The Ultimate Evolution - Chapter 726
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- The Ultimate Evolution
- Chapter 726 - 749
Chapter 726: T-Virus…
Only after Reef and Zi marched 7-8 metres in, did Sheyan jog over after examining the corpse. He then offered his opinion.
“Old Hyena’s neck was snapped cleanly, probably done by a single hand action. It’s hard to think of normal civilians here possessing such capabilities. Our enemy is likely the members of Skull Party. It’s best we don’t leave anyone alive should we clash. Fortunately their satellite surveillance system has already been blocked. This is extremely favourable for us.”
Zi nodded and flicked her left index finger. Instantly, her revolving rhombus mana crystals halted, and hovered above her with a mystifying stance; as though she had just drew her bowstring. Undoubtedly, once she detects any strange movements, it would spear forth and puncture her foes.
At present, for ease of communication, Sheyan employed his military authority and party leader privilege to pay a fixed fee, and temporarily recruited Zi into his party.
Reef led the way ahead. Sheyan guarded the rear. Zi overlooked from the middle.
A tranquility lingered in this motel, as though all the guests were sound asleep.
The first floor corridor appeared fine, but when they reached the second floor, a scene of bloodstains everywhere, shattered glass shards and shredded clothes greeted their sight.
The most appalling sight was this – multitudes of blood handprints could be seen along the upper portion of the corridor walls. The feeling of incomparable bitterness was palpable as they observed those bloody handprints dragging along stretches of long bloodstains along the wall. One could guess the helplessness and despair of these victims!
Such a scene would be exceedingly alarming to ordinary individuals, but the three contestants had seen all sorts of scenarios already. Hence, they merely heightened their vigilance and callously proceeded. Occasionally, they would exchange several warnings.
All of a sudden, Zi thought of a question as she frowned and turned around. Instead, Sheyan mildly whispered.
“I’ve investigated. Wester’s package room is at the end of the third floor corridor. He’s a huge smuggler, renting all four rooms of the third floor, I guess this makes his transactions much easier as well.”
They advanced while whispering and quickly reached the third floor.
All of a sudden, the last door of the corridor swung open. Three pale looking males scurried out and hastily locked the door.
They were wearing army officer uniforms but their uniforms were drenched in blood. The blood appeared like it was splattered, which indicated they had probably just gotten reprieve from death.
The leading militant ordered in a defeated and exasperated voice.
“Contact our men at once. Those mutants have started assaulting the military!”
Yet a split second later, an abnormal sound resounded from the door behind. It was an extremely piercing sound, analogous to a knife slowly scraping against glass but filled with a sinister sensation of seeking blood.
More crucially, these rooms were specially refurbished for Lieutenant Colonel Wester. None of them exhibited wooden doors, but instead, sturdy reinforced steel weldings installed with numerous anti-theft systems.
Chi! Chi! Chi! The sounds of a welding torch emitted out alongside fireworks of sparks. Soon after, clear cracks could be seen!
Instantly, deep crevices formed at the surrounding walls alongside dazzling sparks, before the large door distorted halfway and was sent flying like a piece of paper.
As the fumigating brick dust settled, a tall woman clad in skintight black leather marched out. Her frame was larger than average european females and was at least 180 cm tall. She had an ample chest and fertile buttocks. Her sapphire pupils were incredibly abstruse and seemed as though they could see through anyone.
When she lifted her left hand, one could observe an incredibly weird finger cot covering the index finger. The finger cot appeared extremely sharp and diabolical.
As that woman sketched with her finger, visible and unexplainable strands appeared in the air. Those criss-crossing strands emitted a light blue radiance, as they streaked in with matchless velocity before cutting down that military officer.
Those strands were akin to incredibly incisive knives and effortlessly sliced through the officer’s waist. That officer couldn’t even gasp in pain before the other three criss-crossing streaks flew in and diced his body into eight chunks.
Splitter! Splatter! The chunks of flesh fell to the ground.
Those strands were indescribably hot, when slicing through the officer’s body, they cauterized the severed blood vessels and prevented even a drop of blood from dripping out!
Thump! Thump! Thump! Sonorous sounds then echoed out from a nearby room. The sounds sounded like a raging monster was currently decimating the wall partitions of this building.
A second later, the wall was blasted into smithereens as rock fragments scattered everywhere. Then, a gigantic black figure smashed out and pummelled another fleeing officer to the ground.
This black fur of this figure appeared ragged, with maroonish rotting flesh beneath. Sliced off curling tendons could be seen oozing with scarlet bodily fluids. This was truly a repulsive abomination to behold. It possessed razor-sharp claws with a metallic glint.
This beast shockingly looked like a virus infected and decomposing great bear!
Upon witnessing this scene, Zi’s expression changed slightly.
“Indeed the Skull Party! Be careful of that bear, it is a summoned beast infected by the T-virus. It’ll be huge trouble if you get injured by it. Also, Mogensha, you scout out for the hiding summoner! He is a brat called Plague. I’ve crossed hands with him before, he is a freaking pest! Refrain at all cost from letting his summoned creatures harm you, and exploit every opportunity presented to pressure him. Otherwise, the pressure will be turned against us.”
“T-Virus eh?” Sheyan’s eyes flickered upon hearing that. He chortled and mumbled to himself. “Ah, what a familiar term.”
At this moment, great bear raised its paw loftily over the grounded officer. Its paw was the size of a palm-leaf yet its black claws were immensely acute. With a single swipe, it ripped through the horrified and shocked countenance of the officer, and tore his brains out along with a regiment of gushing blood.
The infected great bear transformed with added vigour after smelling blood. It then munched down onto the officer’s neck and slurped viciously. As this happened, the officer’s body rapidly shrunk. Looking closer, the innards of the corpse was actually being corroded at a visible pace before being devoured.
After sucking dry the body, the great bear’s mouth split open as though it was smiling malevolently. It revealed a series of countless sharp teeth, a ghastly and shuddering sight to behold. With a single munch, it ludicrously devoured the skin and bones of the officer corpse.
At present, only one officer remained alive.
His complexion was ghastly pale as he panted heavily while sprinting away. He didn’t dare to look back, because if he did, the horrifying sight would cause his legs to turn limp and drain away all his will to live!
Yet in this instant, that voluptuous woman sketched with her left index finger again. Those same cutting strands of unparalleled deadliness once again streaked out from her diabolical looking finger cot.
The last officer was about to be diced to pieces.
Prior to that, Sheyan was already swiftly weighing the different factors. He immediately shouted into his party channel.
“Save him and disperse at once. Fighting in this place is disadvantageous to us.”
“Mogensha, cover us. Zi, avoid directly clashing with them, it is best you don’t reveal your identity.”
Zi became momentarily stumped in response. Accustomed to giving orders at this time, she couldn’t react in time and was pulled back by Sheyan, before regaining her senses to retreat.
A dull sensation of disappointment filled her heart, yet concurrently at this moment, Reef had activated ‘Courage’. He dashed towards that officer and bluntly guarded his front.
Instantly, those terrifyingly sharp strands collided into Reef. Boom! A exceedingly violent explosion erupted which sent Reef flying backwards!
That voluptuous woman was about to pursue, she abruptly flicked her left index!
A fiery streak whizzed in and was about to strike her! Instead, this bullet was sliced into two halves, but out of the blue and soaring in behind that bullet, was a smoking rifle grenade!
Indeed, this was Brother Black’s masterpiece!
A rumbling explosion ensued as smoke and fire engulfed the place. When that voluptuous woman resurfaced from the chaos, the gang of four had already rescued the officer and was fleeing 30 metres away.
The voluptuous woman wanted to pursue, but upon noticing the opposing party had three individuals plus a hidden gunman, she didn’t dare to recklessly charge in. After all, she was clearly an agile type close combat contestant.
She merely stamped her feet and issued a hoarse but charming cold voice.
“Plague! If you don’t act now, this side mission we acquired may be stolen by others!”
Out of the blue, a little girly voice drifted out from beneath the voluptuous woman’s feet.
“My Misa is already chasing.”
Not too long later, the infected great bear came running back.
One of its front claw was noticeably broken and exposed rotting red flesh beneath and a tinge of its eerie white bone. Its wound appeared fairly smooth which suggested being slashed off by a sharp weapon.
Despite its wounds, dregs of the opponent’s flesh could be found on the infected great bear’s other paw.
Chapter 727: A-virus vs T-virus
The great bear idled for several seconds as it communicated with the hidden Plague. Those few dregs of blood dripping flesh on its paw was probably cleaved out from the enemy.
A while later, a chilling laughter drifted in.
“Misa cleaved his chest, very soon and he shall know the price of being clawed by Misa’s paw. I’m afraid to even to contestants, the T-Virus remains a terrifyingly grave consequence!”
The voluptuous woman insipidly questioned.
“Are you certain that storyline character has contracted the T-Virus?”
Plague’s innocent and unbridled voice drifted out again.
“He should be experiencing the outbreak by now. Why Patrice, you don’t believe me?”
Patrice sneered and replied.
“Then what are we still waiting for? Let’s head over to the objective at once! You should now, he is presently nearly a thousand kilometres away from us. Worse still, the satellite system that Judas had infiltrated has been blocked for some unknown reason. Our situation is rather awkward now, its best we drive over now.”
Plague’s girly innocent voice drifted out again.
“There’s four of them y’know! Four!!! How many achievement points are they worth? Moreover, it’s quite rare that I managed to assemble that many slaves this time, of which a Licker may very well surface. Patrice, just think, how much would their equipments be worth?”
Patrice hesitated slightly but earnestly shook her head.
“No, amongst the four, only the gunner assaulted me while the rest concealed their individual prowess. Furthermore, the brat who rescued the storyline officer is fairly valiant and managed to effortlessly defend against my ‘High-Frequency Slicerays’, More crucially, don’t forget how Drizzt’s group fell!”
Plague paused a little before responding.
“However, there’s four of them and not three. The infected T-Virus corpse will soon perish. If we don’t act now, it’ll tough to find a better opportunity.”
Instead, Patrice smirked and strolled into the room behind. Her buttocks swayed in accordance to her footsteps, while her flourishing chest bounced distinctly beneath her skintight black leather shirt. Her current image would truly stimulate one’s beating heart, a feeling a large frequency could split open her shirt at anytime.
“Plague, you seem to have forgotten that we share a same objective as them! There will absolutely be many present at where Wester is. As long as we can deal with Wester beforehand and then set a trap there, you can even create ten times more zombies. When that time comes, we can slowly lay in wait for them to take the bait….”
Plague then broke into a high pitched laughter.
“I suddenly feel exceptionally satisfied cooperating with you, Patrice. Misa, let’s go. We will have sufficient time to set up the battlefield….”
Presently, in a another street, Sheyan was examining his chest wound.
Three vicious claw wounds.
HIs wound was prune coloured but not much blood flowed out. Instead, an extremely sticky deep-yellowish pus oozed out from the middle of his chest. The wound didn’t appear like it was festering, but tumours were rampantly saturating the wound like cancer. It was extremely repulsive and queer. The prune colour seemed to be invading deeper into his wound, threatening to take root in his body.
Zi’s brows were knitted as she inspected his wound.
“Why’re you so reckless? Didn’t I say not to let that infected and filthy bear injure you? Hurry up and carve out that portion of your wound! Otherwise, it’s gonna be bad.”
Although Zi’s words sounded pretty stern and condescending, her underlying intentions were clear.
Sheyan’s heart warmed slightly and just as he was about to reply, Brother Black strolled over while puffing a cigar and curiously asked.
“Why, he’ll turn into a zombie?”
Zi glared at Mogensha and icily chided.
“With Seaman’s current state, there’s a huge chance of transforming into a tyrant. Hurry up and deal with your wound! Unless you wish to be tortured by the T-Virus for one week.”
At this point, Reef abruptly called out.
“Heavens, this dude we rescued has been infected! I reckon he’ll zombify within half an hour!”
Sheyan chuckled and replied.
“No worries….woah, wait wait wait!!”
As it turns out at this moment, the frosty looking Zi proactively shoved Sheyan to the ground, before she created a ‘Force Wall Barrier’ to press him down and prevent him from moving. Then, she bent down and pulled out her sharp crescent dagger.
“Oi oi oi, wait, wait, ahh Zi, wait!!” This was Sheyan’s first time being oppressed by a woman like that, and couldn’t retaliate against the pressure of her ‘Force Wall Barrier’.
As he watched her cold shimmering dagger approaching, Sheyan broke out with perspiration and exclaimed.
“Excellent Zi!! Listen to me, listen first!! The T-Virus is actually useless on me.”
Zi was immediately stunned.
“How’s that possible? Look at your wound….”
Sheyan sighed and answered.
“I purposely suppressed my ability to trick that T-Virus Summoner.”
After speaking, Sheyan heaved a deep sigh of relief.
Instantaneously, several cyan vessels around his chest, ones that looked like roots, wriggled out and adhered to his wound. Gradually, the blackness of the T-Virus poison receded and was ultimately utterly consumed.
At present, Zi was staring deep into Sheyan’s eyes. “This brat who isn’t even a Reserve-duty Growth-Hunter, actually hides so many shocking secrets within him!”
A military rank that vastly eclipsed Reserve-Duty Lieutenant Colonel. A Silver Prestige Party. A support but also a formidable innate MT. An individual who can astutely and accurately oversee the grand state of affairs!
All these factors converging into a single human was already frightening. Yet the most astounding thing was, whenever she thought she understood this guy, he would quickly serve her a new shocking fact that would shake her completely.
“Your innate ability is that powerful?” Zi doubtfully asked. “It can even render you immune to the T-Virus?”
Unbeknownst to her, she was edging closer to Sheyan. Sheyan could once again observe her exquisite fair skin but with a tinge of swooning blush. She was really akin to a delicate porcelain that would shatter from a simple breeze. That faint alluring ‘Poison girl’ perfume scent floated in to complement her bewildered expression.
Seeing such a view, a strange feeling welled up subconsciously within him.
“Ah, well, you can put it that way.” Sheyan repressed that otherworldly sensation and indifferently replied.
Following that, Sheyan lifted his head and ordered. “Reef, bring that unlucky brat over, let me see if I can save him.”
Reef then brought the military officer over. After a brief inspection, they discovered a wound at this right index finger. Probably because he only received a scrape at the tip of his limb, did he manage to hold off the outbreak till now.
Right now, the officer had already fainted. His lips were dry and his gums exposed. His pupils contracted and bulging cyan veins covered his face like a spiderweb. The rims of his eyes were jet black and even caved in.
Sheyan pondered as he sat beside him. He originally wanted to feed some of his blood to him, but immediately considered the consequence of dispelling the T-Virus, but changing him into an A-Virus host instead.
Eventually, Sheyan grabbed his arm. One could then observe a cyan vessel strangely elongating out from Sheyan’s fingertip, before penetrating the officer’s wound. This was indeed a vessel from his ‘Stairway of the Sun’ virus system. As the mother of the progenitor virus, it would probably be a piece of cake to expel the T-Virus for this storyline character.
Five minutes later, the military officer recovered from his critical state. His body temperature stabilized as did his breathing. Nevertheless, he remained slumbering from the excessive damage dealt to his body.
Sadly, the gang of four couldn’t afford the luxury of time for him to rest. Thus, they splashed a few cups of alcohol and a basin of icy water on his face, where he instantly jolted awake.
“Let me first introduce myself, I am Seaman.” Sheyan was half kneeling beside the dazy looking military officer. “And your name?”
The officer’s hazy eyes gradually focused as he finally exclaimed in fear.
“Ahhhhh, holy shit, am I still alive? This is….Major Seaman, I am Captain Miličić! There are a bunch of crazy devils behind! Run!!!”
When the others heard his greeting, they were incomparably baffled. “When did Seaman enlist in this world’s military?”
However, they soon understood something. It seems like an official military rank wasn’t merely acknowledged in the nightmare realm, but probably in any world as well.
Sheyan pressed Captain Miličić’s shoulders and offered with a gentle but powerful tone.
“You are safe, Captain. I’ve expelled the virus from your body. After a good rest, some whiskey and a roasted chicken sandwich, you’ll once again be as strong as an ox. But right now, you must first tell me, where is Lieutenant Colonel Wester? His life is currently in danger!”
Captain Miličić hesitated briefly before replying.
“He just clinched a deal and is currently in Ushuaia converting his profits into gold, diamond and pesos”
Sheyan then glanced at Zi. Shen then nodded gently which signified that she received the relevant notifications to proceed.
Sheyan then continued.
“I need his specific location, tell me at once Captain. You should know how scary those guys are…do you wish for them to find Lieutenant Colonel Wester and torment him in the same way?”
Miličić struggled for a good long while before raspily replying.
“Are you guys military police?”
Sheyan scoffed.
“Can the military police rescue you from those devils? If I were military police, I would be apprehending you and locking you up in the prison right now.”
Chapter 728: Quiet arrangements
Faced with Sheyan’s interrogation, Captain Miličić lowered his head, and took a long while before answering reluctantly.
“Ushuaia, City Hall. 3rd avenue on the 12th street. The 7th building, 11th floor, 2nd apartment.”
Sheyan glanced at Zi and Zi nodded once again. He then laughed heartily and slapped Captain Miličić’s shoulder.
“Well done lad, you can go have your rest now. Oh right, remember to get a nice bath and change to a set of clean clothes. The bloodstains on your uniform may be contaminated!”
Seeing the four humans acquiring the information they wanted but not turning hostile, Miličić immediately calmed down. Without adding a single word, he quickly got rid of his remaining underwear, and didn’t forget to offer a polite farewell despite being in an unappropriate state. Afterwards, he rushed towards a dark corner, but after 50-60 metres later, he returned and exclaimed.
“Now I believe you didn’t harbour malicious intentions, Major Seaman. Someone will ask for a code at the district entrance, you must answer ‘looking for Madam Noah’. If the answer is wrong, Lieutenant Colonel Wester will flee immediately.”
Sheyan didn’t expect this brat to reserve this hand and smiled.
“Many thanks for your trust, my friend. I promise Wester will be safe.”
As if relieved from a huge burden, Miličić finally departed.
Frankly speaking, Sheyan was equally puzzled. Why could Captain Miličić recognize that he was Major Seaman? Yet why didn’t Abreu and Ache recognize him?
After careful deliberations, he realized this issue – perhaps it was linked to him spontaneously introducing himself to storyline characters. Abreu and Ache didn’t even know his name and naturally didn’t dare to ask, obviously they couldn’t decipher his well-known reputation.
Zi then interrupted with a calm tone.
“We need to seize the time. Ushuaia is nearly a thousand kilometres from here with at least a stretch of 400 kilometres of desert, making it susceptible to aggression from savage dinosaurs. More crucially, those two members of Skull Party are nearly half an hour ahead of us.”
Sheyan chuckled in response.
“Oh, not that long actually. If I were them, there would still be many things I need to do; for example, finding a suitable transport or to ruin other modes of high speed transport that we may use……these would waste about half an hour of time. According to their plan, we have no choice but to traverse the desert with inefficient vehicles, leaving us pathetically tailing behind.”
Just when his words faded, a chain of intensive explosions resounded from the southern region of base 13 city!! In a flash, a blazing red eyed the skies.
Zi naturally remembered that that should be the automobile industry region of base 13 city.
This twist of events instantly caused ripples throughout the entire city. Many civilians believed it was a raid by the military and immediately fled with their personal vehicles. The whole city fell into disarray; like a bowl of boiling soup, it became utterly chaotic.
With such conditions, buying a classic antique vehicle would even cost a massive fee.
Zi couldn’t help but anxiously glance at Sheyan with her brows knitted. Yet after noticing his rather confident demeanor, an unspeakable sense of security calmed instantly calmed her mind.
On the contrary, she began to feel fear. She had always been the figurehead and pillar, yet why did she have to rely on others to live now? Thinking of that, memories of her childhood slowly overflowed the depths of her heart and pricked her deeply…
“Oh, it’s about 1:17 in the morning, we still have adequate time.” Sheyan casually muttered. “Zi, do you have anything else you need to prepare?”
The confused Zi answered.
“Us? Setting off now? Those two from the Skull Party definitely wouldn’t leave behind any favourable means of transport! Furthermore, what vehicle can we acquire now…even if we reach our destination, it is impossible to obtain the primary clues. We can’t possibly be going by foot right?”
Sheyan smiled lightly and replied.
“Of course not, they’re probably thinking we would surely be later than them eh?”
At present, Zi was starting to understand something and nodded.
“That’s right.”
Sheyan snickered as his eyes turned incisive.
“This coincidentally fits our ideal scenario. In this manner, once we arrive at Ushuaia first, we can establish our sequence of ploys and snares without arousing their suspicions, before……expanding my next arrangement! This is also the main reason I didn’t want a confrontation with them! Of course, I still have several doubts I need to clear up with you. I hope you will answer me honestly, if you can’t say, then decline to answer.”
Zi indifferently replied.
Sheyan pondered a little before starting.
“Do you still have other forces in this world?”
Zi shook her head and responded despondently.
“Not anymore. I had a friend named Aldaris in Glory Party previously. He was the one who rescued me in the nick of time. However, that led to him being surrounded where he was forced to activate an item to leave this world.”
Sheyan nodded and continued.
“Glory Party seems to possess the means to track you down constantly right? Otherwise, your party could’ve divided and escape.”
Zi gritted her teeth and resentfully uttered.
“It’s Finarsih, also known as Zeus’ eyes. He possesses an exceedingly rare prophesying ability, and issued a prophesying curse on each core member of my party. Hence, he can predict each of our estimated positions periodically.”
“Good.” Sheyan nodded faintly.
“Finarsih is that brat with the nose ring eh? Very good, wonderful. Things are developing perfectly according to my deduction. Zi, I probably have to exploit your secret cell at the outskirts of base 13 city. Apart from that, we need to make some preparations. There’ll be a need for some blood to lure their greedy hearts. As long as the incentives are sufficient, we can muddle their eyes to the danger at hand…”
While speaking, Sheyan shockingly produced two items in his hands.
Two invaluable materials!!
The two ‘A’ rank materials – ‘Shadowdrill Claw’ and ‘Shadowdrill Deinonychus Blood Crystal’!!
Ten minutes later.
With everything settled, Sheyan assembled with the others.
From his personal storage, he retrieved a basin-sized brown egg. Burying it beneath the ground, he proceeded to water it.
Their current location was relatively remote and nobody witnessed this scene.
Very quickly, a large earthen mound protruded up. The mound even trembled with a rhythmic heartbeat tempo.
Two minutes later, the earthen mound swelled up and fissured with a crackle. A foul stench permeated out with the splatter of fishy fluids.
Once again, an arachnid Overlord surfaced before the contestant quartet.
Sheyan climbed into the hollow cavity of the arachnid Overlord first before the rest slipped in like fishes. The climbing tentacles of the Overlord soon retracted, and this horrifying jellyfish-like gigantic creature that lacked offensive capabilities swiftly floated into the air. Then, it swiftly sped towards the city of Ushuaia.
Sheyan was familiar by now. Allowing this Overlord to fly with rapid velocity would undoubtedly consume a massive amount of its energy. Without any means to replenish the Overlord’s energy, this was equivalent to combusting its life force.
Nevertheless, such a flying speed would suffice to cover a thousand kilometres. Of course, if the Overmind or the Mother was present, it would be able to further increase its velocity by 40%.
Meanwhile, the two females of Skull Party, Plague and Patrice, though they possessed the most optimal vehicle with the mightiest horsepower, travelling at 200 km/hour over such a harsh terrain would already be heaven defying.
Anyway, Sheyan believed that after settling the affair with Lieutenant Colonel Wester, he would have at least 2-3 hours left to establish his own plans. In his calculations, such an immense amount of time was surely sufficient.
An hour and fifty minutes later, the gang of four was already exploring the brightly lighted Ushuaia city.
After they had descended onto a forest near a highway, Sheyan brutally abandoned the dying Overlord. In a flash, it dissolved into sticky bodily substance and bubbles.
Henceforth, if he ever wanted to replenish this mode of speedy and environmentally friendly transport, he would have to visit the Starship Troopers World or the Avatar World again.
Without expending much effort, the gang flagged a vehicle along the road and sped off for the third avenue 12th street of Ushuaia City Hall’s 3rd avenue.
Upon reaching the destination, Sheyan immediately felt that Lieutenant Colonel Wester was definitely sick of living. The place was utterly devoid of any sense of security.
This was also because this residential area was located in a district analogous to China’s government compound. Many government officials lived here while a police station was merely a hundred metres away.
Evidently, should any incident happen, the police could rush over at first notice.
The gang of four alighted at the designated residential house. Following Captain Miličić’s instruction, they asked the security guard for Madam Noah.
However, the security guard glared angrily.
Indeed, this was due to the time. It was currently three in the wee hours of the morning! Who would visit at such a time of the day?
“You guys are looking for Madam Noah now?”
