accept his treatment. As the bowl of red bean soup approached the halfway mark, he reached a basic conclusion.
After finishing the soup, Sheyan stood up confidently. Ten minutes later, he boarded a cab towards the market. Although he was rather exhausted, a sense of excitement enveloped his body; fuelling his mobility.
Time swiftly sped by, and two days had passed since Sheyan returned home. He had recovered his energy, and his mental state was now relaxed.
On the third day, Sanzi heavily panted as he raced over, informing Sheyan of a group of foreigners showing up in Xiwu pier. They were all clad in suits and drove luxury cars, and he wasn’t sure if they were here to cause a commotion.
Instead, Sheyan was secretly delighted. Knowing his plan succeeded, he purposefully frowned and issued.
“No way, I haven’t caused trouble recently ah.”
He then headed over with Sanzi for a look. As it turns out, it was a group of doctors from a major hospital that came to this relatively insignificant place for medical examinations. Such good news was unprecedented in Xiwu pier before.
Naturally, it was the females and elderly who would become obsessed with such free services. Within a blink of an eye, the place became overcrowded. Chinese folks also loved to be curious spectators, therefore not long later, the site became packed with visitors.
By now, the relationship between Di Gu and Uncle Dasi was already pretty intimate. Hearing of this matter, she instigated Uncle Dasi to make a trip. Uncle Dasi’s was soft-hearted and thus casually made the trip. After registering, someone then received him for treatment.
This person had pleasant features, being outstanding and refined from head to toe. He was impeccably attired and wore golden traced spectacles. Upon noticing Uncle Dasi, he first handed him a name card. On it, was the name ‘xxx doctor professor’, ‘Vice president of xxx hospital’, ‘title of xxx of English nobility. Uncle Dasi became dazzled with all these accolades.
After putting on an act of examining Uncle Dasi, he told Uncle Dasi that though the exterior of his hand had healed, there was something wrong internally which required further treatment. If Uncle Dasi were willing to test out the product of a high-end research of the United States, he would receive free treatment.
The word ‘free’ instantly terminated the suspicions in Uncle Dasi’s heart. Uncle Dasi then followed him to a place. After an anesthetic injection, Uncle Dasi fell unconscious.
When he woke up, he discovered his hand was covered by a pair of gloves, which was also densely wrapped up; without using a scissor, he wouldn’t be able to remove it.
The doctor then advised Uncle Dasi not to remove it for two weeks. Otherwise, a festering infection of a deadly and lethal virus may flare up. Moreover, if he carelessly reveals this secret treatment, he would be arrested to become a guinea pig for the government!!
Chapter 597: Utter disappearance of Siqiao town
Uncle Dasi was all along a timid individual. Furthermore, there seemed to be no abnormalities with his body, apart from the slight dull warm feeling in his wrapped hands, thus he agreed at once.
In the end, his hands started itching and aching unbearably in the night. Grinding his teeth and enduring bitterly, that sensation faded away when it was nearing twilight. He then fell into a groggy sleep and only woke up in the afternoon.
Upon waking, Uncle Dasi instantly felt as though something was different. After a slight bafflement, he discovered to his amazement, his fingers had actually had actually rejuvenated!
Amidst the shock, Uncle Dasi was obviously surging with ecstasy. After calming down, he naturally remembered that this should be related to that physician the day ago.
When he affirmed that the United States’ high-end research medical technologies had truly rejuvenated his limbs, his heart flushed with horror. Fearing that his newly grown fingers would be taken for research, he immediately sought out the reliable Sheyan; intending to flee from this region.
This matter had in fact been entirely manipulated by Sheyan. Through the local tyrant Gu Yuean’s connection, he managed to contact an unlawful president of a prominent hospital; offering a donation of 10 million, and invited them here for a charity medical examination. This request was naturally passable. That president naturally consented cheerfully, knowing this was a chance to increase his reputation and illicitly bottle perhaps 5 million.
Follow that, Sheyan sought out an ‘extra actor’ who was in rather dire straits. He then told him about his plan to swindle a rich tycoon of his money, notifying that if he coordinated with him, he would receive a hundred thousand regardless of anything.
This extra was presently in dire straits and couldn’t even afford normal meals. Presented with this offer, he gladly accepted. At present, he became afraid of being sued for being in cahoots with a swindler and vanished after receiving his money.
Sheyan was long prepared to handle Uncle Dasi’s inquiries. He showed Uncle Dasi many reports of advanced medical technologies on the internet. News articles ranging all the way to growing out new human ears of guinea pigs, to solidify Uncle Dasi’s confidence. Then, he advised Uncle Dasi to wait and observe the situation.
Anyway, the Fuyuan was nearly completed and they could just flee towards the boundless ocean, following the soaring birds and the leaping fishes.
Uncle Dasi and Sanzi were both individuals who were naturally indecisive, yet they would become free of worries as long as someone could make the decisions. After hearing Sheyan’s words, they finally calmed down.
At this moment, Uncle Dasi suddenly sighed.
“Hais, if only we could return to Siqiao.”
Reminiscing the past, Uncle Dasi had lived in Siqiao town for twenty years and could deem it as his second hometown. After leaving for so long, he definitely felt a longing.
Yet once Uncle Dasi raised the issue of Siqiao, Sheyan immediately felt a faint throbbing pain in his chest; relieving the agony of having been beaten by those thugs in the past.
“Ah, Huashan Fei…” Sheyan’s lips curled into a sinister smile.
Uncle Dasi instead continued dwelling in the excitement of his regrown fingers, not noticing the ruthless ferocity in his foster son’s eyes.
The next day, Sheyan directly bought a ticket back to Guangzhou. At present, there was no longer any problems pertaining to his identity, and he could naturally return to the mainland openly. Along the way, Sheyan hired a taxi straight for Fang Cheng Gang, and casually stole a Motorbike before speeding to the familiar Siqiao town.
The smell of the sea breeze remained starkly familiar to him, while the trees and village huts remained prominent in his dreams. The current drizzles dawned the unique moist and chill of the southern region.
Sheyan deliberately rode through the roads where he had once he forced to flee for his life.
He first passed through that previous factory construction site of his preliminary entry to the nightmare realm. It seemed that the previous murder cases here hadn’t affected the investment confidence of those old bosses. These whitewashed walls were now filled with machines and multitudes of workers pacing busily around. They all looked like hard working worker ants.
After here, Sheyan couldn’t help but feel the fluctuating changes of life, an illusion of things remaining the same while people changing. The next tiny road he passed through would lead to Siqiao town.
According to present-day conditions, this road was a severely polluted district. Even drinking water and the air there would release a dilapidated rubber odor. Yet Sheyan could feel a sense of cordiality towards this road of archaic taste. It resembled the engine oil of turbine ships, or perhaps, the sweat of pirates and the fishiness of the seawater….such a flavor had permeated deep into his blood and bones.
After this village, Siqiao town would be right ahead. Sheyan felt that this current pathway he took was filled with unkempt long grass.
Apparently, not a single person had walked through here for a long time, and only his motorbike left a deep tire trail along the soft mud.
Sheyan was rather perplexed. Though his route was tough to travel, it could save half an hour of the journey. Normally, it would be an inevitable route for fishermen who wished to save time. Hence, there would always be people shuttling through here, and would absolutely prevent this place from looking so overgrown.
“Could it be that Huashan Fei’s conscience had prompted him to construct a new route?” Sheyan guessed in his heart.
He stepped his oil pedal, triggering a clutter of black fumes to puff out of the motor’s exhaust. As this motorbike speared through the mud, he should already be seeing the silhouette of Siqiao town.
Yet within a split second, Sheyan became utterly dumbstruck by his viewable horizon……because, in this world, there was no longer a Siqiao town.
That town constructed with substandard planks, worn out tires and rusty machinery was no more.
That illegal tiny town.
Before his very eyes, was shockingly a field of desolation!
The deep crisscrossed tire tracks of excavators, disorderly heaps of soil and sediments, buried shoddy building materials leaking out of the soil, gaudy plastic bags that were drifting about by the winds…..this was the image Sheyan was beholding.
Even that pier…..a pier constructed with the sweat of Siqiao’s citizens including himself, Uncle Dasi and Sanzi…..had utterly vanished.
What was left, was a sludge of cement still obstinately floating along the seawater, alongside steel reinforcing bars brimming with grimacing rusty stains.
After a momentary lapse of attention, Sheyan relied on his memories to bore through the ruinous emptiness. He finally reached his own hut. This was the area that appeared to have received the full brunt of demolition. What was left was a giant pit with a ten over metres radius.