The guard’s hand reached beneath his desk. The suspicion in his eyes was filled to the maximum. Concurrently, few others who were serving the indoor night shift noticed the situation here and appeared additionally cautious.
Of course, to the gang of four, settling this security guard would be effortless. Instead, Lieutenant Colonel Wester was probably an incredibly cautious fella.
Just in case, inadvertently alerting the enemy would bring about a failure at the final hurdle, but instead create further complications.
Chapter 729: World collapsing secret
At this point, Sheyan stepped forward and showed his face clearly under the illumination of the guardhouse light.
“Hey mateys, I’m Major Seaman, you should recognize me, aye?”
The few guards scrutinized him before whispering to each other.
“Indeed, it’s him.”
“Hoh, I’ve heard of his name before.”
(Author’s note: This is due to legend level +1)
“Heard he did a pretty fine job on the battlefield.”
That security guard became less stern but still inquired with worry.
“Major sir, I feel bad for asking, but it really isn’t a suitable time to patronize Madam Noah in the wee hours of the morning.”
Sheyan drooped his face and warned.
“Are you intending to pry into classified military affairs? Should I call for the military police to help me out?”
The guard swallowed his saliva and shrugged his shoulders. Finally, he relented.
The following events were needless to say.
The gang of four didn’t bother with knocking on doors. They bluntly climbed to the roof before and then entered by room’s balcony. The balcony door was completely devoid of guarding mechanisms.
When Lieutenant Colonel Wester finally felt something was amiss and jolted up from bed, Zi’s figure had already vanished from the doorway and into the darkness. When she resurfaced, her crescent dagger was curved around his neck.
This performance caused Sheyan to be rather speechless and even felt a certain misconception. It was as if Zi wasn’t a mage type contestant, but an agile close combatant…
Nevertheless, Sheyan knew that her experiences vastly outweigh his. In this cruel realm, relying on exterior looks alone was useless in keeping one alive. This was a woman who strove and succeeded in becoming a party leader, what possibilities could arise if she took a back seat instead?
Sheyan closed the curtains and switched on a lampstand. The light bluntly and directly shone onto Wester’s face and revealed his features.
This was a male roughly in his forties. He wasn’t muscular, uncommunicative and shrewd as they imagined him to be. Instead, he was a fatty with long sideburns….his belly was as round as a six month pregnancy, and his twin small eyes flickered gloriously.
Wester slowly composed himself, and with the dagger positioned by his neck, he slowly sat up and even lit a cigarette for himself. His tiny eyes filtered around before he spoke.
“Let me guess your intentions? Is it money or the goods? Oh oh! Are y’all here to seek vengeance for Kraam. Yes, fine, I did kill him, but someone else forced me to, I couldn’t help it. Besides, he didn’t pay us after receiving the goods. Listen, friends, killing me will get you nothing but being hunted down by many others. Why not receive a bag of cash and leave? I guarantee I will not pursue this matter….”
The contestant quartet remained silent. They waited as Wester rambled on for half a day. Sheyan then poured him a glass of water and callously offered.
“Drink, drink and continue speaking.”
Instead, the Lieutenant Colonel shut his eyes, but one could see his little eyes shuttering around with doubt.
Soon after, Zi retrieved the ruby ring she harvested from Chedeliarchos Skoa, and tossed it before him. She then icily pronounced.
“Recognize this ring?”
Lieutenant Colonel Wester’s complexion immediately turned deathly pale and cried out with a sharp tone.
“You all… is this even..? I…I….it wasn’t me!!”
Zi remained silent as the atmosphere froze with intensity. One could only hear the distinct sounds of Wester’s heavy breathing.
Death and horror gripped his body entirely. Deep down he knew, since these guys were here on the affairs of Chedeliarchos Skoa, his chance of living was incredibly minute.
He could sell himself, but such a condition could be effortlessly met by the Chedeliarchos clan as well. Moreover, he definitely couldn’t offer as much benefits as th Chedeliarchos clan could!
Right now, Wester was only hoping for this – “Since they hadn’t made a move since they entered, they are surely seeking for something. However, the attitude of silence they are adopting is crushing my mind!”
A full ten minutes elapsed. Wester finally broke the silence.
“Fine, what do y’all want?”
Zi coldly declared.
“Listen up, I’ll only give you chance to answer. Should I receive a wrong answer, or that you don’t know, you know you will die.”
Wester’s pupils shifted around uneasily.
“But, how will I know if you’ll release me afterwards?”
Zi indifferently replied.
“You have no choice. We may be lying or we may not be lying. if you don’t answer, you will surely die. If you answer, you still have a shot at surviving. I will ask you now.”
Wester casted a bleak smile and replied.
“Okay, ask.”
Zi straightforwardly asked.
“Though Chedeliarchos Skoa is an aristocratic wastrel, he is still a learned paleontologist. Alas, his prodigal reputation totally covers this gifted aspect of his. But I know with great certainty, the dinosaur gene carrier, the mosquito embedded in that amber, was in Skoa’s hands. However, there wasn’t a grain of amber found on his corpse, I would like to know where may it be.”
When Wester heard this question, he clearly released a sigh of relief and answered.
“That grain of amber is presently with Hammond. You must know him right? The father of dinosaurs of the legends, the creator of Jurassic Park. Yet bankrupt ever since the park was overrun. But a year ago, he seeked me out and was willing to pay an exorbitant price to procure that grain of amber once again. Coincidentally, I was planning an operation on Chedeliarchos Skoa then, and thus accepted his offer.”
Zi emotionlessly replied.
“What you’re implying is… murdered Skoa for another reason and snagged the amber along the way?”
“Yes.” Wester beamed with helplessness. “Of course, I can tell you my objective for seeking our Mister Chedeliarchos Skoa as well, however, y’all best prepare to be hunted down at anytime.”
Sheyan abruptly interrupted.
“Don’t ramble.Wester, how can I verify what you’re saying is true?”
Wester immediately replied.
“I record all my conversations with others.”
After speaking, Wester picked up a slipper. The gang naturally wasn’t worried about him pulling a trick. Wester then slapped the slipper against the wall. There was probably a chip inserted beneath his slipper which triggered a mechanism. Soon after, Wester retrieved a handphone from beneath his bed, and pressed a few buttons before a voice drifted out.
“I’m Hammond, I need that amber.”
“Doctor Hammond? Woah, since you’re being so frank, I’ll cut to the chase as well. After my investigations, I conclude that the grain of amber you want is with Chedeliarchos Skoa. It’ll be difficult to extract it from him.”
“Listen, Lieutenant Colonel, those big boys of the Cretaceous era are already showing signs of evolution. They should be now slowly mutating into new variations. There will come a day, the human race will perish under their claws and fangs. Therefore, we must eradicate them now before our race becomes extinct.”
“Doctor Hammond, I’m sorry but I don’t really understand you. Moreover, what is the link between those darn green lizards as this amber?”
“You aren’t aware? The dinosaur gene stems from a droplet of blood from the mosquito in the ember. I need that amber to continue research on the blood. Perhaps, I can find a flaw in the dinosaur gene! If I succeed, we can completely eradicate them before they mutate and complement any genetic deficit. It’ll be as simple as pesticide fogging mosquitoes.”
“Hey, Doctor Hammond. You should know international calls are expensive, therefore let’s be frank here, how much are you willing to offer for that amber. That amber should be just like a toy to the only heir of the Chedeliarchos clan.”
Sheyan glanced at the nodding Zi.
She then shared the notifications she received into the party channel.
[ You receive relevant crucial information ]
[ Main Mission modified: Please retrieve the prime story item from Hammond – the Mosquito Amber! ]
[ Warning: If Hammond successfully publicises his research on the ‘Mosquito Amber’, it will lead to terribly dire consequences. It can easily lead to a development of a cheap method to annihilate even the deadliest colossal dinosaurs, leading to the collapse of the whole Jurassic world ]
[ Details: You have 48 hours to complete this mission ]
[ Warning: Mission failure will lead to a 33% penalty of all basic attributes, and prohibited entry of all future Jurassic Park Worlds ]
Zi softly muttered.
“Hammond is now a public figure. He should be easy to locate and 48 hours should suffice.”
Sheyan nodded and fished out a ‘Perfect Dinocrystal’ he took from Zi’s secret cell.
He then offered it to Lieutenant Colonel Wester.
“This is your remuneration, but I will need to borrow your apartment. In addition to that, you will board a transport and never cease to move for the next 48 hours. Believe it or not, but count it as I’ve warned you. Also, let me introduce myself, I am Seaman.”
Wester brazenly received that single ‘Perfect Dinocrystal’. He then carefully sized up Sheyan before earnestly exclaiming.
“So it’s you, Major Seaman. I’ve read about you in my reports before. Since that’s the case, then I shall believe you this time. I can bring my personal belongings right?”
“Not an issue.” Sheyan replied.
“Also, you best stay as hidden as possible, the less eyes on you, the better.”
Chapter 730: Large handwriting
Two hours later, a land rover that covered in dust pulled over by the entrance of the neighbourhood.
The voluptuous Patrice extended her ravishing long legs out of the rover. A pair of scarlet red high-heeled shoes and sexy black stockings stepped onto the ground. Swaying her perky buttocks, she sauntered to the security guard. Her outfit was truly blazing, to phrase it crudely, in order to glimpse her underwear, one needed to viciously pry apart her ample butt cheeks…
As usual, she surfaced alone. Plague was nowhere in sight but concealed somewhere in the darkness. This venomous hearted summoner with a girly voice never showed herself, even during operations, she remained noiseless and furtive like a bat.
Strangely, the loyal and disciplined security guard that was stationed by the entrance was nowhere to be seen. Instead, one of those brats from the night shift was still present and was currently lying on the desk, probably dozing off from the weariness of the night.
Patrice snickered to herself as she strolled into the residence with her swaying twin peaks up high.
Their plan was undoubtedly to play it big. At present, passerbys in this tiny neighborhood had been steadily infected by the T-Virus. Just half an hour later, and the population of this place would transform into Plague’s most lethal weapons! As for the team that was on their heels (referring to Sheyan and company), they would soon be converted into achievement points, equipments and a puddle of blood.
Everything was exceedingly normal, everything was going accordance to the script they wrote beforehand.
Facing Wester’s residence door, Patrice carved out distinct light strands with her finger cot, unleashing ‘High-Frequency Slicerays’ as they sliced apart the lock noiselessly.
Patrice then quietly trudged in. Her current dressing exhibited her as an alluring milky cow, but yet her movements were as nimble and sharp like a cat.
In the blink of an eye, Patrice had rummaged through every corner of the apartment, and couldn’t help but curse, “f***” as her countenance turned gloomy.
Everything was as usual, the only difference was, not a single person was present in this apartment.
“Could it be we’ve gotten a counterfeit report?” Patrice felt a chill in her heart and decided to swiftly scan the place again. Then, she discovered several fishy aspects.
The bathtub was still wet and warm and a dull cigar aroma lingered in the living room, where cigarette ashes could be found on the ground. Traces of alcohol stains could be seen on the glass on the coffee table while a roasted pizza slice could be seen in the microwave….
“Hmm, he probably rushed out in a hurry.” Patrice came to this conclusion. After pondering a little, he pressed the voicemail button of the house phone.
“David dear, how many days has it been, someone has been thinking of you till her fingers are numb you know….seventy percent discount going on for this big boobs club hn.”
Patrice’s appearance resembled a big boobs club as well, but her expression darkened as she listened to that seductive voice as well. She immediately pressed next.
“This is Kewell insurance at your service. Have you ever wondered that life is always filled with danger and insecurity…”
Patrice immediately pressed next. Very quickly, she found the recording she wanted.
“Oi Wester, I admit that has been certain grievances between us, but I promise that this job will earn your forgiveness. We’ve found a vital object linked to those mysterious mutants! To them, its value surpassed an entire city. I know you’re a blunt man, therefore, to express my sincerity, I’m offering you a deposit first and you can conduct it as you deem fit. I’ll be waiting for your answer on the web. Trust me, tis’ a job even the devil’s eyes would pop out for from envy!”
Hearing this, Patrice immediately glanced towards the main bedroom. She then noticed a super-computer and instantly exclaimed.
“Hoi Plague, it’s time you surface, look what interesting news I’ve found. These storyline characters actually managed to obtain an object vital to us!”
In spite of that, Plague remained hidden as her crisp kiddy voice resounded out.
“I feel that our mission is more pressing, we should clarify where our target went first.”
Patrice responded with annoyance.
“Of course, we will. But do you need that long to settle a bloody computer? I just want to see what object they think is vital to us, perhaps by hacking the computer, we can find Wester’s whereabouts as well. You never know, Wester may suddenly return home as well.”
“Ah, fine, fine. You always seem to be able to drill logic into me.”
Very quickly, Plague surfaced before the super-computer. Her body was wrapped in bandages like a mummy. The bandages were filthy, sturdy and filled with pus and blood stains. from her exterior, one couldn’t tell if she was male or female, but merely a skinny little 7-8 year old kid.
After booting up the computer, Plague started hammering the keyboard.
Three minutes later, her voice rung out with a solemn tone.
“Patrice, your intuition is truly frightening. Wester seems to be playing it big this time. Do you know what fix deposit that guy offered?”
Patrice revealed her pearly white teeth and chortled.
“I just knew I had a keen sense of intuition. Quick tell me, my lovely Plague.”
Plague answered her with the most direct of methods. With a few clicks of the keyboard, an image was projected before Patrice.
Instantly, Patrice sucked in a breath of chilling air.
“10 pieces…..of perfect dinocrystals!!! That is enough to exchange for the summit grade dinosaur gene dosage!! Ah shit, that signifies 30 free attribute points!”
Plague rigidly replied.
“Moreover, such valuable objects are merely the deposit……Patrice, I really am exceptionally curious as to what ‘vital’ object those guys are referring to. Oh hoh, a firewall protection, does he think this can stump me?”
Time rapidly trickled away.
All of a sudden, Plague released a joyous shriek! Her tone immediately turned deep and low.
“Breached. Now let us see what it holds.”
After hammering the keyboard a few more times, the image of a lightless black rock was displayed on the screen.
The two exchanged glances and uttered.
“You recognize what is that?”
“I don’t.”
“Me neither, but this thing looks excessively bulky, it can be anything.”
As she spoke, Plague’s eyes didn’t wander away from the screen. Suddenly, she clenched her teeth and squeaked.
“Nevertheless, we will soon know what it is, because……Wester didn’t bring it along with him!!!”
Patrice immediately understood Plague’s underlying meaning and inhaled deeply.
“You’re saying, when he left in a hurry, he left all these objects at home?”
“That’s correct. That mysterious Mister A is probably ironing out the details with Wester. Furthermore, Mister A seems to be in possession of more of such objects, that black stone should merely be a specimen, where Wester is likely relying on his connections to find a major client for Mister A…”
“Then what we still waiting for?” Patrice revealed a bewitching smirk. “Although we aren’t adept in finding secret mechanisms, it wouldn’t take much time to tear apart this apartment.”
Crash! Crash!
Rumble! Boom! Crash….
Under the tyrannical violence of Patrice, Wester’s master bedroom was rapidly demolished into a garbage dump with dust settling everywhere…..
“Wait! Something seems to be fishy.” Plague abruptly exclaimed.
Evidently, her observational skills was more elaborate and managed to discover a mechanism; the mechanism activated by Wester’s slipper.
“Ah, how secretive! It can actually be designed like this.”
A second later, Patrice’s silver finger cot ripped out a stand of light in the air. A ‘High-Frequency Sliceray’ collided against the wall, as she attempted to resolve all complications with brute force.
The next second, a secret safe greeted their eyes.
Cash, gold and gems failed to attract their gazes, but instead a single pouch. Upon opening the pouch, 10 majestically twinkling ‘Perfect Dinocrystals’ could be seen!!
The two reached forth simultaneously, each grabbing one side of the pouch.
The two then offered a wry smile to each other. In the end, a contract was formed and they split it 50-50….
Next, a case beneath the pouch quickly attracted their attention. They once again reached forth unanimously, and both weren’t willing to relent.
The two girls glared at each other before simultaneously counting to three and opening the case together.
Following that, they each shot forth a finger and pressed down onto an unremarkable looking black stone.
The first voice belonged to Patrice. Her high pitch scream sounded as though she had first taken cocaine, before mingling and finally achieving a never-ending orgasm.
The second voice belonged to Plague. The sharpness of her cry was as though someone had dismembered all her limbs and rubbed table salt over.
“Ne-neglect…… material that neglects defense, true damages! Ah, a worth can seemingly surmount dark-gold grade equipments!”
A silent tranquility followed the conclusion of both screams.
A deathly stillness akin to a morgue lingered in this dilapidated looking room.
Within an instance, the atmosphere seemed to have froze with swords drawn and bows bent. One could even imagine the sounds of ice cubes freezing.
A saturation of killing intent…
Chapter 731: Smells of conspiracy
“Plague, wait a moment…..” Patrice ordered with austerity.
“I know comrades and friends are meant to be betrayed and exploited, but only when sufficient reasoning is established. If you turn against me now, then you are truly a massive moron!”
Plague remained quiet but retreated into the shadows. Her frame could seemingly and peculiarly blend into the darkness.
Patrice continued.
“You just told me, this item is merely a sample. Do you know what a sample is? If you don’t, let me google it for you…..a ‘sample’, a smidgen used to represent the quality goods. Perhaps it was drawn from the batch of goods for advertising purposes, or perhaps, it be just a prototype that was introduced before the rest. A sample used to indicate the standard of the load of true products!!!”
When Plague heard the terms ‘quality goods’ and ‘load of true products’, she immediately left the shadows. Employing an adorable but silly ‘lolita’ voice, she squealed pitifully.
“Sister Patrice, I know the error of my ways, don’t ignore me okay?”
Instead, Patrice coldly replied.
“We should inform the boss at once. Don’t look at me with that disgusting expression, this is my first warning to you. I’m not a silly ass but you are behaving like a dumb bitch that is blinded by greed. Tell me, do we possess the capabilities to deal with a tier-5 legendary creature?”
Plague paused hesitantly before her voice turned raspy.
“Yes, with the suitable place and time.”
“What about two?” Patrice questioned.
Plague bluntly answered.
Patrice then coldly continued.
“According to prior statistics, a dark-gold grade equipment may drop for every 4-5 tier-5 legendary creature.”
Plague kept silent for a brief while before asking.
“What are you trying to say?”
Patrice answered without hesitation.
“Tell me, what is the common nature of the realm?”
Plague was then enlightened.
“The larger the risk, the greater the reward.”
Patrice sternly continued.
“If we can accomplish this matter, then I’m guessing we’ll acquire at least ten pieces; pieces equivalent to dark-gold grade equipments! Such a bountiful reward. Thus, haven’t you considered the risk we’ll have to face? This probably indicates an immense risk of facing tens of tier-5 legendary creature. Regardless how plentiful the rewards are, it’d be worthless to a dead man.”
Plague contemplated deeply but still felt rather unresigned.
“But we acquired these crystals and item without facing any risk!”
Patrice snorted and replied.
“This the realm tempting us with a compensation for forsaking the mission regarding the ‘Mosquito Amber’! Do you think that after encountering such information, would we care about whatever amber or mosquito? Right now, you should continue digging for information from the computer. We must definitely identify their transaction venue and time!”
Plague became speechless and started searching for more relevant information. Concurrently, Patrice strolled out and made an emergency call to Skull.
Moments later, Patrice returned with Skull’s orders.
Plague was to forcibly retract her disseminated T-Virus and prevent Wester from suspecting anything, which could lead to that mysterious Mr ‘A’ terminating the transaction.
Secondly, Patrice must immediately head over to stall the delayed group of contestants that were similarly seeking out Wester. They absolutely couldn’t allow for side issues to arise at this moment. She just needed to drag for two hours and reinforcements would arrive!
Meanwhile, Plague also managed to discover the meeting venue and time – Ushuaia Downtown Plaza basement two, Target Cafe. The deal was set to happen within 10 in the morning to 1 in the afternoon.
At present, there were still 6-10 hours left.
Upon viewing this information, Plague’s lips curled into a relieved smirk. Still, she felt rather puzzled by this meeting; why wasn’t it a fixed timing but a range?
Nevertheless, she quickly ignored her thoughts and concentrated her focus onto the ‘goods’ that Patrice mentioned earlier. The more she pondered, the more she realized how logical her reasoning was. Attempting to swallow such a grand amount of fortune would be virtually impossible.
The despicable realm wouldn’t act so cordially. Moreover, Boss Skull was a rather impartial person. Since they made a big contribution to this matter, they would be able to receive a an invaluable portion; perhaps even more materials equivalent to dark-gold grade equipments!
Reflecting on that, Plague heated up with passion and immediately reported her findings.
Following that, Skull directly expressed that once he arrived, he would dispatch men to monitor whole vicinity of Ushuaia Downtown Plaza!
Meanwhile, Zi’s secret cell at the outskirts of base 13 city.
The Metals Professor and company had actually discovered the secret cell.
Theoretically speaking, the cell should’ve been disguised meticulously, except, a pack of famished hyena like creatures had cleverly sniffed out the exposed entrance.
Prior to that, learning from the mistakes of Yuan Zhan and Tolui Helenite, the Metals Professor and company had started proceeding with great caution. Yet, the strange sight of a pack of hyena like creatures crowding around a boulder instantly aroused their attention.
Upon entering Zi’s secret cell, they immediately noticed a puddle of vomit and blood. Evidently, it was this puddle that lured these hyenas here.
Proceeding from there, to their pleasant surprise, they discovered tens of ‘Perfect Dinocrystals’ in this secret cell. Furthermore, there were even a few outstanding dinosaur-hunting weapons that couldn’t be brought out of this world.
Without a doubt, they had stumbled on an accidental fortune.
After carefully rummaging around, their spirits rose as Sable, following Zi’s habits, unexpectedly found an Ipad she used in this world. From there, they managed to acquire the locations of three other secret cells.
This discovery was indeed a pleasant surprise to Glory Party.
To the Metals Professor, chasing her nemesis around like a dog and casually digging mouseholes along the way for profit, was truly a carefree and relaxed sensation…
In this instant, the Metals Professor also received a message from Prophet Finarsih – “Zi is currently in Ushuaia, but Zeus also warns that the members of Skull Party are displaying abnormal movements.”
A side note, Glory Party’s current transmission method was at the expense of Finarsih’s mana. Moreover, their method fundamentally required a notebook, as messages were detailed in morse code, meaning it was unidirectional and required translating.
This communication method seemed rather backward, but it was still constantly employed by Zeus. This was because during the earlier phase of many contestants, many parties were already utilizing phones of the respective world for communication. There were rare cases of special abilities assisting foes in tapping on another’s messages which led to the annihilation of a party.
“Zi can really flee, she actually fled a thousand kilometres away.” The Metals Professor sneered but gritted her pearly white teeth simultaneously. Her dark green pupils flashes with ecstacy and venom.
“Perhaps she’s digging another secret cell there. I’m really looking forward to what surprises Ushuaia will bring us.”
When the others heard her words, they laughed in unison.
The Metals Professor then inquired.
“Old Fat, aren’t you familiar with Base 13. It’s four in the morning, are we able to reach there by ten?”
The illusory master, Old Fat, contemplated a little before answering.
“I’m afraid not. Some accident happened and it’s hard to find a good transport in Base 13 now. I suggest first finding a normal vehicle and driving to checkpoint Luke, which is a 100 kilometres from here. We should be able to find a suitable high-speed vehicle for this terrain. I can estimate we’ll reach our destination around noon.”
The Metals Professor smirked.
“Very well. Once we arrive at Ushuaia, we’ll immediately rush to her secret cell and catch the mouse in the mousehole. Oh I love to drown and roast the pesky mouse before seizing it. Sable, where’s Zi’s secret cell in Ushuaia?”
Sable checked Zi’s Ipad before slowly announcing out.
“Ushuaia Downtown Plaza basement two, a cafe called Target.”
“Actually, my plan is full of flaws.” Sheyan rubbed his chin and lazily uttered.
“Nonetheless, I am 70 percent confident they will take the bait.”
At present, the gang of four was idling in Ushuaia’s tallest building, Teliga Telecommunications Tower.
The rooftop of Teliga Telecommunications Tower housed a revolving western restaurant. Sitting by the window with coffee, tea and professional service, one could overlook the entire city; especially, a panoramic view of the Downtown Plaza.
Besides, Teliga Telecommunications Tower was merely a straight 3 kilometres away from Ushuaia Downtown Plaza.
Presently, Zi, Reef and Brother Black were leaning lackadaisically against a soft high-back chair and enjoying coffee. It was rare for the contestant quartet to find such solace.
“Flaws?” Zi reflected on his words before speaking.
“Indeed. Our mystery man’s arranged time of meeting with Wester is obviously a flaw – around ten in the morning to one in the afternoon. Furthermore, how can it be that Wester’s computer offered such complete information. Apart from that, discovering Base 13’s secret cell is too excessively coincidental, and why would the Ipad I carry with me be there and coincidentally contain other locations? Why not remember it by heart?”
“Therefore, we needed to sacrifice blood.” Sheyan shrugged his shoulders and swapped to a confident tone.
“A whole load of blood.”
“Only by inducing greed with such generous profits, can we mask all logic and sight. Only the drive of generous profits, can one make excuses for distinct flaws.”
Sheyan sincerely declared.
“Give them a desire and it breeds expectancy. Naturally, the subconscious mind fears shattering this hope.”
Chapter 732: Before the collision
Reef was deeply moved by Sheyan’s words and muttered.
“Indeed, many extraordinarily clumsy swingers succeed due to their incredibly lucrative bait, thus causing many to disregard the clear warnings. This situation is rather common in the real world as well.”
Sheyan laughed and continued.
“Honestly speaking, the flaws aren’t that inexcusable. If we consider the various aforementioned flaws, we can still find a reasonable explanation for them.”
“For instance, the flaw of the meeting’s time. Many scenarios can lead to this, for example, the mysterious man was unsure whether his flight would be delayed, or perhaps he is merely an untrusting individual thus issued a time range instead.”
“The excessive information on Wester’s computer can be explained by the fact he normally uses the internet for active communication. Moreover, his computer is protected by a military grade firewall and thus wasn’t worried about any leakage of information.”
“The locations on Zi’s ipad could be explained by Zi’s personality being analogous to a lil’ rodent like animals; frequently scampering into severely dangerous places, and thus digging holes in every world to store up some reserves. Therefore, it would be a chore to remember the locations of each secret cell…”
“Oi oi oi, what lil’ rodent like animals.” Zi stared at Sheyan icily with a sense of dissatisfaction. One could even notice a glint of force gathering in her palms!
Sheyan hastily released two dry coughs and corrected himself.
“Typo, typo. Wait no, just a slip of the tongue!”
Zi rolled her eyes at him as her lips slanted down slightly. Her expression of a smile yet not a smile contained a rarely seen enchantment to it. This expression was indeed a fairly rare sight coming from ex-party leader Zi.
Yet in the next moment, Sheyan recalled that even the haughty and impressive Zeus couldn’t contain Zi, and thus, immediately sipped his coffee and diverted the topic.
“Even if my plan fails, it’ll still cause both parties to turn wary like birds startled by a mere twang of the bow. It will still be favourable for our next step. Hence right now, we must think of how to seize the ‘Mosquito Amber’ from Hammond.”
Brother Black doubtfully suggested.
“He shouldn’t possess any superpower right, then the difficulty would be merely the guards around him eh.”
Sheyan shook his head with a grim countenance.
“Not true. I reckon the ‘Mosquito Amber’ is truly with Hammond, thus, this should be the final hurdle for Zi’s main mission. But speaking in perspective of progressive main missions, its difficulty should inevitably amplify incrementally. Moreover, since they displayed the generous rewards in advance, the difficulty absolutely isn’t negligible. Very likely, it ranks amongst the class of hidden main missions. Do you still remember our experience in the Caribbean Sea World?”
“Also, the realm won’t randomly alter the storyline or a storyline character’s ability. This implies that Hammond is most likely just an ordinary mortal. Thus, the biggest resistance to acquiring the ‘Mosquito Amber’, should reside in finding him.”
Reef doubtfully interrupted.
“In view of our capabilities, wouldn’t finding an ordinary person be fairly simple?”
Sheyan chuckled and replied.
“Not necessarily. If he is hiding in the White House, would we dare to pay our compliments? Moreover, this world’s weapon system is exceptionally advanced, eliminating us isn’t an issue. On the contrary, if Mr Hammond really flees to the White House, I will feel more at ease…”
Zi’s curved brows knitted as she spoke up.
“I understand what you mean. After getting his hands on the ‘Mosquito Amber’, Hammond’s goal is to analyze that primogenitor blood and create a chemical weapon that can easily eradicate all dinosaurs. However, there is now an industrial era of dinocrystals which doesn’t seem inferior at all to the oil or diamond industry.”
“Therefore, Hammond’s objective is akin to causing all oil fields in the world to dry up. It’ll undoubtedly incite the public’s fury. As such, Hammond will surely desire for a safe and secured infrastructure that will prevent disruptions to his research. Going by this, a place that satisfies this condition is pretty arduous to find….could it be, you’re worried that he’ll run to that place?”
Sheyan nodded as he gravely answered.
“Correct, the same place where the story originated. Basically, the most dangerous place in this world! Jurassic Park! Regardless of how the story became modified by you guys, Jurassic Park is still Hammond’s creation. After all, he is hailed as the father of dinosaurs.”
“For a man of his calibre, it’ll be easy for him to find a few assistants and return to Jurassic Park. He can just proceed with experimenting with the dinosaur hormones, while the facilities in the park should be relatively intact. In contrast, for us to capture him now, the difficulty we will face…….is likely to be insane. Putting it bluntly, under normal circumstances, an Awakener would be needed to guarantee success.”
Zi clasped her coffee mug with her slender and fair fingers, and lifted it for an elegant sip before speaking.
“Your conjecture is quite logical, but you omitted one fact. We aren’t there to slaughter Awakener level dinosaurs but merely, to infiltrate their territory and steal something from an ordinary old man. This disparity is substantial.”
Sheyan paused briefly before refuting.
“Yes, but….”
When speaking till here, Sheyan abruptly sealed his mouth.
This was because Sheyan noticed something.
On the rooftop garden of a five-star grand hotel two hundred metres from here, an individual had suddenly emerged.
Instead, the revolving restaurant was situated a few couple dozen metres higher than the rooftop garden. This prosperous restaurant was constantly revolving slowly, making it hard for that individual to notice the gang of four. Instead, it would be relatively simple for Sheyan and company to spy on him, because at this time, there were only a measly few guests on the hotel’s rooftop garden.
This was a skinny and tall brat whose head was adorned with an adidas headband. He carried a brown backpack and appeared like a typical tourist. However, when he retrieved a tiny hollow straw in his mouth……an incomparably incisive air of danger instantly exuberated out from him!
It was as though anyone would get injured just by looking at him!
“Zi, you recognize him?” Sheyan raised his coffee mug to his lips and expressionlessly whispered.
Zi added a sugar cube in her coffee mug and stirred it gently with a spoon. The spoon occasionally clinked against the coffee mug’s surface. As she glanced at that individual, she insipidly announced.
“Yes, he’s from Skull Party and should be a relatively terrifying peak Growth-Hunter.”
Sheyan then glanced at the main clock of this restaurant. The clock hands were pointing at 3 minutes to noon.
His eyes squinted as he pronounced.
“Ah, I can’t wait….Zi, if Fu Lyanna encounters imminent fatal danger, would Zeus risk himself to rescue her?”
The two names, Fu Lyanna and Zeus, were a taboo to Zi. Nevertheless, Sheyan just had to bring them up.
Zi instantly transformed into a icy beauty who lived in glacial mountains, her eyes flickered coldly as she scoffed.
“No idea.”
Sheyan smiled and jested.
“But if it were you in Fu Lyanna’s shoes, would Zeus come?”
Zi instantly bit her lips and issued a deep tone after a long while.
“Shut up!”
“Something’s happening!” Brother Black’s eyesight was the best. Of course, he interrupted to break the awkward atmosphere as well.
Only Sheyan knew why he purposely rubbed Zi’s wound. Some matters could be kept in the heart while some cannot. Just like the death of a former comrade, if one allowed sorrow to continue fermenting in the heart, one would end up with extremely severe psychological damage.
Zi was fine now while being occupied in this trial of life and death. Yet once the calm after the storm ensues, that was when the greatest hurt would erupt.
At this moment, everyone’s attention was drawn away by Brother Black.
Amidst the Downtown Plaza below, although the Metals Professor and her group had disguised themselves, the combined imposing aura they exuded was out of the ordinary. Sable was currently leading the way.
Witnessing this scene, Sheyan’s lips curled into a smirk. He could pretty much predict a reaction from Skull Party soon.
They had cordoned off and have been monitoring this area and unexpectedly, came a bunch from Glory Party. Yes, even an average person could understand what was going on.
Those scums from Glory Party must’ve received intelligence on the impending transaction to be held in the Target Cafe! Otherwise, what would they be here for?
In such a scenario, the members of Skull Party would continue hiding patiently in the shadows, and take this opportunity to keep tabs on their opponent. Then, when the mysterious dealer and buyer arrives, they would capture everything in one fell swoop; killing two birds with one stone!
Nevertheless, they only had specific information on Wester. Without Wester showing himself, they would have to continue waiting.
In contrast, the Metals Professor and group wasn’t going to maintain this peaceful status quo, because, they weren’t aware of whatever dog shit transaction. Instead, they were here in search of a nonexistent secret cell.
The members of Glory Party obviously weren’t courteous professionals. When searching for the secret cell, a crude commotion definitely couldn’t be avoided. With a commotion resembling that of a demolishing flat, without a doubt, the mysterious dealer and Wester would be scared silly and thus, sensing something was amiss and call off the meeting.
Thus, the group from Glory Party would’ve pricked the reverse scales of Skull Party.
Chapter 733: Skull’s path
Events unfolded very naturally as the Metals Professor and company wreaked havoc at the cafe. A search transpired into a series of vile behavior, which incited a massive and unruly riot; flocks of humans came pouring out of the area in an unprecedented panic, while many busy-body passersby crowded the surroundings as they attempted to peep and add oil to the commotion.
This scene coincidentally fit the description of ‘wanting to enter but unable to, wanting to leave but failing to’. Multitudes of desperate individuals were shoving around, jumping over masonry borders of shrubs and flowers, or blatantly splashing through decorative fountains and ponds to escape. Fortunately, Target Cafe was located at basement two and people couldn’t jump down through the windows…..
However, amidst the chaos, one could noticeably observe a few individuals blatantly shuffling through the crowd. They squeezed through the crowd as though the human obstacles weren’t worth mentioning, and appeared like a heated knife cutting through butter.
Meanwhile, Sheyan suddenly asked Zi.
“What is the degree of Zeus’ current prowess? Zi?”
Zi paused for a while before unenthusiastically responding.
“He should’ve already broken through the boundary of a Growth-Hunter.”
Sheyan squinted his eyes and inquired again.
“Wouldn’t this mean……the Skull Party is destined for a massive defeat?”
Zi shook her head in response.
“The commander of Skull Party, Skull, is a mystifying and unknown card. I’ve crossed hands with him before, hmph hmph, he took my ‘Force Wall’ as though it was a gentle brush.”
Speaking till here, Zi glanced at Sheyan with a look of amusement. Evidently, she just remembered the first time she encountered Sheyan, where a single ‘Force Collision Wall’ struck him to half dead state.
Sheyan’s lips twitched slightly as he recalled that scene, in contrast to Zi’s sneering looking.
She gracefully lifted her coffee mug and took another sip, while her eyes flickered with anticipation.
“A clash between Zeus and Skull….that should aid you and Reef greatly right. By watching them battle, it’ll aid you in making a conclusive decision for your future path. Ah, strictly speaking, the benefits of spectating this battle is not inferior to a silver storyline grade equipment.”
“That….should be Skull.”
On a main road leading to the plaza’s exterior, a Harley-Davidson motorbike zoomed in with a thunderous rumbling that brimmed with rampant arrogance. Large clouds of black fog puffed out of its exhaust, as the Harley-Davidson motorbike accelerated bombastically before executing a drift and halting in the middle of the plaza.
A brawny male hopped off the motorbike. Every movement he made carried a taste of steel and blood, as his feet trampled deep into the concrete road. Fragments of tar sprayed out from the impact and struck against unlucky passerbys, wounding them gravely and even causing fatal casualties on the spot!
This man of steel and blood then sauntered into the building and towards the cafe, while scanning across with a chilling gaze of explosive fury.
Several members of Skull Party started assembling behind him as they awaited Skull’s callous command.
“Since some foolish Glory Party lackeys have decided to scare our prey, they shall replace them. Their lives and honor will suffice to compensate us.”
Although Sheyan and his group were pretty distanced from the plaza, as the schemers behind this conspiracy, they had long prepared the plaza and placed spyware equipment around the vicinity of the cafe.
Hence, they could safely survey the scene while lowering the chances of being discovered by enemies with outstanding perceptive sense.
At this moment, the Metals Professor marched out from the Target Cafe. She released a sharp laughter and scoffed.
“What shameless boasting!”
In response, Skull laughed crazily with his head looking towards the sky. Then, he abruptly cut his laughter and boomed awe-inspiringly.
“Splendid, simply marvellous. Judas! Where’s Zeus?”
A short old man proceeded to fish out a clock looking object and observed it for a while.
“Currently still around the outskirts of Jurassic Park.”
Skull sinisterly continued.
“So, I’m afraid even retrieving your corpses would be an extravagant hope for Zeus after he rushes here.”
Upon completing his statement, Skull produced a pair of metallic boots that shimmered with a deep blue brilliance from his personal storage. Evidently, its value wasn’t just an ordinary dark-blue grade equipment.
Following that, a flabbergasting scene occured.
Kacha! Kacha! This male unexpectedly enlarged his mouth and devoured the metallic boots with a few chomps! His expression didn’t appear as though he was eating a pair of boots, but a jam biscuit.
After devouring the boots, the nightmare imprint in the middle of Skull’s brows emitted an incomparably glaring shine!
In a flash, Skull’s body mass amplified by several folds and his feet sunk further into the solid concrete ground with crackling sounds; sinking all the way till knee deep!
Two deep blue metallic glows beamed out from Skull’s nightmare imprint before linking with two other members beside him!
The beams were seemingly channeling an unknown source incessantly to them, and instantaneously, two sets of deep blue metallic armour shockingly coated the peripheries of the two individuals. Both armours were laced with sharp spikes and one could imagine how indomitable their defenses were.
The two members immediately charged towards the Target Cafe!
Simultaneously, a barrage of coordinated and incredibly powerful assaults struck them. These assaults were undoubtedly unleashed by the members of Glory Party. Similarly, one could imagine how deadly these assaults were.
However, the two Skull Party aggressors looked as if they didn’t sustain much damages, and only the blue metal armour coating them was blasted into scattering fragments. Nevertheless, the two deep blue beams from Skull’s forehead continued linking to their bodies, and appeared to be restoring their metal armours.
Viewing this scene, both Sheyan and Reef were stunned! Under Skull’s enhancement, those two Growth-Hunters could actually fight evenly the bunch of Glory Party members!
How terrifying was his buffing ability? Was this the true extent of an MT’s capabilities? Also, what was Zi referring to when she mentioned the path of an MT?
Meanwhile, seeing that their comrades had created an opening, the other Skull Party members charged forth unanimously.
Encountering this predicament, the Metals Professor released a sharp order, as they members of Glory Party quickly withdrew up to basement one of the building.
In this instant, Sheyan noticed that as the distance between Skull and the two members widened, the linking deep blue beam turned relatively thin as though it could break anytime. Furthermore, the metal armour coating the two contestants became covered densely with cracks and looked to be disintegrating soon.
Observing that, Skull cumbersomely pulled out both feet and strode deeper into the building with a speed slower than average humans. Every step he made caused chunks of cement to disperse as his feet sank knee-deep into the ground.
As Skull closed in gap between his two comrades, the two connecting beams regained their usual state. Evidently, the beaming link between Skull and his subordinates didn’t possess infinite distance, and was restricted to a fixed proximity.
Alas, the Glory Party members were like mouses in a mousehole without an exit. Although Skull’s advancing pace was pathetically slow, it was akin to forcing them into their graves with every step.
All of a sudden, the air around Skull suddenly and strangely rippled like a passing heat wave!
Right now, his party members were all swarming the cafe building and not a single person remained around Skull. Thus, it represented that he would’ve to fend for himself for this short duration.
In the next second, an incomparably incisive dagger pierced out from nowhere, directly thrusting for Skull’s throat.
With both his feet still rooted in the ground, Skull naturally couldn’t dodge in time.
Hence, he lazily reached out his hand to block. When the incisive dagger stabbed Skull’s hand, it merely scraped out a streak of sparks against a sudden coat of metal over Skull’s hand.
In spite of that, this randomly appearing assassin attacked with miraculously rapid pace, releasing another 5-6 stabs in a flash. The last stab even carved out a mirage of a twinkling ivory tooth as it drilled a deep wound into Skull’s shoulder, causing blood to pour out instantly.
“Good move, relieving his allies by attacking the enemy’s home base.” Brother Black praised and continued. “Zi, you must recognize him eh?”
Zi calmly replied.
“Of course, that is Demondream’s master, Yake. Rumoured as a man who dances on sword tips, Demondream has never won against him. Hmph, but trying to reverse the situation with just him? Simply impossible. An MT exists for the sole reason of tanking damage for his team, regardless of how powerful Yake’s assaults are, he cannot do much to Skull within such a short span of time. On the contrary, he may slip up and die instead!”
Just as Zi’s words faded, a ‘corpse’ lying not too far from Skull abruptly jolted up. Indeed, this ‘corpse’ was the voluptuous Patrice!
She actually possessed such a unique ability of disguise. Just moments prior to this, she resembled a dead corpse sprawled on the ground with no abnormalities.
Her lips curled into a cold sneer as her left finger flashed with a mournful streak. A ‘High-Frequency Sliceray’ swerved out from her scorpion tail like finger cot and headed straight for Yake!
Relying on her abrupt appearance, the angle and speed of Patrice’s ‘High-Frequency Sliceray’ was extremely craftly and was simply unavoidable for Yake.
Concurrently, Skull punched forth viciously with his steel fist towards Yake! A dull glow condensed even condensed around his first, which either added an immeasurable killing force to it, or an disastrously vile negative effect!
Chapter 734: Chaotic fight
Yet in this crucial instance, Yake’s figure emanated a fuzziness and within a split second, his figure unexpectedly dispersed with a ‘shua’ into three identical Yakes!
Patrice’s ‘High-Frequence Sliceray’ slashed through one of the Yakes which directly displayed a virtual image dispersing. Evidently, she had struck an illusion.
Meanwhile, Skull’s fist accelerated forth with explosiveness and issued a thunderous boom, before colliding into the chest of another Yake.
In this moment, though Yake didn’t receive any direct damages, he was blasted by a surge of explosive aura. As though constricted by a rope, he lost his balance and crashed miserably to the ground before rolling for a full 20 metres; his body scraping pitifully across the rough edges of the ground as fresh blood oozed out from the cuts.
“It didn’t look like Skull’s fist deals any direct damage but is only used to repel the enemy faraway.” Reef earnestly concluded.
Zi added indifferently.
“Obviously. When an MT appears, he’ll most likely become the focus of fire. With every passing second an MT can remain in the battlefield, the benefits he supplies will carry on for that second; after all, victory or defeat can be determined by just a single second. Thus, the MT’s ability should allow him to live as long as possible, even for an offensive nature ability, it should still follow this principle!”
As Yake rolled on the ground with unwavering momentum, he finally collided into a sculpture in the midst of the plaza; causing the sculpture to crumble instantly.
Concurrently, Patrice drew the air with her finger cot and instantly, six streaks of criss-crossing ‘High-Frequency Slicerays’ volleyed rapidly towards Yake.
Immediately, Yake forced himself back up as he reached out both hands to intersect Patrice’s attack.
Ding! Ding! Dang! Dang! With his ten figures all spreaded out, one could hear thumping collisions as though glass pearls colliding into each other.
Closely after, a regiment of grey radiance swiftly appeared amidst Yake’s hands. That radiance resembled a cocoon with a pliable but strong surface, and one could discretely notice red glows attempting to pervade out from within.
Then, Yake spat a mouthful of blood onto that greyish radiating cocoon!
After absorbing blood, the greyish radiance gradually dimmed and dispersed into powder form, before contributing to air pollution instead of falling to the ground. Instead, the fledgling within was swiftly revealed. A frame, coated in gold with many interwoven engravings, appearing like a peerlessly gorgeous and exquisite art piece.
In the middle of this frame, was a red crystal mirror that seemingly contained an absorbing visual effect in it. By looking into it, one would feel like he was staring into the deep ocean. Although this red crystal mirror was merely twenty centimetres in diameter, its depth couldn’t be seen through but issued a dazzling blurriness instead. Enhanced by its prestigious crown like golden frame, the mirror appeared mystifying yet serene; hiding an untold and shocking power!
“That’s Yake’s ultimate rank 6 max ability! ‘Crimson Ashes’!” Zi coldly announced.
Sheyan noticed her tone contained a fuming rage within, and figured she had suffered terribly under this ability before.
In the next instant, the six ‘High-Frequency Slicerays’ reached Yake but were abruptly swallowed by Yake’s boundless vortex mirror!
“That formidable?” Mogensha blurted reflexively. “His mirror can actually absorb all attacks?”
“No, only long-range assaults.” Zi’s voice turned frostier. “Except….it absolutely isn’t a simple absorption like what you think!”
Evidently, Patricewas extremely surprised by this whereby a speckle of brilliance flickered on her finger cot. A golden eagle phantom could be seen floating behind her, which was probably the accumulation of her next ability strike.
Instead, Yake’s mirror radiated and unexpectedly released six ‘High-Frequency Slicerays’ in the next second back at Patrice. However, this time, those ‘High-Frequency Slicerays’ were dyed with a crimson luster, making them appear like six blazing streaks.
In the midst of channeling her next ability, Patrice could only issue a scream and forcibly disrupt her ability before darting to the side.
Yet after she darted away, those six blazing ‘High-Frequency Slicerays’ whizzed in straight for Skull.
Undoubtedly, Skull’s mobility remained tragically slow and couldn’t dodge in time.
Thus, an incredibly intense explosion occurred, as a fiery inferno engulfed Skull and eventually left a tiny mushroom cloud of ashes in the aftermath.
After the ashes dispersed completely, one could see Skull’s charred face as he guarded his head with both arms. Although embers remained burning his body, he glared at Yake with venomous austerity.
“The ‘Crimson Ashes’ eh? I had my eyes on you since the last battle. What a pain in the arse for my subordinates eh, today will be the day you die!”
While Skull uttered the phrase ‘day you die’, the gang of four was concurrently observing the individual spying from the rooftop garden of the opposite hotel building.
His aura suddenly rose dramatically as he crouched by the garden porch, and aimed the pipe in his mouth towards Yake. Then, his cheeks swelled up before releasing a gentle blow!
Instantly, a sharp object, bundled with a fingernail-sized glow, whizzed out from his blowpipe.
That object wasn’t visually fanciful nor did it release an ear-piercing rumbling sounds. If one must describe its feature, then it was only the light ‘Chi’ sound it emitted.
Like a thin silver needle, the glowing object hauled a long stretch of light ray which couldn’t be differentiated under the glare of the sunlight.
The entire process of ejecting this blowdart seemed utterly insignificant.
Though this hidden individual was blessed with a panoramic view of half the plaza, he actually couldn’t observe Yake directly, but was blocked by two shorter buildings, trees, rocks and many random concrete obstacles. Nevertheless, he wasn’t aiming at the opponent with his line of sight but through the eyes of his comrade.
As for the blowdart he released, it actually disregarded all concrete obstructions; be it grand buildings, steel, trees or the air, it disregarded them all, vaporizing a tiny needle hole as it punctured through all blocking objects.
The damage of this blowdart wasn’t high, so much so that it could be considered weak. The only thing unique about it was its ability to bypass and puncture through all things within a two kilometres effective range. Rocks, trees, water, air, human bodies… would never fail to leave behind a minute hole.
Despite that, this blowdart resulted in different unique effects from striking different parts of the opponent.
A: Piercing the opponent’s leg, the opponent’s movement speed would plunge substantially.
B: Piercing the opponent’s chest, the opponent would be silenced for 15 seconds, not being able to use any ability or item.
C: Piercing the opponent’s head, the opponent would be stunned for three seconds.
The most outrageous aspect was if an opponent receives three consecutive blow darts at the same area within a short duration of time. His HP would instantly drop by 33%! Of course, this effect was ineffective against storyline characters, but would still deal an astonishing amount of damage.
In a flash, Yake’s chest was penetrated by that single blowdart. He was instantly silenced of all his abilities and items for 15 seconds.
Right at this moment, Skull revealed a sinister smirk as the ‘comrade enhancing’ deep blue beam shooting out of his forehead abruptly converged onto Patrice instead!
Consecutively, many nearby corpses unexpectedly jolted and scrambled up. Very evidently, Plague, who could vanish or appear unpredictably, had acted and assembled her zombie army to strike alongside Patrice.
In a sudden twist of events, now Patrice, ‘blowdart’, Plague and Skull were ganging up on a single Yake!
Although Yake was similarly a powerful Growth-Hunter, he still couldn’t sustain for even a minute and died tragically on scene.
Thus, the first to fall of Glory Party emerged.
Concurrently as Yake was perishing, the blowdart male looked rather exhausted from his ability and hastily drank down mouthfuls of drink to quickly recover his MP.