Nevertheless, a three-ply plank semi-buried in the ground in a distant roused his memories. Sheyan pulled out that plank. Posted on it, was a female celebrity beaming splendidly, while her breasts had been shamelessly nailed by a thumbtack by Sanzi in the past. This plank had been nailed atop his bed…..
Sheyan stayed for roughly an hour here. He suddenly felt his enthusiasm waning, and even his impulse of paying back his debt to Huashan Fei had faded.
He wasn’t crumbled but rather feeling dispirited with a dull melancholy. This melancholy banished all other emotions for some unknown reason, and thoroughly commanded Sheyan’s soul.
“Forget it. In the past, we would also be lacking money to fill our bodies back at Fang Cheng Gang. Tonight, let me pay a visit and have a good meal of pig’s red at the Piggery Roll. I’ll leave tomorrow in the morning. Huashan Fei, count it as your fortune, dog.” Sheyan mounted the motorbike and determined his plans.
As for the Piggery Roll Sheyan just mentioned, it was an exceedingly well-known restaurant. Its boss, surnamed Zhu*, appeared to be a civilized man running a kitchen. The signature dish they sold was pig’s red, where every dish was infused with it. The restaurant’s original name was poetically graceful, known as the Pavilion for returning exhausted. When this restaurant gradually became popular, and their customers were mostly ordinary natives, they bluntly named it the Piggery Roll.
(TN:*Zhu is pig in Chinese but author uses another zhu)
Probably many do not know what pig’s read is. Actually, this is something most have eaten before. It is pig’s blood.
Every single dish of the Piggery Roll was related to pig’s blood. Their best seller was the Pig’s red soup, going at 3 dollars per bowl. Drinking several mouthfuls of this piping hot soup would immediately unleash a comfortably warm feeling throughout one’s body. It was said that at their peak, the Piggery Roll could sell off over two thousand bowls during the twenty-seven days after the winter solstice.
Sheyan’s previous economic state could only allow him to live frugally. Hence, he would only share a single bowl of pig’s red soup with Sanzi whenever he frequented Fang Cheng Gang. All along, he was aware that the second floor of the Piggery Roll sold rice and dishes, which were all related to pig’s red. Yet he couldn’t afford to patronize the second floor, even for a single good meal.
Today, Sheyan had returned to his hometown filled with indignation and murderous intent. In the end, he discovered fleetingness of life where his home was already inexistent. His fluctuating emotions propelled him to search for the flavor of his childhood.
After an hour, Sheyan was back outside the Piggery Roll.
This was a civilian district encircled by skyscrapers and clamorous liveliness.
Old-fashioned roof houses filled this place, along with damaged and muddy streets. Street stalls selling mantous could be seen emitting piping hot white steam, flushing against passers-by.
The air also contained a trace of fishiness. With every sensory organ being overwhelmed, it could only be described with a single phrase – Brimming with vitality.
Chapter 598: Bumping against the gun’s muzzle on one’s own accord
When Sheyan caught sight of an old-fashioned and filthy building, like a crane amidst the flock of chickens, he heaved a sigh of relief. He had been afraid this symbolic building from his memories had also been demolished.
The Piggery Roll was a three-storey building. Its outer walls were devoid of ceramic tiles or plaster and were decorated with pure concrete. Of course, the cement had been eroded by the wind, as they were slowly peeled away to reveal motley red bricks behind. The cultural revolution style of its surface could be vaguely identified.
On the worn out door, was a crooked woven basket that was slightly damaged. The words ‘Roll, dry’ were written on it…..while the other words had faded from the winds and the battering rains.
The exterior of the Piggery Roll was bustling with activities. One could observe the stark contrast of a BMW730 and tattered bicycles parked together, like shiny polished leather boots and filthy stained fishermen’s boots placed together on a stool. Occasionally, laughter could be heard, before reddened faces full of vigor would come sauntering out of the place. In response, other queuing customers would stream in.
After queuing for 5 minutes, Sheyan felt as though someone was spying on him, but he saw no one upon glancing around.
Upon entering, he saw a house full of people with heads buried in bowls, as they wheezed its contents. A rich aroma of scallion lingered within the place.
The floor was mushy and released a misconception of stepping on a football turf field. In actual fact, this was due to the reckless littering of used tissues, forming into a thin layer on the ground; alongside bones, chopsticks and other litters. Probably due to their busy schedule, the bosses of this place couldn’t care about the hygiene of the area.