All of a sudden, a fiery bullet kissed his head. His entire body rattled and broke the railing as he directly fell off the building.
From afar, a few incredibly arrogant gunshots echoed in.
While falling in mid air with a face full of blood, that blowdart male received three consecutive bullets. Although he attempted to wriggle himself to retaliate, he utterly failed to decipher the orientation of the hidden aggressor!!!!
When the fourth gunshot resounded, Zi’s bodd abruptly trembled as she mumbled word by word.
“It’s Aziz. Indeed, it’s him, he finally showed up!”
Upon hearing Aziz’s name, Brother Black subconsciously clenched his coffee mug handle tightly. Crackling sounds emitted from it as clear cracks could be seen.
Chapter 735: Zeus’s path
Nothing strange happened as Aziz’s fourth bullet whizzed in.
However, ten metres away from hitting the blowdart male, the whirling bullet conjured out an image of a diabolical direwolf.
Its mouth drenched with blood, the direwolf pounced forth in mid-air and viciously munched the blowdart male’s neck. With a ferocious twist, it ripped out flesh and blood as it devoured his life.
The blowdart male was still living prior to falling off the building. Yet upon landing, he shockingly crashed down as a non-discountable dead man.
With a deflated long howl, the direwolf vanished into thin air.
One could observe how extraordinarily impressive Aziz’s offense was!
As the discrete second figurehead of Glory Party, he was indeed worthy of his reputation.
Yet despite his overwhelming offense, as time dragged on, he still failed to close up the disparity between both parties.
It was easy to differentiate the disparity between individual formidability and party formidability. Speaking in terms of football clubs, could a single Lionel Messi carry Argentina to world victory? Or in terms of basketball clubs, could one Kobe Bryant win against a full NBA team?
Thus, as time dragged on, the Metals Professor and her group was forced to the third floor; the highest floor and also the parking area. They were trapped in an impasse and casualties were bound to rapidly surface.
The individuals who followed the Metals Professor were practically mostly elites sent to restrain Zi, yet little did they know, two of them would first be eliminated by Sheyan and gang while the rest would suffer an utter tragedy here.
Calculating in terms of Glory Party’s diminishing combat capabilities as more fell in this world, they had plummeted to nearly a third of their original party’s strength!
If all of them were to be annihilated by Skull Party, then Glory Party’s prowess would definitely not even possess a third of their original might.
Meanwhile, as she spectated her enemy’s extermination, Zi didn’t appear very happy.
As Sheyan glanced from his angle, he could observe a dull and worried expression; one that contained a fear for the unknown future.
Sensing Sheyan’s gaze, Zi abruptly swung around and scoffed.
“You’re thinking I’m too soft?”
Sheyan chuckled in response.
“You’re a woman.”
There was an unspoken but vivid implication in his words, to which Zi sighed and replied.
“Wait until you become an official Growth-Hunter, then you will know how I feel today.”
Sheyan was about to answer but he noticed Zi’s sudden frown.
“Such a powerful spatial ripple….could it be, Fu Lyanna is this crazy, she actually dares to summon the ‘Arbitrary Door’ ?”
Sheyan and the others weren’t mage type contestants like Zi and couldn’t sense any spatial ripple. Nevertheless, they could clearly observe a strange oddity occuring in the surrounding space.
For example, tiny vortexes started swirling in their idle coffee mugs, while a crushed up bill had randomly floated into the air.
A faint humming rung in their ears as though an airplane was about to land……
Sheyan then asked.
“Zi, can your ‘Skywalker Force, Strands of Time’ ability disrupt the ripples?”
Zi gazed deep into his eyes as she clutched her silver dagger with her slender fair fingers.
“I’m not sure but I can try.”
Sheyan pondered a little before earnestly replying.
“There isn’t a need to. Weakening Glory Party to this extent has already met our current objectives, they will probably not pose a massive threat to use anymore. What good will it be if they lose any more? Rather than shaving off more members, why not let Skull and Zeus duel each other!”
After pensively thinking, Reef then interrupted.
“I agree with what Zi said previously. If we can spectate their fight, the knowledge we’ll acquire wouldn’t be inferior to a silver storyline grade equipment. Let Zeus come, let us witness all his aces!”
“Zeus is here.” Mogensha abruptly blurted.
Under the Metals Professor’s guidance, a queer blue line sliced through the air in front of her out of nowhere. The blue line then expanded before one could distinctly observe two hands strenuously attempting to push through. Gradually, an unstable radiance that could accommodate the size of one human was formed.
The next second, a figure stode out.
This wasn’t a herculean looking figure but could only be described as pretty large. Still, his countenance released a pair of eagle eyes looking out for its wolf pack. It was as though everyone would crowd around him and accept his leadership.
“That must be Zeus eh?” Sheyan calmly muttered.
Zi nodded emotionlessly.
Following that, other subordinates swarmed out of the ‘Arbitrary Door’ like fishes and the last to exit the door was ‘nose-ring’ Finarsih.
When Finarsih stepped out, he very bluntly vomited a mouthful of blood before passing out. Sprawled to the ground without a hint of mobility, it was obvious Zi was right; summoning the ‘Arbitrary Door’ was indeed immensely taxing!
Zeus surveyed his surroundings with an ashen expression. Evidently, he could sense that the grievous rate of casualty of his party had eclipsed his imagination.
Right in this instant, Skull marched in like a pile driver. With every slow step he took, chunks of rock and cement scattered as he ascended to the third floor.
The two stared at each other.
Raging sparks could be seen between the gazes of the two invincible MTs.
“Your guys…have contributed a total of 12 achievement points, a dark-gold grade equipment and a silver storyline grade equipment to us.” Skill mocked with a tinge of sincerity on his metallic shimmering face as he continued.
“Although this is far from the compensation we should receive but I have to admit, Zeus, you and your party have truly been generous.”
Zeus apathetically replied.
“Your greatest forte is still your mouth, Skull. It seems the lesson you received the previous time was far from enough.”
While speaking, Zeus’s left arm muscles swelled intensely and ripped apart the sleeves. One could see cyan snake-like veins meandering along his arms as it displayed a deformed vigor.
In a split second, Zeus’s left arm smashed down onto the ground like a pile driver; drilling deep into the concrete floor like a hot knife cutting through butter, all the way till his elbow drilled in.
Strangely, the fragmented cement didn’t scatter from the impact but instead, congregated fiercely towards his elbow. It was as though a certain sticky but unyielding liquid was formed, as Zeus’s left arm released an inexhaustible attraction force, sucking all the concrete fragments onto his arm.
Then with a mighty pull, Zeus pulled his left arm out with a sonorous crunch!
This time, rocks sprayed out as dust pervaded the air. One could now observe a massive pit in the ground before him.
A layer of large concrete rocks now bundled around Zeus’s left arm, causing it to be exceptionally gigantic.
Concurrently, the nightmare imprint at his chest emitted a piercing brilliance. Similar to Skull, two dusky grey beams then shot out from his nightmare imprint!
In contrast, the two beams didn’t link with anyone. Instead, a beam shot towards the ground beneath Glory Party and the other beneath the members of Skull Party.
Vividly seen, those grey beams created a forty square metre dull greyish zone where they landed.
Like a swarm of bees, the members of Glory Party rushed towards their dull grey zone.
As for the members of Skull Party, they begun segregated as speedily attempted to escape they dull grey zone on their side.
Nevertheless, Zeus could control the positions of his dusky grey beams. Like stage lights, he managed to encompass at least 5-6 members within his dull grey zone.
One could clearly notice, the members of Glory Party moved with a distinctively accelerated speed in their dull grey zone. In contrast, Skull Party members had their movement speed severely impaired within the dull grey zone.
The two Growth-Hunters, who caused Glory Party to suffer dearly after being buffed by Skull, would have no choice but to enter a dull grey zone to besiege their Glory Party foes. Alas, their speed would fall drastically inside the grey zone while their opponents’ speed would amplify wondrously.
Moments later, they were battered miserably and wanted to exchange damage for damage wasn’t a possibility as well.
Yet the most astounding fact was this. Even bullets that entered Zeus’s grey zones had their velocity slowed.
Sheyan even witnessed the mage type Metals Professor effortlessly shielding herself from several bullets in her face. The slow bullets were easily deflected by her magic wand.
Upon viewing the shock in Sheyan’s and Reef’s eyes, Zi solemnly announced.
“That is Zeus’s MT ability known as ‘Gravity Rule’.
His allies would receive movement speed bonus in his gravity domains, while his foes would suffer movement and attack speed decline.
At this moment, someone attempted to assault Zeus.
Obviously, Zeus’s movement speed had also plunged significantly, but he simply blocked with his rocky left arm; it was essentially like an impregnable barrier!
The effects of Skull Party’s attack on him was oddly poor as well.
Sheyan sunk into silence for a brief while before saying.
“I can now roughly understand the key constitutions of an MT.”
“Firstly, an official MT possesses an ability that can greatly strengthen his comrades or weaken his foes. This ability definitely carries an outstanding precedence, and its effects would be extremely shocking.”
“Next, when an MT demonstrates that ability, he will have to pay a definite price. For example, the glow on his nightmare imprint will clearly reveal his position, or he will experience a massive plunge his movement speed; perhaps, even being incapable of walking!”
“Thus when that happens, enemies will undoubtedly focus fire on the MT. Why so? Because the MT is a living target practice. A clear target that cannot move, one that can only endure damage and also the most crucial core of the party. Once the opposing MT falls, the party would achieve overwhelming superiority!”
Chapter 736: Both sides suffer
Zi then added.
“Guys, don’t ever forget that both Skull and Zeus are just beginners of this phase. If Skull can upgrade his ability to a higher level, he’ll transform into a metalloid; substantially reducing damage dealt to himself and possibly buffing every member with a dark metal armour!”
“If Zeus’s ability can be upgraded to the highest level, he’ll turn into a golem himself. Perhaps, he’ll be able to shoot out eight rays of gravitational rays that encompass 500 square metres. He can easily envelop opposing parties in gravity zones or abruptly remove gravity to cause opponents to float up! An incomparably master of displacement.”
Reef was currently spectating silently, and finally spoke after hearing Zi’s speech.
“Looking at the situation now, Skull’s MT ability can only be used on his own comrades while Zeus can use his both offensively and defensively. Delving deeper, Skull’s ability also requires a permanent equipment sacrifice. Seems like Zeus’s ability is stronger.”
Zi shook her head in response.
“Not necessarily, even though Skull sacrifices an equipment, he may not need to spend anything else. Furthermore, the better the equipment consumed, the longer the MT ability will last. Perhaps, the quality of armour he bestows onto his comrades is related with the grade of equipment consumed; sacrificing a dark-gold grade equipment in exchange for a dark-gold metal armour. Moreover, you’ll realize this after crossing hands with the contestants enhanced by Skull; the metal armour he conjures actually strengthens all aspects. The greatest strengthening is survivability, followed by movement speed, attack speed and others.”
“In comparison, Zeus’s MT requires achievement points, utility points and potential points to activate once. The wastage of both side is nearly identical but Zeus’s ability is more focused towards agility only.”
“Thinking in this perspective, both abilities have the same starting point despite their immense differences. The reason you guys think Zeus is superior is due to the narrow area skewing more to his advantage. If that was a broad battlefield, Zeus’s gravity influence would minimally be reduced by half.”
Sheyan doubtfully surveyed the fight before abruptly inquiring.
“What, you are saying an MT’s path… chosen by the realm when one advances to an Awakener?”
Zi hesitated slightly before softly answering.
“In most cases….yes.”
“Meaning there are some rare cases that differs?” Sheyan captured the underlying meaning beneath Zi’s words.
Instead, Zi kept quiet and continued sipping from her coffee mug. Evidently, she wasn’t willing to delve more into this topic.
At present, subtle deviations were occurring throughout the battle scene. After Zeus’s appearance, his gravity zones effectively guarded his subordinates and prevented the two metal armoured, close combat Growth-Hunters from achieving anything.
As for combatants utilizing arrows or darts, their barrages of projectiles were undoubtedly slowed by the sphere of gravity and failed to threaten.
If Skull Party had more powerful extremely longe-range combatants, they could still bomb indiscriminately into the gravity zone of Glory Party and perhaps achieve some success. Alas, Glory Party possessed the redoubtable Aziz!
After assassinating the blowdart male, Aziz had redirected his focus and unexpectedly managed to suppress three members of Skull Party; leaving ‘markswoman’ Tristana, ‘unpredictably vanishing’ Plague, and Patrice gasping for breath!
Furthermore, he still managed to manifest his existence to other fighting members of Skull Party once in a while.
Under the terrifying shadow of Aziz, how formidable could the long-range combatants of Skull Party compare with?
As he witnessed his scene, Sheyan inscribed two names on the coffee table – ‘Finarsih’ and ‘Aziz’.
To him, only those two could be hailed as Zeus’s left and right arms. In order to strike down Glory Party, both individuals must definitely be eliminated. It was hard to tell if they were fortunate or unlucky to have their names noted down by Sheyan…..
Time swiftly trickled away.
Even though both parties were focusing fire on the MTs, the Skull Party actually occupied the manpower advantage. Thus, after seizing a wonderful opportunity, a five men combined assault succeeded in slaying another contestant of Glory Party.
However, in that same instance, two bullets from Aziz whizzed in with a phantom of colossal snow-wolves.
The first bullet rampantly chewed Plague out from her hiding void, while the other directly shot Tristana into a near-death state. Thus, members of Skull Party had no choice but to deviate their attention to aid them.
Zues quickly ordered the Metals Professor to unleash her horrifying ‘Metallic Tempest’ upon identifying this opportunity. With this move, he succeeded in breaking through this ‘execution ground’ and fled the parking area.
In this situation, the Glory Party now had ample space to escape while defending.
Meanwhile, Skull was exceedingly clear that persisting in pursuit would inevitably lead to a terrible fiasco of a war of attrition. Any party of the nightmare realm definitely wouldn’t wish to land into such fighting circumstance, even if their party leader had gone crazy, the members absolutely wouldn’t accord.
After several attempts of ‘probing’ offenses, both Zeus and Skull lost their will to continue battling.
Both leaders soon led their parties, each respectively to the north and south, before disappearing into the distant.
Meanwhile, was Sheyan squinting his eyes with a peculiar glint as he observed them leaving.
Zi glanced at him and insipidly uttered.
“Do you feel extremely dejected? Similar to an MT but unable to stand toe to toe with them. Actually, there isn’t a need to undervalue yourself. As a contestant, you are already doing a pretty remarkable job, as long as you have ample time…..”
Sheyan chuckled and abruptly refuted.
“Your words are wrong from the beginning. Firstly, why should I feel dejected? Even right now, I dare to confront Zeus! Perhaps I can’t cope against him, but he can’t do much to me either! Secondly, you seem to be forgetting who was it that masterminded this double-side defeat fiasco. No matter how indomitable one is, without a brain for resourcefulness, what can power amount to?”
Zi offered an indifferent smile but refrained from arguing with Sheyan. Clearly, she was rather thrown off by his attitude.
Nevertheless, she noticed both Reef’s and Mogensha’s gaze.
Gazes that shockingly displayed unwavering certainty in Sheyan’s words!
Waves of tremor shook Zi’s heart as she failed to repress a notion from welling up her heart.
“Could it be he meant what he said???? How…how’s that possible?! A mere contestant dares to contend against the might of an Awakener MT?!”
A moment later, she realized Sheyan created a surprise in her once again. He was truly an existence that broke common sense. It was like an indescribable bewildering fog enshrouded him. Whenever she felt like she had uncovered a layer of fog to see through the real him, she would soon discover that another layer of fog was still masking him….
“Let’s go.’ Sheyan scanned the chaotic plaza once again before gently ordering.
“Our harvest today is sufficient. Oh yeah, for our next step, we need to gather detailed information on Hammond. Although we can now roughly deduce he is residing in Jurassic Park, we must still amass more information to make adequate preparations. Recklessly wandering into that ghost island would be akin to committing suicide!”
Hence, the contestant quartet proceeded to board the elevator down.
Inside the high-speed elevator.
The sophisticated Zi couldn’t resist her urge to question Sheyan.
“Seaman, exactly what ability are you relying on to have such confidence in contesting Skull and Zeus?”
Sheyan burst into jubilant laughter as he answered.
“I was just kidding, you actually believed me a casual joke. Zi, you must’ve been cheated by others before right?”
Sheyan’s last phrase contained a double underlying meaning. Asking a woman if she had been cheated before….it was truly an inappropriate statement.
Zi’s skin was fair and a blush had surfaced on her cheeks that would take one’s breath away. Nobody could tell if it was embarrassment or frustration as she glanced away and ignored him.
Three hours later, the gang of four arrived at Stormfold City.
This was a metropolis nearest to the dinosaur disaster zone. There were three airports and the city was flourishing greatly.
Originally, it had been a medium sized city, but when the dinosaurs came ashore, the government rapidly intervened to develop the scale to leverage on the introduction of dinocrystals. Factories for processing dinosaur leather and other dinosaur related affairs quickly sprouted one after the other. Very quickly, the city expanded and became the largest metropolis in this world.
Presently, above 70% of all dinosaur research facilities were located in this city. As for the Hammond whom the gang was looking for, he was previously a vice head engineer of the Sando TeraTech Company and was in charge of the research on cultivating dinosaur hereditary.
The headquarters of the Sando TeraTech Company was a tremendous 43 storeys building.
The first twenty storeys had rather relaxed security but from then onwards the security became insanely tight with various high tech installations supporting it.
According to Zi’s report, weaponry such as laser channels that could threaten a contestant’s life were prevalent. Moreover, the guards were equipped with special weapons used for dealing with dinosaurs and were extremely hard to deal with.
Thus, attempting to barge in would be out of the question, and wanted to acquire any intelligence would be impossible.
After some contemplations, Sheyan asked if Zi was relatively familiar with any storyline character here. Zi then brought the gang to a Korean BBQ restaurant.
After entering the BBQ restaurant, they took the elevator to basement three.
The basement was actually a black market workshop for dinosaur meat and reeked of an exceedingly rich blood stench. Many workers were chopping dinosaur meat and sprinkling all sorts of repulsive condiments like Meat tenderizers, reused cooking oil, Sudan Red G and others….
Chapter 737: Tracking down with clues
Inside the headquarters of this black market, a plump black female placed her hands by her hips as she shouted loudly. It was as though she wouldn’t hesitate to swing her butcher’s knife at any lowly worker who slackened off….
Clearly, her shouts were rather effective. Whenever a name was exposed, that individual would tremble as if he had just been whipped and increase his work efficiency by a third.
Zi marched towards the plump black female and whispered several words. That woman then strode over before incisively sizing up the trio.
“Which report ya purchasing? We don’t do military, government and police.”
Sheyan chuckled in response.
“According to online information, there are over ten thousand employees in the Sandro TeraTech company, and the turnover rate is definitely high. What I want, is intelligence on high rankers who recently left the company the previous half of the year.”
The plumpy black female nodded while contemplating.
“Fifty grand.”
Sheyan then added.
“I hope to obtain it within an hour.”
The plump black female frowned and hatefully glared at Sheyan.
“I detest brats who cross the line.”
Although she said that, she turn towards a console by her side before retrieving an intercom. While speaking, her expression changed from intimidation to threatening and eventually slamming a chopper down onto the chopping board. After that loud smack, the opposing party on the intercom was finally persuaded.
The plump black female then strolled back and swept a glance at Sheyan. She then flicked her left hand while saying.
“Two hours, fifty grand.”
Sheyan laughed and replied.
“Fine, not a problem. Oh, don’t you misunderstand, I too, am just an employee. The lady there is my financial backer, get the cash from her.”
Following that, Zi directly fished out a dinocrystal to settle the bill. The gang of four was then invited to the side for a rest.
At this point, Sheyan suddenly recalled something.
“Zi, can that nose-ring Finarsih still track you?”
Zi nodded.
Sheyan creased his brows and said.
“There will be slight problem then.”
Instead, Zi revealed a crafty glint in her eyes. After a brief while, she slowly uttered.
“Finarsih just expended much MP to initiate the ‘Arbitrary Door’. The backlash he received is directly to his HP and spirit, and can only heal up after returning to the realm. Therefore, though theoretically I can be tracked down, he doesn’t possess the ability to do so for now.”
Sheyan pondered before continuing.
“So, you’re now temporarily free from the fetters of the Glory Party. However, this is merely for now.”
While puffing his cigar, Brother Black asked curiously.
“Why do you say so?”
Sheyan smiled and answered.
“Ah, because you’ve forgotten one person…..Sable who turned to Zeus! Clearly, Sable has probably received the same main mission as Zi at the start. Under the coercion of harsh penalties, he will inevitably strive to accomplish this mission. Therefore, the Glory Party may still be able to infer out Zi’s objective. Hence, we still must proceed with caution.”
After an hour and a half of waiting, the plump black female received a namelist from the intercom, which detailed the private information of the men Sheyan requested for. It even contained their contact numbers and addresses.
Actually, obtaining all these on the net wasn’t excessively hard as well, however, Zi only had 48 hours to complete this mission. Moreover, nearly 12 hours had passed and they couldn’t be stingy over wasting time.
While observing the gang of four walking into the elevator and the elevator rising slowly, a strange sinister smile invaded the plumpy black woman’s face. She then pulled out a number.
“Hello, Please connect me with Mister Williams. Code number ‘AC981’.”
“Mister Williams, someone just purchased information pertaining to your company, perhaps you may have an interest in this?”
“How much? Of course, a fixed price which floats up the previous transaction by 30%. It’s fine if you aren’t interested.”
“Hello, fine then, the valuation is rather low and we aren’t making profits anymore. Those individuals who purchased the information are…..their features are…oh? You want a picture, that will cost an additional eight grand to develop…”
After Sheyan and gang left the BBQ restaurant, they attempted to ‘identify the fine horse’ with the information gathered.
They first visited two places, where they paved their way using money. Mentioning that they were headhunters from a mystery company, they wished to rope Hammond into their company; thus, they didn’t incite suspicions in their interactions.
In the end, the two individual they met supplied some news. Alas, they were either incongruous information or news that Sheyan already knew.
Still, the second person managed to offer a crucial lead. Two months ago, the Sando TeraTech company laid off a young person, Yasuda, who seemed to understand Hammond quite well.
Due to his exceptional talents, Hammond recognized Yasuda’s work dearly where Yasuda eventually became his secretary. If not for his bad gambling habits and incurring heaps of debts, thus forcing him to divulge some of the company’s secrets, he would’ve become the youngest mid-level executive at the company. Based on Yasuda’s stint at the company, he definitely knew certain private affairs regarding Hammond.
With this new direction, Sheyan quickly decided to look for Yasuda. After all, it was easy for a secretary to get involved in certain behind-the-scenes story of their boss. Without a doubt, this individual’s working ethics was questionable. Since he already sold secrets once, with just the right amount of money, it should be fairly simply to get him to spew more.
Half an hour later, two of them located Hammond’s former secretary, Mister Yasuda.
He was presently drinking beer while dazing lifelessly in front of a computer screen. He wasn’t old yet his face was covered with a disheveled beard. His room was a mess and the words, ‘frustrated’ and ‘depressed’ were written on his face.
Besides, the Sando Teratech Company was like a dragon chief in this industry. Moreover, Yasuda had committed one of the most unforgiving mistakes in this industry. Of course he would be smothered by other powerful executives of the company. Honestly speaking, other companies weren’t willing to recruit this ‘stain’ of the industry as well.
As he observed Yasuda’s vacant eyes, Brother Black picked up a discarded cigarette butt by the side and sniffed it before saying.
“Oh man, this dude was just smoking pot eh? Shit, seems like we can’t gain anything from him for now.”
Sheyan coldly replied.
“Do we have the luxury of time to waste on him?”
While speaking, Sheyan dragged Yasuda’s neck like he was a dead dog, all the way into the restroom. Then, he stepped onto his chest and sprayed his face with a hose at maximum power.
Initially, Yasuda started coughing violently before cursing wildly. Then, came the pleading before it gradually dimmed to a silence.
Only then did Sheyan drag him back into the living room.
After another round of violent coughing and wheezing, before Yasuda could curse in rage, a stack of dollar bills came smacking into his face.
Sheyan then forcefully tugged Yasuda’s clammy and oily hair, allowing him to view clearly, the shimmering glint of an ordinary dinocrystal that Zi was pinching. Then, he smiled and begun.
“Give me a satisfactory answer, and it’s yours. Of course, in addition to five grand.”
Yasuda remained momentarily stunned. His throat emitted baffled gurgles before he quickly composed himself and replied.
“Ask away.”
“Tell me all you know about Hammond.”
Yasuda was rather astonished as he attempted to retract his memories. He also couldn’t help but ask.
“Why are you asking about him?”
Sheyan expressionlessly drew out a stack of American dollars from Brother Black’s bag and blatantly lit it on fire. Thirty centimetres before this unlucky brat’s eyes, the stack was burnt to ashes.
The pitiful secretary’s face twisted. His throat gurgled once more as unrivalled heartache filled his eyes. He wanted to reach forth to stop this but was kicked far away by Brother Black. When he climbed back up, a wound on his forehead miserably oozed out blood onto his whole face.
Sheyan glared at Yasuda like an eagle glaring at a little chick.
“Your answer is unsatisfactory, Mister Yasuda. The next time I become displeased, I will burn the whole bag of cash, which of course, should all belong to you. Continue your stubbornness, and I’ll be sorry to throw you off the rooftop. Do you want to try testing my words?”
Yasuda panted heavily as his eyes flashed with utmost complications. Suddenly, he ripped away the filthy necktie at his neck and answered.
“Fine, I’ll say!”
After interrogating Yasuda for three times, the gang confirmed they didn’t overlook anything. Everytime they swapped a member to interrogate, Yasuda offered a perfectly identical statement.
After leaving, the contestant quartet glanced at each other with bleak smiles. Then, one of them shook his head and exclaimed.
“Really unexpected, we actually still have to make a trip to the Sando TeraTech company’s headquarter!”
As it turns out, the main information acquired from Yasuda was that Hammond indeed still possessed an operational lab in Jurassic Park. This lab was located in a strategic location, in the midst of the mountain with complex terrain.
The reason they could freely enter and leave Jurassic Park, was due to an ‘Alpha Spraymist’ developed by the company.
Chapter 738: Tough dashing!
The ‘Alpha Spraymist’ would produce a masking odour, thereby reducing the chances of being detected by the dinosaurs.
Of course, the Sando TeraTech company wasn’t trying to protect their workers. The only motive for creating the ‘Alpha Spraymist’ was for profits, sudden huge profits!
Hammond was previously in charge of this project. He told the board members that after spraying this mist, they could theoretically dispatch a person to infiltrate the dinosaurs’ lair and steal dinosaur eggs or fledgling dinosaurs; both of which would fetch exorbitant prices on the market. As for the company, they would only have to pay for the worker’s salary, the cost of manufacturing the mist, and compensation payments for worker injury.
According to their analysis, the rate of failure still exceeded 70% even after spraying the ‘Alpha Spraymist’. Nevertheless, it could reduce other relevant costs by 11.3 times. This was because the normal way to acquire medium or large sized dinosaur eggs or fledgling dinosaurs, a tiny war would undoubtedly escalate!
Without a doubt, the board of directors were all bought in by this project.
Soon after, Hammonds fulfilled his promise and completed the spraymist. After that month, the profits of the company soared by 114% and lowered costs by 300%.
However, what the board members didn’t know was, Hammonds harbored an ulterior motive behind this and secretly strengthened its effects for some of the products for himself.
After consecutive stolen dinosaur eggs and fledgling dinosaurs, the board members of the Sando TeraTech company, who were still kept in the dark and tasted the sweetness of profits, decided to endlessly invest in the project. They acceded to all of Hammond’s plea but didn’t know all their resources were channeled to the secret lab in Jurassic Park.
Of course, the company lab was merely a temporary camp for Hammond that he could abandon anytime. Not a single individual came to perform any in-depth investigation on him.
Hence, upon infiltrating the Sando TeraTech company, the first thing Sheyan needed to do was to obtain the coordinates of this secret lab. Secondly, to steal some of the ‘Alpha Spraymist’. Although the current ones weren’t modified by Hammond, it would still boost their chances substantially while infiltrating Jurassic Park.
Time was increasingly tight, thus, the gang of four hastily headed for the Sando TeraTech company.
The company was the big shot of the industry. Naturally, her headquarters were extraordinary; a 43 storey twin tower that was constructed with a garden theme flare.
The headquarters didn’t appear heavily guarded, nevertheless, the experienced Brother Black managed to scout out forty over surveillance cameras while nearing the place. Moveover, over a hundred security personnels patrolled the building, and were all equipped with equipment superior to even the military.
Without a doubt, the best disguise would be high-ranking businessmen with a strong sense of professionalism. The guys looked at each other in dismay but Zi was a professional herself, leading the guys as they strode into the building interior.
Unbeknownst to them, while they seemed to be acting the part, their features were already being scanned by systems.
According to the plan, they would first ride the elevator to the 19th floor, where the security was still comparatively slack. Next, was to climb the fire escape stairs to the 37th floor.
According to Yasuda, the ‘Alpha Spraymist’ was stored in that floor. As for the coordinates of the secret lab, it could only be retrieved from the company’s core network. Individuals who possess such ability and status could be found only in the 40th executives floor onwards.
Moreover, the appearance of the various magnates of the company were already given to Sheyan and company through Mister Yasuda’s network. It would be impossible to not recognize them.
“Eh? Something seems off?” Sheyan watched the elevator doors closing slowly and whispered. “There were clearly many individuals waiting for the lift earlier, why did only us four board it in the end?”
Zi immediately reacted.
“You’re implying that we have been watched since we entered? How’s that possible?”
Sheyan grinned and replied.
“There’s no such thing as eternal allies, only eternal benefits.”
Her countenance immediately sank as she remained silent.
The person Sheyan was referring to was rather obvious. Amongst the individuals they interacted with, the probability of two fired workers and Yasuda betraying them was extremely minute. Regardless of being expelled by the company or leaving themselves, they surely harbored grievances in their hearts. More importantly, it would be hard for the three ‘former’ employees to regain the company’s trust or even acquire any benefits.
Therefore, the one with the largest suspicion would be that plump black female. Noticing Zi’s icy countenance, Sheyan felt like he wasn’t sensible to expose this…..besides, an unhappy woman is an exceedingly terrifying creature.
As the elevator slowly ascended, Sheyan’s conjecture was indeed correct. They clearly pressed the 19th floor but strangely, the lift started slowing down at the 8th floor.
When the elevator doors opened, eight thick-armed, round-waisted guards were shockingly staring expressionlessly at them; slapping their arms maliciously with batons.
A male with the highest cheekbones marched forward and coldly announced.
“Gentlemen, you are suspected of attempting to appropriate corporate secrets, violating section 7.11 of our company’s regulation. I regret to inform you, but we have the rights to restrain the lot of you.”
Facing these domineering guards, Reef shrugged his shoulders and responded.
“This is a violation of my personal rights, you do not have the authority to do so, I wish to phone my lawyer.”
“Hahahaha!” the group of guards started laughing wildly. “My apologies, we do not provide such services.
A second later, they watched a frosty looking goddess shooting her right palm towards them!
While they were still astonished by this view, a terrifying unknown force slammed against their bodies. A force that was akin to a transparent solid wall that collided in!!!
Force Collision Wall!
Zi remained standing in the elevator with a clear frosty expression. She ignored the guards that were groaning on the floor and directly pressed for the 38th floor.
Sadly, the elevator didn’t move. It had been jammed by the control centre.
Sheyan sighed and said.
“We can only barge in, but Zi, do you really have such great faith in us three?”
Zi glanced at him and indifferently answered.
“Didn’t you say that you can stand on equal footing with Zeus? Then I trust you, because if I was with Zeus now, we would surely be able to charge in and accomplish the mission without any assistants. What more, you have Reef and AK by your side? Why? Becoming soft?”
Sheyan was stumped by her words, and couldn’t help feeling awkward even with his witty mind.
Undoubtedly, he was relying on his A-Virus effects. Even if Zeus and his gang wanted to kill him, they would be affected by the virus and fail to pursue Sheyan. Nonetheless, in a direct confrontation, Party Ace was absolutely not a match for Glory Party.
Yet after Zi’s series of words, as a man himself, Sheyan obviously wouldn’t acknowledge himself turning ‘soft’. He laughed and replied.
“Fine then, but if we charge to the top blatantly, it may give the Sando TeraTech company sufficient time to wipe out their data; simultaneously, wiping out the coordinates of the secret lab as a result. Since that’s the case, what are we waiting for? Let’s climb up through the fire escape stairs.”
Their physical bodies naturally surpassed ordinary individuals. Climbing up over 20 floors would take merely three minutes.
Alas, the building’s design indeed exhibited the security classification of the floors beyond the 20th floor of the company. A fingerprint access door emerged which was heavily guarded by guards in strict formation. Evidently, they were already notified.
As Reef charged up, he instantly witnessed a guard pointing up an extremely queer weapon, before opening fire.
Reef was charging up while raising his shield, hence, he didn’t notice the guard in time. Upon being shot, he felt an immense force crashing in and couldn’t help but stagger a step back. Suddenly, a bullet exploded intensely! The explosion covered the entire area of the stairs, causing his dusty face to look extremely ugly.
“That’s the…..’Gamma II Revolver’?”
Zi muttered in shock. She could recognise the weapon the guard was using. In this world, this weapon was given a primitive and semi-advanced rating.
For example, the ‘Gamma II Revolver’ fired with the same gunpowder method as the pistols of earth. However, the ‘Gamma II Revolver’ uses the surrounding air to create bullets; the bullets not only result in penetrative damages, but also a secondary damage of a detonating bullet! Thus, the destructive power was a hundred folds stronger than normal pistols. Moreover, the bullets of the ‘Gamma II Revolver’ were infinite.
Of course, the flaws of the revolver was obvious too. Firstly, was its massive recoil. Secondly, it required a definite duration to recreate a new bullet and thus, was ineffective as a cover fire.
Realizing the merciless intentions of those guards, Sheyan’s eyes squinted with a chilling glint.
“Since you guys want our lives, then, I’m very sorry. AK, clean em’ up.”
Chapter 739: Test subject 3
Acknowledging Sheyan’s command, Brother Black sighed while puffing his cigar and marched forward.
His action was plainly visible by the manifold surveillance cameras surrounding them. With a single movement, a voice rang within the ears of those five guards.
“No.5, no.5, prepare to fire. The enemy will appear in your line of sight within 3 seconds. The enemy should be using a cold weapon.”
“Determining enemy’s identity. Suspected to be a mutant, medium impact killing arms authorized by headquarters.”
Guard no.5 sneered as he clutched his ‘Gamma II Revolver’ and aimed across. Once the enemy reveals his head, he will surely suffer a fatal blow.
Yet in this instant, Mogensha coincidentally halted right at the tip of the guard’s blind angle. Shrugging his shoulders as he took a puff of smoke, he pulled out his signature golden AK.
DA! DA! DA! Mongensha unloaded a clip of bullets into the ceiling above. Dust and rubble scattered down as distinct tracer rounds intertwined in mid-air.
Five seconds later, guard no.5 was slumping limpidly on the iron fence above. Blood streamed out profusely from his head, after three steel-core bullets had accurately pierced into his left eye and lodged inside his brain. Although the bullets were like arrows at the end of their flight, it was sufficient to gun down the guard.
In the face of Brother Black’s godlike marksmanship, all the guard’s defensive equipments were completely futile.
This was the tragedy of storyline characters in this world, because in this world, the dinosaurs played the prominent role. They possessed frightening strength and devastating force, in addition to their incredible defenses and health. Even powerful contestants would have to retreat in the face of such supreme might.
In contrast, the humans were aided with technological advances. Alas, they still couldn’t escape from the fate of a frail body.
When guard no.5 was killed, the other guards started opening fire as they cursed furiously. In spite of that, the obstructing large metallic fence rendered their offenses ineffective; like headless house flies buzzing uselessly around.
Several exchanges of gunfire later, Brother Black managed to clear out the broad corridor ahead. Maroon blood dyed the rugs inside and embers could still be seen on the corpses.
Zi lifted her left palm towards the iron gate that obstructed their path to the 20th floor. A transparent wall swept out followed by a sonorous rumble. In a second breath, the iron fence emitted ear piercing cranks and distorted inwards.
Following that, Sheyans stomped against the distorted portion of the iron gate, causing it to release a loud earth-shaking boom as it bluntly flew backwards.
More security guards were rushing in from beneath. As the gang of four didn’t wish to be hindered by such small fries, they quickly sprinted up the fire escape stairs.
Moments later, warnings came transmitting into an internal monitor.
[ Warning: The four targets have infiltrated the 21st floor, patrol teams 5 and 7 please swiftly proceed to the emergency fire escape! ]
[ Warning: The four targets have infiltrated the 21st floor, patrol teams 1 and 4 please swiftly proceed to the emergency fire escape! ]
[ Warning: The four targets are suspected to possess supernatural abilities; highest authority granted, guards are permitted to use any weapon ]
[ Warning: The four targets have infiltrated the 25th floor. Patrol teams 5 and 7 were annihilated! ]
[ Warning: The stairway access is in ruins. Patrol teams 1 and 4 are making a detour ]
Such a list of notifications were precisely transmitted all the way to the 40th floor.
At present, two members of the Sando TeraTech company were seated before the surveillance monitor screen. As they spectated the foreigners in combat, their faces exhibited hideous expressions while exclaiming.
“Let’s notify the police. These mutants are extremely tough to handle and won’t stop until they’ve reached their goal. Our guards are all collapsing at the first blow!”
“Fool! Can we allow our company’s information to be exposed to the public? The police and their greedy government backer have long been infiltrated our headquarters, asking them for aid is akin to giving them a pretext for the future. I’ve already sent someone to prepare Test-subject 3, we’ll dispatch it in straightaway.”
“Fine…but Test-subject 3 may not be able to hinder them!”
“Don’t worry, we just need to draw them into that ‘channel’. Don’t forget, that same channel similarly dispatched mutants like them in the past. Worse come to worst, we just have to inaugurate our final trump card.”
When the gang of four arrived on the 33rd floor, clamorous rumbling sounds abruptly echoed in from the front.
All of a sudden, a monster crashed out into the corridor from nowhere with a loud bang!
This monster was two metres tall and was entirely coated in protective silver armour. It possessed a pair of dull but radiating electronic blue eyes, and its legs were installed with caterpillar tracks. Its arms and shoulders were equipped with massive loads of weaponry. And released an impression of supreme technological advancement.
Its main weapon in hand was a streamline drum-shaped weapon, where its black barrel appeared terrifyingly intimidating; as though it could suck in the enemy’s soul.
One could clearly see the words ‘Experiment III’ carved on the monster’s back. This must be the so called ‘Test-subject 3’.
Brother Black directly unloaded a clip of bullets but merely resulted in a thumping shower of sparks. The bullets bluntly ricocheted away as they bounced off to the surrounding walls instead. Evidently, AK’s bullets couldn’t penetrate this monster’s armour.
Right in this instant, the monster’s electronic eyes locked onto Mogensha. Following that, two ring-shaped weapons on its left shoulder instantly ejected a pair of blinding tongues of flame!
A second later, Brother Black was immediately bombarded with flames and dust. The area of exquisitely constructed stairs he was standing on was instantly ravaged by a wave of metallic storm. In a flash, one could observe a dense mass of 2-3 centimetres deep pits forming rapidly on the stairs; reinforced concrete fragments sprayed around the area as the entire fire escape echoed with ‘DA DA DA’ sounds.
Mogensha tumbled down the stairs pathetically with a deep wound across his face. Blood and curled flesh hung along this wound that was caused by a random scattering fragment.
Concurrently, a moss-green round projectile whizzed out from Test-subject 3’s back, as it shot towards Mogensha in a parabola trajectory. It looked like a grenade.
Still, the gang was made up of four formidable contestants whose mobility and vision were relatively excellent. They could identify that moss-green round projectile to be the size of a sunflower, but strangely, with numerous short wriggling tentacles at its edges. The incoming projectile twitched incessantly….was it shockingly a living grenade?
The four of them had no clue what it was, but they knew it definitely wasn’t something beneficial. Zi’s long hair fluttered up as she pointed her fair, slender finger upwards and carved out a formless and abstruse arc.
Instantaneously, 2-3 metres ahead of them in mid-air, a transparent ‘Force Wall Barrier’ formed like a formless reinforced glass wall.
That peculiar tentacular grenade collided into the ‘Force Wall Barrier’ like a ripened persimmon. Puchi! It instantly splattered and spilled out incomparably repulsive moss-greenish liquid into the atmosphere. However, it didn’t leak down Zi’s ‘Force Wall Barrier’ at all.
Hence, the four contestants could distinctly see; amidst the murky moss-green liquid, multitudes of ghastly white parasitic bugs were jumping feverishly!
Those parasitic bugs were like excited prawns that just left the water surface. They possessed leech-like mandibles with a wasp-like belly. One could decipher how frenzied and rapacious these bugs were just from sighting them.
As it turns out, the Sando TeraTech company had developed a biological weapon; one that specializes in dealing with thick skinned dinosaurs. It looked as if those incomparably repulsive parasitic bugs could easily drill into a dinosaur’s solid epidermis, before rapaciously devouring their blood and flesh.
Not only would them not harm a dinosaur’s dinocrystal, they could even rapidly chew through a layer of the Tyrannosaurus’ skin in half an hour. However, this weapon was currently still in its experimenting phase. Seeing how indomitable the four invaders were, the company naturally poured all resources to deal with them.
As he observed the frantically jumping parasitic bugs 2-3 metres away, Brother Black, who could skin a snake and eat its flesh alive, felt nervous and wiped the trickling blood off his face.
“Zi, I sincerely hope your barrier can withstand for a long, long while.”
Zi’s expression indicated her shock as well before she replied unenthusiastically.
“Half an hour won’t be a problem, of course, that’s on the pretext that thing doesn’t attack me first.”
Presently, nearly half of this flight of stairs was destroyed by the firepower of Test-subject 3.
Following that, it glided towards the edge of the stairs and aimed its main weapon over. One could see blue electric lights violently swirling inside the black barrel of its streamline weapon. Without a doubt, the trigger would be pressed the next second!
Yet in this moment, Sheyan bolted forward like a cheetah! Indeed, he had activated his signature ‘Horn-Rage’.
Instead, one massively different aspect between a robot and a human was this – a human ceases from being a threat once both hands are full. Whereas for a robot with full hands, it still possesses an ‘n’ amount of weapons to combat foes. Moreover, a robot offered no reactionary delay and relied on standard procedure to eradicate its foe!
Chapter 740: Weakness
Detecting an imbecile delivering himself to die, a ring-shaped black barrel atop the robot’s shoulder immediately targeted Sheyan and unloaded a wildfire.
Except, the killing potential of the weapon was also dependant on its target. Obviously, Mogensha would have to flee as far as possible, but to Sheyan, he dared to charge into the tempestuous rain of bullets; meeting his rival boldly with crazy vigor!
Although Sheyan was indeed capable of resisting a head on charge, he was honestly desiring to vent his frustration as well. Why So? It was because of Zi’s provocative teasing based on his own phrase ‘I can easily confront Zeus…’ This was completely unrelated to boy girl relationships but purely human nature. It definitely wasn’t a good feeling to be compared like that.
Sheyan endured the metallic storm as he charged into the blind angle of the robot, and finally pulled out his dreadful ‘+7 West’ long saber. With a furious grunt, he stabbed in.
Oceanic blue brilliance glittered out as Sheyan’s charging momentum was poured into the saber, before forcefully stabbing into the right arm of this warmachine.
Although this robot was crafted with prime materials and possessed incredibly fortified armour, it was impossible for the joints to be perfectly unbreakable. Sheyan’s ‘+7 West’ was recognized by the realm and undoubtedly surpassed the robot in sharpness. Sparks burst out as the saber stabbed in; one could even observe the internal components spilling chaotically, followed by clouds of smoke and flames.
The robot was just about to fire its main weapon cannon, but with its arm abruptly reduced to a dangling state, the cannon naturally slanted downwards.
Shuuah! A blue beam of unmatched blaze shot out and effortlessly smashed through a surrounding wall into smithereens. The beam continued shattering through the outer dark blue reinforced glass wall with a sonorous crash, and eventually struck a vehicle down in the public square below. Then, a tremendous explosion erupted which resulted in a horrifying ten metre plus deep pit!
“Oh? Just a commercial company and it actually possess a tool capable of such powerful destruction?”
Brother Black couldn’t help but draw a breath of cold air. The degree of that attack could possibly threaten the life of a contestant.
Reef frowned and said.
“Probably a corporation that has ties with the military.”
Sheyan dully refuted.
“Not possible, according to the information we gathered online, the Sando TeraTech Company is a subsidiary supported by the African Mozambique region, near the Indian ocean. We are currently located in North America. Although negotiations for a world government is underway in this world, the company shouldn’t be involved with the military here. Would China allow an American firm to be a military enterprise in their country?”
“Still, this is a good thing. As they secretly possess such transcendent weaponry, regardless of how hard we press them, the Sando company definitely won’t request aid from the government. Besides, we will at most cause infrastructure damage or information leakage, but the government investigations may cause the company to shut down!”
At this point, though test-subject 3 couldn’t feel pain, it still rendered Sheyan as its greatest threat.
Its electric eyes flickered as countless blue snake currents jolted through its body. Those pressurizing snake currents wrapped around Sheyan’s stabbed dagger, and electrocuted him till he shook uncontrollably.
With a rapid spin, the robot heavily smashed its left arm into Sheyan’s left cheek!
Sheyan immediately felt his left cheek turning numb as a brittle fracturing sound rung in his ears. Evidently, an ordinary person would have his whole head blown up by this assault. Instead, Sheyan was only smashed flying as he heavily landed against the reinforced glass wall behind.
Crack! Countless cracks emerged along the glass, before it finally gave way.
Fortunately, his reaction was extremely fast. Although still slightly dazed, Sheyan quickly grabbed a steel rod of the building’s exterior before he fell; the webbing of his fingers turned white as blood oozed out shortly after from the lacerations there.
Eeekk! Eeek! Cranking sounds emerged from the steel rod as it bent by half a foot downward. Bolts and screws twisted out and some even directly fell out. One could tell how mightily Sheyan was pulling.
Fortunately, his swaying body eventually settled and Sheyan avoided the unlucky fate of falling down the building. One must understand, this was a full 33 floors of altitude, even a contestant may perish from this fall!
Yet the robot remained viciously bent on eradicating him. Detecting the hanging presence of Sheyan, the ring-shaped cylinder on his shoulder automatically targeted over!
Another terrifying round of metallic storm was about to commence. Although Sheyan could withstand it, the steel rod it was holding onto absolutely couldn’t and he would inevitably fall to his death.
Concurrently, Brother Black leapt up as Zi created a ‘Force Wall Barrier’ to support him. Brother Black then opened fire in mid-air. A bullet managed to pierce into the robot’s eye, while the intense impact of the gunfire pushed the robot backwards. Amidst the barrage, one could observe sparks and embers engulfing the robot’s head. Naturally, the robot lost its precision against Sheyan.
Sheyan obviously wouldn’t dangle there foolishly. He endured a suffocating sensation as he swung himself back into the building, before immediately burrowing his head and charging forth. Like a rugby player, he slammed into the robot’s waist with his shoulders.
The robot moved with its caterpillar tracks. Thus, after stopping by the edge of the stairs to assault Sheyan, it immediately lost balance when Sheyan came slamming in.
The robot tumbled down the stairs clamorously as black fumes continued leaking out from its dents and joints. With its caterpillar tracks facing skywards, it was now caught in an incomparably awkward predicament.
After battling for mere seconds, Sheyan managed to exploit the biggest weakness of this robot, causing even Zi to secretly admire his observational prowess.
Slumped to the ground like a beaten down dog, the gang of four combined and ravaged the robot for a full minute. Soon after, the electric eyes of this Test-subject 3 dimmed and eventually turned dark.
Eventually, the robot exploded with a thunderous boom as thick black fumes pervaded into the air. Screws and electric components were spilled all over the ground.
Yet, this explosion ejected a greasy equipment as well.
[ Greasy Clothlump ]
[ Origin: Any modernized world ]
[ Rarity: Black ]
[ Equipment type: Cape ]
[ Material: Cotton, oil, dust and horcrux slot ]
[ Addons: nil ]
[ Weight: 4.34 kg ]
[ Equipment usage requirement: Physique greater than 10 points ]
[ Durability: 50 points ]
[ Property: Strength +4 / Physique +4 ]
[ Property: Creates a 2% chance of avoiding your opponent’s attack, due to the evasive oiliness of the ‘Greasy Clothlump’ ]
[ Passive ability: Drytwist – when your opponent attacks you, there is a chance the filthy grease of this lump of cloth will squirt onto the opponent’s face. Causes a 2 seconds blindness (only if the target get be blinded). In a state of blindness, your vision increases by 50% ]
[ Property: When receiving a fire element attack, damage received will be raised by 33% ]
[ Property: The awful stench and disastrous sloppy look of this cape will foil your image, lowering charm by 3 points ]
[ Description: A horcrux can be infused into this cape. Heavens, what kind of devilish and exotic horcrux can convert this into a special item? ]
Brother Black and Reef expressed disgust towards it, thus, Sheyan stored it in his storage. Actually, his military rank awarded him a new privilege. Under the status of an ordinary contestant, he will be able to forcibly suppress his own attributes and prevent the sudden 50 points boundary breakthrough. Hence, right now, he didn’t have to face the awkward predicament of taking off his equipments.