“What’re you having?” A waitress impatiently asked. Sheyan raised his head before the familiar face of the lady boss greeted him.
She was thin and almost all her hair had turned white. Her lips were thin yet stubbornly pursued, while her dressing was simple and plain with an apron wrapped around her. It was washed clean while he cuffs and trousers were folded up. She emanated an astute and capable impression, being exceedingly efficient.
“Oh, I’m here for some dishes.” Sheyan scratched his head and answered.
“Wait here.” The lady boss practically sounded like a robot, shooting her words rapidly. She then directed her attention to the next person. “What’re you having?”
After approximately half an hour, Sheyan finally received the qualification of proceeding to the upper floor. He sat at a table filled with cold leftovers.
After waiting for 10 minutes, someone finally came and roughly tidied up the table. Sheyan could still notice greasy congealed oil being smeared around into an arc by the cleaning rag. He truly didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Following that, nobody attended to him to take his orders. A waiter then carried over a piping hot pot and put it gracefully over a portable kerosene stove, which was combusting with lively blue flames. Peals of white steam emitted from the pot, alongside bubbling sounds and an exceptionally enticing aroma.
Sheyan picked up a tiny bowl and filled half of it with a ladle. The snow-white scallions bobbled back and forth in the maroon colored pig’s blood soup, while beads of oil floated atop the broth. The strong fragrance of onions assailed his nose and seemingly eliminated all traces of cold in him.
Sheyan drank a mouthful. Instantaneously, a chunk of pig’s blood followed the broth and poured into his mouth. As his teeth lightly set into motion, he could feel the lump of tender pig’s blood bouncing about, before disintegrating into many pieces; leisurely supplying added tenderness along the blade of his tongue. Within a short minute, this little pot of soup was consumed cleanly by Sheyan, where the pig’s blood was devoured cleanly.
Proceeding from that, was another long wait which was additionally excruciating for individuals with rumbling stomachs. Actually, he only had to wait another ten or so minutes, before two waiters strenuously heaved a large wooden platter over; where vegetables and meats were placed on it.
To Sheyan’s astoundment, the surrounding customers all charged forth ferociously with the speed of Liu Xiang fighting for the world champion.
After snatching plates of ingredients, they took off! Within the twinkling of an eye, even those tiny plates of cole slaw or pickled cabbage weren’t spared.
“What the hell! The waiters don’t serve you here, this place is a bloody food fight!”
Sheyan could finally perceive that within this Piggery Roll, manners and being polite would only cause one to be disadvantaged and famished. Hence, he knew what he had to do.
When the next wave of ingredients arrived, Sheyan no longer bothered about courtesy. Relying on his freakish nightmare realm strength, when the waiters arrived with the platters of ingredients, Sheyan bluntly squeezed in before taking immensely drastic measures. He snatched the entire platter and prepared to take flight.
At this moment, he noticed a vulture in the form of an old man by the side, attempting to cut him off. In view of his respect for the elderly, Sheyan employed a civilized approach with lightning pace – he spat into every corner of the platter. This instantly caused that old man and other bandits to resentfully leave him.
Twenty minutes later, Sheyan finally achieved his five years long wish. He finally treated himself to a sumptuous meal in the Piggery Roll. As mentioned above, every dish in the Piggery Roll was associated with Pig Blood. The three plates of ingredients he had snatched earlier were as follows – Red white beancurd that was cooked with three raw ingredients. The main ingredient was high quality grinded tofu, blended with pig’s spine and brains, and finally pig’s blood. The three ingredients were all tender, slippery, and would melt in one’s mouth.
Next was a cold plate of blood sausage. Filling up the pig’s small intestines with pig’s blood and added with condiments, it would then be boiled thoroughly and sliced. Chewing it unleashed both a sweet yet ice-cold flavor, which slightly resembled a cute ice-cream cone. It was crispy to chew and the pig’s red inside was tender and satisfactory, melting in one’s mouth.
Next was a bowl of pure pig’s blood. This was pig’s blood flushed with boiling water, along with bean sprouts, tender white scallions, radish, chili oil, other hot pot ingredients, and wide vermicelli. Looking down, the broth’s surface was laced with a layer of red oil, which would induce an involuntary sense of spiciness on one’s tongue. For individuals who loved spice, this would be perfect.