This was truly a wondrous advantage. Bear this in mind, although one’s personal attributes were suppressed, the properties of the equipment would remain effective. Such was the enviable prestige of an official Major rank.
Following that, the contestant quartet continued advancing. Along the way, they encountered Test-subject 1 and Test-subject 2. Furthemore, this time, the robots were supported with 20 plus fully armed guards. The capabilities of the three Test-subjects were fundamentally similar but possessed certain different special abilities.
Test-subject 1 didn’t possess that dual-handed energy cannon ability. Instead, both its arms could transform into over 10 metres long feelers that resembled Japanese Creepers. Those feelers whipped around crazily within the stairways, absorbing life force wherever those unbreakable feelers landed. Thus, one guard became the victim of friendly fire and was ultimately reduced into a meat paste.
According to Sheyan’s deduction, Test-subject 1 was clearly created to combat aerial dinosaurs. Once a Pterosaur swoops down, those feelers will inevitably constrict them and prevent them from flying away.
Chapter 741: Pitfall
Following that, Test-subject 2 displayed a tremendously potent electric shock special ability – a blue electrical network that could paralyze all foes. It was clearly to combat flocks of Deinonychus and Velociraptors and held outstanding offensive might
Sadly, Sheyan’s and Reef’s abnormal resistance was ten folds that of ordinary Deinonychus and Velociraptors. For the contestants who grasped the weakness of these robots, such degree of strength obviously could’t impede them.
Zi easily easily destroyed them with her ‘Force Walls’ as she exploited the robots’ poor mobility on stairs. Sadly, the two robots didn’t drop any equipments but still offered 3,000 utility points to each member.
Meanwhile, Reef faced those robots with a sensation of heroism without weapons. It would be fine if he hadn’t witnessed the official MTs battling. Yet after that MT war of different paths, he couldn’t help but thirst and desire the day he could step into their realm.
As for the guards….they unluckily fell prey to Brother Black’s deathly barrels. Furthermore, they were utterly wrecked by Mogensha also due to Sheyan’s terrifying virus effects. For these guards with physical constitution similar to real world humans, the ‘Bronchitis’ and ‘Influenza’ virus strains descended gravely onto them!
At present, Brother Black had one foot on Test-subject 2’s flickering but dimming electric eye. He lit a cigar and said.
“If these machines were as mobile as humans, we would’ve been in deep shit today.”
Zi replied indifferently.
“It won’t be that simple. I reckon it’ll take years before technological advancement in the real world can resolve that issue. Don’t even mention humans walking, even running on four limbs like animals for a fully intelligent robot would be an immense challenge; much less to say of going into combat.”
Sheyan then abruptly interrupted.
“Perhaps we should try negotiation with their upper management. There’s a proverb; what we can’t acquire from battle, we can’t from negotiations. However, since we’ve already demonstrated our capabilities, perhaps the top executive is willing to listen to our request?”
Mogensha doubtfully replied.
“Negotiation? We are rushing for time you know.”
Sheyan earnestly continued.
“If I’m not wrong, the top executive of such this large conglomerate ought to possess his own private elevator. Although our blatant rampage can earn us the ‘Alpha Spraymist’ in the end, we may not necessarily get into the executive databank and retrieve the coordinates of the secret lab. Therefore, shouldn’t we approach this differently?”
Speaking till here, Sheyan’s eyes glistened slightly.
“Moreover, this method may possibly offer us additional benefits too.”
All these while, they were conversing through the party channel. After concluding, Sheyan glanced at a surveillance camera and spoke aloud.
“I am Major Seaman, you should’ve heard of my name before aye. We aren’t here to appropriate your company’s secrets, but merely fulfilling our highly classified mission to retrieve some coordinates. Pass my intentions to your top executive, if you are willing, we will leave once we retrieve the coordinates.”
30 seconds later.
A minute later, followed by two minutes. Still no answer.
Observing the rather awkward atmosphere, Zi didn’t know whether to smile or not while Reef was attempting to bring the mood up with jokes. Instead, Sheyan spun around and declared.
“Let’s advance.”
After trudging five steps forward, he warned with a solemn expression.
“Everyone be careful. The only reason they aren’t negotiating even after we’ve demonstrated our capabilities, is possibly due to a hidden trump card. To them, this trump card will surely eliminate us. Hence, the lack of respect!”
As planned, the group of four ascended to the 40th floor.
After all, the ‘Alpha Spraymist’ wouldn’t run but top executives could.
The theory of a private escape elevator was merely a guess, however, prior to encountering the Test-subject 3 robot, they had already ruined all normal operating elevators. Those elevators couldn’t be fixed within a short duration.
Therefore, without an escape elevator, the only way down would be the fire escape staircase; this would be like catching a turtle in the jar.
Meanwhile, Sheyan’s propagating viruses was on a complete outbreak. Violent coughing and sneezing filled the building. Under such circumstances, Sheyan could only apologize to the innocent workers suffering in this calamity.
When they arrived at the 40th floor, the route ahead separated into two left or right access channels; forming a gigantic loop for this floor. Furthermore, the main access gates adopted numbered signages instead of specific titles like ‘general manager’, or ‘treasurer’ etc.
The 40th floor was decorated with a futuristic scientific theme, with sleek corners and brightly lit walls of stainless steel. The place was pristine without a tinge of dust, and the floor was constructed with transparent plexiglass; arrayed with two rows of illuminating lights beneath.
The gang of four were rather surprised by such a decoration style, in their minds, they believed the executive floor would be filled with a business flare.
“Mogensha and I will take the left channel. Zi, you and Reef will take right and we should be able to converge at the end. Be careful, we cannot allow anyone to escape.” Sheyan instructed.
This combination of one tank one long-range combatant should suffice to deal with any accidents.
Sheyan didn’t discover anyone in the first two offices he searched. When he lightly forced open the third office, his eyes instantly met with a frightened guard. The guard was currently on a call and his panic tone sounded deflated.
Their gazes met, but the guard’s reaction wasn’t fast. With a loud cry as though he had just seen a ghost, he hurled his phone at Sheyan before reaching for his weapon by his waist.
Although the weapon at the guard’s waist appeared analogous to an ordinary rifle, Sheyan could guess it was similarly a deadly weapon created specially for combating dinosaurs.
DA! DA! DA! Just as he was about to dodge away, Brother Black triggered his golden AK from a distance behind. The first bullet exploded the guard’s brains with blood splattering everywhere, leaving a headless convulsing body idling momentarily before collapsing to the ground.
Proceeding from there, Sheyan spared any innocent unarmed employees he encountered. Unfortunately, those employees were clueless to his questioning and merely shook their heads in fright.
Still, resistance continued pouring in stubbornly as another small squad of elite guards attempted to ambush Sheyan and Mogensha.
In the end, that floor was utterly wrecked and the atmosphere reeked with rich blood stench. The corridor and office walls were dyed blood red with occasional brain pulps, as corpses sprawled on the ground.
The numerous mass of guards still failed to tarry Sheyan and Mogensha for long along this hundred plus metres loop channel. Eventually, they arrived at the end of the channel where Reef and Zi had already arrived from the right channel access.
At this point where the two channels converge, both parties shook their heads and expressed their fruitless adventure.
Nevertheless, ahead of them was now a straight access channel. The theme of this channel was different; exhibiting a velvety red carpet arranged sporadically with green plants by the side, arhaic oil paintings along the walls, and chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. This channel was warm to the senses; akin to a five star hotel, this channel stretched to roughly 60 metres where one could behold an exceedingly spacious conference room ahead.
“We should be reaching the boss soon.” Brother Black puffed his cigar and scolded. “Shitty brat, better pray he doesn’t get caught by me!”
“Wait.” Sheyan blurted out.
“”I believe our deduction isn’t wrong and we are reaching the hiding spot of the top brass. Still, they have yet to meet us which indicates they possess a contingency; an extremely formidable back-up! Therefore, this moment where we are closest to them, will also be the most dangerous moment.”
Zi furrowed her brows and asked.
“What are you implying? We should move separately like before?”
Sheyan replied.
“If the top brass executives have prepared a private elevator, then we naturally should charge in and prevent them from escaping. If they do not, then delaying a little shouldn’t pose an issue. The most dependable method is finding someone who knows the internal affairs here.”
Zi sighed as she felt that Sheyan was being excessively cautious like an old granny. She refuted.
“No need for the hassle. Reef and I will head in first and you guys back us up.”
Sheyan frowned and remained silent. Brother Black and him then maintained their positions.
Reef and Zi then marched into the pathway channel with a seemingly complacent demeanor. Nevertheless, they remained exceedingly vigilant.
However, when they reached the middle of the channel, two steel doors abruptly emerged without a warning and flawlessly blocked off their way out.
Those steel doors appeared like the kind that could withstand a nuclear blast. When the doors shut, a circular handle could be seen turning automatically before the doors were secured together with ‘clunk’.
Chapter 742: Drastic measures
Sheyan’s pupils contracted upon witnessing that scene.
“This design……could it be that booby trap?”
Sheyan immediately swung a fist and punched the gorgeously constructed wooden arabesque wall.
Bang! The wall instantly crumbled inwards, but Sheyan’s fist became numb from the impact. As it turns out, behind the wall was a layer of impregnable steel rampart!
To Reef’s horror, speckles of charged lights started flickering at the end of the access channel. A second later, seven horizontal dark-blue lasers formed and begun travelling towards Zi and him; carrying nothing but silence, elegance and an aura of death.
Wherever those dark-blue lasers passed, be it flower pots or the wallpaper, they were all noiselessly sliced; nothing could impede their path! The lasers didn’t travel with rapid velocity but instead, brought along an immense ominous pressure of death.
In fact, the board member that requested for this mechanism tramp in the past was a little perverse in the mind. He loved watching the expressions of individuals trapped in such a hopeless situation.
“A laser channel!!!” Reef howled into the party channel. “Darn it! The crazy bastards actually installed such a terrifying trap.”
Even Zi’s expression was different. She fiercely executed a sleek ‘Force Collision Wall’ to defy the incoming lasers. Sadly, her ‘Force Collision Wall’ soon slammed into the distant steel door and emitted a sonorous boom, but nothing happened to those seven incoming horizontal lasers.
“Must I use my final chance in this world of awakening the ‘Dragonforce Bloodline’?” Zi’s pupils instantly morphed into a vertical slit, as an indescribable wave of awe surrounded her.
Yet in this instant, Sheyan’s calm voice transmitted in the party channel.
“Withdraw backwards, those laser beams shouldn’t be that fast. Believe me, since we now know their tricks, resolving this trap is undoubtedly not an issue.”
Notions flashed through her mind as Zi replied.
“Fine, but seeing the speed of those laser beams, you have at most 10 seconds to resolve this. Otherwise, I will use my final awakening of the ‘Dragonforce Bloodline’ in this world.”
Sheyan recalled a room he came across while searching through this floor previously. He immediately charged towards that particular room.
“The essence of those cutting laser beams is the million-fold amplification of electromagnetic radiation, thus creating a multi-hundreds degree scorching intensity. According to the technological standard of this world, the electric energy required to power seven beams of such high intensity laser can only be summed up with the word ‘frightening’!”
‘There should be an electrical room on each floor of such an enormous building, and it is right… here.”
The electrical room was indicated clearly and located just beside a restroom. Although its iron door was shut tight, Sheyan unleashed a vicious slam and created a clear depression against the door. Following up with a stomp, this anti-theft door creaked and finally collapsed inward.
Sheyan entered the electrical room and surprisingly discovered an employee hiding inside. The employee was shocked into a trembling fit upon seeing Sheyan.
Ignoring him, Sheyan proceeded to pull out the frame of the main power supply with a loud ‘crank’, and exposed the multitudes of electric cables within.
Eyeing the two thickest power cables, Sheyan reached forth and ripped them out from the wall. Under his tyrannical strength, those thick and sturdy cables became as weak as noodles. Electric blue sparks splattered out from the ripped bronze cables.
Sheyan then revealed a mocking smile before sending wanton punches into the entire power supply box.
Boom! After a sonorous bang, Sheyan instantly felt his vision darkened and his hands numbed. He was sent flying five metres away by a monumental force, as a piercing smoking smell pervaded into the room. Only a contestant would dare to be so unbridled with such high voltage apparatus, an ordinary individual would probably be fatally wounded.
After Sheyan broke the power circuit, electricity was utterly cut off from all offices in this level.
Consecutively, Reef’s solemn voice rang in their party channel.
“Those deadly laser beams have dimmed with one completely disappearing! They will extinguish soon and their speed has slowed considerably. However, there are still six laser beams cutting towards us. I reckon another 20 seconds, boss! Good work but there’s more to be done.”
“Indeed so.” Sheyan understood his conjecture should be spot on this time.
“In the earlier phase of the company’s blueprint, they should’ve already considered the issue of electricity usage of that laser channel, while maintaining the supply of the whole building. Therefore, the maximum power needed for a single supply and presented to governing authorities would inevitably reach an astounding figure; surpassing the legal limits. However, the Sando Company wouldn’t collaborate with the government, hence, when constructing the laser channel, their design plan should include this – once the laser channel activates, other nearby floors of the building will similarly supply power to the laser channel.”
“Thus, after breaking the circuit for the 40th floor, I must now undoubtedly take drastic measures!”
Thinking of that, Sheyan grabbed a load of electric cables that looked incredibly sturdy and coiled them twice around his arm. Then, with a shuttle run, he leapt out of the window.
This was the 40th floor! The electrical cable slammed against the railing and became tightly taut.
Piank! The outer reinforced glass was shattered through by Sheyan. As he descended, the electric cables recoiled his body upwards like a life-saving rope, sending him arching towards the bottom floor glass.
With a hefty stomp, Sheyan crashed through the glass wall of the bottom level and stood back up after making a roll.
Due to convenience of design, every floor of electrical room was situated in roughly the same area, and Sheyan didn’t have to waste time to locate them.
Meanwhile, a guard attempted to hinder Sheyan by opening fire, but was quickly cut in two by the urgently rushing Sheyan. Sheyan then charged into the next electrical room and followed this routine pattern.
This time was unexpectedly the final straw to flatten the camel.
After emitting a mournful buzz, those laser beams dimmed unwillingly, while the electric-powered steel doors ahead released an unresigned groan before opening a slight gap.
Meanwhile, Zi and Reef charged forth with the swiftest reaction. Without expending much efforts, they blasted through the steel doors.
Following that, Reef waved his lightsaber around and slaughtered a few fleeing control room employees. Even with his noble spirit, Reef absolutely wouldn’t be merciful towards individuals who wanted to mince him with that terrifying laser beam web.
In this moment, Zi demonstrated an incredibly phantasmic movement style. As she strode in, she suddenly vanished into thin air. When she appeared, she was already far into the distant and similarly carried a belly of fire.
Sheyan’s wise choices had repeatedly hammered down on her. Yet that also implied that her previous contempt towards him was purely embarrassing!
This wasn’t something the arrogant and mighty Zi could accept, thus, deciding to vent her frustration on the individuals behind this trap.
In a flash, she emerged in a vast conference room. It was a splendorous and majestic conference room that carried a faint lingering fragrance.
Steam was rising from teacups and cigarette buds weren’t extinguished yet. Evidently, the masterminds hadn’t been for long.
Zi was extremely familiar with such conference room setups. With a raise of her left hand, she swept bookcases down with her force energy. She then inspected around the furnishings and discovered a secret room.
There was indeed an elevator in this secret room, however, it was unexpectedly orientated towards the roof.
Zi instantly understood the top executives did left themselves an escape route. Instead, the escape route wasn’t a secret elevator leading to the parking lot, because it could be easily countered by just encircling the building.
Hence, their ultimate desperate measure, was a helipad at the rooftop!
“Shit.” Such a negative notion flashed through her mind.
Thinking of that, she intended to chase them up, but at this moment, Sheyan charged in. Upon noticing the elevator, Sheyan immediately released a sigh of relief.
“Don’t worry, it is impossible for them to escape even by air.”
Zi curiously asked.
“Why so?”
Sheyan offered a mystifying smile and answered.
“The pilot can’t work while being infected.”
When the two contestants arrived atop the building, a scene of two helicopters with their rotor wings spinning rapidly greeted them. Nevertheless, the pilots were powerlessly paralyzed in their seats and repeatedly bended their heads down.
On the contrary, two men in suits were an anxious as ants in a hot pot. Realizing they couldn’t escape by flight, they quickly withdrew backwards. Still, Sheyan quickly forced them to the edge where their only path backwards would be to jump down.
Sheyan sauntered before them and chuckled.
“Gentlemen, can we finally talk now?”
Chapter 743: Memory Pen
The implication behind Sheyan’s words was the same as when he offered it to the surveillance camera. However, this time, with the same person but a different location, it brought drastically different effects.
For example, the author would be able to say ‘Hi’ to a random girl five years ago, before initiating a romantic scenario at the usual place followed by unrestrained callings, and the girl would very forthrightly agree. Yet if the author did that now, the only response he would get is ‘scram’.
(ED: Golden analogies. Should probably come up with a title for Mr. Author…)
Right now, he was like a mother talking to kids…. Though he appeared more gentle and refined with a warm smile on his face, his words sent the two executives shivering all over.
A bolder executive coughed and attempted to reason righteously.
“What do you guys want?! This is a law abiding society and you guys have trespassed on private property….”
Sheyan didn’t tarry along and proceeded to scoop up the executive’s ankle, before suspending him by the edge of the building. With a slight smile, he said.
“Woah gentleman, I must disagree with your words.”
The executive struggled violently in mid-air and wailed bitterly like a dying pig. How could he find the courage to complete his sentence? One must understand, this was the freaking 43rd floor!
While suspended upside down, cash notes, a lighter, cigarettes, and a phone slipped out from his pockets, while spewing only meaningless wails from his mouth.
Sheyan shrugged his shoulders as he adopted a tone of ridicule.
“Gentlemen, your reluctance to cooperate has led to a great loss in time and finances. In addition to the threat to our lives, so I regret to inform, you must compensate for your prior actions.”
The only executive was still in shock, the one losing time and finances was themselves! Yet he didn’t dare to speak the words in his heart; besides, from witnessing all these, how could he?
Instead, the suspended executive cried out in utmost panic.
“I’ll give, I’ll give! Whatever your request, I’ll give! Just say how much you want!”
Sheyan then pulled him back in and scoffed.
“What I want isn’t cash. Apart from my own requirements, we’ll also need to judge your sincerity.”
The two crestfallen executives quickly discussed for a while, and finally offered numerous remunerations under Sheyan’s coercion.
Needless to say, they managed to acquire the ‘Alpha Spraymist’ and the research lab coordinates of Jurassic Park.
Apart from those, Sheyan also received two throwable offense items – ‘Flagellum Pterodactyl Embryo’ and ‘Catalyzing Spraymist’.
Those two items were the latest research accomplishments of the company. The first was that repulsive substance that Test-subject 3 used. It contained a massive load of dreadful parasitic bugs.
The second item was a spraymist that modelled the odour of a Tyrannosaurus, which provided two possibilities upon spray – either the dinosaur one was facing would flee at the mere scent, or pursue you to hell…..
The contestants valued those two items favourably, while the two executives of the Sando Company treated them as corporate spies. After all, if the two products landed in the hands of their competitors, it could fetch an exorbitant price….
The most surprising thing was a rare soul equipment they chanced upon as well. According to the two executives, it was left behind by a mutant who was slain by the laser channel.
That mutant possessed shocking speed and nimbleness, managing to survive even when horizon beams of laser swept through. In the end, the furious executives had to activate web laser mode and mince him into mincemeat.
However, when clearing up the mess, they discovered a pen which intrigued an executive dearly. He thus retained this pen that even the laser could not destroy. Nevertheless, there wasn’t anything special about that pen.
When Sheyan examined it, he realized the pen was extremely mediocre looking. It had a grey metallic cap and a plastic black surface; faded from the many years of usage. Still, there remained a tiny vestige of black ink atop the white point of the pen. The word ‘hero’ was engraved onto the pen.
His nightmare imprint displayed the following notification.
[ Soul Equipment: Memory Pen ]
What surprised Sheyan more was Zi. She only heard of soul equipments before and this was actually her first time encountering one, as her enchanting eyes revealed a sense of curiosity.
When the two executives noticed the intrigue in her eyes, they immediately flushed with delight but quietly waited.
Even after a long while of examining, these bunch of strangers were still engrossed in the pen. This also showed their chance of survival was increasing.
As they probed with their nightmare imprints, the properties of the soul equipment was revealed.
[ Memory Pen (Unactivated) ]
[ Origin: Shanghai China, Taopeng Road, 4 Shouhui Neighbourhood ]
[ Equipment rarity: Silver storyline ]
[ Equipment position: Accessory / private storage (it can be effective when worn as an accessory or placed inside the private storage ]
[ Equipment property: When attacking an opponent, it creates a chance of jolting the opponent’s memory, causing a 2 seconds stun. In this period, any attack will cause the opponent to awake from his memory dream state ]
[ Details: This effect takes precedence ]
[ Details: This effect covers other effects like explosive strikes or dizziness ]
[ Details: Opponents without intellect are immune to this effect. Example, departed spirits, enchanted sculptures etc ]
[ Material: Stainless steel mixed with plastic ]
[ Weight: 28 grams ]
[ Equipment property: One can activate this weapon to be drawn into memory dream state for 10 seconds. Every second recovers 5% of total MP. This process will be terminated upon being attacked ]
[ Details: This effect has a 10 minutes cooldown ]
[ Details: If the ‘Memory Pen’ is activated in one’s personal storage, usage of its ability will cost a fixed utility points fee in relation to the difficulty of relative present world. Insufficient utility points will result in equipments being used as collateral… ]
[ Equipment property: Lowers user physical damage by 25% but increase magic damage by 10% ]
[ Description: Alright, alright, I know only wealthy spoilt brats dare to activate this toy in one’s personal storage. However, this little devil may result in bankruptcy. I’m not kidding you ]
[ Detail: To activate this soul equipment, you must accomplish a mission ]
This equipment seemed great for Brother Black, nevertheless, his explosive strike rate and stunning rate was already outstanding. Moreover, he could summon his viperwolves. Thus, the covering property of this ‘Memory Pen’ wouldn’t be beneficial for him. Also, MP wasn’t a huge problem for him as well.
Therefore, the ‘Memory Pen’ was naturally more suited for Zi.
However, Zi remained mighty and arrogant. Feeling indebted to the trio for rescuing her, she refused to accept it.
Since they’ve achieved their objectives, the contestant quartet didn’t tarry any longer. They directly exploited the helicopter and flew off, which at least won them some time.
According to information obtained earlier, the fastest way to get to Jurassic Park wasn’t by air but underwater. This was due to the relatively large probability of being assaulted by avaricious Pterodactyls.
One didn’t need to elaborate much on how terrifying Pterodactyls were, where only Awakeners could confront them directly. Furthermore, Pterodactyls travelled in flocks! If not for the Pterodactyls disliking urbanized or inland forest habitats, due to their expansive wingspans of 7-8 metres which made it tough to hunt in forests, the dinosaur disaster zone would’ve been enlarged by 2-3 times!
After riding the helicopter for roughly 400 kilometres and leaving the safe zone, the gang of four then transferred to a high speed rail leaving for the nearest port to Jurassic Park island…..
Upon sighting the great ocean, Sheyan felt a sense of intimacy. Even Reef and Brother Black felt a sense of warm nostalgia towards the sea, which caused Zi to be pretty perplexed.
After all, back in the Caribbean Sea World, they rode an invincible quasi-legendary pirate ship that could sweep all contestants aside!
Even Zeus and his Glory Party would have to flee at the mere sight of Sheyan commanding his quasi-legendary ship!
With Zi’s connections, the gang of four soon procured a submarine. The submarine was previously manufactured for military use but after it was decommissioned, it underwent certain remodelling and became employed in shallow waters for fields of research. Nevertheless, it was in pretty adequate condition.
The ride to Jurassic Park was roughly 5-8 hours. Thus, the group would be able to rejuvenate and recuperate while resting in their cabin.
Roughly two hours into the voyage, this grand submarine suddenly shuddered violently.
Stainless steel mugs clinked against each other and the submarine walls, but were held firmly by the supports.
The cabin the contestant quartet resided in was exceedingly narrow; double deck beds analogous to a train cabin. Each bed only offered a bedhead lamp and a pillow, which sufficed as a rather miserable personal space.
When the submarine shuddered violently, numerous objects placed on the beds crashed to the floor clamorously.
Chapter 744: Hunted by an Ichthyosaur
Reef and Brother Black seemed rather composed when the abrupt shaking occurred. After all, they had experienced naval warfares in the Pirates of the Caribbean World.
Instead, Zi was startled and her expression turned sour.
Meanwhile, Sheyan’s eyes were shut as he carefully felt the tremors of the submarine.
All of a sudden, he reached to grab his railing and a second later, another round of violent tremors occurred! This time, it seemed as though the entire submarine swayed over 60 degrees to the side. If not for the contestants grabbing on their bedside railings, they would’ve fell onto the floor.
Zi’s countenance changed drastically.
“The submarine is shaking so violently, seems like an huge crisis!”
Following that, Sheyan hopped off his bed. Moving deftly, he shut the watertight bulkhead of the region and spun its rotating valve speedily.
Every cabin region in the submarine had an extra watertight bulkhead to preserve the submarine in case of leakages.
Proceeding from there, Sheyan rummaged around for some items. In the end, he snatched a black board looking thing from a hidden wall compartment and two ordinarily looking candles before storing them.
That board was an Oxygen Regenerator which constituted of layers of Sodium Peroxide sheets. When used, a chemical reaction caused it to absorb Carbon Dioxide and release Oxygen. Each board could be used for 1.5 hours and shared between 40 humans.
The candle was manufactured with Sodium Chlorite and other chemical elements to produce an emergency oxygen supply. In an emergency, the combusting candle would produce pure oxygen that supports 100 humans breathing for an hour.
As such, Sheyan prepared his contingencies for the worst outcome of being trapped in a watertight cabin. With the three items, they could hold on till mission failure and return to the nightmare realm; besides, preserving one’s life was more important than mission failure.
The submarine continued experiencing tremors, as though a gigantic whale was repeatedly nudging against the submarine.
Over time, Sheyan’s expression turned increasingly unpleasant. In this deep sea, once the submarine is destroyed, water would eventually leak in and drown even the strongest of contestants!
If not, they would be crushed by the water pressure. Even a frantic ascension back to sea level could cause the nitrogen in one’s body to rapidly bubble under the atmospheric pressure, leading to thrombosis and thus threatening one’s life.
A massive round of intense tremors later, one could hear distinct creaks emerging from the steel structure of the submarine. Dust clouds floated in the air and their headlamps flickered and dimmed.
Sheyan then pressed down onto his bedside railing with an immensely ugly expression, and said.
“Not good, the situation isn’t going to improve but seems to be worsening. Zi, we must assume control of this submarine, your connection seems rather unreliable.”
At present, Zi’s complexion was also ugly and seemed like she had sea sickness. She nodded in response.
Sheyan immediately opened the cabin door and dashed out like a gust of wind. Brother Black tailed him and asked curiously.
“Boss, you know how to operate a submarine?”
Sheyan bluntly replied.
“Nope, but I can order them. Have you forgotten what title I’m wielding?”
Soon after, they discovered wounded casualties ahead. A submarine sailor was on the ground and his head was bleeding profusely, while a female sailor beside was crying for assistance. Alas, from the state of his distorted neck, the sailor’s life had long left his body.
Sheyan continued advancing forward. Another sailor sprinted towards him in frenzy, and Sheyan quickly grabbed his collar.
“Oi, where’s the captain? WHERE’S the captain? What the hell is happening?!!”
A frightened submarine sailor explained while stuttering bitterly.
“A-a d-d-dinosaur! A d-dinosaur must be attacking the submarine! Sir Capote knocked his head and fainted.”
Sheyan, with his ‘Pirate Captain’ title wielded, immediately slapped the guy and roared.
“Very well, then I shall now assume control of this submarine! Get to your posts at once if you don’t wish to die.”
That sailor wanted to object but Mogensha was pointing his black barrel at his head. He immediately turned and dashed off.
In the chaotic main control room of the submarine.
Some were providing emergency aid, some scrambled to give commands while others argued bitterly.
Sheyan stormed in and roared.
“I am Major Seaman. In view of your lack of response or measure to this crisis on hand, I shall assume command over this submarine now!’
A scar-faced, hoodlum looking male slanted his head and walked forward
“Ohh, is a Major so terrific???? My apologies sir, this is a private submarine, who are you to assume control?”
The next second later, Mogensha took aim and splattered his head! The guy flew backwards with blood and brain pulp splattering onto the wall behind.
Sheyan then announced with an awe-inspiring voice.
“Any other objections? Who’s the Chief mate?”
The humans present were all shaking and quiet in fear upon witnessing crimson blood pouring out from the corpse. They understood this was a man that would murder without blinking.
Sheyan asked again and this time, a bearded man, who was providing emergency first aid, glanced over with a wry smile.
“I am.”
Sheyan indifferently ordered.
“Report the situation to me.”
The bearded man answered.
“Sir, we are being assaulted by an Ichthyosaur. These are hundred ton monsters upon reaching maturity, even the largest Nile Crocodile wouldn’t escape the fate of being chomped in two. Fortunately, the Ichthyosaur assaulting us should be a fledgling.”
“How long more can we hold out?” Sheyan asked the most crucial question.
“Truth to be told, transporting you guys to Isla Nublar is the biggest deal we’ve received in the past three months. We are actually waiting for your remuneration to overhaul this big boy. This first wave of assault has probably damaged the frame, if things carry on like this, we absolutely won’t last beyond ten minutes.”
Sheyan frowned and replied.
“Ten minutes…you mean, this submarine doesn’t have any defense capabilities?’
“If Major sir views the taser gun above as a defense capability….” The bearded man replied. “Then, yes.”
The submarine was normally employed for shallow waters. Occasionally, they encountered disturbances from sharks and octopi, hence, the reason for a taser gun.
Sheyan leaned this before. Although a submarine was vastly different from naval ships, but since this submarine was remodeled for public use, the system of operations would be pretty simple.
He quickly announced through the submarine’s intercom his assumption of control. At this moment, his ‘Pirate Captain’ title was naturally activated and improved the speed of the submarine.
Sheyan then commanded Mogensha.
“Go to the engine room at once. If anyone dares to violate the order, you know what to do.”
Mogensha hastily rushed off. The submarine wasn’t massive in the first place and after 30 seconds, Mogensha’s voice transmitted through an intercom.
“Boss, I’ve contained the situation on my side.”
Sheyan then ordered.
“First, get them to slow the submarine’s velocity.”
The group was instantly astounded and was about to refute, but when they noticed Sheyan’s incisive glare, their words choked back into their throats.
Following the slowing of the submarine, Sheyan coldly inquired.
“What’s the power reserve of the taser gun?”
The Chief mate replied.
“If used sparingly, then roughly only 5-6 times.”
Sheyan proceeded to activate the ‘Gold Pearl of the Caribbean Sea’, and substantially raised his perceptive sense.
Instantaneously, he felt a surge of tremendous menace around the submarine. Sheyan ignored them but tightly gripped the power catch of the taser gun.
Soon, Sheyan sensed a menace probing around before closing in. He could even faintly sense this menace widening its massive devouring mouth.
In this instant, Sheyan fiercely pulled down power catch to the maximum. Twelve shockers on the submarine’s surface was instantly overloaded with power. The electrical amount sufficient for 5-6 times of usage, unleashing at once!!!
The reason for slowing the submarine, was so the pursuing Ichthyosaur couldn’t evade the taser gun with its agile supremacy. With the submarine slowing down, the Ichthyosaur naturally slowed as well and approached cautiously.
Furthermore, the taser gun was fired when the Ichthyosaur was about to chomp down onto the submarine.
Following that, the electricity jolted through the taser gun and accomplished the deed.
Amidst the pitch darkness of the seawater, a dazzling spectrum of high intensity azure sparks flashed. Even the taser gun couldn’t withstand the overload and was utterly burnt smoking.
Of course, one could imagine how massive was the damage done to this Ichthyosaur!
Its first reaction was to pull away, hastily speeding up to an unbelievable pace with mere seconds. This also indicated how sensible it was for Sheyan to order for the submarine to slow down.
As the Ichthyosaur struggled agonizingly, the crowd in the submarine instantly felt a wave of pressure sweeping in. This was due to momentum of the seawater caused by the struggling intensity of the dinosaur’s tail and body, that shoved the submarine away.
Sheyan tightly clenched the intercom. His legs seemed to be anchored into the ground. He didn’t stagger at all from the pressure but solemnly ordered.
“Engine room, full speed ahead!”
The Chief Mate sullenly mumbered.
“It’s no use, we can’t shrug it off. After this submarine’s remodelling, it has lost an additional power engine and its maximum velocity isn’t worth mentioning.”
Chapter 745: A tide of peace, then a tide of trouble
“Is that so?” Sheyan sneered. “If I say it’s possible, then it is.”
Seizing the opportunity where the young Ichthyosaurus was spasming uncontrollably from the taser shock, the submarine started its full speed escape. Two streaks or rolling froth barreled out from the submarine’s rear and propelled the submarine forward.
As the Chief Mate observed accelerating speed on the radar, he sighed with a bleak smile.
“We can at most maintain 15 knots underwater and not more, 20 knots if there’s a sudden temporary burst of energy!”
Sheyan coldly chided.
“Shut it and widen your eyes.”
Following the Chief Mate’s surprised gaze, the radar velocity unexpectedly exceeded 15 knots and continued rising steadily!
Sheyan then inquired.
“What’s the maximum velocity of a submarine at sea level?”
The Chief Mate swallowed his saliva and answered.
“20 knots…”
Sheyan immediately continued.
“Prepare to ascend, we can’t care much now. If the submarine can attain 25 knots at sea level, shrugging off the dinosaur wouldn’t be an issue. If it wishes to compete in endurance? That’ll be a grave mistake!”
From the start, Sheyan had barged in with a murderous prestige and compelled the sailors in submission. Thus, his conduct undoubtedly displeased them, but regarding their tasks, they could only display outward devotion but inward opposition.
In spite of that, they followed his commands which unexpectedly led to a silver lining where they could at least see a ray of hope. Thus, Sheyan managed to swiftly establish his reputation.
With the command to ascend given, the sailors hastened into action and proactively controlled the submarine to ascend. Anyway, they were akin to grasshoppers on a single rope now.
Of course, since Sheyan killed their comrade to establish his might previously, for them to immediately prostrate themselves in admiration now was impossible. Nevertheless, since they were all in the same boat, any objection could only be reserved in the belly. Perhaps, there would be hoodlums who wanted to settle accounts after autumn, but would the gang of four fear them?
Theoretically, analogous to directly driving off after just turning on a vehicle, recklessly driving the submarine up too quickly would result in gravely detrimental damage to the submarine. Still, who would care in a situation like this?
The submarine didn’t encounter any disruptions while ascending, but when the passengers looked out the windows, they could observe numerous deep depressions all over the submarine’s surface; a truly frightening sight to behold. If not for it being previously a military grade shell, it would’ve long been destroyed and sunk.
The submarine accelerated to a speed of 25 knots upon reaching sea level. Nevertheless, for a gigantic creature like an Ichthyosaurus, they could still surpass that speed with a short burst of energy. Yet for them to maintain that speed, it would be extremely difficult. After all, a creature’s physical strength could never outlast a machine.
At present, dusk had arrived. Under Sheyan’s command, the submarine swiftly glided along the sea surface.
The sunset casted a golden undulating brilliance over the ocean as flying fish occasionally leapt out the water.
These were special flying fish that were rare even in the real world. They only appeared in exceptionally pure and unpolluted waters. Relying on their massive fins, they could glide in mid-air for even 100-200 metres. Of course, males who could glide further were treated as better mating partners. The maximila of the flying fish was additionally sharp; fortunately, these fish weren’t speedy fliers, thus human injury due to them was extremely uncommon even in the real world.
(TL: Flying fish can actually glide for hundreds of metres, although the mating part still sounds like some bs from the author)
Eyeing a close group of flying fish, Sheyan reached out and seized one. He swiftly cut open the fish belly and sliced the flesh into sashimi.
As it turns out, he ate in such a manner before in the real world, where he remembered the taste to be incomparable. As he sampled such a perfect and sumptuous freshness in his mouth again, he could feel the fish melting at the tip of his tongue. In addition to the natural salty taste of seawater, it was indeed a delicacy from heaven; leaving one carefree and relaxed afterwards.
By this point, the submarine crew reckoned the Ichthyosaurus couldn’t keep up. After escaping from near death, they finally stepped onto the submarine deck above for a breath of fresh air.
Noticing Sheyan eating so sumptuously, they mimicked him and acted with the next group of flying fish.
The Chief Mate captured a flying fish and slit its belly. Instead, he discovered a cluster of fish roe inside and comparatively lesser flesh. Still, he didn’t feel anything odd about it.
However, upon witnessing that scene, Sheyan suddenly sensed something was amiss. He pondered quickly before exclaiming with a deep tone.
“Careful!! There’s a monstrous creature nearby!”
Brother Black turned anxious upon hearing him.
Sheyan replied with a solemn expression.
“Only male flying fishes love to glide for mating purposes, why would the females follow them? The only explanation is a tremendous and tangible threat nearby, causing them to flee in panic!”
Sheyan quickly called out to the few on board.
“Quick, full speed towards the direction of those flying fishes!”
At this moment, the passengers abruptly felt a slight tremor throughout the submarine. Moreover, a rich baleful aura seemed to have condensed around the seawater, as the breeze seemed to carry the strong beckoning of a great beast.
All of a sudden, 600 metres away in the distant sea, a foul white column of water shot up to an exceedingly high altitude, before scattering in an expansive spread of furious mist.
Instantly after, the seawater begun churning intensely before the terrifying back of a sea beast emerged from the surface. Its scales revealed an illusory array of light violet and azure.
It looked like an alligator but the majority of its body was still hidden in the water. A pair of enormous eyes carried an insatiable chill as it stared in.
A pair of predatory eyes!
From its exposed body part, one could fathom that its size could only be larger than the previous fledgling Ichthyosaurus!
The Chief Mate trembled excessively as he stuttered.
“G-g-good lord, t-t-this….t-that’s a Mosasaurus. We wouldn’t encounter such monstrosities along our normal sea routes, and they usually hunt in the deep sea. Why are we repeatedly encountering such colossuses today?”
Sheyan commanded sullenly.
“Speed up and shrug it off!”
The Chief Mate cried out despondently.
“I’m afraid it’ll be too difficult, sir. The Mosasaurus is much stronger than an Ichthyosaur. It can accelerate to 80 knots in a flash and sustain for nearly half-hour! Only a warship wouldn’t fear a raiding Mosasaurus.”
“There’s only one other alternative.” That voice belonged to Zi. Her countenance was rather haggard but she still emitted a cuttingly imposing aura; like a falling blade that just massacred others.
“Since hiding is futile, we eliminate it!”
Sheyan insipidly replied.
“Indeed, perhaps only an Awakener can directly confront it. From current knowledge, the difference between an Awakener and a Growth-Hunter isn’t that large. A Growth-Hunter resembles a supreme being with tremendous power but not knowing how to manipulate it. Whereas, an Awakener has gradually gained understanding, demonstrating his powerful to the fullest potential.”
“Zi, you should be a pinnacle stage Growth-Hunter right. I believe we can take this monstrosity down…..however, we haven’t even set foot on Isla Nublar. If you waste away your strongest ace here, how will we face future mishaps?”
Zi callously responded.
“Then what else can we do? Even if we can drag on against this Mosasaurus, we will, sooner or later, be attacked by a flock of crazy Pterodactyls!”
Sheyan took a deep breath and turned to the Chief Mate.
“Cut the engine, halt the submarine!”
The Chief Mate gaped in shock but Brother Black immediately aimed across. Thus, he could only offer a bleak smile and scrambled into the submarine.
Before the submarine halted, Sheyan was already striding, with a solemn expression, down a ramp towards the sea surface.
Meanwhile, the Mosasaurus was already speeding in with breakneck pace!
In this instant, Sheyan pulled out ‘Ambition’ and soaked it into the water.
Suddenly, a hegemonic aura swept out indescribably into the vast ocean!
A strange ripple descended over the water as hundreds of cubic metres of water rippled strangely.
An incomparably titanic octopus image formed that was imitated to perfection. The octopus leisurely stretched its thick tentacles, causing the seawater to undulate gently.
Upon witnessing this image in the water, a palpable fear welled up unknowingly in Zi’s heart, drilling deep into her soul!
“Could this be the domineering might of a Tier-9 legendary creature?” Zi murmured to herself.
At this moment, the Mosasaurus gradually slowed down. It too could sense the immense crushing pressure from Paul’s image, even though it had never seen this terrifying colossus before.
Both parties paused for several minutes. Eventually, the Mosasaurus chose to leave, putting its massive muscles to good use as it swarm away with frightening pace.
Sheyan then calmly climbed back up the submarine. Zi was about to question him over why he didn’t produce this wondrous killing ace earlier. Instead, he noticed sparkling water beads along Sheyan’s forehead. She didn’t know if that was perspiration or seawater, only, Sheyan looked exceedingly fatigued.
Knowing what Zi wanted to ask, Sheyan smiled bitterly.
“That’s the aura of Kraken Paul, undisputed without equal in the Caribbean Sea World. However, producing it in this world may bring about two extremes. The first, scaring other creatures away. On the contrary, in this world, there is a possibility the other monstrosity will turn competitively aggressive and ruthlessly attack without wavering!”
Chapter 746: Arrival
Zi was enlightened from his answer asked in shock.
“So, you were merely gambling?”
Sheyan nodded and replied.
“Yes, but losing the gamble wouldn’t worry me.”
He glanced at Zi and smiled gently.
“Because, we have her majesty the empress holding the lines.”
This was his first time addressing her in that manner. This was because when she stood forth previously, she emanated a dignified and haughty bearing that of royalty. However, that sensation was often quenched by her usual apathy and sense of superiority, and often wearing a guise of coldness. Only during a crisis, would she unsheath her leadership dominance. That was probably why she could lead a large party by herself.
Zi didn’t return a smile to him and chose to remain silent. However, Sheyan didn’t know that his words would bring about an immense effect for himself in the future. If he could predict the future, he would definitely have kept his lips sealed this time.
Tiny shadows surfaced in the distant horizon of the sunset. The shadows soared swiftly towards the submarine.
The sailors, who were taking a breather, were instantly horrified as though they had just seen a ghost when they noticed those shadows. The Chief Mate immediately gripped Sheyan’s arm and howled frantically.
“P-Pterodactyls, those insatiable flying beasts are here.”
Sheyan reluctantly took a deep breath of the fresh but fishy air. He didn’t intend to challenge these aerial hegemons for supremacy, and the group of humans retreated into the submarine.
“Submerge, let those pesky bats screech in vain over the seawater.”
Three hours later, the submarine finally reached the shores of Isla Nublar.
Accurately speaking, they resurfaced in a semi-flooded karst cave.
While navigating here, the submarine made countless detours around sharp and jagged submerged reefs; all to avoid encountering savage dinosaurs lurking around the coast. Furthermore, the majestic size of marine dinosaurs prevented them from lingering in such shallow waters.
The sailors called this place the Union Mansion – what a peculiar and senseless name wasn’t it?
Actually, the reason for that was simple. This safe haven located on the treacherous Isla Nublar wasn’t something that formed naturally. Instead, it was constructed through dollars and sweat by individuals who discovered the boundless commercial potential and benefits of this island.
As for those wealthy individuals, they coincidentally established a union and a mansion here….
Still, one could observe how arduous it was to construct this simple and crude landing point. How disastrous the cost must be.
The submarine approached the cavern shore, yet it remained silently submerged. Evidently, even the Union Mansion wasn’t a totally foolproof location.
As it turns out, they had been a case of a massive invasion by Deinonychus before, where the passengers became a buffet upon stepping ashore.
The submarine sailors weren’t planning to stay here and looked at the contestants with anxious eyes, wishing that their customers would pay up as agreed; because they knew, they couldn’t do anything if Sheyan and company didn’t abide by the agreement.
Still, Zi wasn’t one who liked keeping debts. After paying up, the grateful sailors quickly departed.
When the gang of four trudged onto the dry area of the cave, Zi retrieved a few dinosaur-combating weapons from her personal storage and distributed them.
Her weapons weren’t the same standard as those Sheyan had purchased earlier.
The new ‘Peluba Remodeled Rifle’ and ‘Shamier Jolting Gun’ were now military grade. Meanwhile, everyone received a main battle weapon – the ‘Hector Stunner’.
The ‘Hector Stunner’ could discharge and retract a penetrative spear that would pierce deep into a target’s body, before supplying a thousands volt electric current like a taser to shock the target.
Although it was night time, the moonlight and starlight of the night sky still provided adequate visibility.
To ordinary humans, traversing through Isla Nublar at night would be immensely dangerous. In contrast, the contestants, who possessed the ‘Spraymist’ to avoid the realm’s greatest threat of dinosaurs, could still travel at night. Besides, this place was originally designed to be a tourism holy land in the past.
Yet after years had elapsed from that painstaking endeavour, the roads and buildings had degenerated to a dilapidated mess.
Dark muddy boulders towered independently and shockingly enormous brackens even spanned three acres, emitting the foul stench of rot.
Wild vegetation, particularly ferns and brackens, ran amok in this place, adhering to rocks and pillars. All sorts of ferns could be found; common ferns, stone ferns, Hypodematium ferns, Aleuritopteris formosana, Pyrrosia lingua. The myriad ferns successfully drilled their roots into rocks and turned the place into a lusciously green paradise.
The forest was covered with humongous ash-green leaves, gigantic robust fan ferns and trees as old as the island itself. These sturdy moss green trees had plumpy branches that twisted and intertwined upwards, forming into a dense mess that covered the canopy. The deformed roots of the trees appeared to be wrestling with each other.
It was indeed a deserted, still and dark place.
The four contestants sprayed the ‘Alpha Spraymist’ on themselves. Instantly, an awful odour assailed their nostrils. When this odour blended with the unique atmosphere of Isla Nublar, it formed a mild protection layer around their periphery.
Close to five hundred metres from the Union Mansion ‘port’, the gang discovered a path that was semi-concealed by overgrown grass.
The path was exceedingly muddy and appeared to be man-made. Vestiges of deep tyre marks could be seen, were a large scale vehicle had probably passed through.
After travelling a short distance, they noticed a warning sign crafted with a human skull. On the sign, the words ‘Private property, trespassers will be xxxx’ were written.
As they advanced further, they discovered a fairly shallow cave where its contents were plainly visible; shockingly, eight barrels of oil!
Evidently, this should be one of Hammond’s logistic warehouse. Carrying the secret resources from the Sando executives, he planned to fulfill his dreams here. Naturally, he would carry out a large scale construction to build a permanent base.
After building materials were unloaded onto Union Mansion Port, they were naturally transported with a truck that required refuelling.
Furthermore, it would be tough to conceal all these oil deeper into the island. Not only was it not functional to do so, it was also a safety issue. Dinosaurs possessed a keen sense of smell, therefore, the strong smelling oil may inevitably attract unwanted probing from dinosaurs with particularly outstanding sense of smell.
After a brief inspection of the logistic cave, Sheyan pensively contemplated and announced.
“Seems like Hammond’s logistics base is reachable through a main road, thus, we have two choices. First, follow the main route, which should be comparatively longer. Second, follow a straight line, which will be nearer but far more treacherous.”
“We’ll take the straight line!” Zi resolutely declared.
“The main route may be even, but it may not be better. As the saying goes, a mousehole for rats, the snake path for snakes; animals wouldn’t hunt in their own territories. If we take the main route, without Hammond’s stronger edition spraymist, we may even collide with monstrous beasts like the Tyrannosaurus or Belodons. It’ll be trouble once we get exposed. The softer terrain of the wilderness will make it easier for us to track traces of any massive dinosaurs.”
The effects of the ‘Alpha Spraymist’ were indeed remarkable.
After trekking for nearly two hours in the dark fern forest, they only experienced a few small skirmishes and soon arrived at a checkpoint of the Sando Company.
The terrain here was analogous to a mountain ridge, and supplied a pretty breathtaking scenery. A leftside mountainous cliff exhibited a waterfall that connected with a river that meandered around the precipice, which converged into a tiny lake nearby. Pools of mud could be seen by the lakeside, and it was obvious, many dinosaurs loved taking a drink here.
The gang’s objective was clear – a high standard cemented route leading into the darkness of a mountain belly.
According to signages on the way here, a whitewater rafting project was undertaken here for Jurassic Park in the past. A tiny karst cave scenery inside the mountain belly should be exceedingly gorgeous.
Evidently, Hammond had utilized his authority and successfully transformed that tiny cave into a research lab.
At present, it seemed like constructions had reached its end. The entire base was serene and quiet with not a single person in sight. However, with Brother Black’s keen scouting, he located large amounts of concealed surveillance and hints of automatic firepower systems.
Soon after, the gang quickly discovered that Hammond’s base wasn’t fully completed. At least, a very distinct blind spot was found through the tiny river that meandered the precipice.
Time was tight and the matter couldn’t be delayed any longer. The contestants hastily soaked into the water.
After swimming for 20-30 metres, they realized that Hammond had left an extreme vile snare in the river. The river was unexpectedly filled with piranhas that had teeth as sharp as razors. Moreover, they seemed to be genetically modified as well, where a dinosaur may even be gnawed into white bones in a flash. They could undoubtedly threaten a contestant’s life!