With this combination of dishes, Sheyan wolfed down three bowls of rice consecutively. After patting his belly and exhaling in satisfaction, he called the boss for the bill.
Eventually, he received a shocking bill. These three dishes and rice added up short of 20 dollars. Such a price-quality ratio even surpassed that of Volkswagen and Audi, it was no wonder the shop’s front yard was as busy as a marketplace.
After paying his bill, Sheyan strode out of the entrance, where he was welcomed with chilling winds and cold showers. Fortunately, the spicy dishes he had earlier seemingly forced the chill away, it was an exceptionally pleasing sensation.
After advancing several steps, Sheyan abruptly halted.
He could suddenly see a flock of people streaming towards him. Furthermore, amidst the crowd, was that timid guy, Huozi, and Felixis whom he had spared a long time ago*. Although Huozi’s face was flushed with fear and horror, Felixis’s eyes were glistening with venom. When he noticed Sheyan, he immediately pointed towards him and exclaimed!
(TN:*This happened in v2ch35)
“That’s him!!! Bro Fei’s goods are on him!”
Sheyan instantly understood. As it turns out, Fang Cheng Gang was Huashan Fei’s territory. The series of serial murders that he brought about that time, had probably been deemed as a feud between members of the black society. As it caused such a horrific uproar to the public and the higher ups, Siqiao town was demolished.
Nevertheless, Huashan Fei’s energy wasn’t affected. His nest had always been in Fang Cheng Gang. As for his status, he had managed to convert his former illicit drug dealings into a wholesale retailing emporium now.
With his appearance in Fang Cheng Gang, people that recognized him definitely weren’t a few. In addition to this place being Huashan Fei’s territory, the possibility of identifying him was immensely substantial.
More crucially, Sheyan had totally forgotten he was still holding onto a batch of Huashan Fei’s goods. Except to Sheyan who possessed the might of a contestant, he could ignore that batch of money. Yet to an enterprise capitalist like Huashan Fei, that sum would make a tremendous investment capital.
When Sheyan rode his motorbike through the city and even had a meal here, he most likely had drawn in attention already. However, the black society wasn’t like the 110 hotline where they could arrive anytime and anywhere. They required a period of time to muster manpower. Seeing that they had gathered such a huge flock of individuals, the time was now ripe.
Sheyan was one who had seemingly experienced a hundred battles. His kill tally definitely surmounted the kill tally of those brats ahead of him. He was no longer than small fry who just entered the realm.
Still, he fled without hesitation upon encountering such a commotion, because he was exceedingly clear that only if need be, he wouldn’t want to cause such a freakish ruckus of ‘one knight resisting thousands’ in the open streets. Incurring the attention of the nation wouldn’t be wise at all.
Evidently, the crowd of thugs had already been notified of Sheyan’s freakish strength by Felixis and Huozi. However, many times, people would only believe their own eyes. To them, Sheyan’s fleeing reaction was normal, and it would be weird if he didn’t run! Hence, they became incomparably excited, as they pursued ferociously while thinking of their Bro Fei’s commendation.
With Sheyan’s current speed, shrugging them off would be overly easy. In spite of that, he had no plans to shrug them off.
Instead, he jogged leisurely and slowly dangled with these unlucky brats. Although Fang Cheng Gang was a bustling city, its areas were still separated into modernized and run-down districts.
After a leisure jog of 1-2 kilometres, he turned into a blind alley filled with old-fashioned and dim streetlights. Then, he turned around and inclined his head down; allowing the tidal wave of thugs to swarm him.
Chapter 599: Rooting out in reverse
Sheyan ceased his footsteps, appearing like a towering dam in the darkness of night, barring his opponents on the spot. With his sudden swing around, the few foremost thugs immediately halted.
They were all drug peddlers or adept swindlers but weren’t bold enough to toy with their own lives. Despite so, some brainless hooligans took the initiative as they pushed through the crowd and charged forth.
Sheyan stooped his waist and picked up a random wall brick stuck in the mud. Without even batting an eyelid or moving his feet, he bluntly smashed the few thugs till blood flowed from their heads.
The most gravely wounded thug lost half of his teeth, and even bit off half of his tongue before that as blood welled up in his mouth. His choking wails sounded muffled and he spoke like he had a lisp.
A long time ago, he had resented himself for being an idiotic fool. At the time, if he had managed to claim this brat Yan’s head, he could’ve received the bounty from Huashan Fei. Yet only now did he discover, he wasn’t unlucky that day but exceedingly fortunate!
The muddy floor was blended with brick fragments and fresh blood. Blood slowly trickled down Sheyan’s fingers and continuously dripped onto the ground. The icy cold showers continued pouring from the sky, rapaciously sucking away all bodily warmth from the humans.
With every gesture, Sheyan struck four, people toppling everywhere. He was as peaceful as chasing away four houseflies. Then, he slowly demanded.
“Where’s Huashan Fei?”
Nobody answered him. 7-8 thugs formed into a fan-shaped encirclement against him, while 4 other thugs were groaning by his feet; having no strength to stand back up.
The human wall before Sheyan abruptly opened up a crevice and allowed two rather lean males to march out. Their legs were dressed in old military camouflage trousers, and even in this alienating downpour at 8 in the night, they were unexpectedly wearing shades.
“Do you think wearing shades makes you look cool?” Sheyan suddenly mocked the two.
Those two thugs disregarded him. But they didn’t expect that Sheyan’s next phrase would be a rampantly provocative vulgarity.
“F**** your mother.”
The two thugs then expressionlessly reached towards their feet and pulled out a black, long and incisive knife from their army boots. The audience didn’t require much effort to realize those were specially modified military bayonets!
Back before Huashan Fei monopolized the underground markets of Fang Cheng Gang, those second rate retailers were definitely unwilling for Huashan Fei to rob them of their rice bowls.
As the saying goes, destroying one’s livelihood is akin to killing one’s parents. Thus, an urban blood war inevitably happened.
As for those two thugs, they were retired soldiers sent from Vietnam. During a crucial battle, then wielded those lethal bayonets and slaughtered consecutively, not even sparing those that attempted to flee in a sports car!
During that time, eyewitnesses accounted that though they couldn’t see the outcome of those victims in the car, blood gushed out through every punctured hole in the car. These horrendous scene dyed the streets red, and one could imagine the terrifying capabilities of those bayonets drawing blood.
Only later did those thugs realise these saw-tooth bayonets were truly procured from the military. Stabbing and retracting with these bayonets was easy, but would leave wounds that were tough to stitch. Its blade surface was large and couldn’t be snapped off easily. Moreover, these bayonets were even heavily coated with hard metal.
Hence, this bayonet didn’t emit a shade of stainless steel or normal steel, but a variant of aluminium alloy that was dullish black. Under normal circumstances, not many could survive in the face of those two bayonets. Without needing to stab the heart, any lacerated area could rip apart arteries resulting in widespread loss of blood. Stabbing one’s innards would result in fatal internal hemorrhage, while the chest would cause the flattening of one’s lungs. It wouldn’t take much as well to pierce through one’s skull!
Brandishing their bayonets, the two Viets inched closer. The surface of their bayonets reflecting the dull streetlights; appearing like two vicious snakes slithering in with breakneck pace!
Sheyan’s face was shaded by the darkness, and his lips curled into a distinctive sneer.
“You dare to kill me? Do you not want Huashan Fei’s goods?”
The two Viets had already made their moves. Spearing towards Sheyan like a gust of wind, their vicious nature determined that their first move would be a fatal one.
Yet after hearing Sheyan’s words, their firm hands shuddered slightly! This wasn’t fear but the allure of money. The two military bayonets instantly deviated away from Sheyan’s chest.
Yet hesitating while assaulting Sheyan was practically asking for a death wish. Stretching his hand out, Sheyan easily wedged one of the bayonets between his armpit; while following up with a knee towards the Viet’s chest. 5-6 of the Vietnam thug’s ribs immediately released fracturing cracks and snapped, before piercing into his lungs.
Meanwhile, his body was flung up half a metre high where he coughed out a mouthful of blood; his penetrative gaze turned dim and was now brimming with appall!
Instead, the other Vietnam thug’s bayonet stabbed into Sheyan’s other arm, but unexpectedly felt as though he was stabbing something solid and slippery; directly directing his bayonet to slip to the side! His attack scraped out a trifling cut on Sheyan’s arm. Sheyan didn’t show courtesy in response, as he smashed in with a fist.