Chapter 747: Dog gene
Still, piranhas were only fatal to ordinary humans and creatures. It wasn’t impossible for Zi and the contestants to defeat Hammond’s snare, but doing so may cause a commotion and expose themselves; getting picked up by surveillance and inadvertently alarming the snake.
At this moment, Sheyan bluntly slashed himself and allowed his blood to stream out. The aroma of his blood quickly allured the majority of the piranhas, as they besieged him vehemently in the water. Nevertheless, his innate ‘Stronghold’ allowed him to withstand them comfortably.
Proceeding from there and after an arduous test, the gang of four arrived before the entrance of the secret lab. What greeted them was a pair of enormous sliding doors that were as solid as underground bunkers. Furthermore, the doors were concealed seamlessly, where the contestant quartet only discovered it after an excruciating round of inspection.
Clearly, the steel doors were a countermeasure not to humans, but colossal grand-tier dinosaurs at the apex of the food chain. Only such fortified doors could resist their monumental might. Hammond,as the father of dinosaurs, ought to have a clear picture on the degree of evolution of the dinosaurs on Isla Nublar.
Fortunately, not too long later, the sealed doors rumbled slightly before sliding to both sides respectively. A roaring truck drove through as its exhaust spat out regiments of black fumes.
Even the individuals hidden by the side could feel a throbbing sensation in their hearts from the roaring truck.
The truck halted on the main road ahead.
An old man clad in a white coat spoke out.
“Lads, remember to activate the ‘Sonic Drive’ manufactured by the doc’, lest even your bones be eaten by those giant lizards.”
“Run along, Old Harry, the lord summons you.” The truck driver returned a mocking scoff.
Old Harry frowned and replied with a serious expression.
“The headquarters are starting to suspect. After this latest batch of materials are delivered here, you guys may have to idle for a period. Don’t worry, after we capture some eggs or young dinosaurs and deliver em’, those brats with money in their eyes will trust the doc’ once again; even farfetched lies will sound like truth!”
As fast as lightning, the truck soon vanished into the darkness.
While strolling through the doors, Old Harry raised his remote control, pointed to those enormous doors, and pressed a button. The doors slowly slid in as Old Harry slowly strolled into the building.
Yet in this instant, four drenched figures abruptly scurried out from the tiny river, and hastily pounced onto Old Harry.
Sheyan, in particular, directly activated ‘Horn-Rage’ and stampeded towards Old Harry; successfully infiltrating the building before the doors shut and knocking the old man onto the ground.
In a fit of furious astonishment, the old man attempted to scream. Instead, Sheyan quickly covered his mouth and callously admonished.
“Scream and you’re dead.”
Sheyan then seized the old man’s neck but didn’t expect the old man to be so relentless. The old man immediately screamed out when he noticed a chance.
Following his ludicrous scream, a shrilling siren shattered the calm of the base.
Sheyan’s eyes then flashed with iron ruthlessness; he exerted strength and following a ‘kacha’, he snapped the old man’s neck.
The old man’s chicken-like scream ceased abruptly after his neck snapped.Sadly, his death failed to prevent the various defense systems from activating.
Three automatic rifles lodged on the wall instantly targeted over and unleashed a sequence of long fiery tongues; spraying out bullets incessantly.
However, along this broad entrance, there wasn’t a single visible cover at all! This prompted Zi and Mogensha to quickly dive behind Reef’s shield and back.
After killing off Old Harry, Sheyan realized he could pick up the remote control used for manipulating those enormous doors. He quickly snatched it and exclaimed.
“I can control the doors, retreat or proceed?”
Zi instantly replied.
“Charge! I’ll cover you. The longer we drag on, the more preparations our enemy can afford.”
Sheyan inhaled deeply and stored the remote control. He then heaved up Old Harry’s corpse, and charged forward while burying his head behind the corpse. His charging posture was like a wild crazy beast, even a range of mountain would shudder and retreat.
Even so, the damage dealt by those automatic defense rifles was exceedingly devastating. Even Sheyan couldn’t hold on with his outstanding defense as his HP plunged down like a torrent. Indeed, it seemed like the difficulty of this secret lab could only be confronted by an Awakener.
While the firepower was concentrated onto the tanking Sheyan, Zi and Brother Black retaliated simultaneously.
A ‘Force Collision Wall’ soon compressed in and struck an automatic rifle slanting 70 degrees away. The rifle’s support became warped upon impact as its maneuvering gear jammed up, forcing it to aim constantly at one direction.
As for Mogensha, a shuttle of bullets struck explosively onto another automatic rifle, resulting in certain damages to the system. After firing for 5-6 seconds, the automatic rifle emitted a jamming ‘ka ka ka’ sound as its shooting speed was substantially reduced.
Following that, with a deep breath, Sheyan leaped up like a fish behind the last automatic rifle.
Crack! Cha! He grabbed the maneuvering gear of the rifle, twisted it and forcibly tore it out from the wall; sending fragments of cement dispersing everywhere.
Tu! Tu! Tu! Tu! The three deadly automatic rifles were now spraying bullets out randomly, no longer capable of posing a threat to their foes.
Knowing that time was extremely precious, the contestants hastily healed up and charged into the cave. However, the distance was still relatively far and after dashing for 20 plus metres, Brother Black exclaimed abruptly.
DA! DA! DA! He then unloaded a clip of bullets into the darkness.
A fleeing human was instantly struck flying by the burst fire, as turbid blood splattered like rain in mid-air before he landed 7-8 metres away. After rolling several rounds, that human’s body resembled a sieve with blood congregating into puddles around him.
This human was about to sprint into a nearby right channel but failed to evade Brother Black’s eagle eyes. Before his miserable death, though he got shot so many times, he still managed to retain a final breath and maliciously swore.
“You, you, and you will all die! All, of you will die!!!”
The gang of four ignored him and continued running through the main cave passageway.
However, they soon slowed at a bend. The entire cavern passageway was extremely spacious and the most noticeable sight here, was two garages specially created to house those large trucks.
After making the bend, the entire cavern passage narrowed to as small as three metres high and five metres wide, but was still sufficient for two trucks to travel side-by-side. This narrow passageway stretched to a full 50 metres and was considerably straight.
After their experience in Sando Company, the gang didn’t dare to act recklessly. After all, the lesson from that laser channel still resonated in their minds. Perhaps if this was a covert infiltration, they could take the risk. Yet right now, their enemies were clearly vigilant.
Yet in this instant, a furious roar resounded from the channel.
“Kill them!”
That furious roar sounded a little hoarse and brutal. Closely after, they could observe over ten marine-looking combatants standing at the opposite edge of the passageway. Along with them, were unexpectedly six german shepherds.
Reacting to the roar, the leashed german shepherds were set free. They released angry barks and stampeded in with astonishingly fast speeds.
As for the ten plus combatants, they tailed their dogs and opened fire from behind.
“We cannot tarry for too long here.” Sheyan earnestly urged Mogensha. “We must end this battle fast!”
Mogensha nodded.
“I got it boss, but my ‘Sparta Long Spear’ only has a hurling range of 30 metres”
Sheyan nodded and replied.
“Kill the dogs first. Reef will escort you to 30 metres proximity. Let’s see after charging through this channel first!”
Instantaneously, gunfire, rumbles, mini-explosions and furious barks filled the cavern passage.
After arduously managing to kill one, Sheyan realized the few german shepherds possessed incredibly astounding life force. He also noticed their canine fangs protruded out from their lips, while their muscles were exceedingly robust. Moreover, the blood oozing from their bodies was red and shockingly wouldn’t solidify even on the ice-cold cavern ground. Instead, steam spiralled out the blood which indicated their heated temperature.
In a flash, Reef escorted Brother Black to the 30 metres mark.
Mogensha hastily tore forward and hurled his ‘Sparta Long Spear’ with utmost ferocity.
Instantly, a blinding silver chain lightning streaked in and bounced amongst the frenzied combatants. Their own weapons exploded as flames erupted and plundered their bodies, while emitting crackling charred sounds.
In a blink of an eye, they were all eliminated!
The feebleness of those armed guards surpassed the contestants’ expectations. Brother Black exclaimed with surprise.
“Eh? Those guys can’t even put up a fight, but offer such amazing rewards?”
As he spoke, he shared his combat log to the rest.
[ You killed a genetically-modified dog feeder: Receive 500 utility points ]
[ You killed a genetically-modified dog trainer: Receive 500 utility points ]
[ You killed a genetically-modified dog watchguard: Receive 500 utility points ]
Viewing the combat log, Sheyan quivered and immediately exclaimed.
“Shit!! Watch out for those german shepherds!”
Chapter 748: The Doctor’s aspiration
Just when Sheyan called out ‘careful’, that supposedly ‘dead’ german shepherd suddenly pounced up with frightening speed and bit Mogensha.
Concurrently, the other german shepherds unanimously lunged towards him.
“Ring hunting instincts….” A thought jolted through Sheyan’s mind.
In a flash, Sheyan drew his ‘+7 West’. Shrilling oceanic-blue glitters showered down, as he cleaved down onto the waist of the nearest german shepherd.
Although Sheyan unloaded his full strength, he could distinctly feel; his sharply unmatched saber met with an exceptionally tough and obstinate resistance from the german shepherd’s skin.
Still, his saber delivered astronomical damage, prompting this mutated german shepherd to swing back ferociously and chomp onto his saber blade. As its sharp canine fangs scratched against metal, it produced heart-wrenching screeches.
The german shepherd glared at Sheyan viciously with its crimson eyes, channeling a venomous hatred that scorched against Sheyan’s face.
The german shepherd fiercely flung its head around, its incisive, steel-like teeth still clinging tightly onto Sheyan’s ‘+7 West’ saber. To prevent the dog’s unexplainably massive strength from disarming him, Sheyan clenched his saber’s hilt tightly with both hands.
All of a sudden, the mutated german shepherd loosened its grip. If he was facing a human, Sheyan would naturally heighten his vigilance. Instead, he didn’t consider much when squaring off with a domesticated beast. While attempting to wrestle back his saber from the dog, Sheyan didn’t expect it to abruptly loosen its grip, causing him to stagger backwards.
Seizing this opening, the mutated german shepherd bared its brutally sharp fangs and chomped towards Sheyan’s throat.
Meanwhile, Reef naturally wasn’t idling. He barreled forth to protect Mogensha from a mutated german shepherd that pounced towards him; blood splattered everywhere as the two clashed.
After being burnt by Mogensha’s ability previously, the dog’s skin exhibited a scorched brown lustre and with its disheveled crumpled fur, it looked like a travesty. Still, its awe-inspiring canine fangs remained deathly intimidating.
Reef released his ‘Cardiac Shattering Roar’ as a formless ripple swept out, gusting against those mutated dogs, causing them to stagger while charging in.
Yet before the nearest mutated dog lost its balance, it released a bark and spat out a mouthful of dark-greenish liquid over. A foul stench instantly pierced the air as Reef quivered and blocked his front with his ‘Grasp of Pharaoh Welkhahor’ shield.
Zi urgently commanded.
“Don’t block it, move aside!”
Sadly, Reef wasn’t agile enough. Moreover, if he dodged away, Brother Black would be struck. Thus, he could only grit his teeth and endure.
All of a sudden, Zi’s long hair fluttered up as she hovered in mid-air.
Her nightmare imprint at her chest was flickering brilliantly!
Revolving around her, one of the six rhombus mana crystals shattered into starry mana fragments before dissolving into her body.
Following that, Zi stretched forth her finger as she emanated an imposing sensation of holding supremacy over heaven and earth.
Within a second, a limitless suction force gathered to her front, back, left, and right. Then, eight ‘Force Walls’ formed around her and with a sonorous rumble, blasted out in eight directions!
Force Alternate-Shuddering Wall!!
Within an instance, the trio felt a strong gust assailing their faces; the aftermath left by the departure of those ‘Force Collision Walls’. They devoured the atmosphere and impressed a suffocating sensation on anyone present.
Although only about four out of eight ‘Force Collision Walls’ struck her enemies, the mental prowess of the other five would return to Zi.
In no time, a few of those mutated german shepherds were knocked flying.
One smashed its head against a nearby stalactite; brain juice splashed out and emitted a rotting stench. Simultaneously, the limbs of a few other dogs were abnormally distorted as they coughed out steaming fresh blood.
At present, one could tell Zi’s offensive capabilities surmounted that of even Sheyan and Mogensha combined. More crucially, her ‘Force Walls’ could be employed defensively or offensively.
Nevertheless, everyone knew that an ability that scaled in both aspects could never attain the pinnacle might of a single aspect. Still, Sheyan couldn’t help but anticipate the day she would demonstrate her ‘Force Wall Explosion’.
Although Zi managed to repel away the mutated german shepherds, her ‘Force Collision Walls’ failed to impede the spitting ability of that german shepherd.
Pssshh! An obnoxious dark-green bile splattered onto Reef’s dark-gold shield, before foul smelling white fumes spiralled up from it.
Apart from that, Reef’s facial muscles twitches uncontrollably. The corrosive bile not only splashed onto his shield, a few droplets also fell onto his shoes and rapidly corroded in; eventually transmitting a bone-piercing agony to him!
His nightmare imprint instantly transmitted a heart-shattering notification.
[ Potassium Dichromate Biohazard Bile has damaged your shield – ‘Grasp of Pharaoh Welkhahor’ ]
[ Your shield is corroded and has lost 80 points of durability ]
Reef’s vision immediately darkened. He’d rather himself be at the mercy of the ‘Biohazard Bile’ than spending an exorbitant fee to mend a dark-gold grade shield. Moreover, a dip in durability may even cause permanent damage to the internal structure of the shield, which may even require achievement points…..
Roaring angrily, Reef stomped forward and viciously stabbed his black lightsaber into the mouth of that struggling mutated dog.
A piercing charred stench pervaded into the air, before Reef strenuously flung the dog away. This heavily wounded dog crashed to the ground, and after convulsing a little, it ceased from moving.
Following that, the remaining mutated dogs reorganized themselves into a canine squadron and attacked in unison.
In spite of that, Zi had already pushed them deeper into the narrow passageway, and within this narrow channel, she occupied overwhelming superiority.
Waves after waves of ‘Force Collision Walls’ barreled in. They nearly covered the entire narrow passageway, leaving no way of escape for those dogs.
Still, those berserking mutated dogs continued charging ferociously, but couldn’t escape the outcome of being sent flying by Zi’s ‘Force Collision Wall’. In addition to Reef’s ‘Shattering Cardiac Roar’ and Brother Black’s long-range shots, the gang rapidly slaughtered the pack of incredibly obstinate mutated dogs.
Viewing this in perspective now, this narrow passageway was probably purposely constructed to deal with dinosaurs and not human invasion. The architect probably considered certain dinosaurs that could overcome the barrier of those steel doors.
After all to Hammond, humans weren’t a threat. Instead, those savage dinosaurs with unrivalled strength were his greatest nemesis on this island.
“Ah Zi, your ability is really improving rapidly.” Sheyan praised. “The last time, your ‘Force Alternate-Shuddering Walls’ only unleashed walls to four sides, but its eight sides now.”
Zi chortled and replied.
“In this realm, improving slowly equals being phased out.”
After a brief rest, the contestant quartet plundered through the corpses.
In addition to those few thousands of utility points gained from slaying the dog tamers, each mutated dog produced a ‘Blemished Dinocrystal’ that should only appear in dinosaurs!
Zi also discovered a mission object on one of the dog tamer.
[ Damaged Experiment Journal ]
[ Mission object: This object will trigger a mission ]
「 ….Torn page…. 」
「 It has been three days since the doctor commenced the experiment. Only 72 hours since these adorable babies were born, and they could easily dispatch ordinary german shepherds. 」
「 Our dreams are swiftly approaching. I will surely return to Alaska and run for governor there. 」
「 ……..Torn page…. 」
「 There’s a problem with the existential period of the previous experiment subject. This time, the doctor will add the gene extract of a Triceratop 」
「 Outstanding results! According to the data, a single genetically-modified german shepherd can take down a marine. 」
「 It is time for our other international factories to get ready, 」
「 Once all experiments conclude, 」
「 All dinosaurs living in this world shall cease to exist! 」
「 Our legion of genetically-modified beasts will reign supreme in this world! 」
「 The Doctor will be the head of this world. 」
「 ….Torn page …..」
「 The reliance of the world on dinocrystals has already reached a terrifying stage. Once all dinosaurs are eliminated, the world will suddenly hit a state of energy insufficiency. That will be the optimum time to strike 」
「 Oh, perhaps I should give up on a freezing land like Alaska? Mexico’s prime minister? Or Japan? 」
After browsing through the journal, the contestants glanced at each other.
Brother Black then coughed to break the silence.
“Seems like our dear Hammond isn’t resigned in just being a scientist, his aspiration isn’t small at all.”
Sheyan furrowed his brows.
“I suspect those pesky dogs are just the preliminary guardians…..I didn’t feel any world vanquishing power coming from them. They probably can’t even defeat a siege tank.”
The gang of four then continued advancing, but they soon met a dead end.
Nevertheless, they quickly noticed a glaring sign – underground elevator. The elevator seemed to indicate over four basements.
Obviously, the quartet wasn’t interested in searching floor by floor. Instead, they directly headed for basement four – the Research Nexus.
Chapter 749: Ace
A disorderly mess greeted the contestants in basement 4. This was clearly a research lab, but not a single researcher was in sight.
Glass shards from broken apparatus and notepads were scattered across the floor, alongside traces of sprinkled maroonish dried blood.
As they were about to proceed, Zi gestured a warning. She carefully surveyed around and followed a trail of blood, which led to a disinfection cabinet.
She then tapped the wall several times. Suddenly, the disinfection cabinet slid aside and revealed a metallic texture and thick door.
A warm bulb was flickering beside the thick door. Zi then gently stroked around the empty wall spaces of the door. With a light tap, the flickering bulb started flickering faster before this shiny and solid door noiselessly slid aside.
A hidden cell without anyone present but a shocking mess of blood stains. One could faintly observe the repetitive flickering of a nearby computer screen.
[ Infiltrators discovered…. ]
[ Initializing defense system 1….. ]
[ Initialization success. Automatic rifles activated, 9 out of 12 automatic rifles malfunctioned. Investigating… ]
[ Summary: 9 automatic rifles have not been installed ]
[ Calculating defense statistics…. ]
[ Defense system 1 broken through. Four hostiles detected with combat capabilities far exceeding human capabilities, suspected to be mutants ]
[ Initializing Defense system 2… ]
[ Initiation of defense system 2 ‘Spherical Lightning Formation’ failed, investigating… ]
[ Summary: Inadequate power, no core power source detected ]
[ Initializing defense system 3…. ]
[ Initiation of defense system 3 ‘Carboxylic acid isopropyl-fluoro Model II poison fog’ failed, investigating… ]
[ Summary: No poison fog added ]
After seeing the list of notifications, the contestants realized they had actually confidently reached here only by bypassing numerous ‘gates of hell’. Simply put, it was mainly because the base construction wasn’t completed yet.
On hindsight, Zi reckoned she wouldn’t fail the mission if they missed the 48 hours deadline. Instead, the mission difficulty would double.
Zi furrowed her brows as she typed swiftly. Soon, the computer screen displayed rows of blood colored warnings.
[ Top authority granted to unseal the experiment ]
[ Warning, warning: Biohazard experiment beast will now undergo catalysis ]
[ Warning, Warning: Biohazard experiment beast completion rate is only 87%, control will be lost after catalysis ]
[ Warning, Warning: Biohazard experiment beast must consume loads of blood and flesh to stabilize body proponents… ]
The four contestants drew a breath of chill air.
Everything had been smooth sailing for them ever since stepping onto Isla Nublar. Sheyan thought they could maintain this fortune till the end, but now, it seems like Hammonds wasn’t one to resign to extinction. He would rather gamble it all and release this hazardous beast, even to the extend of sacrificing his researchers to nourish his beast.
Death or live, success or failure; it all depended on this one gamble! There was no way out for him, living would lose its meaning even if he lost.
Zi inhaled deeply as she raised her brows, her dark pupils brimming with a cutting determination.
“We must hurry at once! No more delays, the earlier we reach it, the lesser strength that beast can recover!”
Sheyan nodded while contemplating.
The contestant quartet hastened out of this secret research cell and sprinted down a connecting cavern channel.
There wasn’t a need to worry about traps here as it was the working space of researchers. If the place was filled with snares, who would be able to work in peace? Imagine a rifle barrel that could spell your doom facing you at all times, workers would undoubtedly be scared witless.
This cavern channel was extremely long and broad. Construction things like forklifts could be found occasionally, and channel was arrayed with two neat rows of massive tank cultures. Those bulk tank cultures were made of glass and filled with a translucent pink fluid, that seemed analogous to amniotic fluids.
On a closer look, the cultivation tanks contained strange and malevolent creatures that were as tall as 4-5 metres. Distinct signs indicated a possible hybrid between wild creatures of the earth and dinosaurs. For example, a hairless Deinonychus with a wolf head; an incomparably herculean lion with the body of a Brontosaurus; a hairless leopard with armored bones……
As they proceeded further, the dinosaurs found in the cultivation tanks got weirder and strangely, more human-like. Weird dinosaurs that grew human hair and orange skin with clear brown pigments. Claws that were shaped like thumbs and fingers. Fingernails that were insanely sharp, they caused people to cower in fear.
At present, the contestants caught scent of an exceedingly thick stench of blood. After making a bend, a brightly lit research hall came into sight.
Shockingly, an incomparably gigantic blender could be seen. The blender wasn’t filthy like cement trucks, but was sparkled with a stainless steel shine. It was currently activated and emitted faint ringing sounds.
20-30 mashed up and mutilated corpses were piled up near the mouth of the blender. Three utterly naked individuals were tossing flesh and corpses into the blender, which followed by fracturing sounds that caused one’s scalp to tingle. In a flash, all was blended into meat paste juice.
A rubber tube shooting out from the blender connected straight to an enormous cultivation tank in the middle of this research hall. The blended meat paste was rapidly squeezed through the rubber tubing and into that cultivation tank; causing the tank to be filled with blood.
An endless churning could be seen amidst the blood liquid, as though some terrifying creature was swallowing blood unceasingly. Blood and flesh paste was devoured quickly and fortunately, the blender was supplying an endless supply of more blood paste. Hence, the cultivation tank maintained its volume and concentrated mass.
By the cultivation tank, was a middle-aged male that wore golden tracer spectacles. He was smoking a redwood briar and engrossed in his calculations. Indeed, that was Hammond whom the contestants seeked.
Upon sighting him, Brother Black immediately pulled out his ‘SN-9 Wasp’ and shot the cultivation tank without hesitation.
The ‘SN-9 Wasp’ was an incredibly peculiar weapon; a revolver that acted like a long-range sniper. Thus, the revolver also uses the special 7N14 steep penetrator sniper ammunition.
Such bullets were exceedingly expensive if purchased officially from the nightmare realm, costing minimally 500 utility points a round!
Following Brother Black’s trigger, a fire light whizzed out from the muzzle as a sonorous boom resounded in everyone’s ears; resulting in an unavoidable buzzing. This was because the accelerating bullet created large shockwaves against the atmosphere as well.
One could fathom Mogensha’s speedy improvement; at least, he couldn’t fire that bullet in the past.
Only, before the screaming bullet struck the cultivation tank, one could clearly observe an unexplainable ripple occuring 10 centimetres away from the cultivation tank. Following the bullet puncturing through that ripple, it finally struck the transparent glass tank.
Yet strangely, though the bullet created a thumping ring upon impact, the transparent glass remained utterly fine.
What Sheyan and rest didn’t know was, during previous experiments, the vicious nature of test subjects due to the dinosaur gene had directly led to many scenarios of creatures breaking the tanks. Although those terribly menacing creatures would perish after minutes from leaving their cultivation tanks, those few minutes of infrastructure destruction were still an exceedingly big headache.
After painstaking evaluations, the cultivation tanks were modelled with the theme of being an unbreakable prison. It was no wonder Mogensha’s first shot couldn’t penetrate through.
At this moment, Zi keenly grasped a vital point. Her long hair fluttered up as she released a palm towards the flesh blender!
A transparent ‘Force Collision Wall’ swiftly congealed in mid-air and rumbled in like a sudden airstrike.
After a piercing boom, that flesh blender collapsed over and spilled all its thick, mangled flesh contents onto the ground. A blood stench that could induce vomiting instantly pervaded into the air.
Zi’s attack was truly a drastic measure; quick witted and decisive, she was indeed worthy of going up against Zeus.
Meanwhile, Hammond also noticed them and spun around. His pupils instantly shrunk as he cried out, and immediately pulled down a red armrest by the side of his control desk. Then, he punched down onto a red button!
Instantaneously, sirens pierced the air as a computer generated voice announced out.
[ Warning, warning: Biohazard leakage detected from experiment ]
[ Warning, warning: Biohazard leakage detected from experiment ]