Nevertheless, this Vietnamese thug was relatively agile. Of course, it was also because Sheyan was restraining his strength, to avoid any absurd scenario of sending someone flying dozens of metres away with his fist. Hence, that Vietnamese thug managed to shift away his vital spots, but was still struck on the shoulder. That Vietnam thug instantly issued a blood-curdling scream, as he clearly noticed his shoulder blade caving in gruesomely!
Sheyan unhurriedly flicked his hands as he probed around the mud beneath, and finally grabbed the other thug’s bayonet. He then signaled towards the nearest thug with his fingers with a contemptuous hooking gesture.
“Come on!”
That thug felt as though he had suffered tremendous humiliation but he couldn’t stop his legs from shivering. Still, he was no fool and immediately pulled out a kitchen knife, before commanding three underlings beside him.
“Go attack!”
Frankly speaking, that ‘go attack’ command was sounded with defeated morale. Despite that, the three underlings were rash-headed youths who exchanged glances before charging forward with poles/knives. That larger hooligan who was provoked similarly charge forward behind them, with eyes that flashed ominously.
At this moment, Sheyan advanced instead of retreating, as he lunged towards the three underlings with added speed. Before contacting the three underlings, he swiftly bent himself and lowered his center of gravity. Instantly, those three underlings felt as though their target had suddenly vanished.
Despite that, the three underlings swung their poles/knives with great inertia, which pounded heftily against Sheyan’s back! At this instant, for Sheyan to kill them, it would be as easy as snapping his fingers. However, the three underlings looked as if they still possessed the innocence of childhood, and even tiny baby hairs around their mouth were still present. One look and he could tell they were still immature youths. Sheyan subconsciously thought about Sanzi, and reckoned they were not wicked beyond redemption. Thus, he spared them, thinking that today’s experience of bloodshed cruelty would stir them emotionally.
Sheyan effortlessly endured their assaults without sprawling to the ground, then he burst forth with swiftness and pierced through the obstructing underlings. Holding a bayonet, his hand shot forth with lightning speed and thrust it into the chest of their thug boss!
This thrust was practically like poking dofu. The sharp bayonet pierced out from his back without even carrying a trace of blood yet. Instead, the thug boss’s expression turned lifeless. He couldn’t feel a tinge of pain but shifted his trembling hands to caress the bayonet, that was thrust deep into his chest. Sheyan then mercilessly and slowly retracted the bayonet.
The jagged sawtooths of the bayonet hooked inwards from the thug boss’s back, before being pulled out from his chest. The thug boss instantly lost his supporting pillar, as his body slumped cumbersomely to the ground; limpidly slouching against the muddy ground.
Blood and rainwater slowly dyed the turbid mud red.
As the thug boss convulsed on the muddy ground, two words drifted out from his mouth……perhaps he was cursing at Sheyan with a ‘Damn you’, or perhaps he was calling out for his lover ‘Jenny’, or perhaps calling out for his brother ‘Danny’. But that wasn’t important for his convulsions soon turned into his final breath, and he passed away. Not a single soul, would ever know the true meaning of his final words….
Though Sheyan showed mercy to the youths, he was absolutely ruthless towards the backbone thugs of Huashan Fei! Every thrust of the bayonet resulted into a gruesome bloody hole! Though some may not be fatal, the blood loss still dwindled their vitality.
Ultimately, those thugs weren’t trained soldiers. Once they witnessed Sheyan stabbing down several in nonchalant fashion and feeling the ghastly terrifying aura he exuberated, they knew they had encountered a frenetic cornered beast! Thus, they scattered like the birds and the beasts at once.
Don’t look at the sheer quantity of hooligans, many were here just for the thrill of rowdy jeering. After the few mainstays of Huashan Fei were dispatched of, the rest rapidly disappeared to wherever the winds blew.
As Sheyan observed the fleeing hooligans, he trampled his feet down onto the back of that Viet whose shoulder had caved in. Sheyan then pulled his head and whispered into his ears.
“Where’s Huashan Fei?”
That Viet clenched his teeth tightly as though blood was about to be squeezed out from his gums. He remained resolute in silence and probably had gone through interrogation torture drills before.
Sheyan ignored him and nailed him into the mud with one thrust. Then, he strolled to another survivor.
In the face of a blood dripping bayonet, that anguished and horrified brat confessed everything cleanly, to the extent of revealing that his wife’s buttocks had a hemorrhoid. Therefore, the whereabouts of his boss, Huashan Fei, was also cleanly engraved into Sheyan’s mind.